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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 2019

Alphabet Animal Friends Flip Chart by
Grammaticalization from a Typological Perspective by
Doing Replication Research in Applied Linguistics by Porte, Graeme, McManus, Kevin
Der, Die, Das: Секрети роду німец&#11 by Vayenas, Constantin
Phonics Poetry: An Anthology of Short Phonics Poems for Decoding and Fluency Practice by Birchall, Lorrie L.
Thucydides's Melian Dialogue and Sicilian Expedition, 57: A Student Commentary by Taylor, Martha C.
Research on Tibetan Spelling Formal Language and Automata with Application by Nyima Tashi
Linguistic Ethnography of a Multilingual Call Center: London Calling by Woydack, Johanna
Discourse, Culture and Organization: Inquiries Into Relational Structures of Power by
Foreign Language Learning Anxiety in China: Theories and Applications in English Language Teaching by He, Deyuan
Developing Critical Thinking in EFL Classes: An Infusion Approach by Lin, Yue
Attitudinal Evaluation in Chinese University Students' English Writing: A Contrastive Perspective by Liu, Xinghua, McCabe, Anne
Language Curriculum Innovation in a Chinese Secondary School: A Study of Teacher Cognition and Classroom Practices by Zhu, Yan
Language as Identity in Colonial India: Policies and Politics by SenGupta, Papia
Not Just a Laughing Matter: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Political Humor in China by
Chinese Middle Constructions: Lexical Middle Formation by Xiong, Jiajuan
The Discourse of ADHD: Perspectives on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder by Horton-Salway, Mary, Davies, Alison
Trace the Letters Fun with Animal Names by Books, Bremner, Bremner, Melanie
A Short Introduction to the Study of Language by Thompson, Ellen
Representations of Transnational Human Trafficking: Present-Day News Media, True Crime, and Fiction by
The Wolof of Senegambia: Western Africa Part XIV by Gamble, David P.
The Oxford Handbook of Taboo Words and Language by
Multilingualism and L2 Acquisition: New Perspectives on Current Research by
The Sociocultural Activity of High Stakes Standardised Language Testing: Toeic Washback in a South Korean Context by Booth, Dawn Karen
Urban Voices: The Sociolinguistics, Grammar and Pragmatics of Spoken Russian by
Analyzing Digital Discourse: New Insights and Future Directions by
Teacher Development in Technology-Enhanced Language Teaching by Son, Jeong-Bae
Comunicar sem Significar: Arte e Linguística by Capelo, Francisco
Interpreter-Mediated Interactions of the Courtroom: A Naturally Occurring Data Based Study by Biernacka, Agnieszka
The Language of Popular Science: Analyzing the Communication of Advanced Ideas to Lay Readers by Pilkington, Olga A.
Doing Replication Research in Applied Linguistics by Porte, Graeme, McManus, Kevin
Zum Schwund der lexikalischen Entlehnungen aus dem Deutschen in der Alltagssprache der kleinen Staedte des ehemals polnisch-deutschen Grenzgebietes by Firyn, Sylwia, Biaduń-Grabarek, Hanna
The Geography of Context by Fotion, Nicholas
Arabic Corpus Linguistics by
Spreading Activation, Lexical Priming and the Semantic Web: Early Psycholinguistic Theories, Corpus Linguistics and AI Applications by Pace-Sigge, Michael
The Language of Touch: Philosophical Examinations in Linguistics and Haptic Studies by
Automatic Speech Recognition of Arabic Phonemes with Neural Networks: A Contrastive Study of Arabic and English by Dib, Mohammed
Spanish in the USA: Linguistic, translational and cultural aspects by
Chinese calligraphy brush for relaxation practice workbook by Nick, Nickkey
The Diachrony of Tone Sandhi: Evidence from Southern Min Chinese by Lin, Qing
Defining 'Eastern Europe': A Semantic Inquiry Into Political Terminology by Twardzisz, Piotr
The Language of Protest: Acts of Performance, Identity, and Legitimacy by Gasaway Hill, Mary Lynne
Luck, Fate and Fortune: Antiquity and Its Legacy by Eidinow, Esther
Luck, Fate and Fortune: Antiquity and Its Legacy by Eidinow, Esther
50 Things to Know about Learning a Foreign Language: Expand your Language Skills by Orthmann, Megan, Tourist, Greater Than a.
Idiomatic Mastery in a First and Second Language by Karlsson, Monica
English-Medium Instruction and Pronunciation: Exposure and Skills Development by Richter, Karin
L'instinct du Sens: Essai sur la 'naissens' de la parole by Barbaud, Philippe
Journalistic Stance in Chinese and Australian Hard News by Huan, Changpeng
Online Harassment by
Indirect Reports and Pragmatics in the World Languages by
Discourses of Identity in Liminal Places and Spaces by
Microhistories of Communication Studies: Mapping the Future of Communication through Local Narratives by
New Perspectives on Aspect and Modality in Chinese Historical Linguistics by
Ratio Legis: Philosophical and Theoretical Perspectives by
National Socialism and German Discourse: Unquiet Voices by Dodd, W. J.
The Nature of Variation in Tone Sandhi Patterns of Shanghai and Wuxi Wu by Yan, Hanbo
Interaction Process and Chinese EFL Learners' Proficiency Development: A Cognitive and Interactionist Approach by Gu, Shanshan
Making Way in Corpus-Based Interpreting Studies by
Global Outsourcing Discourse: Exploring Modes of It Governance by Lioliou, Eleni, Willcocks, Leslie P.
Linguistic Prefabrication: A Discourse Analysis Approach by Ding, Jianxin
Ökonomie und Bildmedien by
Gameful Second and Foreign Language Teaching and Learning: Theory, Research, and Practice by Reinhardt, Jonathon
Staging Language: Place and Identity in the Enactment, Performance and Representation of Regional Dialects by Clark, Urszula
Gender in Literary Translation: A Corpus-Based Study of the English Translations of Chenzhong de Chibang by Meng, Lingzi
Sprach-Spiel-Kunst: Ein Dialog Zwischen Wissenschaft Und PRAXIS by
Die Opazität epistemischer Modalverben im Deutschen by Scherr, Elisabeth
A Systemic Functional Grammar of English: A Simple Introduction by Banks, David
A Systemic Functional Grammar of English: A Simple Introduction by Banks, David
Studies in Formal Linguistics: Universal Patterns and Language Specific Parameters by
Expressivität Im Deutschen by
Complex Lexical Units: Compounds and Multi-Word Expressions by
The Phonetics and Phonology of Glottalization in Italian by Di Napoli, Jessica
Chinese radicals 214 practice workbook by Nick, Nickkey
11 Plus Vocabulary - 500 Advanced words: with Synonyms/Antonyms/Usage/Origin and more... by Johnathan, J.
Dimensions of Diffusion and Diversity by
Language Policy and the Internationalization of Universities: A Focus on Estonian Higher Education by Soler, Josep
Quotation in Indigenised and Learner English: A Sociolinguistic Account of Variation by Davydova, Julia
The Linguistic Heritage of Colonial Practice by
Intercultural Foreign Language Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Contexts by
Palliative Care Conversations: Clinical and Applied Linguistic Perspectives by Gramling, David, Gramling, Robert
The Writing System of Medu Neter by Amen, Rkhty
Gender and Noun Classification by
Negation and Nonveridicality in the History of Greek by Chatzopoulou, Katerina
Los verbos sintagmáticos italianos y sus equivalentes en español by Artusi, Andrea
Advances in Natural Language Processing, Intelligent Informatics and Smart Technology: Selected Revised Papers from the Eleventh International Symposi by
Gender and Noun Classification by
Keywords: The New Language of Capitalism by Leary, John Patrick
Ohb Lying Ohbk C by Meibauer
The Foreign Language Classroom: Bridging Theory and Practice by
HSK 150 vocabulary list practice workbook by Nick, Nickkey
The Routledge Handbook of Instructed Second Language Acquisition by
Teaching and Learning Foreign Languages: A History of Language Education, Assessment and Policy in Britain by McLelland, Nicola
A Cultural History of Early Modern English Cryptography Manuals by Ellison, Katherine
Introducing English Grammar by Burridge, Kate, Börjars, Kersti
moeta bosigo - Der zur Nacht kam.: Leben und Werk Dieter Maschers by Mascher, Dieter
Spencerian Penmanship Practice Sheets: Perfect Cursive and Hand Lettering Style Exercise Worksheets for Beginner and Advanced by Mjsb Handwriting Workbooks
On the Communicative Functions of Implicit Verbal Irony: How to Express Different Types of Irony by Jesse, Dominik
The Grammaticalization of Verbs. Verbs as Sources of Grammatical Change by Bobik, Melanie
Investigating Content and Language Integrated Learning: Insights from Swedish High Schools by
Contacts and Contrasts in Educational Contexts and Translation by
The Englishized Subject: Postcolonial Writings in Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia by Tam, Kwok-Kan
Investigating Content and Language Integrated Learning: Insights from Swedish High Schools by
Early Instructed Second Language Acquisition: Pathways to Competence by
Early Instructed Second Language Acquisition: Pathways to Competence by
Linguistic Decision Making: Numerical Scale Model and Consistency-Driven Methodology by Xu, Jiuping, Dong, Yucheng
Reading and Dyslexia: From Basic Functions to Higher Order Cognition by
Teaching Language and Teaching Literature in Virtual Environments by
The Idea and Practice of Reading by
Learner Narratives of Translingual Identities: A Multimodal Approach to Exploring Language Learning Histories by Kiernan, Patrick
Discourses from Latin America and the Caribbean: Current Concepts and Challenges by
Turkish Natural Language Processing by
Narrative of Chinese and Western Popular Fiction: Comparison and Interpretation by Huang, Yonglin
Positioning Theory in Applied Linguistics: Research Design and Applications by Kayı-Aydar, Hayriye
Handbook of Philosophical Logic: Volume 18 by
Second Language Learning Theories: Fourth Edition by Myles, Florence, Marsden, Emma, Mitchell, Rosamond
Substantive Bias and Natural Classes: An Empirical Approach by Lin, Yu-Leng
Discovering Phonetics and Phonology by Cahill, Lynne
A Reflection of Man and Culture in Language and Literature by
Kookkurrenz - Kovariation - Kontrast: Formen und Funktionen individueller Dialekt-/Standardvariation in universitaeren Beratungsgespraechen by Vergeiner, Philip C.
Heart- And Soul-Like Constructs Across Languages, Cultures, and Epochs by
Maya Narrative Arts by Bassie-Sweet, Karen
Trace Letters and Numbers Workbook: Learn How to Write Alphabet Upper and Lower Case and Numbers by Noosita, Nina
Inquisitive Semantics by Groenendijk, Jeroen, Roelofsen, Floris, Ciardelli, Ivano
The Palgrave Handbook of Minority Languages and Communities by
Complexity Applications in Language and Communication Sciences by
Foreign Language Proficiency in Higher Education by
Introducing English Grammar by Börjars, Kersti, Burridge, Kate
Sprache(n) fuer Europa. Mehrsprachigkeit als Chance / Language(s) for Europe. Multilingualism as a Chance: Auswahl an Beitraegen des 52. Linguistische by
Tracing alphabet letters by Nick, Nickkey
La modalité et ses réalisations en français by Mai, Udo
Varianz im Russischen: Von funktionalstilistischer zur soziolinguistischen Perspektive by Warditz, Vladislava
A Critical Introduction to Language Evolution: Current Controversies and Future Prospects by Progovac, Ljiljana
Fundamentals of Phonetics: A Practical Guide for Students by Small, Larry
Re-: An Errant Glossary by
Inquisitive Semantics by Groenendijk, Jeroen, Roelofsen, Floris, Ciardelli, Ivano
Looking Like a Language, Sounding Like a Race: Raciolinguistic Ideologies and the Learning of Latinidad by Rosa, Jonathan
Semantik, Kognition und Prototypentheorie by Deparade, Clemens
A Multi-Locus Analysis of Arabic Negation: Micro-Variation in Southern Levantine, Gulf and Standard Arabic by Alqassas, Ahmad
Migrating Meanings: Sharing Keywords in a Global World by Gianninoto, Mariarosaria, Underhill, James W.
Further Studies in the Lesser-Known Varieties of English by
Becoming a Citizen: Linguistic Trials and Negotiations in the UK by Khan, Kamran
Theory and Approaches of Group Decision Making with Uncertain Linguistic Expressions by Xu, Zeshui, Wang, Hai
Crime Fiction Migration: Crossing Languages, Cultures and Media by Gregoriou, Christiana
New Studies in Multimodality: Conceptual and Methodological Elaborations by
Men in Women's Worlds: Constructions of Masculinity in Women's Magazines by Coffey-Glover, Laura
Exploratory Practice for Continuing Professional Development: An Innovative Approach for Language Teachers by Slimani-Rolls, Assia, Kiely, Richard
Bridging the Semantic Gap in Image and Video Analysis by
Women Through Anti-Proverbs by Litovkina, Anna T.
Sensory Perceptions in Language, Embodiment and Epistemology by
"Gibt es vielleicht mehr als einen Matthäus?" Der indefinite Artikel vor Eigennamen in der Fußballberichterstattung by Fischer-Blumenthal, Kevin
Die "Wiener Genesis". Zum vermeintlich "absoluten Tiefstand der Formkunst" by Hübinger, Jane
Linguistic Landscaping. Die Freie Universität Bozen und der Bozner Obstplatz im Vergleich by Zimmermann, Judith
How Second Languages Are Learned: An Introduction by Hawkins, Roger
Long-Vowel Shifts in English, c. 1050-1700 by Stenbrenden, Gjertrud Flermoen
The Construction of Words: Advances in Construction Morphology by
The Language of Inequality in the News: A Discourse Analytic Approach by Toolan, Michael
Russian English by
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language by Crystal, David
Bilingualism and Bilingual Education: Politics, Policies and Practices in a Globalized Society by
Lexical Collocation Analysis: Advances and Applications by
Problem solving activities in post-editing and translation from scratch by Nitzke, Jean
Novice Writers and Scholarly Publication: Authors, Mentors, Gatekeepers by
Corpus-Based Studies on Non-Finite Complements in Recent English by Rudanko, Juhani, Rickman, Paul
Language Policy and Language Acquisition Planning by
Translating War: Literature and Memory in France and Britain from the 1940s to the 1960s by Kershaw, Angela
Language Attitudes and Minority Rights: The Case of Catalan in France by Hawkey, James
Khmer alphabet practice workbook by Nick, Nickkey
Source Modeling Techniques for Quality Enhancement in Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis by Narendra, N. P., Rao, K. Sreenivasa
Augmented Communication: The Effect of Digital Devices on Face-To-Face Interactions by Pinner, Richard S.
Indefinites Between Latin and Romance by Gianollo, Chiara
Romance Phonetics and Phonology by
Topicalization in Asian Englishes: Forms, Functions, and Frequencies of a Fronting Construction by Leuckert, Sven
The Oxford Handbook of Modality and Mood by
Variation in Indonesian Sign Language: A Typological and Sociolinguistic Analysis by Palfreyman, Nick
Essays on the Evolutionary-Synthetic Theory of Language by Koshelev, Alexey
Second Language Learning Theories: Fourth Edition by Myles, Florence, Marsden, Emma, Mitchell, Rosamond
Übersetzungen der altsächsischen Genesis im Vergleich: Kritik und Vergleich eines übersetzten Textes anhand von drei Beispielen by Anonym
Sympathy for the Traitor: A Translation Manifesto by Polizzotti, Mark
Indo-European dictionary of Epirus syllables. by Plenishti, Markeljan
Morphogenesis of the Sign by Piotrowski, David
Referent Similarity and Nominal Syntax in Task-Based Language Teaching by Lambert, Craig
Second Language Study Abroad: Programming, Pedagogy, and Participant Engagement by
University Writing in Central and Eastern Europe: Tradition, Transition, and Innovation by
How We Understand Mathematics: Conceptual Integration in the Language of Mathematical Description by Woźny, Jacek
Embodying Language in Action: The Artistry of Process Drama in Second Language Education by Piazzoli, Erika
Die Bindestrichschreibung in Werbetexten by Krack, Lisa
Über den Konjunktiv und seine Verwendung im Deutschen by Abbas, Ahmad
A grammar of Pichi by Yakpo, Kofi
Developing Language Teachers with Exploratory Practice: Innovations and Explorations in Language Education by
Historical Dialectology in the Digital Age by
Form-Function Mapping in Content-Based Language Teaching: A Study of Interlanguage Restructuring by Walenta, Magdalena
On the Verge Between Language and Translation by
Celtic Reiki Seer by Pentecost, Martyn
The Study of Word Stress and Accent: Theories, Methods and Data by
Phonetics by Wayland, Ratree
Phonetics by Wayland, Ratree
Brexit, Language Policy and Linguistic Diversity by Bonotti, Matteo, Mac Giolla Chriost, Diarmait
English Vocabulary Today: Into the 21st Century by Blake, Barry J.
Automatic Syntactic Analysis Based on Selectional Preferences by Gelbukh, Alexander, Calvo, Hiram
See More