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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Marketing in 2014

National Brands and Private Labels in Retailing: First International Symposium Nb&pl, Barcelona, June 2014 by
Wissenschaftliche Analyse des BMW Kundenmagazins auf Grundlage des Corporate Publishing by Gnoss, Sascha
Kundenbindung im E-Commerce by Böhme, Markus
Effects of the co-branding strategy in the luxury industry on Chinese consumers by Cheramy, Lucy
How to Build a FREE SALES FORCE: and produce a LIFETIME of RECURRING REFERRALS by Allen, Kathleen S.
Entwicklung und Gestaltung von Markennamen unter Berücksichtigung der psychologischen Wirkung by Lanig, Peter
Radical REVENUE: The Truth About Why Attorneys, Doctors, Dentists, Therapists + Other Solo Practitioners NEED Leverageable, Scalable, O by Jamison VanderLugt Esq, Tiphanie
Guida al Mercato Africano: Trova i migliori partner commerciali in Africa by Honla, Jean-Pierre
Puma: Der erfolgreiche Wandel zur Life-Style-Marke by Selzer, Sebastian
Strategic Marketing by Ring Phd, Lawrence J., Mooradian Phd, Todd a., Matzler Phd, Kurt
Showmanship: The Cinema of William Castle by Jordan, Joe
Handbook of Research on Effective Marketing in Contemporary Globalism by
Strategic Marketing in Fragile Economic Conditions by
Brand Management in Emerging Markets: Theories and Practices by
La pyramide des besoins de Maslow: Pourquoi faut-il comprendre les besoins du client ? by Pierre Pichère, 50minutes
La Gestalt: Psychologie de la forme by Nicolas Crombez, 50minutes
Le marketing mix: Les 4 P du marketing by 50minutes, Morgane Kubicki
Die Anwendung partizipativer Preismechanismen im Internet: Ein Vergleich von Pay-What-You-Want (PWYW) und Name-Your-Own-Price (NYOP) am Beispiel der M by Gumprecht, Patrick
Grow Your Profits: Online Marketing Secrets That Really Work by Kattan, Hanan
Predictive Analytics, Data Mining and Big Data: Myths, Misconceptions and Methods by Finlay, S.
Werbekommunikation: Entwurf Einer Kommunikationswissenschaftlichen Theorie Der Werbung by Borchers, Nils S.
Remarkability #1: You're Not Invisible Don't Let Your Brand Be Either by Rockey-Johnson, Ginger
The Author's Guide to Marketing: Make a Plan That Attracts More Readers and Sells More Books (You May Even Enjoy It) by Jusino, Beth
Life's a Pitch: Learn the Proven Formula That Has Sold Over $1 Billion in Products by Circosta, Bob
Markenidentität und deren Messung nach Esch by Becker, Barbara
Market Like You Mean It: Engage Customers, Create Brand Believers, and Gain Fans for Everything You Sell by Lautenslager, Al
The Life Science Executive's Fundraising Manifesto: Best Practices for Identifying Capital in the Biotech and Medtech Arenas by Ford, Dennis
Behavioral Targeting: Identifizierung verhaltensorientierter Zielgruppen im Rahmen der Online-Werbung by Kopp, Gisela
Die Erfolgspotentiale von Pop-Up-Stores: Modellentwicklung und empirische Überprüfung anhand von Erfolgsfaktoren by Gursch, Francesca
Why Marketing to Women Doesn't Work: Using Market Segmentation to Understand Consumer Needs by Darroch, J.
Unstoppable Referrals: 10x Referrals Half the Effort by Gordon, Steve
Social Commerce: Strategieentwicklung im E-Commerce zur Nutzung der Social Media Potentiale in deutschen Handelsunternehmen anhand der by Krenz, Matthias
Die Mediaplanung. Inhalt, Bedeutung, Beispiele by Menzel, Oliver
Marketing Review St. Gallen - Jahrgang 2013: Marketingfachzeitschrift Für Theorie Und PRAXIS by
Strategies to put the Trend of "Mobile Moments" in the US consumers' mind by Bischoff, Ann-Christine
Ziele und Instrumente des Marketings von Non-Profit-Organisationen by Wachter, Andrea
Nation Branding. Ein kommunikatives Phänomen und seine Bedeutung by Lüß, Gesa
Interactive Marketing: Revolution or Rhetoric? by Miles, Christopher
Public Trust in Business by
Marketing Big Oil: Brand Lessons from the World's Largest Companies by Robinson, M.
Marketing Big Oil: Brand Lessons from the World's Largest Companies by Robinson, M.
Multicultural Perspectives in Customer Behaviour by
The Evolution of Integrated Marketing Communications: The Customer-Driven Marketplace by
Markenerlebnisse und Events zur Kundenbindung by Pawlow, Karina
Die alternde Gesellschaft im Spiegel der Werbung: Zu geschlechtsspezifischen Altersinszenierungen in der aktuellen Werbelandschaft by Grabarek, Eliza
Nischenshops im Onlinehandel: Erfolgsfaktoren by Liebig, Peggy
Remuneration Strategy and Policy for "Dove" House by Jung, Anna
Service Marketing in Ghana: A Customer Relationship Management Approach by Hinson, Robert, Kuada, John
Deskriptive Analyse und Bewertung der Preispolitik von Software-as-a-Service-Anbietern im B2B-Markt by Ellenberg, Johannes
The Education of an Adman by Burriesci, Bob
Einführung in die Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO) und -Marketing (SEM): Mit dem Schwerpunkt Google by Weber, Holger
Breaking the Bank with Amazon Kindle - How to Create a Kindle Bestseller in 6 Simple Steps by Walker, Eugene
Family-friendly Certification of Enterprises: Marketing Hype or Real Change? by Blomeier, Janine
The Military and Public Relations - Issues, Strategies and Challenges by Adache, Col (Rtd) John
Brand Mascots: And Other Marketing Animals by
Marktpotentiale und Perspektiven für europäische Unternehmen in Zentralasien: Dargestellt am Beispiel des Tourismus in der Mongolei by Draba, Jennifer
Online Marketing - The Shark Attack by Moskel, Dan
77 Powerful Methods to Get More Kindle eBook Sales by Guberti, Marc
Darstellung der Markt- und Kundensegmentierung mit praktischen Ansätzen hinsichtlich Unternehmensneu- und Existenzgründungen by Jahnke, Danilo
Konzeption einer Kundenzufriedenheitsanalyse am Beispiel des Unternehmens XYZ AG, Bereich X by Strutz, Geraldine
Where the Air is Wine: A Case Study of Sonoma County Wine Tourism by Mozell, Michelle
Customer Experience: It's Not That Easy: Customer Experience Programs for B2B Companies by Bunn, Harry F.
Regressionsanalyse Mit SPSS by Schendera, Christian Fg
Imagetransfer durch Kommunikation. Voraussetzungen, Mechanismen, Beispiele by Menzel, Oliver
Sportkonsum in Deutschland: Empirische Analysen Zur Allokation Von Zeit Und Geld Für Sport by Alfs, Christian
The Marketing Concept of FC Bayern Munich. Emotionality as Driver of Success by Ackermann, Matthias
Nescafé. A Marketing analysis by Cherry, Kelvin
The Quintessence of Marketing: What You Really Need to Know to Manage Your Marketing Activities by Opresnik, Marc, Bickhoff, Nils, Hollensen, Svend
Aaker on Branding: 20 Principles That Drive Success by Aaker, David
Die Bedeutung des Kulturtourismus für eine touristische Destination. Dargestellt am Beispiel der Stadt Zwickau by Eberlein, Anne
Aaker on Branding: 20 Principles That Drive Success by Aaker, David
Olympic Games Ceremonies. An Event Management Perspective: The Branding of a City by Jossifakis, John
Optimierung der Conversion-Rate: Erfolgreicher Verkauf im Web durch überzeugende Strategien by Brick, Ellen
An Investigation of Customers' Behavior and Subtle Luxury Market Evolution in China: Proposal for CSR in China by Molly, Kelvin
Marketing Outside the Box by Hristomirova, K.
Global Sport Marketing: Contemporary Issues and Practice by
Zielgruppensegmentierung im Marketing: Ziele, Konzept und Umsetzung by Niermann, Nicole
The Role of Ethics in Advertising and the Effects of Social Media by Almutairi, Majed
Internet Marketing Tips-Let by Simmons, Catherine
Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. III): Current Insights and Future Trends by
Customer Knowledge Management: Leveraging Soft Skills to Improve Customer Focus by Sain, Soumit, Wilde, Silvio
Die Wahl der Marktbearbeitungsstrategien im internationalen Handel, am Beispiel der Mode- und Bekleidungsindustrie by Soare, Alexander
Making Mediation Your Day Job: How to Market Your ADR Business Using Mediation Principles You Already Know by Lenski, Tammy
Quantitative Marketing and Marketing Management: Marketing Models and Methods in Theory and Practice by
How to Create Lifetime Customers: Leverage the Marketing Power of the Internet & Mobile Technology to Quickly Get New Customers, Have Them Spend More by May, Suresh
Customer Empowerment by
Stadtmarketing - Darstellung und Vergleich von Marketingkonzeptionen und Strategieansätzen am Beispiel der HafenCity Hamburg by Soare, Alexander
Win & Wow: Public Relations Secrets for Everyday Success by Hays, Betsy A., Terhune, Tori Randolph
Loyalitätswirkung Des Geschenkten Bevorzugten Kundenstatus: Eine Theoretische Und Empirisch-Experimentelle Analyse by Steinhoff, Lena
Erfolgreiches Social Media für Kunstgalerien by Valentin, Charlotte
Is marketing the source of "Blue Ocean" strategies?: The limited value of "Blue Ocean" strategies in strategic debates of companies by Kennedy, Barrack
Stampede: How I Get 300 to 500 hits on my Amazon Book Page Everyday! by Taaffe, Gary
Gabler Lexikon Marketing by
Rising Star Ambush Marketing: Wege zur erfolgreichen Kommunikationsstrategie by Johannsen, Sören
Social Recruiting und Employer Branding unter Einbezug der Mitarbeiter der ING-DiBa by Sander, Christian, Köllnberger, Jan, Wiederkehr, Viktor
Premium!: How Experts Just Like You Are Charging Premium Rates For What They Know And You Can Too! by Cuesta, Rob
Kundenbindung an Hochschulen mit Hilfe von Alumniorganisationen: Am Beispiel von AKADalumni e.V. by Huke, Jens
BrandFace: Be the Face of Your Business & a Star in Your Industry. by Eberhart, Tonya
Grundlagen Der Varianzanalyse: Konzeption - Durchführung - Auswertung by Meyer, Frederik, Lenzen, Michael, Huber, Frank
Future of Food Business, The: The Facts, the Impacts and the Acts (2nd Edition) by Neves, Marcos Fava
Online-Self-Assessments als Instrument des Personalmarketings: Vergleichende Betrachtung und Ableitung einer Stärken-/ Schwächenanalyse by Olbrück, Nina
Nicht alles ist Gold was glänzt - Die Bedeutung des Verpackungsdesigns für die Kaufentscheidung am Beispiel von Lippenstiften: Eine empirische Studie by Choi, Melanie Ji-Young
Guerilla Marketing als kreative Marketingmaßnahme: Einsatzpotenziale des Guerilla Marketing in KMU by Pieper, Tobias
Getting Past the Gatekeeper: Inside Secrets, Simple Tips and Proven Strategies for Getting Your Foot in the Door with the Most Hard-to-Reach Major by Muth Psd, Chuck
Möglichkeiten der Marktsegmentierung: Am Beispiel der Meckatzer Löwenbräu - Benedikt Weiß KG by Schlaich, Klaus
Explaining Effective Marketing in Contemporary Globalism: An Exponential Tutorial by Oguejiofor, Kelechikwu Emmanuel
The Ultimate Kindle Marketing Guide: The Best Collection of Marketing Tactics to Boost Your Sales by Hofstee, Timo
Amazon Reviews Exposed: The Truth about Amazon Reviews by Hofstee, Timo
Press Release Power by Clifford, Paul
Marktorientiertes Innovationsmanagement: Marketingstrategien zur Unterstützung des Innovationsmanagements by Lettfuß, Timo
Der Einfluss Des Kundenverhaltens Auf Die Kundenzufriedenheit: Eine Untersuchung Des Kundenkontakts Aus Der Anforderungen-Ressourcen Perspektive by Bednarek, Marei
Handbuch Marktforschung: Methoden - Anwendungen - Praxisbeispiele by
The Only Mindset Book You'll Ever Need for Network Marketing Success: It's NOT your Attitude - It's your Mindset! by Williams, David
Social Media Strategie: So werden Sie zum Enterprise 2.0 by Schreiter, Salome
6 Simple Steps to 6 Figures for the Solo Service Professional: How to Create Your Lifestyle Business Based on Your Passion for Serving Others by Forest, Mba Alicia
6 Simple Steps to 6 Figures for the Solo Service Professional: How to Create Your Lifestyle Business Based on Your Passion for Serving Others by Forest, Mba Alicia
Strategic Pricing for the Arts by Rushton, Michael
Engaging Customers Using Big Data: How Marketing Analytics Are Transforming Business by Sathi, Arvind
Strategic Pricing for the Arts by Rushton, Michael
Social media marketing brand ROI by V, Ananthanarayanan
Marketing and Management Models: A Guide to Understanding and Using Business Models by Strong, Helen
Context Business: Neue Umsatzpotenziale Durch Kontextualisierung by Mayer, Ansgar
Emerging Research on Islamic Marketing and Tourism in the Global Economy by
Marketing the Green School: Form, Function, and the Future by
Social Media Marketing für Unternehmen: Chancen und Herausforderungen sowie Handlungsempfehlungen für den Umgang mit dem Web 2.0 by Etzel, Simon
The Discourse of Online Consumer Reviews by Vásquez, Camilla
Effective Advertising Strategies for Your Business by Li, Cong
Csr Und Brand Management: Marken Nachhaltig Führen by
Digital Marketing Strategies and Social Media Marketing: Strategic use of Digital Technology in Marketing by Sudhakar, Paul T.
Stand Out: 7 Steps to Self-Publishing a Book That Will Build Your Profile, Promote Your Business and Make You Stand Out from the Crowd by Hanrahan, Michael
How to Use MailChimp for Beginners: The Indie Author's Guide to Email Marketing by Netherlund, Adam
The Marketing Performance Blueprint: Strategies and Technologies to Build and Measure Business Success by Roetzer, Paul
Brand Shift: The Future of Brands and Marketing by Shapiro, Owen, Houle, David
Erlebnisorientierung als Erfolgsfaktor zur Differenzierung by Anonym
Social Media an Hochschulen by Tischler, Ann-Kristine
Subliminal Advertising and External Stimuli: A Theoretical Framework by Sofi Shakeel Ahmad
Anleihen Von Fußballunternehmen in Deutschland: Finanzierung Im Spannungsfeld Von Emotionaler Bindung Und Rendite by Hasler, Peter Thilo
What The Doctor Orders: What Every Healthcare Professional NEEDS to Know about Marketing to Physicians by Boles, Jean, Manns, Howard
The Marketing Handbook for Financial Advisors: A Concise, Actionable Guide for Marketing Your Practice by Jackson, Jeremy
Click Here: The Quick-Study Guide to Internet Marketing by Yuthas, Maryann Zarlengo
Place Branding Through Phases of the Image: Balancing Image and Substance by Zavattaro, S.
Place Branding Through Phases of the Image: Balancing Image and Substance by Zavattaro, S.
Strategien der Kundenbindung im Zeitschriftenverlagsgeschäft by Lach, Adam
Green the Crowd. Communicating Sustainability through Open Air Music Festivals by Hillmer, Franziska
Brainshopping. Entwicklung von Erfolgskriterien für die neuronale Gestaltung von Supermärkten: Implikationen des Neuromarketing für den Lebensmittelei by Schäfer, Anna-Lena
Creating Freedom: What You Need to Know to be Successful in Network Marketing by MacDonald, Deborah
Media Training: A Guide to Giving Great Interviews by Herrera, Tim
Wissensgenerierung in Value Netzwerken: Empirische Betrachtung Der Photovoltaik Aus Der Sozialen Netzwerkperspektive by Banaszak, Marc
Brand Management in the Age of Digitalization: How to Manage Brand Related User Generated Content in Times of the Web 2.0 by Niesing, Eva
Grundlagen des Change Managements. Begriffe und Bestandteile by Rockel, Michael
Kundenbindung im Retail Banking by Sander, Christian, Köllnberger, Jan, Wiederkehr, Viktor
Persuasive Writing for Business: How to Write Proposals, Letters, Emails and Other Business Communications to Influence, Impress and Persuade by Forsyth, Patrick
Attract your ideal customer: A workbook for making more money by Germanos, Mark Anthony
Public Speaking: Simple Steps to Improve Your Skills by Herrera, Tim
Impact of Facebook Usage on Students Academic Performance by Bedassa, Fromsa
Transform by Tracy, Brian, Nanton, Nick Esq, Dicks, Jw Esq
Making Rain with Events: Engage Your Tribe, Create Raving Fans and Deliver Bottom Line Results with Event Marketing by Hayden, Tim, Danzinger, Frannie, Lacagnina, Shawn
The Bare Bones Book of Online Marketing: Organic Seo, Google Adwords Ppc, Sem & Social Media for Business by Clark, Joshua
Der Wert der Werbung in der digitalen Welt: Wie verändert die Digitalisierung den Wert der Werbung? by Topcu, Tugba Ceren
Decision Making in Marketing and Finance: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Solving Complex Organizational Problems by Koku, P.
Corporate Social Responsibility Und Die Kaufentscheidung Der Konsumenten by Schleer, Christoph
Decision Making in Marketing and Finance: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Solving Complex Organizational Problems by Koku, P.
The Secret to Profitable Business Ideas by Williams, Dexx
Neuromarketing. Erkenntnisse und Auswirkungen auf das Marketing by Hundschell, Christina
Duft in der Werbung by Rempel, Katharina Lisette
Employer Branding als Fachkräftesicherung im Generationenwandel: Best Practice Ansätze zur Neuausrichtung der Unternehmenskultur by Berg, Elmar
ZinMarketing Winery Email Marketing Report: How to Increase Direct-to-Consumer Sales Using Email Marketing by Tarr, Mitch
The Vetrosexual - Fashion's Most Important New Shopper by Easters Daniel J., Ajimal Laurence
Kundencontrolling: Instrumente für ein ertragswertorientiertes Kundenbeziehungsmanagement by Kuttnig, Christina
Alternative Investments in Wealth Management: A Comprehensive Study of the Central and East European Market by Sokolowska, Ewelina
Customer IMPACT Agenda: Doing Business from the Customer's Perspective by Winters, Phil
Grab Success by the Horns - The proven Proactive Approach by Siskind, Barry, Siskind, Barbara
Secrets Of Non-Suck Marketing: "How To Skyrocket Your Sales & Profits By Implementing Proven Marketing Strategies" by Peppar, Jayson the Profit-Doctor
Credit Risk Management - The Novel: Part One by Wells, Ron
Growing Up Fast: How New Agile Practices Can Move Marketing And Innovation Past The Old Business Stalemates by Fann, Kevin, Kaykas-Wolff, Jascha
Did You Say Marketing Digital?: Where? Facebook, Google, Twitter? by Santos, Paula Silva
Winning Global Markets: How Businesses Invest and Prosper in the World's High-Growth Cities by Kotler, Philip, Kotler, Milton
Jugendmarketing im Sparkassensektor: Marketingansätze unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Sparkassen-SchulService by Iversen, Janine
Eastern European Perspectives on the Development of Public Relations: Other Voices by
Eastern European Perspectives on the Development of Public Relations: Other Voices by
Politik - PR - Persuasion: Strukturen, Funktionen Und Wirkungen Politischer Öffentlichkeitsarbeit by
Kreativwirtschaft. Was müssen Städte bieten, um für die kreative Klasse attraktiv zu sein? by Anonym
Bedarf-, Nachfrage- und Kaufverbund. Die Systematisierung von Verbundbeziehungen und touristische Dienstleistungen by Lach, Adam
Shopper Marketing and the Role of In-Store Marketing by
Field Guide to Case Study Research in Business-To-Business Marketing and Purchasing by
Top-Down- Und Bottom-Up-Ansätze Im Innovationsmanagement: Managerverhalten Und Funktionsübergreifende Zusammenarbeit ALS Innovationstreiber by Totzauer, Florian
Ausgewählte Websites deutscher Billig-Flieger im Vergleich by Huckenbeck, Kristin
Kommunikation und Markenmanagement in der Musikindustrie: Social Media als Erfolgsgarant oder überschätztes Wundermittel? by Bräunig, Kai
Making People Pay (Routledge Revivals) by Rock, Paul
Home Made Money: Jobs Without Borders by Moore, Richelle
Die Sicherung der Verlässlichkeit im Nachhaltigkeitsmarketing durch Kooperationen by Richter, Jonas
Competition and Marketing Strategies in the Pharmaceutical Industry (RLE Marketing) by St P. Slatter, Stuart
Masters of Advertising Copy (RLE Marketing) by
Strategien der Kinderwerbung by Bayraktar, Gülcin Naz
Bierwerbung in Deutschland und Russland: Eine Analyse der Werbesprache by E, Hoffmann
Opposed Marketing: How To Double Your Business In 3 Months By Doing The Opposite Of Everybody Else by Miller, Mitchell J.
Handbuch Markenführung: Kompendium Zum Erfolgreichen Markenmanagement. Strategien - Instrumente - Erfahrungen by
Programmiertes Lehrbuch Der Investitionsrechnung by
Marketing Mit Farben: Gelb Wie Der Frosch by Küthe, Erich, Küthe, Fabian
5 Step Marketing Plan: A Sales and Marketing Strategy for Small Business by James, Violet
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