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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Marketing in 2014

Der Einfluss von Buchrezensionen auf den Buchabsatz: Eine empirische Analyse by Haller, Daniel
Erfolgs- und Misserfolgsfaktoren von Nachhaltigkeits-Marketing bei Fast Moving Consumer Goods by Staschke, Gina Maria
Ultimate Guide To Network Marketing: How to double your income, work part time and become financially independent by Sloan, Nathan
Understanding Markets and Strategy: How to Exploit Markets for Sustainable Business Growth by Morley, Malcolm
Technology Distribution Channels: Understanding and Managing Channels to Market by Dent, Julian
Zielgruppe Kosmopolit. Darstellung und praktische Relevanz by Block, Ann-Kristin
Real Luxury: How Luxury Brands Can Create Value for the Long Term by Pinkhasov, M., Nair, R.
Product Placement. Kategorisierung, Ziele und Wirkungsweise by Ottmüller, Florian
Image-Werbung. Das Cowboy-Image in der Printwerbung von Marlboro by Frauenknecht, Lena
Online Second-Hand Shopping. Threat or Opportunity for Branded Products? by Brake, Daria
Mode als Markenprodukt. Definitionen und Funktionen by Ruhland, Andrea
Marketing- und Vertriebskennzahlen und das Balanced-Scorecard-Konzept by Zöllner, David
Online Marketing Sorted! by Nkwocha, Kizzi
Kundenzufriedenheit. Definition, Entstehung, Stellenwert by Strutz, Geraldine
Ansätze zur Messung der Kundenzufriedenheit. Objektives und subjektives Verfahren by Strutz, Geraldine
Das Internet als Vertriebskanal für Neuwagen: Chancen und Risiken für Hersteller, Händler und Kunden by Schiller, Dominik
Email Marketing Mastery Made Easy for Marketers by Stewart, Keith
Facebook Marketing Guide for Beginners: How to Earn Money While Facebook- King by Murphy, Steven
Buzz-Marketing by Bell, Sascha
Ein Quasiexperiment. Die Multitaskingfähigkeit junger gebildeter Zielgruppen by Donat, Simon
Beziehungsmanagement als Instrument der Kundenbindung by Schmidt, Kerstin
Visual Merchandising. Die Konzeption eines Stores am Beispiel der Luxusmarke Louis Vuitton by Bänder, Beate
The History of Marketing Science by
Die aktuelle und zukünftige Bedeutung der Marke in der Modebranche by Ruhland, Andrea
The History of Marketing Science by
Gamification - engage customers in your business.: The hottest marketing trend in 2014 by Borowski, Benjamin
Kunst und Markt: Vermarktungsmöglichkeiten von Produkten bildender Kunst im Zeitalter des Internets by Pochlopien, Katarzyna
Kosten- und Nutzenaspekte von Kunden- oder Bonuskarten by Blickle, Nina
Kundenbindung. Begriff und Instrumente by Schmidt, Kerstin
Medienbezogene Effekte Von Product Placement: Theoretische Konzeption Und Empirische Analyse by Rathmann, Peggy
Public Trust in Business by
Asking the Right Questions: 24 Questionnaires that Worked! by Corder, Lloyd E.
Market Research Methodologies: Multi-Method and Qualitative Approaches by
Digitales Dialogmarketing: Grundlagen, Strategien, Instrumente by
Morality and the Market (Routledge Revivals): Consumer Pressure for Corporate Accountability by Smith, N. Craig
Sales & Marketing Policies and Procedures Manual by
All Thumbs: Mobile Marketing That Works by Kelley, M.
Die Bedeutung Von Musik Für Die Gestaltung Von Markenpersönlichkeit by Flecker, Johannes
Inbound Marketing, Revised and Updated: Attract, Engage, and Delight Customers Online by Halligan, Brian, Shah, Dharmesh
The Business of Yoga: A Step-by-Step Guide for Marketing and Maximizing Profits for Yoga Studios and Instructors by Conrad, Casey, Vanes, Howard
Social Networks and the Economics of Sports by
Shopping Environments 3.0: Die Customer Journey im Zeitalter mobiler, digitaler und sozialer Mediennutzung by
The Visible Expert by Harr, Elizabeth, Montgomery, Sylvia S., Frederiksen, Lee W.
Promote Yourself by Schawbel, Dan
Einweiserorientierung Von Krankenhäusern: Messung Der Einweiserpräferenzen Mittels Einer Internetbasierten Conjoint Analyse by Leining, Ines
Journalismus Und Public Relations: Theoriegeschichte Zweier Weltgesellschaftlicher Errungenschaften by Rühl, Manfred
Social Media Marketing für Unternehmen. Eine Erfolgsstrategie? by Scheerer, Eveline, Löhr, Thomas, Kremer, Christian
Marketingstrategien im Profifußball am Beispiel von Borussia Dortmund by Falkenberg, Martin
Instrumente für ein erfolgreiches Marketing in Social Networks by Adamek, Kim Nadine
Start playing games with my brand: Die kommunikationspsychologischen Erfolgsfaktoren von Advergames by Bernhardt, Nancy
Co-Branding: Fit Factors between Partner Brands by Zickermann, Peter
Sales Secrets For Product Managers: Tips &Techniques For Product Managers To Better Understand How To Sell Their Product by Anderson, Jim
Renewable Referrals: How to Cultivate More Profits by Stec, Jeff, Dechambeau, Debbie, Perry, Ray L.
Get content, get customer. Der Einsatz von Content Marketing im Web 2.0 by Raudies, Thorsten
Leadership Communication: How Leaders Communicate and How Communicators Lead in the Today's Global Enterprise by Harrison, E. Bruce, Mühlberg, Judith
Leadership Communication: How Leaders Communicate and How Communicators Lead in the Today's Global Enterprise by Harrison, E. Bruce, Mühlberg, Judith
Social Media Marketing: Mastering The Power of Online Networking (Large Print Edition) by Powers, Daniel
Marketing For Local Business Owners: Official Training Guide by Beachum, Chris, Beachum, Tim
Realtime Advertising: Digitales Marketing in Echtzeit: Strategien, Konzepte Und Perspektiven by
Bruce King and I by Edlund, Sofia
Event Marketing: Using Mobile Massage To Get More Clients Into Your Massage Practice by Caraballo Lmt, Luisa Berardi
How To Market Your Home Staging Business - The Ultimate Guide: To Building A Successful Home Staging Business So That You Can Finally Turn Your Passio by Raphael, Fabienne
Click Here!: How To Attract, Convert & Transform Strangers Into Customers by Droz, Dan
The Value of Water: A Compendium of Essays by Smart CEOs by Coalition, Value of Water, Roa Phd, Donna Vincent
Nailing It!: The Ultimate Guide for the Ultimate Sales Machine in getting Ultimate New Patients by Liguori, Michael
Vom Fußballer zum Testimonial: Leistungskriterien von Bundesliga-Testimonials by Kittelmann, David
Market definition and analysis of Pepsi-Cola by Pommer, Benjamin
Benchmarking bei Kultureinrichtungen am Beispiel von Museen by Pommerenk, Ruth
Direktvermarktung von Lebensmitteln: Marketingkonzepte in der landwirtschaftlichen Direktvermarktung von Milch am Beispiel Mecklenburg-Vorpommern by Kerber, Josef
Ethno-Marketing: Wettbewerbsvorteile durch kulturelle Vielfalt im Zielgruppenverständnis von in Deutschland lebenden Migranten by Lindt, Timo
Start Your Dream Business Today! Must-Know Strategies to Launch a Successful Business (And Tips To Keep It Running!): Revised Second Edition by Pedron, Biba
Islamkonforme Versicherungsprodukte: Vermarktung Des Takāful-Modells in Deutschland by Evens, Ramona
How do Retailers Adjust Prices?: Evidence from Store-Level Data by Federal Trade Commission
Website-Gestaltung, SEO & Usability als Anforderungen an einen erfolgreichen Internetauftritt: Optimierungsempfehlungen anhand praktischer Anwendungsb by Huckenbeck, Kristin
Hello, My Name Is Awesome: How to Create Brand Names That Stick [16 Pt Large Print Edition] by Watkins, Alexandra
Grab Success by the Horns - The proven Proactive Approach by Siskind, Barbara, Siskind, Barry
The Branding of Polaroid by Giambarba, Paul
The Basics Of Elevated Marketing Off The Grid: A Mini Handbook Introductory Guide To Basic Non-linear Conscious Marketing Concepts To Elevate Your Inc by waters, Alicia
Global Content Marketing: How to Create Great Content, Reach More Customers, and Build a Worldwide Marketing Strategy That Works by Didner, Pam
Tourism in Latin America: Cases of Success by
Export Strategy: Markets and Competition (RLE Marketing) by Piercy, Nigel
Marketing Budgeting (RLE Marketing): A Political and Organisational Model by Piercy, Nigel
Industrial Advertising Copy (RLE Marketing) by Lockwood, R. Bigelow
Marketing Organisation (RLE Marketing) by Piercy, Nigel
Industrial Marketing Research (RLE Marketing): Management and Technique by Stacey, Nicholas, Wilson, Aubrey
The Marketing Environment (RLE Marketing) by Dawson, John A.
Corporate Innovation (RLE Marketing): Marketing and Strategy by Foxall, Gordon
Marketing in Developing Countries (RLE Marketing) by
Managing Marketing Information (RLE Marketing) by Piercy, Nigel, Evans, Martin
Organization and Marketing (RLE Marketing) by Spillard, Peter
Adding Value (RLE Marketing): Brands and Marketing in Food and Drink by
Tourism Marketing and Management in the Caribbean (RLE Marketing) by
The Rise and Fall of Mass Marketing (RLE Marketing) by
Advertising for Account Holders (RLE Marketing) by Linacre, Nigel
The Early Advertising Scene (RLE Marketing) by Leachman, Harden B.
Innovation and New Product Marketing by Midgley, David F.
Marketing in Perspective (RLE Marketing) by Majaro, Simon
Strategic Marketing Management (RLE Marketing) by Foxall, Gordon
Imagebildung in der Werbung am Beipiel von EDEKA by Parplies, Marajka
Evaluating the effect of switching barriers in the Ghanian mobile telecommunication industry by Olou, Luc
Entwicklung und Gestaltung von Markennamen unter Berücksichtigung der psychologischen Wirkung by Peter, Lanig
Hot Seat Conversations ...: Get Noticed, Get Tips, Get Going by Hartunian Smith, Carrie
Die Nutzung Von Marktforschungsinformationen: Eine Empirische Untersuchung Zur Bedeutung Der Unternehmensmarktforschung by Bode, Christian
Analysis of key marketing themes for Pepsi-Cola by Pommer, Benjamin
Gestaltung des Telefonmarketing als Instrument des Kundendialogs by Celik, Deniz
Analyse Strategischer Geschäftseinheiten nach der Vier-Felder-Portfolio-Matrix der Boston Consulting Group by Gutt, Matthias
Trade Shows in the Globalizing Knowledge Economy by Bathelt, Harald, Golfetto, Francesca, Rinallo, Diego
Corporate Reputation Management in Den Sozialen Medien: Grundprinzipien Zur Erfolgreichen Einbindung Von Social Media by Kreutzer, Ralf T.
Integration von Neo-Ökologie in den Marktprozess by Preißel, Romy
Social Media Recruiting als Trend: Deutsche Unternehmen im Kampf um High Potentials by Schlesinger, Robin
SmarterMarketing Formula for CEOs! (B2B version): For CEOs everywhere... the inside secrets on... creating better customer relationships to build bott by Pullan, Rick
Marketingideen und Erfolgsaussichten bei Nike, adidas und Reebok: Was die Akquisition von Reebok durch adidas dazu beiträgt by Lacmann, Thomas
Individualisierte Kommunikations-Konzepte im (schriftlichen) Direktmarketing der Dienstleistungsbranche by Celik, Deniz
Neukundengewinnung als Marketingstrategie: Marketing-Mix der Anbieter von Einmaldienstleistungen am Beispiel der Fahrschule "Die Einsteiger" in Berlin by Engelsmann, Fanny
Collaboration and Co-Creation: New Platforms for Marketing and Innovation by Bhalla, Gaurav
Erfolgsfaktor Alleinstellungsmerkmal: Das Fundament Für Eine Starke Kanzleimarke by Schäfer, Martina
Let Your Creativity Work for You: How to Turn Artwork into Opportunity by Allen, Heather E.
Issa Asad Instant Profits with Instagram: Build Your Brand, Explode Your Business by Asad, Issa
Relationship Management and the Management of Projects by Smyth, Hedley
Relationship Management and the Management of Projects by Smyth, Hedley
Auswirkungen der Implementierung eines Beschwerdemanagements by Manweiler, Nick
Understanding the Showrooming Phenomenon by Zaubitzer, Christel
Geometric Modeling and Reasoning of Human-Centered Freeform Products by Wang, Charlie C. L.
"THE" Authority Maker: How to be the one everyone wants to do business with by Deschoolmeester, David W.
Die Macht Des Marketing: Tipps Um Mit Ihrem Online Business Höhere Profite Einzufahren by Johnsen, Maria
Manual of International Marketing. by
Events ALS Instrumente Des Regionalmarketing: Entwicklung Eines Bezugsrahmens Zur Regional-Strategischen Eventwirkungskontrolle by Köhler, Julia
Analyse des CRM-Marktes unter besonderer Betrachtung der Customer Journey by Kreis, Daniela
China's Super Consumers: What 1 Billion Customers Want and How to Sell It to Them by Zakkour, Michael, Chan, Savio
The 30 Laws of Flow: Timeless Principles for Entrepreneurial Success by Day, Charlene
Crisis Communication Planning: A Guide to Dealing with the Media During a Crisis by Herrera, Tim
Die Ausstellung ALS Marke: Erfolgreiches Projektmanagement in Marketing Und PR in Kulturbetrieben by Böhme, Katrin, Peter, Ulrike
Innovation and Product Management: A Holistic and Practical Approach to Uncertainty Reduction by Gaubinger, Kurt, Rabl, Michael, Swan, Scott
The Professional Marketer by Matthews, Tim
New Online Retailing: Innovation and Transformation by Schwarzl, Christoph, Heinemann, Gerrit
Contribution of Brand Image and Brand Identity to Gain Competitive Advantage: A Case study of UK Fashion Brands by Dreeves, Hellen
The Geo City Search Guide by Rano, Rich
Evolutionary Psychology in the Business Sciences by
Socially Engaged: The Author's Guide to Social Media by Oliver, Jana, Burton, Tyra
Internet Marketing for Plumbing & HVAC Companies: How to TRIPLE your sales by getting your internet marketing right by Nelson, Joshua D.
Book Signing Party: A Writer's Marketing System for Book Selling Success by Moser, Jason
The Silver Market Phenomenon: Marketing and Innovation in the Aging Society by
Customer Relationship Management. Ziele, Elemente und Ausgestaltung by Mittmann, Judith
Your Branding Edge: How Personal Branding Can Turbocharge Your Career by Barthelmess, Rahna
The Social Media Starter Kit by Rego, Kerry
Dominate!: The Digital Marketer's Step by Step Approach for the Ultimate Business Website by Williams, Doug
How To Build Network Marketing Leaders Volume Two: Activities and Lessons for MLM Leaders by Schreiter, Tom Big Al
Market Management and Project Business Development by Smyth, Hedley
Growth Hacker Marketing: A Primer on the Future of Pr, Marketing, and Advertising by Holiday, Ryan
Smart Marketing: Take your business to the next level. by Cooper, Kerrie L.
人性之根: 互联网思想的本质 Root Of Human Nature: Essence Of Internet Thoughts by Chen Yu'an
The Reputation Risk Handbook: Surviving and Thriving in the Age of Hyper-Transparency by Bonime-Blanc, Andrea
Ambush Marketing in Sports by Nufer, Gerd
Digital Darwinism: Branding and Business Models in Jeopardy by Kreutzer, Ralf T., Land, Karl-Heinz
Wandel der RVR Öffentlichkeitsarbeit: Ein Blick zurück und in die Gegenwart by Hanio, David
Inbound Marketing: Why Certain Companies Profit More from Their Marketing than Others by Tyler, Brodie G.
Die Verbraucheranalyse. Zielsetzung, Durchführung und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten by Schneider, Stefan
Neuromarketing im Sportsponsoring: Möglichkeiten zur Optimierung von Sportsponsoringaktivitäten unter Berücksichtigung neurowissenschaftlicher Erkennt by Schwarz, Dennis
Goliath Is Falling!: Beating Big Business Online by Carolan, Tom
The Health Advocate's Advanced Marketing Handbook by Torrey, Trisha
Romance Your Tribe Online: The Five (and a half) Steps To Create a Tribe of Loyal Fans Who LOVE Your Brand by Beckers, Janet
The Little Book of Big PR: 100+ Quick Tips to Get Your Business Noticed by Witter, Jennefer
Storytelling 2 Success: The Hero Maker Blueprint to connect faster and deeper with your clients and prospects by Kliewer, Doug
How Competition Makes You A Better Product Manager: How Product Managers Can Use Challenges To Advance Their Careers by Anderson, Jim
Running Effective Marketing Meetings by Kuperman, Daniel
Premium Knowledge: Marketing Communications Based on Bourdieu's Demon by Baker, Richard
Surprise!: The Secret to Customer Loyalty in the Service Sector by Magnini, Vincent P.
SmarterMarketing Formula for CEOs (B2C version): For CEOs everywhere... and aspiring ones! The inside secrets on... creating better consumer relations by Pullan, Rick
Marketing Research & Innovative Product Launch in Indian Sanitation Industry by Javaid, Junaid
Einfluss von Werbung auf die finanzielle Performance von Unternehmen: Die direkte Werbewirkung auf das Investorenverhalten und den Unternehmenswert by Schumann, Ricardo
Die Bedeutung der Produktgestaltung im Rahmen der Produktpolitik by Hagedorn, Timo
Internal Branding: Ein Zentraler Baustein Des Corporate Reputation Managements by Kreutzer, Ralf T.
Factors affecting customer satisfaction in fast food sector by Afzal, Abdullah
Markenpolitik: Markentheorien, Markenwirkungen, Markenführung, Markencontrolling, Markenkontexte by Baumgarth, Carsten
Das Messen von Messen. Eine Roadmap zur nachhaltigen Sicherstellung der Messeerfolgskontrolle by Schäfer, Joschua
Glass Jaw: A Manifesto for Defending Fragile Reputations in an Age of Instant Scandal by Dezenhall, Eric
Der Kunde als freiwilliger Markenbotschafter: Analyse des Einflusses starker Marken auf prosoziales Konsumentenverhalten by Klar, Florian
How does culture matter when different companies merge together? by Javaid, Junaid
Auswirkungen einer unternehmerischen Orientierung zum nachhaltigen Konsum auf die Beziehung zum Kunden: Empirische Analyse by Klar, Florian
How Elite Advisors GROW!: PROVEN, TRUST-BASED, FINANCIAL ADVISOR MARKETING to Be Better, Do Better And Get More Clients by Levin, Mitchell
Market Management and Project Business Development by Smyth, Hedley
Interkulturelle Unterschiede in der wahrgenommenen Zukunftsperspektive westlicher Konsumenten und ihr Einfluss auf Marketingentscheidungen by Boguschewski, Julian
Measurement for the Social Sciences: The C-Oar-Se Method and Why It Must Replace Psychometrics by Rossiter, John R.
Das Potenzial von Transmedia Storytelling für Werbung by Lean, Ai
Methoden und Grenzen aktueller Verbraucherpanel am Praxisbeispiel des GfK Behavior Scans in Haßloch by Göthe, Julia
Fashion Marketing: Influencing Consumer Choice and Loyalty with Fashion Products by Le Bon, Caroline
Die Geschichte des ersten Elektroautos. Das EV1 von General Motors by Sell, Konrad
How to be a Big Fish: How some professional service providers make more money than others by Watkins, Paul
The Seven Principles of Wom and Buzz Marketing: Crossing the Tipping Point by Siomkos, George J., Mourdoukoutas, Panos
Beginner's Guide to Writing Powerful Press Releases: Secrets the Pros Use to Command Media Attention by Kennedy, Mickie
SEO Expert Strategies: SEO Consultant Spills His Secrets - Discover How To Rank Higher, Outsource To The Right SEO Service Provider And Take by Adodra, Sam
Business Relationship Management and Marketing: Mastering Business Markets by
Ein Star als Marke: Die Marke Stefan Raab als Erfolgsfaktor für den Sender ProSieben by Kranz, Juliane
Marketing case study for Sonance Company by Kelly, Peterson
The Marketing Pathfinder by Stewart, David W., Saren, Michael M.
The Right Sensory Mix: Targeting Consumer Product Development Scientifically by Derval, Diana
Cutting Edge Small Business Success Strategies: How Your Business can Survive and Thrive in the 21st Century by Keys, Chuck
Sales Excellence: Systematic Sales Management by Homburg, Christian, Schäfer, Heiko, Schneider, Janna
Markendisidentifikation. Warum Menschen bestimmte Marken ablehnen: Eine Means-End-Chain Analyse der DB AG, Kik und E.ON by Seidensticker, Martin
Crowdsourcing. Essential Factors for successful Crowdsourcing in Product Innovation in Web 2.0 by Yaldiz, Sultan Özge
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