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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2002

Internal Difference and Meanings in the Roman de la Rose by Kelly, Douglas
Modernism, Ireland and the Erotics of Memory by Miller, Nicholas Andrew
The Cambridge Introduction to Early American Literature by Elliott, Emory
'Counterfeiting' Shakespeare by Vickers, Brian
The Cambridge Introduction to Early American Literature by Elliott, Emory, Emory, Elliott
Journeys Beyond the Pale: Yiddish Travel Writing in the Modern World by Garrett, Leah V., Wozniak, Paul A., Campbell, Susan M.
The Camera My Mother Gave Me by Kaysen, Susanna
The Harris Family by Johnson, R. M.
The Girl on the Sofa by Fosse, Jon
Shop Talk: A Writer and His Colleagues and Their Work by Roth, Philip
Star Trek Reader's Reference to the Novels: 1980-1983 by Underwood, Alva
Language in the Legal Process by
Language in the Legal Process by
Persuasive Signs: The Semiotics of Advertising by Danesi, Marcel, Beasley, Ron
"Die fünffingrige Hand" by Pasewalck, Silke
This Stubborn Self: Texas Autobiographies by Almon, Bert
After Lacan: Clinical Practice and the Subject of the Unconscious by Cantin, Lucie, Apollon, Willy, Bergeron, Danielle
Making the Great Book of Songs: Compilation and the Author's Craft in Abû I-Faraj Al-Isbahânî's Kitâb Al-Aghânî by Kilpatrick, Hilary
Negotiating Identities by Grice, Helena
The Lights of Home: A Century of Latin American Writers in Paris by Weiss, Jason
Latin America Writes Back: Postmodernity in the Periphery by
The Lights of Home: A Century of Latin American Writers in Paris by Weiss, Jason
Fritz Lang's Metropolis: Cinematic Visions of Technology and Fear by
A Companion to Chaucer by
Geschichte der chinesischen Literatur, Band 2, Der chinesische Roman der ausgehenden Kaiserzeit by Zimmer, Thomas
Margaret Atwood: Works and Impact by
Visiones: Perspectivas Literarias de la Realidad Social Hispana by Coria-Sánchez, Carlos M., Torres, Germán
Science Fiction After 1900: From the Steam Man to the Stars by Landon, Brooks
Mao Zedong as Poet and Revolutionary Leader: Social and Historical Perspectives by Zhang, Chunhou, Vaughan, Edwin C.
The Situation and the Story: The Art of Personal Narrative by Gornick, Vivian
Fairy Godfather: Anglo-American Prophecy in the Age of Revolution by Bottigheimer, Ruth B.
The Gertrude Stein Reader: The Great American Pioneer of Avant-Garde Letters by Kostelanetz, Richard
Eighteenth-Century Fiction on Screen by
The Cambridge Companion to Emily Dickinson by
The Cambridge Companion to Tolstoy by
The Cambridge Companion to Tolstoy by
Weimaraner Weltbewohner: Zur Genese Von Goethes Begriff >Weltliteratur by Koch, Manfred
>Furor Satiricus: Verhandlungen Über Literarische Aggression Im 17. Und 18. Jahrhundert by Deupmann, Christoph
Milton and the Terms of Liberty by
Orwell: Essays: Introduction by John Carey by Orwell, George
The Complete Critical Assembly: The Collected White Dwarf (And GM, and GMI) Sf Review Columns by Langford, David
Analogie und Metapher by Coenen, Hans Georg
Seasons of Unrequited Love by Paris, Mickel A.
The Sunday of Fiction: The Modern French Eccentric by Schulman, Peter
Poetics of Islamic Legitimacy: Myth, Gender, and Ceremony in the Classical Arabic Ode by Stetkevych, Suzanne Pinckney
Beyond the Color Line and the Iron Curtain: Reading Encounters between Black and Red, 1922-1963 by Baldwin, Kate A.
Angelo Camillo Decembrio De politia litteraria by Angelus Decembrius
Götter, Geister und Dämonen by Geisser, Franziska
Religion, Toleration, and British Writing, 1790 1830 by Canuel, Mark
A History of the Spanish Language by Penny, Ralph, Penny, Ralph J.
A Companion to the Victorian Novel by
Petrarca by Küpper, Joachim
Narratives of British Socialism by Ingle, S.
Latin American Perspectives on Globalization: Ethics, Politics, and Alternative Visions by
Narratives of British Socialism by Ingle, S.
Thomas Hardy by
Same-Sex Desire in Victorian Religious Culture by Roden, F.
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak by Morton, Stephen
Aristophanes and the Definition of Comedy by Silk, M. S.
Seneca: Phaedra by Mayer, Roland
Narrative after Deconstruction by Punday, Daniel
Dissenters and Mavericks: Writings about Indian in English, 1765-2000 by Sabin, Margery
The Metre of Beowulf by Getty, Michael
The Chronography of George Synkellos by Synkellos, George
The WritersNet Anthology of Prose: Nonfiction and Children's Literature by Kessler, Gary D.
Fair and Varied Forms: Visual Textuality in Medieval Illustrated Manuscripts by Olson, Mary C.
The WritersNet Anthology of Prose: Nonfiction and Children's Literature by Kessler, Gary D.
Culture, 1922: The Emergence of a Concept by Manganaro, Marc
Constructing Monsters in Shakespeare's Drama and Early Modern Culture by Burnett, Mark Thornton
The Cambridge Companion to Cervantes by
Mortal Remains: Death in Early America by
The Cambridge Companion to Cervantes by Cascardi, Anthony J.
Nonrequired Reading: Prose Pieces by Szymborska, Wisawa, Cavanagh, Clare, Szymborska, Wislawa
Carl Einstein in Documents by Joyce, Conor
Meanwhile: The Critical Writings of Bpnichol by Nichol, BP
The Dark Side of Shakespeare: An Iron-Fisted Romantic in England's Most Perilous Times: Volume I of III by Hess, W. Ron
Democratic Voices and Vistas: American Literature from Emerson to Lanier by Abel, Darrel
The Nascence of American Literature by Abel, Darrel
Multicultural Literature for Children and Young Adults: Reflections on Critical Issues by Cai, Mingshui
Breeze by Latta, John
An Introduction to Shakespeare's Poems by Hyland, Peter
Synge and Irish Nationalism: The Precursor to Revolution by Ritschel, Nelson O'Ceallaigh
Science and Social Science in Bram Stoker's Fiction by Senf, Carol
Breeze by Latta, John
Irish Classics by Kiberd, Declan
Thematic Guide to Popular Short Stories by Smith, Patrick
Her Words: Diverse Voices in Contemporary Appalachian Women's Poetry by Mitchell, Felicia
Books Children Love: A Guide to the Best Children's Literature by Wilson, Elizabeth Laraway
An Introduction to Shakespeare's Poems by Hyland, Peter
The Nascence of American Literature by Abel, Darrel
Democratic Voices and Vistas: American Literature from Emerson to Lanier by Abel, Darrel
George Sandys: Travel, Colonialism and Tolerance in the Seventeenth Century by Ellison, James
Francophone Studies: The Essential Glossary by Majumdar, Margaret
The Question of Literature: The Place of the Literary in Contemporary Theory by
Horror: A Thematic History in Fiction and Film by Jones, Darryl
Kitsch by
Winter Journey by Colegate, Isabel
Euripides: Medea by Allan, William
A Woman in Her Garden: Selected Poems of Dulce Maria Loynaz by Loynaz, Dulce Maria
There Are No Letters Like Yours: The Correspondence of Isabelle de Charrière and Constant d'Hermenches by Charriere, Isabelle De
Arresting Language: From Leibniz to Benjamin by Fenves, Peter
Goddess Natura in Medieval Literature by Economou, George D.
Goddess Natura in Medieval Literature by Economou, George D.
South to a New Place: Region, Literature, Culture by
What is a Book? by Kirby, David
Arresting Language: From Leibniz to Benjamin by Fenves, Peter
Conversations with Erica Jong by
Intersections: Gender, Nation, and Community in Arab Womens Novels by
Face Value: Physiognomical Thought & the Legible Body in by Rivers, Christopher
On Representation by Marin, Louis
Engravings Torn from Insomnia by Orozco, Olga
Engravings Torn from Insomnia by Orozco, Olga
The Collected Poetry of Robinson Jeffers: Vols. I-V, the Complete Set by Jeffers, Robinson
My Friend Hitler: And Other Plays by Mishima, Yukio
The Jewish Pope: Myth, Diaspora and Yiddish Literature by Sherman, Joseph
My Friend Hitler: And Other Plays by Mishima, Yukio
The Road to Science Fiction: From Gilgamesh to Wells by
Literature Circles: Voice and Choice in Book Clubs & Reading Groups by Daniels, Harvey
Black Betty: An Easy Rawlins Novel by Mosley, Walter
A Little Yellow Dog: An Easy Rawlins Novel by Mosley, Walter
Travelling Concepts in the Humanities: A Rough Guide by Bal, Mieke
Speech and Performance in Shakespeare's Sonnets and Plays by Schalkwyk, David
Victorian Modernism by Feldman, Jessica R.
Ethical Joyce by Eide, Marian
A History of the Spanish Language by Penny, Ralph J., Penny, Ralph
The Fugitive Race: Minority Writers Resisting Whiteness by Knadler, Stephen P.
The Common Reader by Woolf, Virginia
Manliness and the Boys' Story Paper in Britain: A Cultural History, 1855-1940 by Boyd, K.
The Cultural Work of the Late Nineteenth-Century Hostess: Annie Adams Fields and Mary Gladstone Drew by Harris, S.
William Blake's Comic Vision by Rawlinson, N.
Manliness and the Boys' Story Paper in Britain: A Cultural History, 1855-1940 by Boyd, K.
Baudelaire's World by Lloyd, Rosemary H.
The Cultural Work of the Late Nineteenth-Century Hostess: Annie Adams Fields and Mary Gladstone Drew by Harris, S.
Eros and Poetry at the Courts of Mary Queen of Scots and James VI by Dunnigan, S.
Transformations of Domesticity in Modern Women's Writing: Homelessness at Home by Foster, T.
The Span of Mainstream and Science Fiction: A Critical Study of a New Literary Genre by Brigg, Peter
Poetry in the Museums of Modernism: Yeats, Pound, Moore, Stein by Paul, Catherine E.
Emblems of Desire: Selections from the Délie of Maurice Scève by
Juedische Autoren Ostmitteleuropas im 20. Jahrhundert: 2., ueberarbeitete Auflage by
Poetry and Politics in the English Renaissance by Norbrook, David
Kleist-Jahrbuch 2002 by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Deutsch-Jüdische Kinder- Und Jugendliteratur: Ein Literaturgeschichtlicher Grundriß by Shavit, Zohar, Völpel, Annegret
Terrorism and Modern Literature: From Joseph Conrad to Ciaran Carson by Houen, Alex
Arthurian Bibliography IV: 1993-1998 Author Listing and Subject Index by
The Numerical Universe of the Gawain-Pearl Poet: Beyond Phi by Condren, Edward I.
Terrorism and Modern Literature: From Joseph Conrad to Ciaran Carson by Houen, Alex
Poetry and Politics in the English Renaissance: Revised Edition by Norbrook, David
King Henry IV Part 1: Third Series by Shakespeare, William
The Early Poems: John Milton: Twentieth Century Perspectives by
Paradise Lost: John Milton: Twentieth Century Perspectives by
The Italian Novella by
Companion to English Renaissance by
Where the Stress Falls: Essays by Sontag, Susan, Sontag
Poetics Before Plato: Interpretation and Authority in Early Greek Theories of Poetry by Ledbetter, Grace M.
Mammon's Music: Literature and Economics in the Age of Milton by Hoxby, Blair
Occidentalism: A Theory of Counter-Discourse in Post-Mao China by Chen, Xiaomei
The Great Code the Bible and Literature by Frye, Northrop
Shakespeare's Romances by Thorne, Alison
Die Kunst des Aufzählens by Mainberger, Sabine
Reading Chekhov: A Critical Journey by Malcolm, Janet
Soledad by Cruz, Angie
Chrétien de Troyes: An Analytic Bibliography: Supplement I by Kelly, Douglas
Medieval Arabic Praise Poetry: Ibn Al-Rumi and the Patron's Redemption by Gruendler, Beatrice
César Vallejo: A Critical Bibliography of Research by Hart, Stephen M., Cornejo Polar, Jorge
Leopoldo Alas [Clarín]: An Annotated Bibliography: Supplement I by Valis, Noël
Jean-François Lyotard by Malpas, Simon
The Metamorphosis of Ovid: From Chaucer to Ted Hughes by Brown, Sarah Annes
Jean-François Lyotard by Malpas, Simon
Incest and the Literary Imagination by
Memory in Literature: From Rousseau to Neuroscience by Nalbantian, S.
Memory in Literature: From Rousseau to Neuroscience by Nalbantian, S.
Romantics and Renegades: The Poetics of Political Reaction by Mahoney, C.
Breathless: Sound Recording, Disembodiment, and the Transformation of Lyrical Nostalgia by Weiss, Allen S.
Conversations with Margaret Walker by
German Literature, Jewish Critics: The Brandeis Symposium by
Recasting German Identity: Culture, Politics, and Literature in the Berlin Republic by
Dialogues: Paragraph Volume 25 Number 3 by
Winter Evening Tales by Hogg, James
The Poetics of Childhood by Natov, Roni
South of Tradition: Essays on African American Literature by Harris, Trudier
Würde im Widerspruch by Schreuder, Saskia
Juden in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters by
The Cambridge Companion to Coleridge by
Eighteenth-Century Fiction and the Law of Property by Schmidgen, Wolfram
The Cambridge Companion to Coleridge by
Elizabethan Rhetoric: Theory and Practice by Mack, Peter
New Essays on Billy Budd by
Poetry as Survival by Orr, Gregory
George Eliot, Music and Victorian Culture by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Reading Shakespeare's Poems in Early Modern England by Roberts, S.
Reading Shakespeare's Poems in Early Modern England by Roberts, S.
Nation-Building, Propaganda, and Literature in Francophone Africa by Thomas, Dominic
George Eliot, Music and Victorian Culture by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Erscheinungsformen höfischer Kultur und ihre Träger im Mittelalter by
Deutsche Kulturpolitik in Italien: Entwicklungen, Instrumente, Perspektiven. Ergebnisse Des Projektes »Italiagermania« by
Säkularisierung in den Wissenschaften seit der Frühen Neuzeit, Band 3, Die Anatomie des Text-Körpers und Natur-Körpers by Danneberg, Lutz
Liber Epodon by Balde, Jakob
Der Kommentar Des Iohannes de Segarellis Zu Senecas 'Hercules Furens': Erstedition Und Analyse by Hafemann, Kerstin
Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources by
Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources: Fascicule VII: N by
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