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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Education in 1994

The University as Text: Women and the University Context by Schick, Carol
Implicit & Explicit Knowledge: An Educational Approach by Tirosh, Dina
Democratic Leadership: The Changing Context of Administrative Preparation by Mulkeen, Thomas A., Cambron-McCabe, Nelda H., Anderson, Bruce J.
Language Diversity and Classroom Discourse by Lucas, Ceil, Borders, Denise Glyn
Everyday Frustration and Creativity in Government: A Personnel Challenge to Public Administration by Heinzen, Thomas E.
Statistics: A Component of the Research Process, Second Edition by Hernon, Peter
Statistics (REV) by Hernon, Peter
Research for School Library Media Specialists by
Research for School Library Media Specialists by
Theories in Intelligence by Detterman
Critical Education for Work: Multidisciplinary Approaches by Lakes, Richard D.
Informing Faculty Development for Teacher Educators by Zimpher, Nancy L., Howey, Kenneth R.
Creativity and Affect by Runco, Mark, Shaw, Melvin
Problem Finding, Problem Solving, and Creativity by
Vygotskian Approaches to Second Language Research by Lantolf, James, Appel, Gabriela
Higher Learning in America, 1980-2000 by
Achieving Extraordinary Ends: An Essay on Creativity by Bailin, Sharon
Natural Approaches to Reading and Writing by Antonacci, Patricia, Hedley, Carolyn, Unknown
Investing in U.S. Schools: Directions for Educational Policy by Jones, Bruce Anothony, Borman, Kathryn M.
Language Diversity and Classroom Discourse by Lucas, Ceil, Borders, Denise
Problem Finding, Problem Solving, and Creativity by Runco, Mark a.
Creativity and Affect by Runco, Mark a., Shaw, Melvin P.
Jolly Phonics Alternative Spelling & Alphabet Posters: In Print Letters (American English Edition) by Lloyd, Sue
Arithmetische Fähigkeiten Von Schulanfängern: Eine Computersimulation ALS Forschungsinstrument Und ALS Baustein Eines Softwarekonzeptes Für Die Grunds by Krauthausen, Günter
Platos Ideenlehre by Natorp, Paul
Sequentielle Systeme: Binäre Und Fuzzy Automatisierung Mit Arithmetischen Polynomen by Franke, Dieter
Analysis: Eine Einführung Für Mathematiker Und Informatiker by Schmieder, Gerald
Einführung in Die Umwelttechnik: Grundlagen Und Anwendungen Aus Technik Und Recht by
Schweißtechnik: Verfahren Und Werkstoffe by Fahrenwaldt, Hans J.
Wasserstoff -- Energie Mit Zukunft by
Programmieren Mit Modula-2 Grundkurs Angewandte Informatik I by Stucky, Wolffried
Aussagenlogik: Deduktion Und Algorithmen: Deduktion Und Algorithmen by Lettmann, Theodor
Grundlagen Der Funktionalen Programmierung by
Rechnernetze: Konzepte Und Techniken Der Datenübertragung in Rechnernetzen by Burke, Manfred
Software Engineering Im Unterricht Der Hochschulen Seuh '94 by
Aufgaben Zum Skriptum Informatik by Appelrath, Hans-Jürgen, Ludewig, Jochen
Drug and Alcohol Abuse by Milhorn, Howard Thomas Jr.
Fulfillment in Adulthood: Paths to the Pinnacle of Life by Colarusso, Calvin a.
Mathematik Für Informatiker by Schwarz, Friedrich
Lernen in Der Informationsgesellschaft: Informelle Bildung Durch Computer Und Medien by
Problem Behaviour and People with Severe Learning Disabilities: The S.T.A.R Approach by Ewa Zarkowska, John Clements
Sprachproduktion: Zur Generierung Komplexer Nominalphrasen by Pechmann, Thomas
The Diversity of Management: Twelve Managers Talking by Barsoux, Jean-Louis, Stewart, Rosemary
Research Into Secondary School Curricula by
Surveys and Experiments in Education Research by McNamara, James F.
National Standards for Arts Education: What Every Young American Should Know and Be Able to Do in the Arts by Arts Education Associations, Consortium
The School Music Program: A New Vision by The National Association for Music Educa
Liberal Arts Colleges: Thriving, Surviving, or Endangered? by Breneman, David W.
Beyond Terman: Contemporary Longitudinal Studies of Giftedness and Talent by Arnold, Karen, Subotnik, Rena
Common Roots: The North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Centennial Story Quilt 1891-1991 by
Vygotskian Approaches to Second Language Research by Appel, Gabriela, Lantolf, James
Getting Parents Involved in Their Children's Education by Gregg, Gloria A., Decker, Virginia A., Decker, Larry E.
African-American Voices in Young Adult Literature: Tradition, Transition, Transformation by Smith, Karen Patricia
Career Opportunities for Bilinguals and Multilinguals: A Directory of Resources in Education, Employment, and Business, 2nd Ed. by Wertsman, Vladimir
Getting Started with High School Choir by Michelson, Steven K.
Topics of Our Time: Twentieth-century issues in learning and in art by Gombrich, Leonie
The Education of the Southern Belle: Higher Education and Student Socialization in the Antebellum South by Farnham, Christie Anne
Staff Development Programs: A Guide to Evaluation by
Making Change Happen: Practical Planning for School Leaders by Herman, Jerry J.
Multiculturalism and Tqe: Addressing Cultural Diversity in Schools by Cordeiro, Paula A.
Thriving on Stress for Success by Gmelch, Walter H.
Making Better Decisions about School Problems: How Administrators Use Evaluation to Find Solutions by Glasman, Naftaly S.
Education and the Law: International Perspectives by
Classification and Cognition by Estes, William K.
Practical Portfolios: Reading, Writing, Math, and Life Skills, Grades 3-6 by Delario, Karen, Mundell, Susan B.
The Content Of Science: A Constructivist Approach To Its Teaching And learning by Peter J Fensham Richard F Gunstone R
Interactions of Protons with Nuclei (Supplement to I/13a, B, C) by
Teaching Diverse Populations: Formulating a Knowledge Base by
Learning Gap: Why Our Schools Are Failing and What We Can Learn from Japanese and Chinese Educ by Stevenson, Harold
Young Learners by Phillips, Sarah, Maley, Alan
Beyond Technology's Promise: An Examination of Children's Educational Computing at Home by Jo Anne, Bauer, Giacquinta, Joseph B., Joseph B., Giacquinta
Group Counseling for Elementary and Middle School Children by Brown, Nina
On Education by Addams, Jane
Quality in Higher Education by Ruben, Brent D.
An International Perspective on Economic Education by
The Rise of the Meritocracy by Young, Michael
Going Public: Schooling for a Diverse Democracy by Renyi, Judith
Controlling Health Professionals by Harrison, Stephen, Harrison, B. D. Ed
Literacy: A Redefinition by
Beginning to Read: Thinking and Learning about Print by Adams, Marilyn Jager
The Decline of Intelligence in America: A Strategy for National Renewal by Itzkoff, Seymour W.
Margins in the Classroom: Teaching Literature Volume 2 by
Teaching Primary English: The State of the Art by
Defining and Assessing Quality in Early Childhood Education by
Sapientiae Immarcessibilis: A Diplomatic and Comparative Study of the Bull of Foundation of the University of Louvain (December 9, 1425) by Mingroot, Erik
Circuit Sense for Elementary Teachers and Students: Understanding and Building Simple Logic Circuits by Houghton, Janaye M., Houghton, Robert S.
Elemente Der Mechanik II: Elastostatik by Lehmann, Theodor, Bruhns, Otto T.
Solutions Manual for Geometry: A High School Course by Carlson, Philip
Cynthia Ozick S Comic Art: From Levity to Liturgy by Cohen, Sarah Blacher
Politics by Other Means: Higher Education and Group Thinking by Bromwich, David
The Idea of the University: A Reexamination by Pelikan, Jaroslav
Behavior Change in the Classroom: Self-Management Interventions by Shapiro, Edward S., Cole, Christine L.
School Review and Inspection by Woods, David, Orlik, Susan
Managing Classroom Behaviour by Fontana, David
Jungfrauenzucht: Literaturwissenschaftliche Und Pädagogische Studien Zur Mädchenerziehungsliteratur Zwischen 1200 Und 1600 by Barth, Susanne
Practical Pointer for University Teachers by Cox Bill, Cox, Bill, Cox, Baggy
High Stakes Performance Assessment: Perspectives on Kentucky's Educational Reform by Guskey, Thomas R.
Greek & Roman Mythology, Grades 6 - 12 by Edgar, Frank
Building an Ethical School: A Practical Response to the Moral Crisis in Schools by Starratt, Robert J.
The Politics of Liberation: Paths from Freire by
The Politics Of Linking Schools And Social Services: The 1993 Yearbook Of The Politics Of Education Association by
Best Ideas from America's Blue Ribbon Schools: What Award-Winning Elementary and Middle School Principals Do by Naesp, Naesp
The Art of Teaching Writing by Calkins, Lucy
The Successful Homeschool Family Handbook (Large Print Edition) by Moore, Dorothy, Moore, Raymond
Breaktime and the School: Understanding and Changing Playground Behaviour by
Working Together For Young Children: Multi-professionalism in action by
Reshaping the Principalship: Insights from Transformational Reform Efforts by Seashore-Louis, Karen, Louis, Karen Seashore
The New Circles of Learning: Cooperation in the Classroom and School by Johnson, Roger T., Holubec, Edythe Johnson, Johnson, David W.
Reshaping the Principalship: Insights From Transformational Reform Efforts by Louis, Karen Seashore, Murphy, Joseph
The Basic Oxford Picture Dictionary Teacher's Resource Book by Shapiro, Norma, Adelson-Goldstein, Jayme, Armstrong, Fiona
Head Start: The Inside Story of America's Most Successful Educational Experiment by Zigler, Edward
An Introduction to Spoken Interaction by Stenstrom, Anna-Brita
Aspirations and Mentoring in an Academic Environment: Women Faculty in Library and Information Science by Maack, Mary N., Niles Maack, Mary, Passet, Joanne
Really Raising Standards: Cognitive intervention and academic achievement by Shayer, Michael, Adey, Philip
Reflective Teaching in Second Language Classrooms by Lockhart, Charles, Richards, Jack C.
High Stakes Performance Assessment: Perspectives on Kentucky's Educational Reform by Guskey, Thomas R.
Agony in Education: The Importance of Struggle in the Process of Learning by Kuhlman, Edward L.
Developing Reflective Judgment by Kitchener, Karen Strohm, King, Patricia M.
The Craft of Teaching: A Guide to Mastering the Professor's Art by Eble, Kenneth E.
Designing Educational Project and Program Evaluations: A Practical Overview Based on Research and Experience by Payne, David A.
Education and Society in the New Russia by Jones, David M.
Musical Knowledge: Intuition, analysis and music education by Swanwick, Keith
Government and Higher Education Relationships Across Three Continents: The Winds of Change by
Education and Society in the New Russia by Jones, David M.
Hands-On Physics Activities with Real-Life Applications: Easy-To-Use Labs and Demonstrations for Grades 8 - 12 by Cunningham, James, Herr, Norman
Self-Regulation of Learning and Performance: Issues and Educational Applications by
Creating Learning Places for Teachers, Too by Frase, Larry E.
Secrets of Highly Effective Meetings by Bauer, Laurie K.
Children's Machine: Rethinking School in the Age of Computer by Papert, Seymour
Changing College Classrooms: New Teaching and Learning Strategies for an Increasingly Complex World by Halpern, Diane F.
Restructuring the Middle Level School: Implications for School Leaders by Clark, Sally N., Clark, Donald C.
Otto Peters on Distance Education: The Industrialization of Teaching and Learning by
Making Governance Work: Tqe for School Boards by Poston, William K., Jr.
Poetry, the Magic Language: Children Learn to Read and Write It by Armour, Maureen
Marvels of Science: 50 Fascinating 5-Minute Reads by Haven, Kendall
Investigating Science Through Bears by Smith, Karlene, Keys, Sherri, Bush, Anne
Public School Reform in Puerto Rico: Sustaining Colonial Models of Development by Solis, Jose
What Jane Austen Ate and Charles Dickens Knew: From Fox Hunting to Whist-The Facts of Daily Life in Nineteenth-Century England by Pool, Daniel
Learning to Sail: The Annapolis Sailing School Guide for Young Sailors of All Ages by Brodie, Ian, Goodman, Diane
Recruiting, Educating, and Training Librarians for Collection Development by
Media Education and the (Re)Production of Culture by Sholle, David, Scholle, David
Media Education and the (Re)Production of Culture by Sholle, David, Denski, Stan
Along Freedom Road: Hyde County, North Carolina, and the Fate of Black Schools in the South by Cecelski, David S.
Learning Mathematics: Constructivist and Interactionist Theories of Mathematical Development by
Challenge and Promise of a Catholic University by
Women of Color and the Multicultural Curriculum: Transforming the College Classroom by
Designing Instructional Text by Hartley, James
How to Design a Vocational Curriculum: A Practical Guide for Schools and Colleges by Nasta, Tony
Teaching Through Projects by Henry, Jane
The Management of Student Teachers' Learning: A Guide for Professional Tutors in Secondary Schools by Hagger, H., McIntyre, Donald
Teaching and Learning in History by Hallden, Ola
Education Quality Management: Effective Schools Through Systemic Change by Herman, Jerry, Herman, Janice L.
Student's Meeting Book: 1st Edition by Larson
Student's Meeting Book: 1st Edition by Larson
Hands-On Math!: Ready-To-Use Games & Activities for Grades 4-8 by Thompson, Frances McBroom
Artstarts: Drama, Music, Movement, Puppetry, and Storytelling Activities by Gleason, Patsy T., Brady, Martha
The Assessment of Special Educational Needs: Whose Problem? by Galloway, David M., Armstrong, Derrick, Tomlinson, Sally
Understanding American History through Children's Literature: Instructional Units and Activities for Grades K-8 by Cordier, Mary, Perez-Stable, Maria
International Education: Its History and Promise for Today by Vestal, Theodore
Experiencing Diversity: Toward Educational Equity by
Academic Advising: An Annotated Bibliography by Gordon, Virginia N.
Matters of Mind: The University in Ontario, 1791-1951 by McKillop, A. B.
Assessing What Professors Do: An Introduction to Academic Performance Appraisal in Higher Education by Bialik, Donna, Haber, Larence J., Dilts, David A.
American Teacher in China: Coping with Cultures by Kretschmer, Francis, Kretschmer, F. A.
Give Me A Child Until He Is 7: Brain Studies And Early Childhood Education by Brierley, John
Secondary Science: Contemporary Issues and Practical Approaches by Wellington, Jerry
The Diversity of Management: Twelve Managers Talking by Barsoux, Jean-Louis, Stewart, Rosemary
The Politics of Decentralisation: Revitalising Local Democracy by Hoggett, Paul, Burns, Danny, Hambleton, Robin
Learning About Writing by Czerniewska, Pam
Parents and Their Children's Schools by Hughes, Martin, Nash, Tricia, Wikeley, Felicity
Song Book: Words for 100 Popular Songs by Mercer, Ffion, Speechmark
Seminar Harmonisierung Des Bauvertragsrechts in Europa by Paetzold, Ulrich, Fabre, Bertrand, Wenzel, Jörg
Catch Them Learning: A Handbook of Classroom Strategies by Prentice, Mary
Education and the State: A Study in Political Economy by West, E. G.
Education and the State: A Study in Political Economy by West, E. G.
Rethinking the School: Subjectivity, bureaucracy, criticism by Hunter, Ian
Through Writing to Reading: Classroom Strategies for Supporting Literacy by Smith, Brigid, Chqs*, Brigid Smith *Unpres
Through Writing to Reading: Classroom Strategies for Supporting Literacy by Smith, Brigid
The Life of Learning by Katz, Stanley N., Greenberg, Douglas
Bildung ALS Potential Der Raumordnung Und Landesplanung by Budde, Hermann
Teachers As Mentors: A Practical Guide by Field, Terry
Teachers as Mentors by Field, Terry
Languages of Learning: How Children Talk, Write, Draw, Dance, and Sing Their Understanding of the World by Gallas, Karen
Second Helpings: Books and Activities about Food by Currie, Robin, Currie, Roberta H., Irving, Jan
Litplan Teacher Pack: Across Five Aprils by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: The Canterbury Tales by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: The Tempest by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: A Doll's House by Collins, Mary B.
Quality Assurance in Continuing Professional Education: An Analysis by Tovey, Philip
International Handbook of Medical Education by Sajid, Abdul W.
Dictionary of Counseling by Biggs, Donald A.
Schooling the Poor: A Social Inquiry Into the American Educational Experience by Rothstein, Stanley W.
Mentorship In The Primary School: Mentorship In Action by
Die Schulpolitik des faschistischen Regimes in Italien (1922-1943) by Charnitzky, Jürgen
Schooling in the Light of Popular Culture by
Teaching from a Multicultural Perspective by Roberts, Helen R., Gonzales, Juan C., Harris, Olita D.
Transforming Mind: A Critical Cognitive Activity by Gannaway, Gloria
Teaching Peace: Toward Cultural Selflessness by Lasley, Thomas J., II
Mathematics in the Early Years by Clemson, Wendy, Clemson, David
Cultural Perspectives on the Mathematics Classroom by
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