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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Marketing in 2020

In-Store Marketing of the American Retailer Macy's: Elements, Advantages and Disadvantages of In-Store Marketing by Anonymous
Own Your Process: Key Steps to Success As a Creative Artist by August, Stefanie
UX on the Go: A Flexible Guide to User Experience Design by Mara, Andrew
UX on the Go: A Flexible Guide to User Experience Design by Mara, Andrew
Virtual Selling: A Quick-Start Guide to Leveraging Video, Technology, and Virtual Communication Channels to Engage Remote Buyers and Close Deals Fast by Blount, Jeb
Change Management in Der Kommunikationsbranche: Veränderungsprozesse in Medienunternehmen Und in Der Unternehmenskommunikation by Schwertner, Nicole, Kaiser, Markus
Guiando Su Balsa: 17 Lecciones en Liderazgo Para guiar su negocio de manera segura a través de aguas tranquilas y turbulentas by Ybarra, Dano
"Power Drops" der Energy-Drinks als Lutschbonbons. Eine Marketing-Fallstudie by Fies, Alex
Communicating Social and Environmental Issues Effectively by Reed, Betsy
Sensory Marketing: An Introduction by
Sensory Marketing: An Introduction by
Public Relations History: Theory, Practice, and Profession by Myers, Cayce
Public Relations History: Theory, Practice, and Profession by Myers, Cayce
Employer Branding Mit Archetypen: Der Archetypische Persönlichkeitstest Zum Finden Von Markenkonformen Mitarbeitern by Pätzmann, Jens Uwe, Genrich, Robert
Digital Marketing: An Overview by Expert, Subject
Digital Marketing Essentials You Always Wanted to Know by Publishers, Vibrant
Content Marketing: So Finden Die Besten Kunden Zu Ihnen: Wie Sie Ihre Zielgruppe Anziehen Und Stabile Geschäftsbeziehungen Schaffen by Heinrich, Stephan
The Organic Growth Playbook: Activate High-Yield Behaviors to Achieve Extraordinary Results - Every Time by Jaworski, Bernard, Lurie, Bob
Create Empathy: How to Influence People and Create Relationships with Effective Persuasive Communication and the Art of Listening by Patterson, Liam Dave
Facebook Marketing: Step by Step Facebook Secrets to Connect, Engage, Grow, Influence, and Sell by Miles, David James
Agile Marketing Fundamentals Workbook by Caine, Jack Julian
La Pasión Deportiva del Nuevo Marketing by Ricaldoni, Guillermo
Employer Branding. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Arbeitgebermarke by Mainzer, Jùlie
KMU Personalmarketing zur Rekrutierung junger Fach- und Führungskräfte: Eine Fallstudie by Mertens, Lisa
Tiktok: The Complete Step-by-Step guide on how to use the Tiktok platform for profits, marketing and becoming famous with it by Miller, Dave
Not Just Numbers: Rediscovering the Promise and Power of Marketing Research by Gibson, Lawrence D.
The Secret Sauce For Organizational Success: Communications and Leadership on the Same Page by Jurkowsky, Tom
Speak first. Repeat often. Don't worry too much about the truth. by Lehrer, Pj
Unleashing Growth (Exclusive for Evolutyz Knowledge Hub): 15 Growth Marketing Hacks Every Entrepreneur Should Know by Raghavendra Hunasgi
Chancen und Risiken durch den Einsatz von prominenten Testimonials als Instrument der Markenführung unter besonderer Betrachtung der psychologischen u by Lobanov, Vladislav
Die wachsende Bedeutung von Internet und Social Media in der Kommunikation von B2C-Unternehmen by An, Yu
The Branding Blueprint: A GUIDE FOR musicians, entrepreneurs, and small business owners to execute marketing strategies by Austin, Cory
Verkaufen an Top-Entscheider: Wie Sie Mit Vision Selling Gewinn Bringende Geschäfte in Der Chefetage Abschließen by Heinrich, Stephan
The Winning Sales Prospecting Cadence: How I have sold over $5 Million dollars with these steps by Hamrick, Bo
Notary Journal: Notary Public, Log Book, Keep Records Of Notarial Acts Detailed Information, Paperwork Record Book, Required Entries Logbook by Newton, Amy
Ip-Management À La Norm: Erläuterungen Zur Neuen Din 77006 by Mittelstaedt, Axel
Handbook of Research on New Media Applications in Public Relations and Advertising by
Solving Product: Reveal Gaps, Ignite Growth, and Accelerate Any Tech Product with Customer Research by Garbugli, Étienne
How to Get Appointments Without Rejection: Fill Our Calendars with Network Marketing Prospects by Schreiter, Tom Big Al, Schreiter, Keith
Prca Practice Guides Book Set (2018-2019) by Wheeler, Adrian, Whatmough, Danny
Social Media Marketing,3 books in one: Excellent Tricks to Grow your business, Instagram Marketing to become a famous influencer, Tiktok and You Tube by Miller, Dave
Digital Marketing: Strategy and Tactics - 2 ed by Kagan, Jeremy
Shut Up and Sell More Weddings & Events - Disc Jockey Edition: Ask better questions, listen to the answers and grow your entertainment business by Berg, Alan
El Juego De La Conquista by Sperry, Rob L.
How to Become a Celebrity Doctor: 5 Medical Marketing Secrets to Help You Elevate Your Income and Boost Your Industry Icon Status by Austin, Catrise
Libera col Network Marketing: Le 3 Skills vincenti per intraprendere questo business nel modo giusto. by La Forgia, Alessandra
How to Build Your Writer's Platform: Internet Marketing 101 for Writers by Hughes, Geoff
Spiritual Marketing: How to overcome the limits of strategic marketing with a mix of communication, meditation, ethics and magic. by Porrino, Fabio
Chancen und Risiken der Flexibilisierung von Arbeitszeit und Arbeitsort by Anonymous
Der Kaufprozess im E-Commerce anhand des SOR-Modells by Gibala, Damian
The Digital Lives of Black Women in Britain by Sobande, Francesca
The Cultural Influence on Mass Customization by Wabia, Carolin
LinkedIn Insider: How To Leverage LinkedIn To Stand Out As The Industry Leader by Ashley, Deborrah
Strategic Innovative Marketing and Tourism: 7th Icsimat, Athenian Riviera, Greece, 2018 by
Strategic Marketing for High Technology Products: An Integrated Approach by Fotiadis, Thomas
Ethics, Social Responsibility and Sustainability in Marketing by
Financial Dimensions of Marketing Decisions by Stewart, David W.
China's Belt and Road Initiative in a Global Context: Volume I: A Business and Management Perspective by
Strategic Innovative Marketing: 6th IC-Sim, Pafos, Cyprus 2017 by
Toward a Better Understanding of Rule-Breaking Market Behavior: Insights from Performance Breakthroughs in Sports by Veenendaal, Ann-Kathrin
Foreign Investment Promotion: Governance and Implementation in Central-Eastern European Regions by Capik, Pawel
Fashion Communication in the Digital Age: Factum 19 Fashion Communication Conference, Ascona, Switzerland, July 21-26, 2019 by
Cross-Cultural Brand Personality and Brand Desirability: An Empirical Approach to the Role of Culture on This Mediated Interplay by Vellnagel, Corinna Colette
Catalyst Content: How to Create a World-Class Piece of Thought Leadership in Less Than 10 Minutes and Leverage it 99 Ways by Anderson, Jane
Embrace the Space: Inspirational insight from a decade of delivering social media training to businesses that give a damn! by Ennis, Gary, Kelly, Colin
Reel Marketing: The Art of Building a Casino Brand by Carcamo, Julia
Electronic Business by Wirtz, Bernd W.
Instagram for Small Business in 90 Minutes: Leverage your business using strategies to create successful profiles and gain thousands of followers. Qui by Cavallari, Alessandro
Street Smart Network Building: A Quick Start Guide for Training New Direct Selling/Network Marketing Champions by Abouzeid, André
Our Future in Public Relations by Kerrigan, Ken
Global Marketing: Strategy, Practice, and Cases by Prange, Christiane, Alon, Ilan, Jaffe, Eugene
Global Marketing: Strategy, Practice, and Cases by Prange, Christiane, Alon, Ilan, Jaffe, Eugene
Business of Marketing Research by Verhulst, Rogier, Rademaker, Douwe, Vriens, Marco
Political Marketing Alchemy: The State of Opinion Research by Turcotte, André
Getting It Right!: Lessons on Insight-Driven Marketing Strategy by Weiner, Jonathan R.
NP Jumpstart: Marketing Made Easy for Nurse Practitioners by Chopra, Ceo/Co-Founder of Nphub Krish, Al-Ganas, Mha Namar
DIVE Into Online Marketing A Guide for Pool Contractors by Charsley, Sean
Architecting Experience: A Conversion Science Handbook (Second Edition) by Wheeler, Scot R.
Architecting Experience: A Conversion Science Handbook (Second Edition) by Wheeler, Scot R.
Freiwillige Selbstverpflichtung und Selbstkontrolle. Mechanismen und konkrete Anwendungsfelder für Konsumenten by Bucher, Michael
Posicionate: Domina los 4 MONSTRUOS del posicionamiento personal by Publishing, The Ink Company
Electronic-Word-of-Mouth-Marketing in Online-Communities und sozialen Netzwerken: Entstehung, Bedeutung und Einflussfaktoren by Riedel, Carla
Social Media Touchpoints in der Consumer Decision Journey am Beispiel von L'Oréal Paris und Essence by Czuba, Nicole
Relationship-Marketing. Implementierung und Ziele by Weis, Edwin
Journalist vs. Influencer. Zwei Multiplikatoren für die Public Relations im Vergleich by Kumpf, Jemima
Entwicklung einer Online-Markteintrittsstrategie durch Social Media für ein Unternehmen im Premiumsegment by Hargaja, Fllanza
Salesfuze: How to confidently generate a steadily increasing flow of patient appointments to create a successful thriving practic by Bergeron, Jana L., Bergeron, Walter L., Frentzas, Sam J.
The Recruiting Accelerator by Sperry, Rob L.
The Authentic Marketer: The Real Girl's Guide to Know Your Worth, Get More Clients & Grow a Business that Genuinely Fits Your Lifestyle by Basso, Linda
Branding: An Essential Guide to Brand Storytelling and Growing Your Small Business Using Social Media Marketing and Offline Guerrilla Tactics by Barlow, Chase
Case Studies on Food Experiences in Marketing, Retail, and Events by
5-Minute Selling: The Proven, Simple System That Can Double Your Sales ... Even When You Don't Have Time by Goldfayn, Alex
Sell High, Sell Fast: How to Sell Your Home for the Best Possible Price, in the Quickest Possible Time by Penhaul, Elaine
Cómo Construir Rápidamente tu Negocio de Nutrición en Redes de Mercadeo by Schreiter, Keith, Schreiter, Tom Big Al
The 10-Step Formula To Teach Your Easy by Storing, Catherine E.
Ultimate Guide to Social Media Marketing by Herman, Jenn, Liu, Stephanie, Butow, Eric
Instagram-marketinggeheimen: een complete gids om uw Instagram-account te laten groeien hoe u op de juiste manier aan personal branding kunt doen, by Chopra, Shreya
Instagram-marknadshemligheter: En komplett guide för att växa ditt Instagram-konto, hur man gör personligt varumärke på rätt sätt, få tusentals följa by Chopra, Shreya
Guerilla Marketing for your Website Success: Free marketing techniques that will contribute to your website's success as you reach new customers and v by Merz, Sebastian
Etsy Marketing: How to Promote Your Business, Manage SEO, and Maintain a Lifelong Store: Steps made easy that will help you gain a competitive edge by Smith, Laura
Webinare - Alles Ganz Anders Hier!: So Gestalten Sie Wirkungsvolle Und Nachhaltige Webinare by Krieger, Winfried
How To Be Your BADASS Self: A Guide to Using Your Inner Energy for Brand Success by Koshy, Annie
Scientific Advertising by Hopkins, Claude C.
Scientific Advertising by Hopkins, Claude C.
Stratégies de Marketing Digital Appliquées À Différents Marchés: Pour Vous Accompagner Dans La Professionnalisation De Vos Équipes by Honla, Jean-Pièrre
The Authentic Marketer: The Real Girl's Guide to Know Your Worth, Get More Clients & Grow a Business that Genuinely Fits Your Lifestyle by Basso, Linda
Preiselastizität, Corporate Identity und strategische Analysemethoden. Ein Best-Practise-Beispiel by Anonym
How to Influence People, Get Them to Like You, and Earn More Respect: 52 Life-Changing Ideas for Self-Improvement. Improve Your Charisma, Communicate by Mendez, A. V.
Missão Vale do Silício: Os bastidores do lugar mais inovador do planeta by Gadelha, Pedro Rocha
Explota Tus Ventas: Deja A La Tecnología Trabajar, Crea Prospectos, Gana Dinero Y Ten Una Vida by Fuentes, Mario
Die Wirkung von Retargeting. Eine Gratwanderung zwischen Steigerung der Aufmerksamkeit und Bedrohung der Privatsphäre by Witzler, Isabel, Huber, Frank, Ortner, Mara F.
Strategische Marktübersicht von Wearables im Gesundheits- und Lifestylebereich by Huber, Michael
If You Sell, You Lose: The Value-First Approach to Digital Marketing by VanderMeer, Jared
Machine Learning in Marketing: Overview, Learning Strategies, Applications, and Future Developments by Brei, Vinicius Andrade
My Book of PR Tips - Putting PR with Reach by Reed-Enever, Linda
Podcasting Business: Podcast for Beginners on How to Make Money Podcasting by Harris, Wade L.
Markenartikel Und Handelsmarken in Der Konsumgüterindustrie: Das Spannungsverhältnis Von Marken Und Handelsmarken Im Deutschen Lebensmittelhandel by Unkel, Michael
Künstliche Intelligenz in Der PRAXIS: Anwendung in Unternehmen Und Branchen: KI Wettbewerbs- Und Zukunftsorientiert Einsetzen by Wennker, Phil
Interne Kommunikation Mit Digitalen Medien: Learnings Aus Der Covid-19-Krise Zu Prozess-Steuerung, Mitarbeiterführung Und Krisenkommunikation by Engelhardt, Kristin
Going Global on a Shoestring: Global Expansion in the Software Industry on a Small Budget by Bech, Hans Peter
The Personal MBA 10th Anniversary Edition by Kaufman, Josh
Sales Truth: Debunk the Myths. Apply Powerful Principles. Win More New Sales. by Weinberg, Mike
Become a Social Media Master by Thibeaux, Jennifer Drj
Design Thinking Workbook by Morris, Langdon
Consumer Voice: The Democratization of Consumption Markets in the Digital Age by Kucuk, S. Umit
Rethinking Luxury Fashion: The Role of Cultural Intelligence in Creative Strategy by Serdari, Thomaï
Social Media Marketing: Leverage the Power of the Internet to Grow Your Business by Connors, K.
Marketing Research. A Guidebook for Tertiary Students by Owusu, Alfred
What about the Future?: New Perspectives on Planning, Forecasting and Complexity by Phillips, Fred
Experience First - Marken Erlebbar Machen: Erfolgreich Sein in Der Experience Economy by Schnaack, Martin
The Partnership Principle: A 180-day guide for Revenue Leaders to accelerate growth through collaboration by Bray, Matt
Comment Développer une Entreprise de Marketing de Réseau Axée sur la Nutrition Rapidement by Schreiter, Keith Arthur, Schreiter, Tom Big Al
Handbook of Research on Technology Applications for Effective Customer Engagement by
Le sponsoring horloger dans le sport by Lemaire, Manon
Social Media Marketing: The Secrets Principles Of Marketing: What Is The Importance Of Social Media Marketing: Affiliate Marketing Management In 7 Ste by Pronto, Malina
After-thoughts From A Grumpy Innovator by Papaikonomou, Costas
Marketing Strategy in the Digital Age: Applying Kotler's Strategies to Digital Marketing by Cao, Tiger, Wang, Sam, Kotler, Milton
Marketing Strategy in the Digital Age: Applying Kotler's Strategies to Digital Marketing by Wang, Sam, Kotler, Milton, Cao, Tiger
Breakthrough Value: Discover Your One-of-a-Kind Value Proposition by Sight, Melynn
Social Media Im Tourismusmarketing: Wie Urlaubsanbieter in Sozialen Medien Sichtbarkeit Und Direktbuchungen Steigern by Gebel, André
Das Dj-Prinzip Des Managements: Handlungsorientiertes Wissen Für Führen Und Entscheiden Im Digital Vernetzten Zeitalter by Skibicki, Klemens
It's the Bottom Line that Matters: Quick Tips & Strategies You Can Use Right Now to Grow Your Health Care Practice in the Next 12-Months by Glass, Jennifer R.
Innovations in Digital Branding and Content Marketing by
Trilogy Of Thoughts From A Grumpy Innovator by Papaikonomou, Costas
Verkaufssteigerung durch klassische und digitale Mundpropaganda in der Sparte traditionelle Handwerke und Gewerbe by Hover, Mario
The Interrelation between Private Label Brand Image and Store Image. A Systematic Literature Overview by Defontis, Jana
Motive für das Verfassen von Online Customer Reviews by Defontis, Jana
Die Effekte von Content Marketing auf die Generation Z by Witasew, Arina
Marilyn: A Woman In Charge by Martin, Dick
Marilyn: A Woman In Charge by Martin, Dick
Changing Missions, Changing Lives: How a Change Agent Can Turn the Ship and Create Impact by Ostrowsky, Barry H.
Brand Extension and Cognitive Style and their Impact on the Consumers' Evaluations by Defontis, Jana
Strategic Communications in Russia: Public Relations and Advertising by
The New Marketing: How to Win in the Digital Age by Burgess, Cheryl, Burgess, Mark
Case Studies in the Beer Sector by
Predictable Revenue: Turn Your Business Into a Sales Machine with the $100 Million Best Practices of Salesforce.com by Ross, Aaron, Tyler, Marylou
Earning Six Figures in Corporate America Without a Degree by Gupta, Raj, III
Your First 1000 Copies by Grahl, Tim
Die digitale Einkaufsstraße. Digitale Transformation der Produktion und des Handels by Sommer, Jennifer
Chancen und Gefahren des Einsatzes von Social Media im Veranstaltungsmarketing öffentlicher Events by Royda, Marie-Claire
Take Action: Treatment Coordination for a Successful Dental Practice by Gorczyca, Ann Marie
Las 7 claves del marketing para despegar en la era digital by Herrera, Erasmo
The Consuming Instinct: What Juicy Burgers, Ferraris, Pornography, and Gift Giving Reveal About Human Nature by Saad, Gad
Marketingmanagement: Strategie - Instrumente - Umsetzung - Unternehmensführung by Homburg, Christian
Digital Sport Marketing: Concepts, Cases and Conversations by Seymour, Alan, Blakey, Paul
SEO-Ranking eines Online-Shops für Sexspielzeuge by Duong, Thu Thao
Planung einer Performance Kampagne für Sexspielzeuge am Valentinstag by Duong, Thu Thao
Instrumente des Museumsmarketings. Portfolioanalyse, SWOT-Verfahren und Marketingstrategien im Kulturbereich by Wähner, Caroline Brunhild
E-Business-Maßnahmen eines Unternehmens hinsichtlich der COVID-19-Pandemie by Piesche, Jan-Niklas
Vertex Awards Volume VII: International Private Brand Design Competition by Durham, Christopher
Influencer-Kampagnen als Teil der Social Media-Strategie by Duong, Thu Thao
Digital Sport Marketing: Concepts, Cases and Conversations by Blakey, Paul, Seymour, Alan
Red Goldfish Promo Edition: How Promotional Products Leverage Purpose to Increase Impact by Phelps, Stan, Burnett, Roger
Palais des Congres, un Mode de Valorisation pour un Territoire ? Le Cas du Palais de Congres de Casablanca by Ait Mansour, Mounir
LinkedIn for Business: Mastering the Art of Social Branding by Keijzer, Corinne
From Ball Girl to CMO by Proctor, Melissa M.
7 Marketing Basics: How to Do Less and Sell More by Zuelsdorf, Cindy
Handelsmarketing: Grundlagen Der Marktorientierten Führung Von Handelsbetrieben by Brock, Christian, Ahlert, Dieter, Kenning, Peter
Online Marketing Guide: The most important measures and tools for gaining customers online by Szczepanski, Damian
Welchen Einfluss hat Digital Signage auf das Kaufverhalten? Maßnahmen zur Integration interaktiver Technologien am Point of Sale by Hombrecher, Claus
Likes Don't Pay Bills: Five Social Media Marketing Myths by Owen, Alan, Marketing, Sunbird
The Beginner's Guide to FB Advertising: How to create effective ads, generate leads and increase your ROI by Ainsworth, Jessica
Marketing Essentials by
L'influence Marketing pour les CEO: Mesurer et maximiser le ROI de ses campagnes d'influence by Bouillet, Stéphane
Three Key Marketing Strategies: What We Can Learn From Instagram's Enormous Success by Weber, Mark, Marketing, Sunbird
Continuing to Broaden the Marketing Concept by
El Juego De Hacer Contactos by Sperry, Rob
Nachhaltigkeit bei Senioren in der FMCG-Branche und im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel. Analyse zum Konsumverhalten bei älteren Menschen am Point of Sale by Reinke, Vivien
Marketing esencial para B2B: Marketing esencial para B2B Cómo convertir el departamento de marketing de un factor de costos en un motor de ventas by Seebacher, Uwe G., Garritz, Julián
Political Marketing in the 2019 Canadian Federal Election by
Credit & Collection Guidebook: Fourth Edition by Bragg, Steven M.
Events Und Messen Im Digitalen Zeitalter: Aktueller Stand Und Perspektiven by
Exporting: Key Considerations For International Business Growth by Houlier, Laurent, Blaskey, John
The New Paradigm in Customer Service. Chatbots: Omnichannel, Customized, Automated, Exponential by Parés Arce, Gustavo Ricardo, Parés Arce, Ricardo Luis
20 Rules of PR AKA - How to get it right and not f**k it up by Brown, Sam
The New Marketing: How to Win in the Digital Age by Burgess, Mark, Burgess, Cheryl
What Sponsors Want: An Inspirational Guide for Event Marketers by Harrison, Mark
BrandingPays: The Five-Step System to Reinvent Your Personal Brand by Kang, Karen
Market Entry Strategies: Internationalization Theories, Concepts and Cases by Glowik, Mario
Analyzing Parasocial Influence of Celebrity Endorsement by Lotonina, Inessa
See More