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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2022

The Case of the Missing Cookies by Adamson, Heather, Adamson, Thomas K.
Geometrische Strukturen Der Kontinuumsphysik: Raum-Zeit-Exkursionen Von Der Euklidischen Zur Riemannschen Geometrie by Gründemann, Heinz
The Palgrave Handbook of Literature and Mathematics by
Nuestro Universo Matemático: En Busca de la Naturaleza Última de la Realidad by Tegmark, Max
A Concise Introduction to Scientific Visualization: Past, Present, and Future by Pang, Alex, Hollister, Brad Eric
Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing by
The Complete Book of Origami Polyhedra: 64 Ingenious Geometric Paper Models (Learn Modular Origami from Japan's Leading Master!) by Fuse, Tomoko
Cálculo vectorial Libro 5 - Parte IV: Integrales dobles sobre regiones rectangulares by Curi Gamarra, Juan Carlos, Portilla Sandoval, Lauriano, Aguilar Loa, Gabriel Gustavo
Bifurcation and Buckling in Structures by Murota, Kazuo, Ikeda, Kiyohiro
Numerical Methods and Optimization: Theory and Practice for Engineers by Corriou, Jean-Pierre
Genetic and Evolutionary Computing: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing, October 21-23, 2021, by
Reflexionsfähigkeit Von Lehrkräften Über Metakognitive Schülerprozesse Beim Mathematischen Modellieren by Wendt, Lisa
Metric Fixed Point Theory: Applications in Science, Engineering and Behavioural Sciences by
Quantitative Biology: A Practical Introduction by Kimura, Akatsuki
Methodology and Applications of Statistics: A Volume in Honor of C.R. Rao on the Occasion of His 100th Birthday by
Protecting Privacy Through Homomorphic Encryption by
Perspectives in Dynamical Systems I: Mechatronics and Life Sciences: Dsta, Lódź, Poland December 2-5, 2019 by
Auf Dem Weg Zum Neuen Mathematiklehren Und -Lernen 2.0: Festschrift Für Prof. Dr. Bernd Wollring by
Sports Analytics by Ziemba, William T., MacLean, Leonard C.
Sports Analytics by MacLean, Leonard C., Ziemba, William T.
Statistical Mechanics of Neural Networks by Huang, Haiping
Stochastic Processes in Cell Biology: Volume I by Bressloff, Paul C.
Space-Time Geometries for Motion and Perception in the Brain and the Arts by
Complex Networks & Their Applications IX: Volume 2, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications Compl by
Progress on Difference Equations and Discrete Dynamical Systems: 25th Icdea, London, Uk, June 24-28, 2019 by
Distributed Optimization, Game and Learning Algorithms: Theory and Applications in Smart Grid Systems by Li, Huaqing, Zhou, Bo, Wang, Huiwei
Efficient High-Order Discretizations for Computational Fluid Dynamics by
Turnpike Theory for the Robinson-Solow-Srinivasan Model by Zaslavski, Alexander J.
Approximation Theory XVI: Nashville, Tn, Usa, May 19-22, 2019 by
Classical Lie Algebras at Infinity by Penkov, Ivan, Hoyt, Crystal
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference of the Computational Social Science Society of the Americas by
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Sciences: Icfas 2020 by
Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions (By a Square) by Abbott, Edwin A.
Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions (By a Square) by Abbott, Edwin A.
Geometry of Deep Learning: A Signal Processing Perspective by Ye, Jong Chul
Compressed Chebyshev Polynomials and Multiple-Angle Formulas II by Kéri, Gerzson
Research Schools on Number Theory in India: During the 20th Century by Mukherji, Purabi
Maths Tricks to Blow Your Mind: A Journey Through Viral Maths by Evans, Kyle D.
Expertise Von Lehrkräften Zur Mathematischen Potenzialförderung by Rösike, Kim-Alexandra
Anisotropy Across Fields and Scales by
Arbeitsbuch Grundwissen Mathematikstudium - Analysis Und Lineare Algebra Mit Querverbindungen: Aufgaben, Hinweise, Lösungen Und Lösungswege by Hettlich, Frank, Arens, Tilo, Busam, Rolf
Number Theory Meets Wireless Communications by
Data Intelligence and Cognitive Informatics: Proceedings of ICDICI 2020 by
On the disposition of the prime numbers by Fidler, William
Mathematics in Middle and High School: Techniques of Solving Problems by Rosu, Vlad, Rosu, Mihai
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Optimization Tools for Smart Cities: Designing for Sustainability by
Emmy Noether - Mathematician Extraordinaire by Rowe, David E.
Stochastic Processes in Cell Biology: Volume II by Bressloff, Paul C.
Formulations: Architecture, Mathematics, Culture by Witt, Andrew
An Introduction to Infinite Products by Teo, Kee L., Van Brunt, Bruce, Little, Charles H. C.
Math Without Numbers by Beckman, Milo
Elements of the General Theory of Optimal Algorithms by Zadiraka, Valeriy K., Lytvyn, Oleg M., Sergienko, Ivan V.
From Shortest Paths to Reinforcement Learning: A Matlab-Based Tutorial on Dynamic Programming by Brandimarte, Paolo
Application of SERS for Nanomaterials by
Modelling and Machine Learning Methods for Bioinformatics and Data Science Applications by
Optimal Control by Kim, Taekyun, Ashchepkov, Leonid T., Dolgy, Dmitriy V.
Flexible and Generalized Uncertainty Optimization: Theory and Approaches by Salles-Neto, Luiz L., Lodwick, Weldon A.
Begründungsprozesse Im Kontext Von (Digitalen) Medien Im Mathematikunterricht: Wissensentwicklung Auf Der Grundlage Empirischer Settings by Dilling, Frederik
Rediscovering Léon Brunschvicg's Critical Idealism: Philosophy, History and Science in the Third Republic by Terzi, Pietro
Knowledge, Number and Reality: Encounters with the Work of Keith Hossack by
Strongly Regular Graphs by Brouwer, Andries E., Van Maldeghem, H.
Assigning of values of the prime number counting function to Bernhard Riemann's zeros. Concept of Dirichlet lines in the complex plane by Fidler, William
Mes pas dans les nombres 1ers by Doumbia, Amara
Isogeometric Analysis and Applications 2018 by
Mathematical Modelling and Computational Intelligence Techniques: Icmmcit-2021, Gandhigram, India February 10-12 by
Operator Theory and Differential Equations by
Theory and Applications of Special Functions for Scientists and Engineers by Yang, Xiao-Jun
Optical Fiber Interferometric Sensors: New Production Methodologies and Novel Applications by
Atoms, Mechanics, and Probability: Ludwig Boltzmann's Statistico-Mechanical Writings - An Exegesis by Darrigol, Olivier
Giving Up Is Not an Option: Memoirs of a Palestinian American by Khoury, Hani Q.
Giving Up Is Not an Option: Memoirs of a Palestinian American by Khoury, Hani Q.
Mathematics Numbers 1-100 by Thangamaniam, Arulmanidevi
Graph Theoretic Algorithms for the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent Program: Prioritization and Scheduling by Rockstroh, Parousia, Snyder, Don, Johnson, Christian
Developing Mathematical Literacy through Adolescent Literature by
Infectious Diseases and Our Planet by
Computational Intelligence and Mathematics for Tackling Complex Problems 2 by
Stability of Elastic Multi-Link Structures by Ammari, Kaïs, Shel, Farhat
Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization with Applications by
The Complete Pre 11+ Maths Course Book (Year 4): Suitable for Uk Grammar and Independent Schools by Advance Educational Services Ltd
Principes de mathématiques. Partie 2 by Chastain, L.
Géométrie et analyse des intégrales doubles by Buhl, Adolphe
Les réseaux ou graphes by Sainte-Laguë, André
Avis instructif sur l'usage des nouveaux poids by Gattey, François
Trigonométrie pratique réduite à la résolution des triangles by Girod, Félicien
Raisonnement abrégé du système métrique. Tables complètes de conversion des mesures agraires by Gautier, J. -Luis
Avis instructif sur l'usage des nouveaux poids. 2e édition by Gattey, François
Instruction Pour Se Servir de la Règle À Calcul Par Des Moyens Arithmétiques Purs: Et Sans l'Emploi Des Caractéristiques by Garot, A.
Cours de dessin et notions de géométrie. Constructions géométriques et lavis by Bougueret, Ambroise
Principes et règles de l'arithmétique élémentaire, par demandes et par réponses by Temporal, J. -L
Game Theory. A Handbook of Problems and Exercises by Marchioro, Thomas, Badia, Leonardo
Revolutionary Mathematics: Artificial Intelligence, Statistics and the Logic of Capitalism by Joque, Justin
The Art of More: How Mathematics Created Civilization by Brooks, Michael
Physics and Finance by Ziemann, Volker
Multiplicative Elementary Mathematics by Georgiev, Svetlin G.
Numerical Methods for Seakeeping Problems by Schellin, Thomas E., Söding, Heinrich, El Moctar, Bettar Ould
Finite Volume Methods for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations by Chen, Zhangxing, Lin, Xiaolin, Li, Jian
The Theory and Applications of Iteration Methods by Argyros, Ioannis K.
Operators Between Sequence Spaces and Applications by de Malafosse, Bruno, Malkowsky, Eberhard, Rakočevic, Vladimir
Identität ALS Diskursgegenstand Der Didaktik Des Sachunterrichts: Eine Historisch-Diskursanalytische Untersuchung by Siebach, Martin
Advances in Metaheuristic Algorithms for Optimal Design of Structures by Kaveh, Ali
Modeling Biomaterials by
Imitation Market Modeling in Digital Economy: Game Theoretic Approaches by
Differential Equations on Manifolds and Mathematical Physics: Dedicated to the Memory of Boris Sternin by
Calculus of One Variable by Nair, M. Thamban
Luck Theory: A Philosophical Introduction to the Mathematics of Luck by Rescher, Nicholas
Theoretical Analyses of Commodity Tax in an Oligopolistic Market by Kunizaki, Minoru, Nakamura, Kazuyuki, Kakita, Naoki
Square Roots of Numbers: Prime Elimination Game by Epsilon the Heir
Square Roots of Numbers: Prime Elimination Game by Epsilon the Heir
Developing Mathematical Literacy through Adolescent Literature by
Differential Equations and Applications: Icabs 2019, Tiruchirappalli, India, November 19-21 by
Matherätsel (Nicht Nur) Für Begabte Der Klassen 4 Bis 6: Erst Wiegen, Dann Wägen, Dann Wagen! by Samrowski, Tatiana S.
Martingales and Financial Mathematics in Discrete Time by de Saporta, Benoîte, Zili, Mounir
Differential Evolution: From Theory to Practice by
Topology and Approximate Fixed Points by O'Regan, Donal, Ben Amar, Afif
Methods for the Summation of Series by He, Tian-Xiao
Advances in Optimization and Linear Programming by Stanimirovic, Ivan
Bulk and Surface Acoustic Waves: Fundamentals, Devices, and Applications by Zhang, Guigen
Quantum F-Divergences in Von Neumann Algebras: Reversibility of Quantum Operations by Hiai, Fumio
New Development of Neutrosophic Probability, Neutrosophic Statistics, Neutrosophic Algebraic Structures, and Neutrosophic Plithogenic Optimizations by
Jewish Calendar Mathematics by Shneer, James
Explainable Human-AI Interaction: A Planning Perspective by Kulkarni, Anagha, Kambhampati, Subbarao, Sreedharan, Sarath
Equivariant Topology and Derived Algebra by
Making Your Greatness! Strategies and Tools for Passing the Praxis II Elementary Education: Mathematics Content Knowledge for Teaching (CKT) - 7813 Ex by Davis, C. E.
Carbon Dating, Cold Fusion, and a Curve Ball by Moon, David D.
Animation Maths by De Pauw, Ivo, Masselis, Bieke
Resolvability In Soft Topological Spaces by Al-Aamery, Thu-Al-Fiqar, Alswidi, Luay
The Nature of Physical Computation by Shagrir, Oron
Carbon Dating, Cold Fusion, and a Curve Ball by Moon, David D.
Incompressible Fluid Dynamics by Davidson, P. A.
Advances in Uncertainty Quantification and Optimization Under Uncertainty with Aerospace Applications: Proceedings of the 2020 Uqop International Conf by
Diophantine Approximation and Dirichlet Series by Queffélec, Hervé, Queffélec, Martine
Handbook of Research on Cross-Disciplinary Uses of Gamification in Organizations by
Comic Sections Plus: The Book of Mathematical Jokes, Humour, Wit and Wisdom by Machale, Des
Incompressible Fluid Dynamics by Davidson, P. A.
Transportation Engineering: Theory, Practice, and Modeling by Teodorovic, Dusan, Janic, Milan
Ergodic Dynamics: From Basic Theory to Applications by Hawkins, Jane
Differential Equation Models in Applied Mathematics: Theoretical and Numerical Challenges by
Theoretical and Computational Research in Various Scheduling Models by
Recent Advances and Future Trends in Nanophotonics by
Hilbert's Proof Theory and its modern Development by Ille, Ralf
Swarm Intelligence Algorithms (Two Volume Set) by
Swarm Intelligence Algorithms: Modifications and Applications by
Swarm Intelligence Algorithms: A Tutorial by
Thermal System Design and Optimization by Balaji, C.
Digital Signal Processing: An Introduction by Sundararajan, D.
Guaranteed Estimation Problems in the Theory of Linear Ordinary Differential Equations with Uncertain Data by Podlipenko, Yuri, Nakonechnyi, Oleksandr
Höhere Mathematik in Rezepten: Begriffe, Sätze Und Zahlreiche Beispiele in Kurzen Lerneinheiten by Karpfinger, Christian
Game Theory for Cyber Deception: From Theory to Applications by Pawlick, Jeffrey, Zhu, Quanyan
The World Formula: A Late Recognition of David Hilbert's Stroke of Genius by Schwarzer, Norbert
Analysis by Rudin, Walter
Characters of Groups and Lattices Over Orders: From Ordinary to Integral Representation Theory by Zimmermann, Alexander
Kohärenz und Wahrscheinlichkeit by Schippers, Michael, Koscholke, Jakob
Fractional Signals and Systems by Ortigueira, Manuel Duarte, Valério, Duarte
Nature-Inspired Optimization Algorithms by A, Vasuki
Conformable Dynamic Equations on Time Scales by Anderson, Douglas R., Georgiev, Svetlin G.
Learning by Doing with National Instruments Development Boards by Gad, Rajendra S., Parab, Jivan Shrikrishna, Nazareth, Ingrid Anne
Statistical Models in Toxicology by Razzaghi, Mehdi
Leistungseffekte Beim Verschachtelten Und Geblockten Lernen Mittels Lernvideos Auf Tablets: Eine Empirische Untersuchung an Schülerinnen Und Schülern by Afrooz, Maria
Grupo Prisa: Media Power in Contemporary Spain by Almiron, Núria, Segovia, Ana I., Albornoz, Luis A.
Writings for the Companion to the British Almanac 1831 - 1857 by de Morgan, Augustus
Number Theory and Its Applications by Kundu, Satyabrota, Mazumder, Supriyo
Nothing: A Philosophical History by Sorensen, Roy
Emerging Problems in the Homogenization of Partial Differential Equations by
Algorithm-Driven Truss Topology Optimization for Additive Manufacturing by Reintjes, Christian
Separation in Point-Free Topology by Picado, Jorge, Pultr, Ales
Women in Numbers Europe III: Research Directions in Number Theory by
Uncertainty Quantification and Stochastic Modelling with Excel by Souza De Cursi, Eduardo
Optimizing Crossings in Circular-Arc Drawings and Circular Layouts by Kryven, Myroslav
Applied Soft Computing: Techniques and Applications by
Functional Differential Equations and Applications: Fdea-2019, Ariel, Israel, September 22-27 by
Dynamic Quality Models and Games in Digital Supply Chains: How Digital Transformation Impacts Supply Chain Quality Management by de Giovanni, Pietro
The 15th International Conference Interdisciplinarity in Engineering: Conference Proceedings by
The Asymptotic and Oscillatory Behaviour of Difference and Differential Equations by Wu, Shuhui
Evolutionary Equations: Picard's Theorem for Partial Differential Equations, and Applications by Trostorff, Sascha, Waurick, Marcus, Seifert, Christian
Wavelets and Wavelet Transform Systems and Their Applications: A Digital Signal Processing Approach by Akujuobi, Cajetan M.
Evolutionary Equations: Picard's Theorem for Partial Differential Equations, and Applications by Waurick, Marcus, Seifert, Christian, Trostorff, Sascha
Nonlinear Valuation and Non-Gaussian Risks in Finance by Madan, Dilip B., Schoutens, Wim
Research Directions in Symplectic and Contact Geometry and Topology by
Dimension Groups and Dynamical Systems by Durand, Fabien, Perrin, Dominique
Computational Cryptography by
P-Graphs for Process Systems Engineering: Mathematical Models and Algorithms by Orosz, Ákos, Pimentel Losada, Jean, Friedler, Ferenc
Mathematical Modeling in Cultural Heritage: Mach2019 by
Anomalies in Partial Differential Equations by
Mathematical Modeling, Simulation and Optimization for Power Engineering and Management by
Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing by
College Mathematics CLEP Test Study Guide by Passyourclass
Mathematical Challenges of Zero-Range Physics: Models, Methods, Rigorous Results, Open Problems by
Principles and Applications of Dimensional Analysis and Similarity by Longo, Sandro G.
Mathematik Ist Wunderwunderschön: Noch Mehr Anregungen Zum Anschauen Und Erforschen Für Menschen Zwischen 9 Und 99 Jahren by Strick, Heinz Klaus
Von Den Natürlichen Zahlen Zu Den Quaternionen: Basiswissen Zahlbereiche Und Algebra by Kramer, Jürg, Von Pippich, Anna-Maria
Lectures on Variational Analysis by Dontchev, Asen L.
New Trends on Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces: Levico Terme, Italy 2017 by
Analysis and Synthesis of Nonlinear Control Systems: A Convex Optimisation Approach by Sala, Antonio, Lendek, Zsófia, Bernal, Miguel
Dynamics, Geometry, Number Theory: The Impact of Margulis on Modern Mathematics by
La petite arithmétique enseignée. Préparation au cours de 1ère année. Partie de l'élève by Sabaté, Charles
Les réseaux ou graphes by Sainte-Laguë, André
L'arithmétique enseignée ou Nouvelle méthode pour étudier l'arithmétique by Sabaté, Charles
Solutions raisonnées des problèmes contenus dans le Formulaire de géométrie pratique by Garnier
Nouveau recueil de problèmes d'arithmétique, à l'usage des classes élémentaires by Sarazin, J. -N
Abrégé d'arithmétique décimale by Bransiet, Mathieu
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