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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Marketing in 2014

Breaking Through: Implementing Disruptive Customer Centricity by Vandermerwe, S.
Real Luxury: How Luxury Brands Can Create Value for the Long Term by Pinkhasov, M., Nair, R.
Why Marketing to Women Doesn't Work: Using Market Segmentation to Understand Consumer Needs by Darroch, J.
Predictive Analytics, Data Mining and Big Data: Myths, Misconceptions and Methods by Finlay, S.
The Luxury Market in Brazil: Market Opportunities and Potential by Diniz, C.
The Brand Strategist's Guide to Desire: How to Give Consumers What They Actually Want by Simpson, A.
The Trend Management Toolkit: A Practical Guide to the Future by Kjaer, A.
How to Create Your Social Media Roadmap: A Small Business Workbook for 2015 by Brown, Deborah Chaddock
The Power of Customer Misbehavior: Drive Growth and Innovation by Learning from Your Customers by Fisher, M., Abbott, M.
How to Measure Digital Marketing: Metrics for Assessing Impact and Designing Success by Flores, L.
360 Degrees of Success: Money, Relationships, Energy, Time: The 4 Essential Ingredients to Create Personal and Professional Success in Your Li by Weber, Ana
How To Build Network Marketing Leaders Volume One: Step-by-Step Creation of MLM Professionals by Schreiter, Tom Big Al
360 Degrees of Success: Money, Relationships, Energy, Time: The 4 Essential Ingredients to Create Personal and Professional Success in Your Li by Weber, Ana
Building Brand [You] by Woolley, Cyndee L.
Cold Calling Techniques (That Really Work!) by Schiffman, Stephan
The Four Color Personalities: The Secret Language For Network Marketing by Schreiter, Tom Big Al
Rebel MLM: No B.S. Guide to Attracting High Quality Prospects and Sponsoring More Reps with Almost NO Rejections by Williams, Richard
Ressorts Im Zeitalter Von Medienwandel Und Boulevardjournalismus: Themenwahl ALS Qualitätskriterium by Rankl, Dagmar
Vermarktung Von Sportveranstaltungen: Entwicklung Eines Erfolgsmodells Am Beispiel Des Münster-Marathons by Schlepper, Felicitas
The Nonprofit Guide to Social Enterprise: Show Me The (Unrestricted) Money! by McCuistion, Niki Nicastro, Block, Jean
The Nonprofit Guide to Social Enterprise: Show Me the (Unrestricted) Money! by Block, Jean, McCuistion, Niki Nicastro
Praktische Preis- Und Konditionenpolitik: Sicher Kalkulieren, Flexibel Steuern, Rentabel Gestalten by Kailing, Valentin
Online Marketing Blueprint: How to Position Your Business for Success in the New Digital Era by Cain, D. Patrick, Nelson, Damon
Vender es apasionante by Aragon, Edgardo
Complete Library of Entrepreneurial Wisdom: Business & Personal Growth by Marks, Ginger, Documeant Designs
The Definitive Guide to Corporate Explainer Video by Angus, Andrew, McKibbon, Heather
The 2.0 Entrepreneur: 20+ Marketing Strategies for Growing Your Business Both Off and Online by Corbett, Bill
Building Your Brand: A Practical Guide for Nonprofit Organizations by Levy, Michele
Power Branding: Leveraging the Success of the World's Best Brands by McKee, Steve
Dental Marketing: 20 Things Every Dentist Should Know About Dental Marketing by Bailey, Claude W., III
Romancing the Brand: How Brands Create Strong, Intimate Relationships with Consumers by Halloran, Tim
What Great Brands Do by Yohn, Denise Lee
Dental Marketing Motto: The Secret Recipe To Grow Referrals by Guye, Phillip, Preston, Joseph
Brandmarketing: Exemplarische Darstellung der Entwicklungs- und Nachhaltigkeitsanforderungen an eine neue Marke in der Gesundheitsbranche by Schönhuber, Annette
Whisper Marketing: The Secret Restaurant Formula by Bryant, Ronald F.
Cause Related Marketing: Grundlagen - Erfolgsfaktoren - Praxisbeispiele by Stumpf, Marcus, Teufl, Iris
Customers for Life: Tips, Techniques and Strategies for Growing ANY Business Even In the Toughest Economy by Carson, Brian
Wine and Identity: Branding, Heritage, Terroir by
How to Turn Dust into Diamonds by Oreck, David
42 Rules for Building a High-Velocity Inside Sales Team: Actionable Guide to Creating Inside Sales Teams That Deliver Quantum Results by Harmon, Lori L., Funk, Debbi S.
Restaurant Basics Revisited: Why Guests Don't Come Back ... and What You Can Do About It by Marvin, Bill
How To Make The Internet Work For You: Surprisingly Simple Ways to Turn Clicks into Local Clients - An Essential Guide for Getting More Clients by Usi by Hawthorn, William H.
10 Fundraising Ideas to Help People with Disabilities by Wells, Lisa
Social Media und Personalrecruiting: Erfolgreiches Employer Branding im Web 2.0 by Beule, Vanessa
Double-Voicing at Work: Power, Gender and Linguistic Expertise by Baxter, J.
Double-Voicing at Work: Power, Gender and Linguistic Expertise by Baxter, J.
Zielgruppen Im Konsumentenmarketing: Segmentierungsansätze - Trends - Umsetzung by
Marketing Analytics: Data-Driven Techniques with Microsoft Excel by Winston, Wayne L.
Geschickt platziert: Product Placement als Werbeform by Sprengnagel, Danielle
Auswirkungen von Preisaktionen auf das Markenimage eines Herstellers: Erklärungsansätze, Problembereiche und korrespondierende Lösungsansätze by Kahlbau, Frederik
Semiotics, Marketing and Communication: Beneath the Signs, the Strategies by Floch, J.
How to Create a Trade Mark, Protect it and Build your Brand: Liam Birkett by Liam M. Birkett
How to Create a Trade Mark, Protect it and Build your Brand by Birkett, Liam
This Little Piggy Went Marketing: Simple Easy Marketing Concepts For Effectively Increasing Your Impact & Income by waters, Alicia
Analyse des Meinungsführerkonzeptes im Kontext sozialer Netzwerke: Marketingkooperation mit Beauty- und Lifestylebloggern by Zimmermann, Nicole
Brand Management and Marketing of Luxury Goods by Scholz, Lucie
The ROI of Pricing: Measuring the Impact and Making the Business Case by
Markenidentitätsmodelle: Analyse Und Bewertung Von Ansätzen Zur Erfassung Der Markenidentität by Radtke, Bernd
Playday To Payday: Networking and Schmoozing While Caribbean Cruising! by Lewis, Carolyn Ann, Lewis, C. Mike, Beal, Tom
Flirtonomics: How to Attract, Date and Love your Customers on Social Media by Campman, Marc
Aktuelle Erkenntnisse der Hirnforschung und Implikationen für die Werbegestaltung by Ziegner, Jennifer
Marken Und Sport: Aktuelle Aspekte Der Markenführung Im Sport Und Mit Sport by
Crisis Tales: Five Rules for Coping with Crises in Business, Politics, and Life by Davis, Lanny J.
Celebrity, Inc. by Piazza, Jo
The Ultimate Business Card: Promoting Your Business Through Authorship by Broyton, Norene
Repped: 30 Days to a Better Online Reputation by Beal, Andy
Instrumente des Hochschulmarketings: Handlungsempfehlungen für Unternehmen für das Rekrutieren von qualifizierten Fach- und Führungskräften by Hillenhagen, Janina
Wertorientiertes Marketing Und Human Resource Management: Marken Und Mitarbeiter ALS Treiber Des Unternehmenswerts by Vomberg, Arnd
The ROI of Pricing: Measuring the Impact and Making the Business Case by
Who Gets Funds from China's Capital Market?: A Micro View of China's Economy Via Case Studies on Listed Chinese SMEs by Wang, Jiazhuo G., Yang, Juan
Marketing Strategies and Strategic Marketing: Marketing in Action by Enyioko, Newman Chintuwa
Customers Inside, Customers Outside: Designing and Succeeding With Enterprise Customer-Centricity Concepts, Practices, and Applications by Lowenstein, Michael W.
The Conversion Machine by Holen, Miles, Overstreet, Logan, Lukic, Marko
Light Manufacturing in Vietnam: Creating Jobs and Prosperity in a Middle-Income Economy by Dinh, Hinh T., Hang, Pham Thi Thu
Consumer Demographics and Behaviour: Markets Are People by Martins, Jo M., Yusuf, Farhat, Swanson, David A.
Erfolgsmessbarkeit von Marketingaktivitäten by Beger, Katharina
Star Gates: Your Passage to Inbound Marketing by Crawford, James
Vertrieb Im Industriegütergeschäft Aus Anbietersicht: Untersuchung Erfolgskritischer Faktoren Nach Geschäftstypen by Weibel, Michael
Assignment Preispolitik. Methoden der Preisgestaltung by Landfried, Stefan
Online Marketing and its critical success factors by Maingi, Katie
The impact of product packaging on consumers' value perception: Does packaging enable retailers to take premium pricing with their retailer brand prem by Breetz, Christoph
Viral Marketing Campaigning: Production, Dispersion and Qualitative Assessment of a Viral YouTube Video by Rang, Timo Wilhelm
What Great Brands Know: Unleash Your Right-Brain Genius to Stand Out and Make Customers Care by Carlson, Tracy
Moderne Konzepte Des Organisationalen Marketing: Modern Concepts of Organisational Marketing by
The Direct Mail Solution: A Business Owner's Guide to Building a Lead-Generating, Sales-Driving, Money-Making Direct-Mail Campaign by Simpson, Craig, Kennedy, Dan S.
Crossing the Chasm, 3rd Edition: Marketing and Selling Disruptive Products to Mainstream Customers by Moore, Geoffrey A.
Global Multilingual Seo: Including Sem, Ppc, Smo and Usability by Spinner, Ron
The Blueprints Marketing Guide for Accountants, Tax Professionals and CPAs: Explode your practice with new clients -- in one year or less! Rapidly Bui by Hirsch, Randolph M.
Empathisch kommunizieren und verkaufen: Das Geheimnis kundenorientierter Kommunikation by Härtel, Martin
Der Kongress Tanzt: Begeisternde Veranstaltungen, Tagungen, Konferenzen Ein Plädoyer Und Praxisbuch by
Kommunikationskriterien bei der Gestaltung einer Website von öffentlichen Verwaltungen by Höhfurtner, Phillip, Kiss, Balazs
Die Ästhetik von Webseiten und Konsumentenverhalten by Schwertfeger, Stephan
Рынок ценных бумаг Росси by &#1057. &#1047.&#1052&#1086&#1096&#1077&#1085&#1089&#1082&#1
Рынок ценных бумаг Росси by &#1057. &#1047.&#1052&#1086&#1096&#1077&#1085&#1089&#1082&#1
SEC Regulations Whitepaper - Public Relations / Social Media / Marketing: Understand the SEC regulations as it pertains to Public Relations, Social Me by Goldstein, Bree
Fashion Branding and Consumer Behaviors: Scientific Models by
Invisible Marketing for Attorneys by Danzig, William, Danzig, Sheila
Handbook of Research on Management of Cultural Products: E-Relationship Marketing and Accessibility Perspectives by
Networking Magic: How to Find Connections That Transform Your Life by Lublin, Jill, Frishman, Rick
Bounded Rationality and Industrial Organization by Spiegler, Ran, Currall, Steven Christian
Media and Revolt: Strategies and Performances from the 1960s to the Present by
Scientific Advertising by Hopkins, Claude
Marketing luxury and fashion through Bollywood by de Techtermann, Maxime
Difference: The one-page method for reimagining your business and reinventing your marketing by Jiwa, Bernadette
Marketing Sparkcharts: Volume 38 by Sparknotes, Sparknotes
Facing The Camera: A Guide To Being Interviewed by Lawrence, Edward
Marketing Plan & Advertising Strategy To Reach 1,000,000 People: Learn to reach 1,000,000 people with your marketing by Genadinik, Alex
Affiliate Marketing: Factors Influencing Conversion Rates by Uhlig, Marc
Criteria and Measures of Customer Satisfactions by Behzion Hadi, Baghishani Mostafa
Viral Marketing in Social Media: Planung, Seeding und Steuerung by Brüser, Ralf
Neue Medien als Mittel der Unternehmenskommunikation: Möglichkeiten der kommerziellen Nutzung sozialer Netzwerke für Unternehmen by Schneider, Vanessa
The Political Economy of City Branding by Anttiroiko, Ari-Veikko
Formen von Verkaufsförderungsaktionen im Marketing-Mix des Einzelhandels by Groß, Christian
Fair Trade - Eine alternative Beschaffungsstrategie by Kuritz, Dirk
Praxismarketing. Vermarktung von medizinischen Dienstleistungen: Am Beispiel der "PRAXIS-diesportstrategen" by Urbanczyk, Elisabeth
Konzeptionelle Ansätze zur Ermittlung der optimalen Preiskomplexität by Rademacher, Clemens
Affiliate-Marketing als ergänzendes Instrument des Vertriebs: Ziele, Gestaltungsoptionen, Problembereiche und korrespondierende Lösungsansätze by Ehrhardt, Carolin
Risiken und Barrieren im offenen Innovationsmodell by Eichler, Julian
Beschwerdemanagement by Klomann, Iris
Beautifying Your Bottom Line: Putting the Ahhh into Marketing Your Med Spa by Downes, Ed
Making sense of social media ROI: A short guide focused on sales, marketing and strategy by Marco-Serrano, F.
Poles Apart - Challenges for Business in the Digital Age by Baucherel, Kate
Interaktionsqualität Im Technologietransfer: Theoretischer Ansatz, Empirische Untersuchung Und Implikationen by Lohmann, Stefanie
Effect of Training on Employees' Performance in Nigerian Banking Industry by Olagunju, Mary Mofoluwake
How to Work with A Digital Marketing Agency by Bawab, Hassan
Effect of Training on Employees' Performance in Nigerian Banking Industry by Olagunju, Mary Mofoluwake
Produktdifferenzierung als Instrument zur Steigerung der Attraktivität von Smart Meter by Sanlitürk, Mustafa
Build It and They Won't Come: Unless You Use These Simple Strategies & Take Control of Your Marketing by Chechik, Jason
How to Work with a Digital Marketing Agency by Bawab, Hassan
Die Ästhetik von Webseiten und Konsumentenverhalten by Schwertfeger, Stephan
Scientific Advertising by Hopkins, Claude
Wettbewerberanalyse. Ziele, Methoden und Beispiele by Vogt, Simon
Food advertising to children: A critical evaluation of public, governmental and corporate responsibilities in Germany by Hallmann, Anna Lena
Google+ Business Basics: The Jargon-Free Guide to Simple Google+ Marketing Success by Love, Lewis
Alumni-Netzwerke - Oxford University vs. FH-Flensburg by Herbst, Christiane
Die Zukunft des Marketing ist mobil! Grundlagen, Voraussetzungen und Instrumente des Mobile Marketing by Meyer, Nicole
Winning with the News Media: A Self-Defense Manual When You're the Story by Jones, Clarence
The 60-Second Sales Hook: How To Stand Out And Sell More Using the Power Of Your Story by Rogers, Kevin
Professionelles Guerilla-Marketing: Grundlagen - Instrumente - Controlling by Hoffmann, Stefan, Hutter, Katharina
Die Nutzung von Investor-Relations-Instrumenten in der Kommunikation mit Privataktionären.: Mit einer empirischen Studie der 30-DAX- und der 21-ATX-Ak by Neustädter, Gerhard
Handelsmarken im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel by Krause, Lea, Z, Sitan, P, Olaf
Conversion Marketing: Convert Website Visitors to Buyers by Heathman, Bryan
Happy R.A.V.I.N.G. Customers!: Six Powerful Steps to Grow Your Business with Exceptional Customer Experience by Buehrens, Carol
Chasing Cool: Standing Out in Today's Cluttered Marketplace by Pressman, Gene, Kerner, Noah
Marketing Plan for Costa Coffee by Joe, Maingi
Bury Al Arab. Marketing Research Report by Morgan, Kathy
Scripte und Rollenverhalten als Determinanten erfolgreicher Service Encounter by Feindler, Marco
Innovation Acceptance: The Case of Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems by Planing, Patrick
Network Marketing als Geschäftsidee. Theoretische Grundlagen und deren Umsetzung: Im Rahmen eines ausgewählten Gründungsprojektes im Bereich Wellness by Schulze, Jessika
14 Ways To Market Your Book Like A Bestselling Author by Fortson, Dante
Kategorisierungseffekte: Eine Verhaltenswissenschaftliche Analyse Der Wirkung Von Sortimentskategorisierungen Auf Den Auswahlprozess Für Komple by Krengel, Martin
Ziele und Umsetzung von Markenstrategien by Weber, Sophie
Marketing plan and Strategy for the Relaunch of Massey Fergusson's Forage Harvester by Javaid Et Al, Junaid
Broadband as a Video Platform: Strategies for Africa by
Revenue Management Aus Der Kundenperspektive: Grundlagen, Problemfelder Und Lösungsstrategien by
Resurgence by Carpenter, Gregory S.
Social Marketing: No Money No Experience No Problem by Braun, Clif
Social Media - Die Macht der Internetforen in der Caravanbranche: Eine Analyse der Relevanz und des Nutzungsverhaltens von Endkunden by Hass, Jan
The future of inflight entertainment in Europe, according to passenger expectations: How the airline industry should embrace, and not fear, consumer t by Schawalder, Jasmin
Innovationsprozesse Und Organisationaler Wandel in Der Automobilindustrie: Eine Prozesssoziologische Analyse Betrieblicher Machtproben by Frerichs, Melanie
Preispolitik: Ein Einführendes Lehr- Und Übungsbuch by Battenfeld, Dirk, Olbrich, Rainer
Outrageous Network Marketing: MLM Success by Baeza, J. M.
Meeting and Event Planning Playbook: Meeting Planning Fundamentals by Losurdo, Susan, Scholar, Debi
Opportunities and Challenges for Applied Demography in the 21st Century by
Realign Your Practice: The Chiropractor's Guide to Masterful Marketing, Happier Patients, and Bigger Profits by Whittier, Stephen
Modelling Value: Selected Papers of the 1st International Conference on Value Chain Management by
Chase One Rabbit: Strategic Marketing for Business Success: 63 Tips, Techniques and Tales for Creative Entrepreneurs by Parrish, David
Strategic Alliances: Creating Growth Opportunities in the International Market: Towards a Global Village by Herjervic, Mark
Toward a Metatheory of Economic Bubbles: Socio-Political and Cultural Perspectives by Dholakia, N., Turcan, Robert
Funny Marketing Affected Soft Drink Companies by Watson, W. Robert
Strategic Sport Marketing Plan for Australian Institute of Sport by James, Richard
Unternehmenskommunikation heute: Einsatz von Social Media im B2B-Bereich by Barfknecht, Kerstin
Toward a Metatheory of Economic Bubbles: Socio-Political and Cultural Perspectives by Dholakia, N., Turcan, Robert
Social Media Monitoring in der Automobilbranche am Beispiel des deutschen Marktes. Status quo by Koblitz, Korbinian
International Marketing. Theory of capturing Japans market by Niedenführ, Patrick
Veränderungen des Weiterempfehlungsverhaltens durch Web 2.0-Anwendungen by Gonschior, Mark
Using Ambidexterity to Achieve Service Excellence: A Practical Example of Vodafone in the German Telecommunication Market by Ditzel, Alexander
Facebook. Die Internetplattform stellt sich vor by Niedenführ, Patrick
Online Shopping Habits and Consumer Behavior: A Study on Consumer Behavior and E-tailing by Guruswamy, Murali
Marktzutrittsentscheidung im Rahmen einer Produktdiversifikation, dargestellt an einem mittelständischen Zulieferer der Automobilindustrie by Ubben, Christian
Brand and Talent by Keohane, Kevin
Advertising Transformed: The New Rules for the Digital Age by Van Dyck, Fons
Marketing and Consumption in Modern Japan by Usui, Kazuo
Marketing im Kontext existenzieller Unternehmenskrisen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Bankensektors: Möglichkeiten, Grenzen, Handlungsempfehlun by Zühr, Benjamin
Marketing- und Kommunikationskonzept für Internet Start-Up Unternehmen: Mit der richtigen Strategie zum erfolgreichen Markteintritt by Kargl, Urs
Der Einfluss von Product Placement auf das Konsumverhalten von Filmzuschauern: Eine Studie by Savicic, Aleksandra
Obstructive Marketing: Restricting Distribution of Products and Services in the Age of Asymmetric Warfare by Hyslop, Maitland
Telesales Secrets: A Guide To Selling On The Phone by Simonsen, Claes
Creativity Research: An Inter-Disciplinary and Multi-Disciplinary Research Handbook by
Brand Cre-Activity: Wie Erfolgreiche Marken Träge Gehirne Gegen Den Strich Bürsten by Thinius, Jochen
Ice Breakers: How To Get Any Prospect to Beg You for a Presentation by Schreiter, Tom Big Al
Tweening the Girl: The Crystallization of the Tween Market by Coulter, Natalie
Sales Savvy: Top Ten Communication Lists by Jerus, Robert G.
Luxuspreissetzung in der Theorie und Implikationen für die Praxis by Klein, Christopher
Harnessing the Power of Social Media and Web Analytics by
Interactive Decision AIDS in E-Commerce by Pfeiffer, Jella
Marketing: ¿Para qué?: Aprenda a Ganar (y Retener) Clientes by Vera, Daniel Favio
Market and Sell Books: A My Guide by Richmond, Rebecca, Pickering, Claire
Instrumente des Onlinemarketings: Eine kritische Analyse by Liebers, Christian
Swag: How to Choose and Use Promotional Products for Marketing Your Business by Thorne, Heidi
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