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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Technology & Engineering in 2013

La construction métallique avec les Eurocodes by Muzeau, Jean-Pierre
Recherches Sur Les Causes Chimiques de la Destruction Des Composés Hydrauliques Par l'Eau de Mer: , Et Sur Les Moyens d'Apprécier Leur Résistance À Ce by Vicat-L-J
Reforming U.S. Drone Strike Policies by Zenko, Micah
Traversée Centrale Des Alpes Par Le Col Du Géant (Grand Saint-Bernard): Ligne Directe Londres-Brindisi, Avec Jonction À La Méditerranée Par Le Col de by Vautheleret-M-C-S
Canal de Carthagène: Nouvelle-Grenade by Vendryes-H
Winning Wars Before They Emerge: From Kinetic Warfare to Strategic Communications as a Proactive and Mind-Centric Paradigm of the Art of War by Siren, Torsti, N, Torsti, Siraen, Torsti
Des Fondemens Des Bâtimens Publics Et Particuliers by Viel-C-F
Circulaire Du Comité Aux Membres de l'Union Des Constructeurs de Machines Et Métiers by Sans Auteur
Résumé de Fortification À l'Usage Des Officiers d'Infanterie by Zaccone-J
Certificats Et Lettres Pour MR Peaucellier, Entrepreneur de Travaux Publics by Sans Auteur
Aquatic Biodiversity in India: The Present Scenario by Khanna, D. R. &. Prasad A. K. &. Prasad G.
Bakery Science and Cereal Technology by Khetarpaul, Neelam &. Grewal Raj Bala &.
Spices and Condiments Origin, History and Applications by Patil, D. a. &. Dhale D. a.
Role of Science Centres For Sustained and Responsible Growth in Developing Countries/Nam S&T Centre by Nam S.
Environmental Science and Engineering: Selected Topics by Kaul, S. N. &. Rai B. N. &. Saini
Industrial Processing of Fruits and Vegetables by Chavan, U. D. &. Patil J. V.
Animal Diversity, Natural History and Conservation Vol. 3 by Vijay Kumar Gupta, Anil K. Verma
Marine Biology by Biswas, K. P.
Mushrooms: Edible and Medicinal Cultivation Conservation Strain Improvement With their Marketing by Verma, B. N. &. Prasad Prem Kumar &. Sahu
Ornamental Aquaculture: Technology and Trade in India by Felix, S. &. Mercy T. V. Anna &. Swain
Economics in Commercial Fisheries by Biswas, K. P.
Economics of Aquaculture by Singh, R. K. P.
NASA at 50: Interviews with NASA's Senior Leadership by NASA
Self-Assembly from Nano to MILLI Scales by Bohringer, Karl F.
Uncoding the Digital: Technology, Subjectivity and Action in the Control Society by Savat, D.
Technology and Touch: The Biopolitics of Emerging Technologies by Cranny-Francis, A.
Ethics on the Laboratory Floor by
Political Aspirations and Perils of Security: Unpacking the Military Strategy of the United Nations by Gyllensporre, D., Edström, H.
The Politico-Military Dynamics of European Crisis Response Operations: Planning, Friction, Strategy by Mattelaer, Alexander
Private Television in Western Europe: Content, Markets, Policies by
Atmospheric Monitoring with Arduino: Building Simple Devices to Collect Data about the Environment by Justo, Patrick Di, Gertz, Emily
Environmental Compliance Guidebook: Beyond U.S. Water Quality Regulations by Christine Herndon, Shelley Hemming
M56 Nitrification Prevention and Control in Drinking Water, Second Edition by Awwa
M42 Steel Water Storage Tanks, Revised Edition by Awwa
M27 External Corrosion Control for Infrastructure Sustainability, Third Edition by Awwa
M45 Fiberglass Pipe Design, Third Edition by Awwa
Fluid Mechanics, Water Hammer, Dynamic Stresses and Piping Design by Leishear, Robert Allan
War and Trade in Eighteenth-Century Newfoundland by Janzen, Olaf Uwe
The Basque Diaspora Webscape: Identity, Nation, and Homeland, 1990s-2010s by Oiarzabal, Pedro J.
Concepts in Wine Chemistry by Margalit, Yair
Vaastu Shaastra: An Ancient Technological Treatise by Patra, Reena
Industrial Enlightenment: Science, Technology and Culture in Birmingham and the West Midlands 1760-1820 by Jones, Peter
Modern Diesel Technology: Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration by Dixon, John
Lunar Module LM 10 Thru LM 14 Vehicle Familiarization Manual by NASA, Grumman
Mankind Beyond Earth: The History, Science, and Future of Human Space Exploration by Piantadosi, Claude
Technology and Society in the Ancient Greek and Roman Worlds by Rihll, Tracey E.
Energy Audit for Professionals/Nam S&T Centre by Dhungel, Suresh Kumar &. Krishnakumar G.
Advances in Aquatic Ecology Vol. 7 by Sakhare, Vishwas B. &. Vasanthkumar B.
Lightning Protection/Nam S&T Centre by Nam S&t Centre
Biostatistics by Sarma, K. L. a. P. &. Pullaiah T. &. Reddy
Lunar Module LM 10 Thru LM 14 Vehicle Familiarization Manual by Grumman, NASA
The Telegraph in America, 1832-1920 by Hochfelder, David
Activated Carbon: Solutions for Improving Water Quality by
Textbook on Freshwater Aquaculture by Ahilan, B.
Perspectives in Animal Ecology and Reproduction Vol. 9 by Gupta, V. K. &. Verma Anil K. &. Singh
Fisheries Development in India by Dixitulu J. V. H. &. Eashwar, Dev Anand
Emerging Trends in Fisheries and Aquaculture by Sakhare, V. B. &. Vasanthkumar B.
Nutrition in Traditional Therapeutic Foods Vol. 1 by Subbulakshmi, G. &. Subhadra M.
Biodiversity Conservation for Sustainable Management by Muthuchelian, K.
Bioremediation of Mercury: Current Research and Industrial Applications by
Velocity 2.0 by Pollak, Dale
Cleaner Combustion and Sustainable World by
Preventing Worker Injuries and Deaths from Mobile Crane Tip-Over, Boom Collapse, and Uncontrolled Hoisted Loads by
Boiler Furnace Design by Khalil Essam E.
Partial Differential Equation Based Image Processing and Applications by Srivastava Rajeev
Reverse Engineering for Medical, Manufacturing and Security Applications by
Optimierung Mechanischer Strukturen: Grundlagen Und Industrielle Anwendungen by Schumacher, Axel
Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacological Potential of Fullerenes and Carbon Nanotubes by
Machine Learning and Robot Perception by
Traffic and Granular Flow ' 07 by
Lexikon Der Pflanzlichen Fette Und Öle by Krist, Sabine
Methode Der Finiten Elemente Für Ingenieure: Eine Einführung in Die Numerischen Grundlagen Und Computersimulation by Langer, Ulrich, Jung, Michael
Drives and Control for Industrial Automation by Tan, Kok Kiong, Putra, Andi Sudjana
Clean: CO2 Large-Scale Enhanced Gas Recovery in the Altmark Natural Gas Field - Geotechnologien Science Report No. 19 by
Fabrikplanung Und Fabrikbetrieb: Methoden Für Die Wandlungsfähige, Vernetzte Und Ressourceneffiziente Fabrik by Wirth, Siegfried, Müller, Egon, Schenk, Michael
Wörterbuch Der Fertigungstechnik. Dictionary of Production Engineering. Dictionnaire Des Techniques de Production Mechanique Vol.I/2: Umformtechnik 2/ by
Operation of a Cryogenic Rocket Engine: An Outline with Down-To-Earth and Up-To-Space Remarks by Kitsche, Wolfgang
Nanoscience and Engineering in Superconductivity by
Model-Based Fault Diagnosis Techniques: Design Schemes, Algorithms and Tools by Ding, Steven X.
Nanostructure Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers: Building Blocks for All-Optical Processing by Baghban, Hamed, Maram, Reza, Rostami, Ali
Spatial Contact Problems in Geotechnics: Boundary-Element Method by Aleynikov, Sergey
Multibody Dynamics: Computational Methods and Applications by
Nonlinear Mechanics of Crystals by Clayton, John D.
Iutam Symposium on Multiscale Modelling of Fatigue, Damage and Fracture in Smart Materials: Proceedings of the Iutam Symposium on Multiscale Modelling by
Globalization of Mobile and Wireless Communications: Today and in 2020 by
Thin Films Material Technology: Sputtering of Compound Materials by Adachi, Hideaki, Wasa, Kiyotaka, Kitabatake, Makoto
Deformation and Failure in Metallic Materials by
Dynamic Response of Granular and Porous Materials Under Large and Catastrophic Deformations by
Glassy, Amorphous and Nano-Crystalline Materials: Thermal Physics, Analysis, Structure and Properties by
Progress in Wall Turbulence: Understanding and Modeling: Proceedings of the Wallturb International Workshop Held in Lille, France, April 21-23, 2009 by
Microsystems Dynamics by Ostasevicius, Vytautas, Dauksevicius, Rolanas
Nonlinear Continuum Mechanics and Large Inelastic Deformations by Dimitrienko, Yuriy I.
New World Situation: New Directions in Concurrent Engineering: Proceedings of the 17th Ispe International Conference on Concurrent Engineering by
Radar Meteorology by Raghavan, S.
Intelligent Networking, Collaborative Systems and Applications by
High-Tc Superconductors Based on Feas Compounds by Izyumov, Yuri, Kurmaev, Ernst
Interference-Optical Methods of Solid Mechanics by Razumovsky, Igor A.
Standardization in Smart Grids: Introduction to It-Related Methodologies, Architectures and Standards by Dänekas, Christian, Uslar, Mathias, Specht, Michael
Morphology of Crystals: Part A: Fundamentals Part B: Fine Particles, Minerals and Snow Part C: The Geometry of Crystal Growth by Jaap Van Such by
Control of Integral Processes with Dead Time by Visioli, Antonio, Zhong, Qingchang
Wind Turbines: Fundamentals, Technologies, Application, Economics by Hau, Erich
Towards Hardware-Intrinsic Security: Foundations and Practice by
Qualitative Spatial Abstraction in Reinforcement Learning by Frommberger, Lutz
Iutam Symposium on Emerging Trends in Rotor Dynamics: Proceedings of the Iutam Symposium on Emerging Trends in Rotor Dynamics, Held in New Delhi, Indi by
Intermediate Mechanics of Materials by Barber, J. R.
Diffusion Processes in Advanced Technological Materials by
Integral/Structural Polymer Foams: Technology, Properties and Applications by Shutov, Fyodor A.
Japan's Security Identity: From a Peace-State to an International-State by Singh, Bhubhindar
Kanban for the Supply Chain: Fundamental Practices for Manufacturing Management, Second Edition by Cimorelli, Stephen
Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science VI by
Woleds and Organic Photovoltaics: Recent Advances and Applications by
Predictive Functional Control: Principles and Industrial Applications by Richalet, Jacques, O'Donovan, Donal
Wind Turbines: Fundamentals, Technologies, Application, Economics by Hau, Erich
Pervasive Computing: The Mobile World by Hansmann, Uwe, Merk, Lothar
Antifouling Paint Biocides by
Sixth Iutam Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition: Proceedings of the Sixth Iutam Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition, Bangalore, India, 200 by
Anisotropic Behaviour of Damaged Materials by
Iutam Symposium on Flow Control and Mems: Proceedings of the Iutam Symposium Held at the Royal Geographical Society, 19-22 September 2006, Hosted by I by
Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing: Recent Trends by
Faszination Ultraschall by Sorge, Georg
Yearbook on Space Policy 2007/2008: From Policies to Programmes by
Testing Molecular Wires: A Photophysical and Quantum Chemical Assay by Wielopolski, Mateusz
Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2006 by
Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures II by
Theoretical Mechanics: Theoretical Physics 1 by Dreizler, Reiner M., Lüdde, Cora S.
Computational Methods in Stochastic Dynamics by
A Comprehensive Survey of International Soybean Research: Genetics, Physiology, Agronomy and Nitrogen Relationships by
Design Through Digital Interaction: Computing, Communication and Collaboration in Design by Peng, Chengzhi
Ancestors of Kimberlyn Woodin by Woodin, David
Manalive by Chesterton, G. K.
NASA at 50: Interviews with NASA's Senior Leadership by NASA
Understanding Virtual Universities by Rada, Roy
The Petroleum Resources of Indonesia by Bee, Ooi Jin
Excursions in Harmonic Analysis, Volume 1: The February Fourier Talks at the Norbert Wiener Center by
Nanorobotics: Current Approaches and Techniques by
Incineration Technologies by Buekens, Alfons
Dimension-Based Quality Modeling of Transmitted Speech by Wältermann, Marcel
Heat and Mass Transfer in Particulate Suspensions by Michaelides
Untersuchungen Zur Farbtiefenabmusterung Gefärbter Textilien by Hauptmann, Heinz
Biological Indicators of Freshwater Pollution and Environmental Management by
Excursions in Harmonic Analysis, Volume 2: The February Fourier Talks at the Norbert Wiener Center by
Progress in Location-Based Services by
Spain's Photovoltaic Revolution: The Energy Return on Investment by Prieto, Pedro A., Hall, Charles A. S.
Mobile Wireless Communications. Mischa Schwartz, Department of Electrical Engineering, Columbia University by Schwartz, Mischa
How to catch a mole: A professional molecatcher of a quarter of a century shares his secrets and tips by Roberts, Armour
Multipoint Methods for Solving Nonlinear Equations by Neta, Beny, Petkovic, Miodrag, Petkovic, Ljiljana
European Security in NATO's Shadow by Hofmann, Stephanie C.
Perfume Engineering: Design, Performance and Classification by Teixeira, Miguel A., Rodriguez, Oscar, Gomes, Paula
Compulsion To Kill by Challis, Stephen C.
Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger by Ghosh Rajesh, Ravindra Andukuri
Bleeding Talent: How the US Military Mismanages Great Leaders and Why It's Time for a Revolution by Kane, T.
Nanoporous Materials: Synthesis and Applications by
Convective Heat Transfer: Solutions Manual and Computer Programs by Cebeci, Tuncer
Nanoimprint Lithography: An Enabling Process for Nanofabrication by Zhou, Weimin
Werkstoffprüfung Mit Ultraschall by Krautkrämer, Josef, Krautkrämer, Herbert
Grundlagen Der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung Und Statistik Sowie Anwendungen Im Operations Research by Weinberg, Franz
Iron--Binary Phase Diagrams by Kubaschewski, O.
Die Zukunft Der Ernährungswissenschaft by
Pretreatment Techniques for Biofuels and Biorefineries by
Reproduction of Tactual Textures: Transducers, Mechanics and Signal Encoding by Wiertlewski, Michaël
Nuclear Power, Economic Development Discourse and the Environment: The Case of India by Mathai, Manu
Pinning Control of Complex Networked Systems: Synchronization, Consensus and Flocking of Networked Systems Via Pinning by Wang, Xiaofan, Su, Housheng
The Art of Rigging by Biddlecombe, George
Solving Problems in Technical Communication by
Workbook for Handley/Coon/Marshall's Project Lead the Way/Principles of Engineering by Marshall, David M., Handley, Brett, Coon, Craig
Electrical and Fire Alarm Exam Questions by Nec Questions
Australian Professional Pest Control Terminology: A Guide to Pest Management Reporting by Connor, Geoff
UK Professional Pest Control Terminology: A Guide to Pest Management Reporting by Connor, Geoff
Geoengineering: Governance and Technology Policy by Lattanzio, Richard K., Bracmort, Kelsi
US Professional Pest Control Terminology: A Guide to Pest Management Reporting by Connor, Geoff
Embodiment of Emotions Through Wearable Technology: A Practice Based Design Research by Ugur, Secil
Search for the Ultimate Energy Source: A History of the U.S. Fusion Energy Program by Dean, Stephen O.
Dynamics and Control of Structures: A Modal Approach by Gawronski, Wodek K.
Multibody System Dynamics, Robotics and Control by
Bestandteile und Aufgaben des Blutes: Einführung der Unterrichtsmethode "Gruppenpuzzle" by Schwender, Uwe
Aero and Vibroacoustics of Automotive Turbochargers by Nguyen-Schäfer, Hung
Men of Invention and Industry by Smiles, Samuel, Jr.
Industrial Biography by Smiles, Samuel, Jr.
Die Neueren Schweißverfahren: Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung Der Gasschweißtechnik by Schimpke, Paul
Communication Systems: The State of the Art Ifip 17th World Computer Congress - Tc6 Stream on Communication Systems: The State of the Art Aug by
Methoden Zur Chemischen Analyse Von Gummimischungen by Frey, Horst E.
Nonlinear Stochastic Systems with Incomplete Information: Filtering and Control by Wang, Zidong, Shen, Bo, Shu, Huisheng
Grundlagen Der Metallkunde in Anschaulicher Darstellung by Masing, Georg
Analytische Angebotskalkulation Im Stahl- Und Apparatebau Mit Empirischen Werten by Ruckes, J.
Klingelnberg-Palloid-Spiralkegelräder: Berechnung, Herstellung Und Einbau by Krumme, Walter
Moderne Probleme Der Propellertheorie by Isay, Wolfgang-H
Prüfung Von Hochspannungs-Leistungsschaltern by Slamecka, Ernst
ATM Network Performance by Kesidis, George
Analysis of Nucleic Acids by Capillary Electrophoresis by
Speech Technology at Work by Cassford, Graham, Hollingum, Jack
Akkreditierung Und Qualitätssicherung in Der Analytischen Chemie by
Lehrbuch der Markscheidekunst und praktischen Geometrie by Liebenau, Ad
Magickal Manners: Guide to Magickal Etiquette by Shadowdrake, Puck
The Diesel Engine by
Integrierte Hochfrequenzschaltkreise: Grundlagen Des Computergestützten Entwurfs by Thiede, Andreas
Science and Innovations in Iran: Development, Progress, and Challenges by
Advanced Video Communications over Wireless Networks by
Science and Innovations in Iran: Development, Progress, and Challenges by
Statische Berechnung Von Kesselböden by Eßlinger, Maria
Developing Safety-Critical Software: A Practical Guide for Aviation Software and DO-178C Compliance by Rierson, Leanna
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