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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Foreign Language General in 2019

Scots Dictionary by Collins Dictionaries
Dictionnaire Français-Wolof Et Français-Bambara, Suivi Du Dictionnaire Wolof-Français by Dard, Jean
Yes!!! You Can!!! by Night, Peter
The Gift of Languages: Paradigm Shift in U.S. Foreign Language Education by Jaumont, Fabrice, Stein-Smith, Kathleen
外国語教育の常識: The Common Sense of Teaching Foreign Languages by Gattegno ガテーニョ, Caleb &#1
Language as Identity in Colonial India: Policies and Politics by SenGupta, Papia
Building Interpreting Skills: A Scaffolding Plan to Enhance Your English to ASL Interpreting Qualifications by Rumsey M. Ed, Duane
Apprendre le bengali - Rapide / Facile / Efficace: 2000 vocabulaires clés by Languages, Pinhok
Livre de vocabulaire bengali: Une approche thématique by Languages, Pinhok
Lærðu Bengalsku - Fljótlegt / Auðvelt / Skilvirkt: 2000 Mikilvæg Orð by Languages, Pinhok
Impara il Bengalese - Velocemente / Facilmente / Efficiente: 2000 Vocaboli Chiave by Languages, Pinhok
Libro Vocabolario Bengalese: Un Approccio Basato sugli Argomenti by Languages, Pinhok
Aprenda Bengali - Rápido / Fácil / Eficiente: 2000 Vocabulários Chave by Languages, Pinhok
Livro de Vocabulário Bengali: Uma Abordagem Focada Em Tópicos by Languages, Pinhok
Aprender Bengalí - Rápido / Fácil / Eficaz: 2000 Vocablos Claves by Languages, Pinhok
Libro de Vocabulario Bengalí: Un Método Basado en Estrategia by Languages, Pinhok
Bengalska Orðasafnsbók: Aðferð Byggð á Málefnum by Languages, Pinhok
Japanese Picture Dictionary: Learn 1,500 Japanese Words and Phrases (Ideal for Jlpt & AP Exam Prep; Includes Online Audio) by Stout, Timothy G.
Introduction to Chinese Culture: Cultural History, Arts, Festivals and Rituals by
L'instinct du Sens: Essai sur la 'naissens' de la parole by Barbaud, Philippe
His Words by Broussard, Catherine Johnson
Language Policy and the Internationalization of Universities: A Focus on Estonian Higher Education by Soler, Josep
Quotation in Indigenised and Learner English: A Sociolinguistic Account of Variation by Davydova, Julia
Intercultural Foreign Language Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Contexts by
Los verbos sintagmáticos italianos y sus equivalentes en español by Artusi, Andrea
Fulani-English/ English-Fulani Dictionary & Phrasebook by
Let's Learn Esperanto: the international language by Potturu, Ranganayakulu
A Reflection of Man and Culture in Language and Literature by
Kookkurrenz - Kovariation - Kontrast: Formen und Funktionen individueller Dialekt-/Standardvariation in universitaeren Beratungsgespraechen by Vergeiner, Philip C.
Medical Spanish For the Healthcare Professional: Pocket Guide by Wachs, Daliah
English: An Essential Grammar by Nelson, Gerald
Lectura Rápida: La Guía Definitiva para Aprender a Leer un Libro en un Día by Franz, Lawrence
An introduction to the study of the Irish language,: Based upon the preface to Donlevy's Catechism: Text, translation, and glossary by Donlevy, Andrew, Hayden, William
A guide to the Danish language by Bojesen, Maria
A simplified grammar of the Swedish language by Otté, Elise C.
English: An Essential Grammar by Nelson, Gerald
My First Sotho Dictionary: Colour and Learn Sotho by Kasahorow
Scrabble Game Score sheets for 2-4 players: Learn And Fun with Scrabble Board game words building by Reynolds, Monica
On the Verge Between Language and Translation by
Praktische Sprache: Deutsch / Französisch by Brianez, Paulo
Revival: A Tibetan-English Dictionary (1934): With special reference to the prevailing dialects. To which is added an English-Tibetan vocabulary. by Jaeschke, Heinrich August
Japanese Language and Soft Power in Asia by
Intercultural Foreign Language Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Contexts by
A compendious grammar of the Egyptian language as contained in the Coptic, Sahidic, and Bashmuric dialects;: Together with alphabets and numerals in t by Tattam, Henry
Readings in Language Studies Volume 7: Intersections of Peace and Language Studies by
Readings in Language Studies Volume 7: Intersections of Peace and Language Studies by
A Discourse Analysis of News Translation in China by Xia, Liang
Polish consonant clusters in the British mouth: A study in online loanword adaptation by Radomski, Marek
The New Potter English-Spanish Bilingual Reader by Hassall, Peter, Hassall, Susan
The Modern Greek Language in Its Relation to Ancient Greek by Geldart, Edmund Martin
Elements of Hebrew by an inductive method by Harper, William Rainey
A Greek Grammar for the Use of High Schools and Universities by Buttmann, Alexander, Buttmann, Philipp
A Norwegian-Danish Grammar and Reader: with a vocabular - designed for American students of the Norwegian-Danish language by Petersen, Carl Johan Peter
A New Practical Hebrew Grammar: With Hebrew-English and English-Hebrew Exercises and a Hebrew chrestomathy. Third and enlarged Edition by Deutsch, Solomon
Hebrew vocabularies: lists of the most frequently occurring Hebrew words by Harper, William Rainey
Die Rheinpfalz in der Revolutionszeit von 1792 bis 1798, etc. Dweiter Band. by Remling, Franz Xaver
Der Abfall der Niederlande by Holzwarth, Franz Joseph
La Maison de Victor Hugo. Impressions de Guernsey. by Larroumet, Gustave, Hugo, Victor
Histoire de la langue roumaine: 01 by Densusianu, Ovid
Californische Kulturbilder. by Kirchhoff, Theodor
Die Briefe des Bischofs Synesius von Kyrene: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Attizismus im IV. und V. Jahrhundert by Fritz, Wilhelm
Deutsches Blumenkörbchen by Hausmann, Emanuel
Die Rheinpfalz in der Revolutionszeit von 1792 bis 1798, etc. VOL.I by Remling, Franz Xaver
Geschichte der preussisch-deutschen Unionsbestrebungen seit der Zeit Friedrich's des Grossen. by Schmidt, Wilhelm Adolf
An Invariant-Based Approach to Second Language Acquisition: Emerging Research and Opportunities by Orlova, Elena
Grammatik des Altfranzösischen, Laut- und Formenlehre by Schwan, Eduard
Liciones De Mathematica O Elementos Generales De Arithmetica Y Algebra Para Uso De La Clase; Volume 2 by Cerda, Thomas
Bibliotheca Classica Latina by Anonymous
Expressions d'Argot allemand et autrichien by Delcourt, René
Grammaire Languedocienne: Dialecte De Pézénas by Mazuc, Émile
Grammaire Comparée Des Langues Indo-européennes: Comprenant Le Sanscrit, Le Zend, L'arménien, Le Grec, Le Latin, Le Lithuanien, L'ancien Slave, Le Got by Bopp, Franz, Bréal, Michel
Études de phonétique espagnole by Josselyn, Freeman Marshall
A Spanish Reader: With Exercises... by Hanssler, William
ESL Class Library: Pink cover by Kanamori, Kate
ESL Class Library: Blue Cover by Kanamori, Kate
Apprendre l'estonien - Rapide / Facile / Efficace: 2000 vocabulaires clés by Languages, Pinhok
Livre de vocabulaire estonien: Une approche thématique by Languages, Pinhok
Lærðu Eistnesku - Fljótlegt / Auðvelt / Skilvirkt: 2000 Mikilvæg Orð by Languages, Pinhok
Impara l'Estone - Velocemente / Facilmente / Efficiente: 2000 Vocaboli Chiave by Languages, Pinhok
Libro Vocabolario Estone: Un Approccio Basato sugli Argomenti by Languages, Pinhok
Aprenda Estónio - Rápido / Fácil / Eficiente: 2000 Vocabulários Chave by Languages, Pinhok
Livro de Vocabulário Estónio: Uma Abordagem Focada Em Tópicos by Languages, Pinhok
Aprender Estonio - Rápido / Fácil / Eficaz: 2000 Vocablos Claves by Languages, Pinhok
Libro de Vocabulario Estonio: Un Método Basado en Estrategia by Languages, Pinhok
Hans von Bülow. Briefe und Schriften. by Bülow, Hans Von
Eastern Armenian For English Speakers: Easy Guide to Master the Alphabet, Grammar and Vocabulary by Mkhitaryan, A., Baghdasaryan, T.
Large Print Learn Filipino with Word Search Puzzles: Learn Filipino Language Vocabulary with Challenging Easy to Read Word Find Puzzles (Large Print Edition) by Solenky, David
Large Print Learn Estonian with Word Search Puzzles: Learn Estonian Language Vocabulary with Challenging Easy to Read Word Find Puzzles (Large Print Edition) by Solenky, David
Encyclopédie Ou Dictionnaire Raisonné Des Sciences Des Arts Et Des Métiers, Volume 13, Part 1 by Diderot, Denis
Der Hiat bei Plautus und die lateinische Aspiration by Birt, Theodor
Linguistic Landscape und Fremdsprachendidaktik: Perspektiven fuer die Sprach-, Kultur- und Literaturdidaktik by
Langues, Cultures Et Gastronomie: Communication Interculturelle Et Contrastes / Lenguas, Culturas Y Gastronomía: Comunicación Intercultural Y Contrast by
A new practical Hebrew grammar with Hebrew-English: And English-Hebrew exercises and a Hebrew chrestomathy. Second and enlarged Edition by Deutsch, Solomon
The French Language With or Without a Teacher by Sardou, Alfred
A New Edition of Carpenter's Spelling Assistant by Carpenter, Thomas
Li Romans Dou Lis by Ostrander, F. C.
Kindertränen: Zwei Erzählungen by Wildenbruch, Ernst Von
Das Lied von King Horn by Wissmann, Theodor
Elementary Latin Exercises, Adapted to the Eton Latin Grammar by Campbell Ainger, Henry Gilbert Wintle a.
Elements of Greek Accentuation by Goettling, Karl
Easy German Conversation by Schuyler Allen, Paul Hermann Phillipson
Latin Lessons and Tables: Combining the Analytic and Synthetic Methods by Richards, Cyrus Smith
First Readings in German Prose by Baumbach, Rudolf
A Sketch of the Modern Languages of the East Indies by Cust, Robert Needham
A Sketch of the Modern Languages of the East Indies by Cust, Robert Needham
Anfang und Ende by Heyse, Paul
McFadden Language Series. Book One by McFadden, Effie Belle
First Lesson of Greek: Adopted to Hadley's Greek Grammar by Boise, James
First Lesson of Greek: Adopted to Hadley's Greek Grammar by Boise, James
Anatomische Untersuchungen über die Edentaten. by Ludwig Von Rapp, Wilhelm
A Spelling and Reading Book Upon New Principles by Denham, Joshua Frederick
Easy English Pieces for Translation Into Latin Prose by Charles Champneys, George William Rundal
Grammatical and Practical Guide to the German Language by A. F. Schmidt, I.
Li Romans Dou Lis by Ostrander, F. C.
First Readings in German Prose by Baumbach, Rudolf
A Three-Year Preparatory Course in French by Kroeh, Charles F.
Schillers die Piccolomini by Schiller, Friedrich
French Terminologies in the Making: Studies in Conscious Contributions to the Vocabulary by Swann, Harvey Julian
Königin Margarethe von Navarra by Lotheissen, Ferdinand
The Language of the Northumbrian Gloss to the Gospel of St. Luke by Kellum, Margaret Dutton
Elementary Grammar and Composition by Harvey, Thomas Wadleigh
Live Language Lessons by Driggs, Howard Roscoe
The Evolution of Modern Hebrew Literature, 1850-1912 by Waldstein, Abraham Solomon
An Essay on the Origin, Progress, and Decline of Rhyming Latin Verse by Croke, Alexander
The Verb Faire by Blouët, Léon Paul
Introductory French Lessons Based on the Works of Dr. Emil Otto by Southey Joynes, Emil Otto Edward
Practical Lessons in German Conversation by Meissner, Albert L.
Studies in English Grammar by Welsh, Alfred Hix
Oeuvres Completes de Emile Deschamps by Lemerre, Alphonse
On the English Language by Trench, Richard Chenevix
Selected Words for Spelling, Dictation, and Language Lessons by Meleney, C. E.
Synopsis of German Grammar: For the Use of High Schools and Academies by Althaus, Edward
Ellisian Greek Exercises, Adapted to Dr. J.W. Donaldson's Greek Grammar by Wratislaw, A. H.
The Principles of Murathee Grammar by Stevenson, John
Report of the Committee for the Revision of English, Telugu, and Tamil School Books by Presidency, Committee For the Revision O.
Report of the Committee for the Revision of English, Telugu, and Tamil School Books by Presidency, Committee For the Revision O.
A Key to Dr. J. G. Tiarks's Exercises for Writing German by Tiarks, Johann Gerhard
Geschichte der Nordamerikanische Literatur by Knortz, Karl
Guide Books to English, Book Two by Gilbert, Charles Benajah
Preparatory Greek Course in English by Wilkinson, William Cleaver
First German Book by Otto, Emil
An Introduction to Latin Composition by Allen, William Francis
Chapters on Greek Metric by Goodell, Thomas Dwight
Aus dem Staat Friedrichs des Grossen. by Freytag, Gustav
Complete German Manual for High Schools and Colleges by Sawyer, Wesley Caleb
Liber Psalmorum: The West-Saxon Psalms by Bright, James Wilson
A Course of the French Language by Fasquelle, Louis
Liber Psalmorum: The West-Saxon Psalms by Bright, James Wilson
Thesaurus of English and Hindustani Technical Terms by Raverty, Henry George
English and Japanese Mercantile Conversations by Nishimura, Shotaro
Additional Exercises With Examination Papers on Initia Græca--Part I by Smith, William
Specimens of Greek and Latin Verse: Chiefly Translations by Kennedy, Charles Rann
An Index-Catalgue of Bibliographical Works Chiefly in the English Langauage by Campbell, Frank
Translations From the Italian by Petrarca, Francesco
Translations From the Italian by Petrarca, Francesco
Uebersicht Aller Bekannten Sprachen und Ihrer Dialekte by Adelung, Friedrich Von
Geschichte der Staatsverânderung Norwegens im Jahre 1814 by Blom, Gustav Peter
Culture, Cognition, Discourse and Grammar: Cognitive Considerations on Formulaic Language by
Dialogvs de Oratoribvs by Tacitus, Cornelius
On Nationality and Language in the Duchy of Sleswick or South Jutland by Allen, Carl Ferdinand
Studies in German Literature by Taylor, Bayard
An Introduction to Latin Composition by Allen, William Francis
Uebersicht Aller Bekannten Sprachen und Ihrer Dialekte by Adelung, Friedrich Von
Esther by Racine, Jean
Engaging Language Learners Through Call: From Theory and Research to Informed Practice by
Every-Day English by White, Richard Grant
Sechs Bearbeitungen des Altfranzösischen Gedichts von Karls des Grossen Reise by Koschwitz, Eduard
Sechs Bearbeitungen des Altfranzösischen Gedichts von Karls des Grossen Reise by Koschwitz, Eduard
Delectus Sententiarum Græcarum ad Usum Tirorum Accommodatus: Cum Notulis et Lexico by Valpy, Richard
Elementary German Syntax: With Exercises by Morgan, Bayard Quincy
A Grammar of the French Tongue by Cambier, G.
Works, in an English Translation by France, Anatole
New High German: A Comparative Study; Volume II by Valentine, William Winston
The Gateway to English: A Textbook in Americanism by Cohen, Isidore David
Altenglische Sprachproben by Mätzner, Eduard
Boy's First Verse Book, Adopted for Beginners by Evans, John Culling
Causas de la Perfección de la Lengua Castellana by Mir, Miguel
Our English by Hill, Adams Sherman
The Modern Spelling Book: Designed as a Guide in the Study by Hunt, Jasper Newton
Electa ex Ovidio et Tibullo: In usum Regiae Scholae Etonensis by Ovid
Vergleichende Studien zu der Hereford-wiclif'schen und Purvey'schen Bibelübersetzung by Hollack, Erich
Opvscvla by Hermann, Gottfried
Die Braune Erica: Novelle by Jensen, Wilhelm
Fürst Bismarck Nach Seiner Entlassung by Penzler, Johannes
Corpus iuris Sueo-Gotorum Antiqui by Sweden
Drury's Recreative French Grammar by Drury, Edward James
A Complete French Class Book by Girard, Paul E.
Wissenschaftliche Grammatik der Englischen Sprache by Fiedler, Eduard
Wissenschaftliche Grammatik der Englischen Sprache by Fiedler, Eduard
Lockspeise: Inducement to the Study of the German Language by Nelson, Richard John
Ahn's First German Book by Ahn, Johann Franz
Nuevas tendencias en traducción: Fraseología, Interpretación, TAV y sus didácticas by
The Case-Construction After the Comparative in Latin by Percival Rutherford Neville, Kenneth
Method of Classical Study: Illustrated by Questions on a Few Selections From Latin and Greek Authors by Taylor, Samuel Harvey
Every-day Errors of Speech by Meredith, L. P.
Classic French Letters: Selected and Edited With Notes by Walter, Edward Lorraine
Materials for German Conversation: With Notes and Vocabulary by Vos, Bert John
Materials for German Conversation: With Notes and Vocabulary by Vos, Bert John
First Lessons in Latin by Jones, Elisha
Exercises in English: Selected and Classified for Criticism Or Correction by Strang, Hugh Innes
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