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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Marketing in 2023

Public Relations Planning, Research, and Measurement by LaVigne, Mark Hunter, Babiuk, Colin
The Metaverse in Marketing and Sales. Fields of Application in the B2B Sector by Ramsenthaler, Jakob
Marketing Research: 3-in-1 Guide to Master Marketing Surveys, Competitors Analysis, Focus Groups & Competitor Research by Spencer, Santino
Be Direct: Why Direct Response Must Be an Arrow in Your Marketing Quiver by Tacito, Anthony J.
Be Direct: Why Direct Response Must Be an Arrow in Your Marketing Quiver by Tacito, Anthony J.
Uncomparable: The Financial Advisor's Guide to Standing Out through Niche Marketing by Luke, Kristen
The Digital-First Customer Experience: Seven Design Strategies from the World's Leading Brands by Wheeler, Joe
Brand Storytelling: Put Customers at the Heart of Your Brand Story by Rodriguez, Miri
Content marketing effectiveness for better digital customer engagement. A systematic literature review on the newsroom model by Dreesen, Thomas
Traffic Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Filling Your Websites and Funnels with Your Dream C Ustomers by Brunson, Russell
High-Impact Content Marketing: Strategies to Make Your Content Intentional, Engaging and Effective by Virji, Purna
High-Impact Content Marketing: Strategies to Make Your Content Intentional, Engaging and Effective by Virji, Purna
Brand Storytelling: Put Customers at the Heart of Your Brand Story by Rodriguez, Miri
Brand Love: Building Strong Consumer-Brand Connections by Michael, Lydia
Brand Love: Building Strong Consumer-Brand Connections by Michael, Lydia
Sales Drive: Wie Sie Durch Konsequente Vertriebsorientierung Im Wettbewerb Gewinnen by Zupancic, Dirk
Seamless: Successful B2B Marketing, Selling, and Account Management by Bayley, Peter D.
Business Communication: 3-in-1 Guide to Master Business Writing, Social Media Content & Business Content Creation by Spencer, Santino
Basic Marketing Research: Customer Insights and Managerial Action by Suter, Tracy, Brown, Tom, Churchill, Gilbert
Virtualization Adoption in Small Businesses by Stewart, Ernest S.
Investing Demystified: A Beginner's Guide to Building Wealth in the Stock Market by Thompson, Alex
Branding Authoritarian Nations: Political Legitimation and Strategic National Myths in Military-Ruled Thailand by Alderman, Petra
Handlungsraum Media Management: Fallstudien Und Analysen Für Wirtschaft, Design Und Technik by
Management and Marketing for Improved Retail Competitiveness and Performance by
How To Get To Yes: Guide To Persuasive Sales by Cox, Rebecca
Snapchat: How to Start on Snapchat for the Absolute (Comprehensive Beginner's Guide to Learn Snapchat Marketing) by Pressnell, Roger
Location Based Marketing: 3-in-1 Guide to Master Location Based Advertising, Mobile App Marketing & Mobile Data Collection by Spencer, Santino
Multivariate Analysis: An Application-Oriented Introduction by Erichson, Bernd, Gensler, Sonja, Backhaus, Klaus
ChatGPT for Content Marketing Success: A Step-by-Step Guide for Professional Service Company Owners to Creating Content Consistently by White, Danni
Service Excellence Unleashed: Transforming Customers into Raving Fans by Norris, Wendy D.
Simplified Marketing Strategy: A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating a Winning Strategy by Wilson, Clint J.
Luxury Fashion Brand Management: Unifying Fashion with Sustainability by Mitterfellner, Olga
Contemporary Issues in Marketing and Consumer Behaviour by Chatzidakis, Andreas, Parsons, Elizabeth, Maclaran, Pauline
Luxury Fashion Brand Management: Unifying Fashion with Sustainability by Mitterfellner, Olga
Impulse Für Das Marketing Im New Normal: Was Wichtig Bleibt, Was Wichtiger Wird - Ein Überblick by Etzold, Veit, Pfänder, Florian
Social Media Theory and Communications Practice by Lehmann, Whitney
Social Media Theory and Communications Practice by Lehmann, Whitney
Kanzleimarketing Online: Von Der Idee Bis Zur Umsetzung Erfolgreich Im Netz by Löffler, Pia
Crisis Response Advertising: Insights and Implications from Covid-19 by Hachtmann, Frauke
Contemporary Issues in Marketing and Consumer Behaviour by Chatzidakis, Andreas, Parsons, Elizabeth, Maclaran, Pauline
The Physio Practice Profit System: Five steps to more patients and higher profits by Pryor, Angus
The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing: A Guide to Growing More Profitably by Müller, Georg, Nagle, Thomas T., Gruyaert, Evert
Marketing and Managing Tourism Destinations by Morrison, Alastair M.
Marketing and Managing Tourism Destinations by Morrison, Alastair M.
Crisis Response Advertising: Insights and Implications from Covid-19 by Hachtmann, Frauke
The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing: A Guide to Growing More Profitably by Müller, Georg, Nagle, Thomas T., Gruyaert, Evert
Quick Guide Haptisches Marketing: Wie Sie Mit Haptischen Reizen Ihre Marke Stärken by Steiner, Paul
Marketing Mit Sprachassistenten: So Setzen Sie Alexa & Co Strategisch Erfolgreich Ein by Hörner, Thomas
Interngerichtetes Issues Management: Eine Theoretische Und Empirische Analyse Von Konflikt- Und Chancenhaltigen Themen in Der Internen Unternehmenskom by Vuillermin, Frederic
Contemporary Approaches of Digital Marketing and the Role of Machine Intelligence by
Contemporary Approaches of Digital Marketing and the Role of Machine Intelligence by
The Visible Expert Revolution: How to Turn Ordinary Experts into Thought Leaders, Rainmakers and Industry Superstars by Frederiksen, Lee, Harr, Elizabeth, Feldman, Karl
Our Connected World: An In-depth Examination of Globalization by Taylor, Thomas T.
The Visible Expert Revolution: How to Turn Ordinary Experts into Thought Leaders, Rainmakers and Industry Superstars by Frederiksen, Lee, Harr, Elizabeth, Feldman, Karl
The Unstoppable Sales Team: Elevate Your Team's Performance, Win More Business, and Attract Top Performers by Casemore, Shawn
The Unstoppable Sales Team: Elevate Your Team's Performance, Win More Business, and Attract Top Performers by Casemore, Shawn
The Home Boss Toolkit by Corbi, Nuria
mar-ket-ing: Everything you need to know in a bite-sized pocket guide. by Gonzalez Mier, Sonya
El Libro "Promover Y Prosperar: Estrategias Para El Crecimiento Empresarial" by James, Qasi
Il Libro "Promuovere E Prosperare: Strategie Per La Crescita Delle Imprese" by James, Qasi
Captivology: The Science of Capturing People's Attention by Parr, Ben
Immigrants To Global Titans: Inspired by dreams. Powered by heart. by Puranaputra, Nat, Puranaputra, Chanida
Marketing & Innovation 2023: Future Shopping - Der Handel in Der (Nach-)Coronazeit by
Integrated Marketing Communication by Sharma, Manish
explore Investing.(Innovate, Strategize, and Maximize Returns) by Tyagi, Nartan
A Life changing proposition: The $100M offer journey by Barnes, Johnathan A.
The Buddha's Marketing Blueprint: Strategies for Conscious Business by Kennedy, Arnold
Manipulative Marketing in Auto Sector by B. Sykes, Richard
An Offer They Can't Refuse: 14 tools to create better offers for network marketing by Schreiter, Keith, Schreiter, Tom Big Al
Möglichkeiten und Grundlagen des Online-Marketings by Anonymous
The Art of After-Sales Marketing by Dobrokhotov, Vladislav
Digitales Marketing im E-Commerce. Mit den richtigen Kanälen zum Erfolg by Kantelhardt, Christopher
Building Distinctive Brand Assets by Romaniuk, Jenni
Agenda-Cutting: Wenn Themen Von Der Tagesordnung Verschwinden by
Más allá de las Comisiones: Maximizando las ganancias de afiliados con estrategias creativas de bonificación by Vincent, B.
Genetic Research of Maize x Teosinte Hybrid and Advanced Progeny by E, Elio
evaluating India's Budget Deficit and Growth in Economy Since 1991 by E, Elio
Research into Acacia nilotica's Allelopathic Possibility by E, Elio
JOY WITH ONLINE Technology PRODUCT Marketing by E, Elio
Marketing Metrics: A Guide to Measuring Marketing Performance for Decision-Making by Roy, Donald P.
Building Distinctive Brand Assets by Romaniuk, Jenni
Mindful Metrics: Analytics for the Reflective Marketer by James, Zachary
Honest SEO: Demystifying the Google Algorithm to Help You Get More Traffic and Revenue by Hennessey, Jason
Marketing Metrics: A Guide to Measuring Marketing Performance for Decision-Making by Roy, Donald P.
Digital Media Production: A Resource Guide for Advertisers, Public Relations, Journalism, and New Media Professionals in the Viral Age by
Fashion Communication in the Digital Age: Proceedings of the Factum 23 Conference, Pisa, Italy, 2023 by
Fashion Communication in the Digital Age: Proceedings of the Factum 23 Conference, Pisa, Italy, 2023 by
Digital Media Production: A Resource Guide for Advertisers, Public Relations, Journalism, and New Media Professionals in the Viral Age by
You Get the Agency You Deserve: 20 Practical and Emotional Lessons to Maximize Your Agency and Partner Relationship by Belsky, Jared
Booster sa chaîne Youtube: Tous les secrets pour avoir des abonnés et des vues" by Eliet
Online Multi-Level Marketing Mastery: Building Your Network and Profits by Parker, Vera
Never Give Up by Nanton, Nick, Viscomi, Zack, Vitale, Dick
You Get The Agency You Deserve: 20 Practical and Emotional Lessons to Maximize Your Agency and Partner Relationship by Belsky, Jared
Das Nudging-Konzept aus verschiedenen Perspektiven by Anonymous
Marketing Fundamentals: A No-BS Guide for Absolute Beginners by Naef, Aldo
The Pyramid Puzzle: Igniting Transformation with the Power of Trust: Igniting Transformation with the Power of Trust by Raj, Zain
The Pyramid Puzzle: Igniting Transformation with the Power of Trust by Raj, Zain
Boost Your YouTube Channel: All the Secrets to Gain Subscribers and Views" by Eliet, Doulaye
Mastering Consumer Psychology: OnlyFans Formula *2024* NEW! by Phoenix, Mia
Sustainable Luxury: An International Perspective by
From Aspiring Agent to Six-Figure Sensation: Unveiling the Real Estate Success Formula by Douglas, Dack
The Role of Brands in an Era of Over-Information by
The Role of Brands in an Era of Over-Information by
Effortless Persuasion: Mindset and Language Skills for Personal Growth and Confidence in Sales, Communication and Leadership by Smith, Allan
Communicate Your Way to Success: The Art of Selling Ideas by Graham, Sophie
Direction exceptionnelle: Développer des compétences pour devenir un leader inspirant by Carlos, Antonio
Négociation stratégique: Maîtrisez l'art de négocier dans n'importe quel contexte by Carlos, Antonio
Der Online-Kommunikationsprozess bei Onlineauftritten: Eigenschaften der Online-Kommunikation am Beispiel der junglück GmbH by Anonymous
Marketing in a Digital World: A Complete Guide to Modern Marketing for All by Junior, Dg
Erhöhen Sie die Reichweite Ihres Buches: Ein umfassender Leitfaden für effektive Buchwerbung und Marketing by Alden, Miranda
Amplifier la portée de votre livre: Un guide complet pour une promotion et un marketing efficaces du livre by Alden, Miranda
Amplifying Your Book's Reach: A Comprehensive Guide to Effective Book Promotion and Marketing by Alden, Miranda
Mastery del Retargeting: Conquistando Ventas con Estrategias en Línea by Vincent, B.
Reducing Gun Deaths and Injuries: A Social Marketing Approach by Lee, Nancy
The Marketer's Guide to Creative Production: Everything a Marketer Needs to Know About Film and Photography by Gibbs, Jillian
Marketing Terminologies: Digital, E-commerce, Influencer, and Email Marketing Terms by Singh, Chetan
Customer Relationship Management: The Art of Persuasion Techniques in Modern CRM for Nurturing Profitable Relationships by Jilesh
Animal Suffering and Public Relations: The Ethics of Persuasion in the Animal-Industrial Complex by
Media Economics in Austria: A Comparison to Germany on Print, Television, Radio and the Internet by Posset, Markus
Authority Influencer Marketing Made Simple: The No.1 Secret to stand out and dominate in any crowded market place, in any industry, any time by Carter, Andrew
Quick Guide Usability: Wie Sie Produktflops Vermeiden Und Eine Nutzergerechte User Experience Schaffen by Peinert-Elger, Cassandra, Magerhans, Alexander
One-page marketing mastery: Simplified strategy for success by Sims, Daniel D.
Digital Marketing Mastery: Strategies and Techniques for Business Growth by Bajwa, Danish Ali, Bajwa, Usama
Market Study Post-Liberalisatio by Raj, Rajanna
Self-Promotion Without Social Media: 33 Ways to Get Seen, Feel Connected, and Grow Your Business by McCabe, Tess
101 Digital Marketing Rules for Your Small Business Success by Marino, Andrew
Digital Marketing Mastery: Strategies and Techniques for Business Growth by Bajwa, Danish Ali, Bajwa, Usama
The Book of Business Awesome / The Book of Business Unawesome: How Engaging Your Customers and Employees Can Make Your Business Thrive by Stratten, Scott
The Book of Business Awesome / The Book of Business Unawesome: How Engaging Your Customers and Employees Can Make Your Business Thrive by Stratten, Scott
Estamos Ciegos by Klaric, Jürgen
Effortless Persuasion: Mindset and Language Skills for Personal Growth and Confidence in Sales, Communication and Leadership by Smith, Allan
Präsentationstechniken: Wie Sie Ihre Ideen wirkungsvoll verkaufen by Müller-Schwarz, Uli, Weyer, Bernhard
Crystallizing Public Opinion: Complete and Original Edition by Bernays, Edward
Contemporary Trends in Marketing: Problems, Processes and Prospects by
Leveraging Online Search Data as a Source of Marketing Insights by Hsieh, Tsung-Yiou, Du, Rex Yuxing
Maîtrise du marketing numérique: Stratégies et techniques de croissance des entreprises by Bajwa, Danish Ali, Bajwa, Usama
Maîtrise du marketing numérique: Stratégies et techniques de croissance des entreprises by Bajwa, Usama, Bajwa, Danish Ali
Global Market and Trade by
Social Media for Nonprofits: Amplify Your Impact by Alexander, Benedict Stephen
Vergleich der Suchmaschinen Google und Bing. Usability-Kriterien und Bewertung anhand von Use Cases by Anonymous
A step-by-step guide to affiliate digital marketing, starting without money. by Reynolds, Benjamin
Growth Framework for Cannapreneurs: Immutable Tenets for Unrivaled Market Success by Anderson, Adam
Maestría en Marketing Digital: Estrategias y Técnicas para el Crecimiento Empresarial by Bajwa, Bajwa, Danish Ali
Strategic Social Media as Activism: Repression, Resistance, Rebellion, Reform by
Strategic Social Media as Activism: Repression, Resistance, Rebellion, Reform by
Success In Any Economy by Tracy, Brian, Nanton, Nick
The ChatGPT Millionaire: Fast Wealth Creation So You Can Obliterate Your Debts, Retire Early, and Embark on a World Tour - Faster than You Ever Imagin by Ewing, Allen
How to Sell on Etsy for Beginners: A detailed guide on how to make money on Etsy(Tested and Trusted) by Madison, Lewis
Kitty Cat is a Black and White Cat by Doshi, Shaila
Developer Advocacy: Establishing Trust, Creating Connections, and Inspiring Developers to Build Better by Riley, Chris, Tozzi, Chris
The Secrets of Successful Entrepreneurs: Strategies for Building a Thriving Business by Lawal, Kola Fatai
The New Frontiers of International Business: Development, Evolving Topics, and Implications for Practice by
7 Stratégies De Croissance D' Entreprises Pour Les Petites Entreprises: Méthodes Eprouvées Pour Accélérer Le Succès De Votre Petite Entreprise by Bajwa, Bajwa, Danish Ali
7 Stratégies De Croissance D' Entreprises Pour Les Petites Entreprises: Méthodes Eprouvées Pour Accélérer Le Succès De Votre Petite Entreprise by Bajwa, Danish Ali, Bajwa, Usama
Marketingstrategien am Point of Sale zur Steigerung des Impulskaufverhaltens by Akman, Aleyna
Analysts on Analyst Relations: Practical Secrets for Winning Big by Schaffer, Robin, Holscher, Chris
Simplifying Success: The marketing mastery code by Barnes, Johnathan A.
Headstrong and Unorthodox Pioneers for a Critical Theory of Consumption: Contributions from Economics and Social Sciences by
Market Research with Panels: Types, Surveys, Analysis, and Applications by Günther, Martin, Vossebein, Ulrich, Wildner, Raimund
The Guide to Earned Media: How to Use PR Strategies to Enhance Your Brand by Scranton, Annie Pace
The Business Models Handbook: The Tools, Techniques and Frameworks Every Business Professional Needs to Succeed by Hague, Paul
Analyse des Social Media Marketings der VAUDE Sport GmbH & Co. KG by Schulz, Simon
Das Online-Marketing der Bergzeit GmbH. Analyse und Bewertung by Schulz, Simon
E-Commerce Growth Strategy: A Brand-Driven Approach to Attract Shoppers, Build Community and Retain Customers by Campbell, Kunle
Die Relevanz von Online-Marketing in der Lebensmittelbranche. Mit Fokus auf kleine und mittlere Unternehmen in Österreich by Anonymous
E-Commerce Growth Strategy: A Brand-Driven Approach to Attract Shoppers, Build Community and Retain Customers by Campbell, Kunle
The Guide to Earned Media: How to Use PR Strategies to Enhance Your Brand by Scranton, Annie Pace
Compulsive Buying: Consumer Traits, Self-Regulation, and Marketing Ethics by Wedderburn, Kenroy C., Smith, Trevor A.
Die Effekte von Product-Placement auf das Trägermedium by Anonymous
The Business Models Handbook: The Tools, Techniques and Frameworks Every Business Professional Needs to Succeed by Hague, Paul
Horror Framing and the General Election: Ghosts and Ghouls in Twenty-First-Century Presidential Campaign Advertisements by Montgomery, Fielding
Multisensory Design of Retail Environments: Vision, Sound, and Scent by Imschloss, Monika, Adler, Susanne, Sarstedt, Marko
The Truth About Surveys: Getting Paid for Your Opinions (& Other Micro-Task Opportunities) Harmful Scam - OR - Legitimate Income-Producing Work by Mapenthorpe, Molly
Your Ticket To Explore: Essential Preparation For Your Translator Marketing Adventures by Silva, Sarah
The Modern Marketer's Handbook: Navigating Business Growth Through Marketing by Arif, Mohd
Guia para Lançar e Diversificar o Seu Negócio Online by Inteligente, Dicas de Compra
Communication Design and Branding: A Multidisciplinary Approach by
India's Equity Returns and the Race on the Good Market by Endless, Elio
Prädiktive Analytik: Die Kraft der Daten für zukünftige Erkenntnisse nutzen by Carr, Daniel
Präzise (Kaufabsichts-)Befragungen by Honold, Anika
9 Problems, 9 Breakthroughs: A Comprehensive Guide to Network Marketing by Bridge, Maxwell
How to Become a Boss Negotiator in Business and Life: Mastering the Art of Negotiation with Anyone, at Anytime, and Anywhere by O. a., Sam
100 Real Estate Marketing Ideas: A Playbook For Agents: Proven Strategies & Tips for Realtors To Generate More Leads, Build A Better Brand And Win Mor by Tsai, Nick
The Digital Real Estate Marketing Playbook: How to generate more leads, close more sales, and even become a millionaire real estate agent with the pow by Tsai, Nick
Collaboration Is the New Competition: Why the Future of Work Rewards a Cross-Pollinating Hive Mind & How Not to Get Left Behind by McKinney, Priscilla
Menschen Für Neue Ideen Gewinnen: Wie Sie Neue Produkte Und Geschäftsmodelle Intern Durchsetzen Und Zum Markterfolg Führen by Vogt, Dennis
Los 50 secretos de la publicidad: Descubre las Claves para Triunfar en el Mundo de la Publicidad by Marin Liendo, Daniel
Launch Your Signature Course in 5 Days: A Step-by-Step Guide for Entrepreneurs by Childers, A. L.
The Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing for Content Creators by Washington, Windi
Sozialmarketing und Finanzierung in der Altenpflege by Anonymous
Conquista Tu Mercado: 31 Leyes Inquebrantables de Marketing para Alcanzar el Éxito Empresarial by Cordero, Javier
Master the Essentials: A How-to Guide for Capital Equipment Product Managers by Chase, Michael
Five Steps: A Proven Formula for Launching a Successful Healthcare Staffing Agency by Caillier, Nicole
Unforgettable: The Art and Science of Creating Memorable Experiences by Mershon, Phil
What Is Post-Branding?: How to Counter Fundamentalist Marketplace Semiotics by
Online-Marketing am Beispiel eines BARF-Online-Shops by Anonymous
Email Marketing Mastery: A Hands-On Approach for Small Business Owners by Ape, Coloring
Loyalty Programs: The Complete Guide by Savransky, Max, Lyons, Stacey, Harrison, Scott
Social Media Marketing 2024: The Complete Social Media Marketing Guide by Kemp, Oliver
Get Them to Care: How to Leverage LinkedIn(R) to Build Your Online Presence and Become a Trusted Brand by Wanzer, Julie
See More