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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Management in 2015

Guide du Networking pour développer votre clientèle by Maeght, Maxime
Effective Sales Management by Howard, Tamara
Organizations, Strategy and Society: The Orgology of Disorganized Worlds by Durand, Rodolphe
Transnational Corporations and Transnational Governance: The Cost of Crossing Borders in the Global Economy by
Rethinking Interviewing and Personnel Selection by Oliveira, T.
Japan Inc. on the Brink: Institutional Corruption and Agency Failure by Carpenter, S.
Intellectual Property Rights Management: Rookies, Dealers and Strategists by Beukal, K., Alkaersig, L., Reichstein, T.
Knowledge, Networks and Power: The Uppsala School of International Business by
HR in the Boardroom: The HR Professional's Guide to Earning a Place in the C-Suite by Wright, W.
Market Mediations: Semiotic Investigations on Consumers, Objects and Brands by Heilbrunn, B.
The Restructuring of Banks and Financial Systems in the Euro Area and the Financing of SMEs by
Experiences of Emerging Economy Firms by Marinov, Marin
The Rise of Multinationals from Emerging Economies: Achieving a New Balance by
Generation Jobless?: Turning the Youth Unemployment Crisis Into Opportunity by Vogel, P.
International Business and Political Economy by Miroshnik, V., Basu, D.
The Independent Director: The Non-Executive Director's Guide to Effective Board Presence by Brown, G.
Human Capital in the Indian It / Bpo Industry by Pereira, V., Malik, A.
Internet Marketing and Big Data Exploitation by Chaston, I.
Redesigning Manufacturing: Reimagining the Business of Making in the UK by Nielsen, B., Pryce, V., Beverland, M.
Developments in Mean-Variance Efficient Portfolio Selection by Agarwal, M.
Working Time, Knowledge Work and Post-Industrial Society: Unpredictable Work by O'Carroll, A.
Book Publishing Log: Kindle, Createspace, Ebook Publishers by Samuels, Kellie
Three Big Words: Engaged Employees, Loyal Customers by Ray, Stevie
Phenomenology of the Embodied Organization: The Contribution of Merleau-Ponty for Organizational Studies and Practice by Küpers, W.
Twenty-Two Ways to Develop Leadership in Staff Managers by Eichinger, Robert W., Lombardo, Michael M.
Inside-Out: The Practice of Resilience by Hansen, Sven
Prospects and Challenges of Free Trade Agreements: Unlocking Business Opportunities in Gulf Co-Operation Council (Gcc) Markets by Roxas, Banjo, Rogmans, Tim, Chadee, Doren
Risk and Crisis Management in the Public Sector by Drennan, Lynn T., McConnell, Allan, Stark, Alastair
Risk and Crisis Management in the Public Sector by Drennan, Lynn T., McConnell, Allan, Stark, Alastair
Business Policies and Procedures Sampler by
Chess and the Art of Enterprise Architecture by Wierda, Gerben
Boston Tea Party by Ioane, Michael
Bricks & Mortar Oughta: What Real World Businesses Can Learn from the Internet by Hayes, John W.
The Calm Before The Sale: Calm-Driven Selling Secrets of a Successful Car Salesperson by Tikhonravova, Katia, Khan, Shaheed
Commercial Real Estate Teams Built to Dominate by Santomassimo, Rod
The New Influencing Toolkit: Capabilities for Communicating with Influence by Baker, T.
7 Common Sense Factors to Avoid Being a Stupid Leader by Gibbs, Tommy
Classics of Organization Theory by Ott, J., Jang, Yong, Shafritz, Jay
The Changing Faces of Employment Relations: Global, Comparative and Theoretical Perspectives by Farnham, David
A Short Guide to Climate Change Risk by Arnell, Nigel
Freelance It: Geschäftsbeziehungen Mit Ungenutztem Potenzial by Weidner, Christa
Managerial Economics: Tools for Analyzing Business Strategy by Webster, Thomas J.
Leading with Heart: Faith-Filled Thoughts on Leadership by Hensley, Ken
The Fast Facilitator: 76 Reproducible Facilitator Activities and Interventions Covering Essential Skills, Group Processes, and Creative Tech by Landale, Anthony, Douglas, Mica
25 Reproducible Sales Strategies and Activities by Garber, Peter R.
675 Reproducible Ways To Develop Yourself And Your People: Strategies, ideas, and activities for self-development and learning in the workplace by Alexander, Laurel
How to Make a Million in Nursing: The First 5 Steps by John-Nwankwo Rn, Msn Jane
Luxury Essentials: Essential Insights and Strategies to Manage Luxury Products by Heil (Ph D), Oliver P., Langer, Daniel a.
The Small Business Start-Up Workbook: A Step-By-Step Guide to Successful Small Business Ownership by Torr, Mark a.
Sustainable Urban Supply Chain Management by Asefeso McIps Mba, Ade
Become Your Own Boss in 12 Months: A Month-By-Month Guide to a Business That Works by Emerson, Melinda
Hire Without Recruitment Agencies: Develop your own recruitment strategy to hire the talent that your business needs by Walsh, Mark James
Small Business Lending Fund: Investment Decision Process for the Small Business Lending Fund May 13, 2011 by Office of the Inspector General Departme
State Small Business Initiative: California Needs to Improve Its Oversight of Programs Participating in the State Small Business Credit Initiative by Office of the Inspector General Departme
State Small Business Credit Initiative: Vermont's Use of Federal Funds for Capital Access and Credit Support Programs November 30, 2012 by Office of the Inspector General Departme
State Small Business Credit Initiative: Michigan's Use of Federal Funds for Capital Access and Credit Support Programs November 30, 2012 by Office of the Inspector General Departme
Small Business Lending Fund: Reported SBLF Program Accomplishments Are Misleading Without Additional Reporting by Office of the Inspector General Departme
State Small Business Credit Initiative: Kansas? Use of Federal Funds for Other Credit Support Programs by Office of the Inspector General Departme
State Small Business Credit Initiative: Florida's Use of Federal Funds for Capital Access and Other Credit Support Programs by Office of the Inspector General Departme
State Small Business Credit Initiative: Illinois' Use of Federal Funds for Capital Access and Other Credit Support Programs by Office of the Inspector General Departme
State Small Business Credit Initiative: American Samoa's Administrative Expenses and Reporting by Office of the Inspector General Departme
Small Business Lending Fund: Survey of Small Business Lending Fund Participants on Use of Program Funds, Repayment Plans, and Satisfaction with Tre by Office of the Inspector General Departme
State Small Business Credit Initiative: North Carolina's Use of Federal Funds for Capital Access and Other Credit Support Programs by Office of the Inspector General Departme
State Small Business Credit Initiative: Idaho's Use of Federal Funds for its Collateral Support Program by Office of Inspector General
Small Business Lending Fund: Soundness of Investment Decisions Regarding Early-Entry Institutions into the SBLF Program by Office of the Inspector General Deparmen
State Small Business Credit Initiative: Montana's Use of Funds Received from the State Small Business Credit Initiative by Office of the Inspector General Departme
State Small Business Credit Initiative: Massachusetts? Use of Federal Funds for Capital Access and Other Credit Support Programs by Office of the Inspector General Departme
State Small Business Credit Initiative: Missouri's Use of Federal Funds for Other Credit Support Programs by Office of the Inspector General Departme
State Small Business Credit Initiative: Indiana's Use of Federal Funds for Other Credit Support Programs by Office of the Inspector General Departme
Start Your Own Business Today!: Your Guide to Investing in a Business with Guaranteed Success by White, Jeff
Cash on Demand: How to Make Money Doing What You Love To Do by Smith, Alexander
Step-Up Your Business!: Boost Your Sales in a Matter of Days by McKinley, Laura
Save on Professional Fees, Plan Events Yourself: A Quick-How to on Planning Like a Pro by Smith, Linda
Convert Your Cozy Home Into a Money-Making Factory: Tips on Starting Your Own Profitable Home Business by Hall, Nancy
Dropping Almonds by Anon, Bach
Volkswirtschaftliche Aspekte einer Fußball-WM. Erfahrungen der Weltmeisterschaften in Deutschland 2006 und Südafrika 2010 by Beyer, Christian, Bitzer, Lisa, Rosen, Paul
Systemic Flexibility and Business Agility by
The global-local paradox in international advertising. Can marketing really be international? by Liessem, Christina
Work-Life Balance Maßnahmen als Instrument zur Steigerung des affektiven Commitments der Beschäftigten in öffentlichen Apotheken by Käding, Dagmar
Ist Viral Marketing planbar? Eine praxisorientierte Untersuchung der Erfolgsfaktoren von Viral Marketing by Vogt, Matthias
Vermarktung von Sportevents. Qualitative Analyse am Beispiel des Golfturniers "Am/Am" by Still, Stefan
Lebensphasenorientierte Personalentwicklung: Abschlussarbeit eines 1-jährigen Lehrgangs Executive Management by Wenger-Stockhammer, Clara
Meeting the Job Challenges of Nonprofit Leaders: A Fieldbook on Strategies and Action by Menon, Pavitra, Lobell, Jean, Sikka, Mohan
New to B2B: A New Sales Hunter's Guide to Finding and Selling New Business by Zimmerman, James Robert
Five Reasons Why Your Organization Fails (Or Will Fail) to Reach its Stated Goals: The problem is apparent. The solution is simple. But has it occurre by Walia, Chetan
How to Build an Effective Business Team: Training People to Recognize Their Strengths and Potentials by Thompson, James
Standardization in International Marketing strategy: doomed to failure or successful strategy? by Liessem, Christina
Interkulturalität als Herausforderung der Marktforschung by Ackermann, Matthias
Grundzüge und Charakteristika einer lernenden Organisation by Hoffmann, Sten
Begleitung einer GmbH-Gründung by Schäfer, Stefan
Teamentwicklung als Methode der Personalentwicklung by Still, Stefan
Commodity Marketing: Konzeptionelle Grundlagen und empirische Belege by Beger, Katharina
Polizei im Fokus der Informationstechnologie: Bedeutung der ICT für Polizeikorps by Frei, Daniel
Business Chameleon: A Practical Guide to Success for Managers by Károlyi, László
Essentials of Service Design and Innovation - 4th Edition: Developing high-value service businesses with PCN Analysis by Sampson, Scott E.
Otherwise Engaged: How Leaders Can Get a Firmer Grip on Employee Engagement and Other Key Intangibles by Guaspari, John
How to Think Like Sir Alex Ferguson: The Business of Winning and Managing Success by Hughes, Damian
2015 Business Plan by Mindala, Thomas
100+ Management Models: How to Understand and Apply the World's Most Powerful Business Tools by Trompenaars, Fons, Coebergh, Piet Hein
Ninja Innovation by Shapiro, Gary
The Connected Company by Gray, Dave, Wal, Thomas Vander
What More Can I Say?: Why Communication Fails and What to Do About It by Booher, Dianna
Impact Of Human Resource Management On Academic Performance by Wanyonyi Kadian, Nassiuma Dankit, Zakayo Charles
The Power of Thanks: How Social Recognition Empowers Employees and Creates a Best Place to Work by Mosley, Eric, Irvine, Derek
Integrated Reporting als Trend in der externen Berichterstattung: Bedarfsanalyse sowie mögliche Umsetzung im Mittelstand by Lachnit, Maximilian
Small Business: Access to Capital and Job Creation by Dilger, Robert Jay
Driven to Distraction at Work: How to Focus and Be More Productive by Hallowell, Ned
Managed Futures im Portfoliomanagement by König, Reinhard
Strategisches Management: Hintergrund und Praxistauglichkeit gängiger Managementmodelle by Konz, Peter
The Essential Manager: How to Thrive in the Global Information Jungle by Cortada, James W.
How to Deal with Difficult People: Smart Tactics for Overcoming the Problem People in Your Life by Hasson, Gill
Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement als Führungsaufgabe: Im Fokus: Der transformationale Führungsstil by Paul, Carolin
Zeitarbeit. Ausbeute oder Chance für den Zeitarbeitnehmer by Prinz, Britta
Zur Profilierung im Wettbewerb mit Hilfe des Retail Branding: Ziele, Gestaltungsansätze, Wirkungen auf das Kaufverhalten und Erfolgsvoraussetzungen au by Kömhoff, Julia
Marketing and Distribution of New Food Supplement Products in the East European Market. A Business Plan: How Food Supplements are Part of Our Daily Li by Dinstl, Oliver
Mitarbeiterbindung. Ein zentraler Schlüssel zum Unternehmenserfolg by Belsch, Sergej
Word of Mouth-Strategien im Marketing und deren Erfolgswirkung by Fries, Jennifer
Spartenübergreifende Segmentierung von Vertriebspartnern zur wertorientierten Vertriebssteuerung: Eine Analyse der Talanx AG im deutschen Maklermarkt by Klaus, Regina
Die Integration haptischer Elemente in Printmedien und deren Einfluss auf die Markenwahrnehmung by Buckstege, Ines
Big Data. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Data Mining im Dialogmarketing by Löwenstrom, Alisa Laura
Innovation Clusters by Pavelka, Teresa
Conversation Skills For Beginners: Effective Communication Strategies to Improve Your Social Skills and Being Able to Talk and Connect with Anyone by Blake, Dale
Driftology: How to Access Life's Greatest Opportunities by flying on the WINGS of others by Kalungu-Banda, Martin
Bad Virus. Pandemien und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Wirtschaft by Boerse, Jan-Hendrik, Grimmelt, André, Schröder, Birgit
Ökonomische Analyse von europäischen und amerikanischen Sportligasystemen. Ist eine Annäherung sinnvoll? by Bienias, David
Driftology: How to Access Life's Greatest Opportunities by flying on the WINGS of others by Kalungu-Banda, Martin
Leiðtogi á neyðarstund: Leið stjórnandans í gegnum áföll by Olafsson, Gisli Rafn
Vom E-Commerce lernen. RFID und Smartphone als Konversionsoptimierer im stationären Modehandel by Dorn, Niklas
The Mentee's Guide to Mentoring by Cohen, Norman H.
Operations Management by
Kanzleikooperationen in Steuerberatung Und Wirtschaftsprüfung: Eine Empirische Analyse Von Coopetition-Modellen ALS Strategische Gestaltungsoption Des by Wollgarten, Stephan
Essentialism in Business For Beginners: Determine Essential Things in Your Business and Get Rid of Things That Waste Your Time and Money by Blake, Dale
Startup Business Guide For Beginners: Manual on How to Start and Build an Awesome Company, Find Business Partners and Invest in Startups by Blake, Dale
Können Instrumente des Betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagements Vorteile im War of Talents bringen? by Grünheid, Stefanie
International Maritime Business. Comparison of the German and the Greek maritime clusters by Stockfisch, Hans-Christian
Target Costing in der Sozialwirtschaft: Die Übertragung des Target Costing Ansatzes in sozialwirtschaftliche Arbeitsfelder by Pulm, Axel
Strategisches Verhalten von Unternehmen: Ausgewählte theoretische Aspekte by Diering, Fabian
Die Wirkung von Netzwerkeffekten in sozialen Netzen by Ludewig, Mandy
Die Rolle radikaler Innovationen für das Wachstum junger Technologieunternehmen by Drews, Fabian
Evaluation von Personalentwicklungs- und Motivationsinstrumenten in kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen (KMU) vor dem Hintergrund des demo by Kopper, Marcel
The Intellectual Salesman: The Difference that Makes the Difference in Sales by Delgado, Jeff
Ik ben een Direct Verantwoordelijke: Een 21e eeuws bedrijf managen by Mantels, Carlo
Die Reform der Vergütung im öffentlichen Dienst. Verdrängung von eigener Motivation durch leistungsorientierte Bezahlung? by Callsen, Elisa
The Process of Investigation: Concepts and Strategies for Investigators in the Private Sector by Tsukayama, John, Sennewald, Charles A.
Facebook: Ein sozialer Paradigmenwechsel? by Wegmann, Carina
Eine kritische Betrachtung der Einführung einer Frauenquote unter dem Aspekt von Diversity Management by Spendlingwimmer, Daniela
Per Gesetz in die Führungsetage? Stärken und Schwächen einer gesetzlichen Frauenquote in Deutschland by Junghanns, Katja
Die systematische Technisierung der Lagertechnik by Putz, Katharina
Strategisches Management in der unternehmerischen Krise by Krachler, Helga
Handbuch Beratungskompetenz: Mit Übungen Zur Entwicklung Von Beratungsfertigkeiten in Bildung Und Beruf by Schulz, William E., Ertelt, Bernd-Joachim
Bankmagazin - Jahrgang 2012: Für Führungskräfte Der Finanzwirtschaft by
Erfolgsplanung Kmu: Souveräne Unternehmensführung Durch Systemische Erneuerung Ein Instrument Für Die PRAXIS by Pelz, Bernd F., Mahlmann, Regina
Generation Resource Management: Nachhaltige Hr-Konzepte Im Demografischen Wandel by Rimser, Markus
Kapitalmarktorientierte Konzernbewertung by Schirmer, Ulrike
Personalentwicklung Kmu: Innovationen Durch Praxiserprobte Konzepte by Stiefel, Rolf Th
Blue Ocean Consulting: 25 Skills Every Consultant Should Absolutely Master by Nzeutem, Francis
Crazy Impact: Making Your Greatest Contribution by Justus, Rick, Martin, Monique, Colman, Allan
Die externe Kommunikation und Imagebildung von Nonprofit-Organisationen: Am Beispiel der Universitätsmedizin Charité Berlin by Gehrmann, Kira
Crazy Impact: Making Your Greatest Contribution by Colman, Allan
Business Analysis Book of Mentors: 25 Lessons Learned from Seasoned BA Professionals by Vincent, Sandee, Barrett, David
Business Model Innovation: Introduction to Implementation by Teng, Michael
Extremmarketing als neuer Ansatz in der Kommunikationspolitik - Einordnung, Anwendung und Potential by Kindler, Katharina
Cultural Differences in FMCG Marketing in the German and the Indian Market by Raj, Rawel
The Startup Survival System?: How Your Startup Can Survive and Thrive In The First 2 Years of Business by Won, Kurt H.
Change Management for Managers: The No Waffle Guide To Managing Change In The Workplace by Palmer, Louise
A Sale Is A Love Affair: Seduce, Engage & Win Customers' Hearts by Vincent, Jack
Power Principles: 12 Great Affirmations for Leaders by Harbour II, Michael H.
Thriving on Adaptability: Best Practices for Knowledge Workers by Swenson, Keith D.
The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership: A New Paradigm for Sustainable Success by Klemp, Kaley, Dethmer, Jim, Chapman, Diana
The Entrepreneur: The Way Back for the U.S. Economy by Ringer, Robert
Emociones en empresas de familia: Gestión de las emociones by Press, Eduardo
Methodik der Unternehmensbewertung. Evaluierungsansätze subjektiver Werttreiber als Instrument der gesamtheitlichen Bewertung: Insbesondere vor dem Hi by Hügle, Hannes C.
Applied Principles of Operations Management by
Interaktion Von Produkt- Und Dienstleistungsinnovationen: Eine Analyse Der Wechselwirkungen in Industrieunternehmen by Lerch, Christian
Einführung Unternehmenskultur: Grundlagen, Perspektiven, Konsequenzen by Bauschke, Rafael, Hofmann, Laila Maija, Homma, Norbert
Das Mitarbeitergespräch: Praktische Grundlagen Für Erfolgreiche Führungsarbeit by Neuberger, Oswald
Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Business Intelligence im operativen Controlling by Handler, Christian
Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Volkswirtschaften: Indexbildung und Ratingverfahren by Würtz, Manuel
Der Einfluss von Megatrends auf die deutsche Versicherungswirtschaft by Lülsdorf, Thomas
Intellectual Shamans: Management Academics Making a Difference by Waddock, Sandra
TTIP, das transatlantische Freihandelsabkommen. Analyse weltwirtschaftlicher Faktoren und Veränderungsprozesse im Technologie-, Nahrungsmittel-, Finan by Wilkens, Frank
Der Karriereweg von Frauen ins Management in deutschen KMU by Mayer, Stephanie
Mastering Account Management: 102 Steps for Increasing Sales, Serving Your Customers Better, and Working Less by Englander, Dan
Smart Money: Consigue financiacion para tu empresa de forma inteligente by Martin, Javier
Lebensphasenspezifische Work-Life-Balance im Rahmen von Corporate Social Responsibility: Eine empirische Studie by Jaitschko, Luise
Social Media Nutzung zur Beschaffung externen Wissens in Organisationen by Peter, Laura
Ausgesuchte Erfolgsfaktoren des Eventmarketings by Albrecht, Jana
Einflussfaktoren zur Optimierung des Leistungspotenzials von Sachbearbeitern in der Dienstleistungsbranche: Im Hinblick auf Arbeitsplatz- und Pausenge by Elser, Niklas
Just Manage It! The YOU Factor: If You Cannot Manage Yourself You Cannot Manage Others by McCormack, Colm
Analyse und Beurteilung von Jahresabschlüssen landwirtschaftlicher Kreditnehmer by Lindemann, Lukas
The Institutional Development of Business Schools by
Will the Real You Please Stand Up: Show Up, Be Authentic, and Prosper in Social Media by Garst, Kim
The Reality Test: Still Relying on Strategy? by Rowland Smith, Robert
Personalrecht: Eine Praxisorientierte Einführung by Wien, Andreas, Franzke, Normen
Write Your Business Plan: Get Your Plan in Place and Your Business Off the Ground by Media, The Staff of Entrepreneur
Winning at Innovation: The A-To-F Model by Kotler, Philip
Forschungsfeld Gastronomie: Grundlagen - Einstellungen - Konsumenten by
Lösungen Zum Lehrbuch Angewandtes Rechnungswesen: Detaillierte T-Konten Und Rechenwege by Wesselmann, Carsten
Will the Real You Please Stand Up: Show Up, Be Authentic, and Prosper in Social Media by Garst, Kim
Quick Guide VII - A Top-notch, Sales-Relationships, Account Management Template by Burr Phd, Paul C.
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