• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Tennis in 2016

3D Tennis 2 in 1 Taktikboard und Trainingsbuch: Trainingsbuch, Notizbuch, Taktikbuch, Spieltaktik, Taktikboard, Training, Federer, Nadal, Becker, Wawr by Taane, Theo Von
Coaching Winning High School Tennis: Written for the novice and the experienced coach. A step by step to make your team a winner. by Reutinger, Christopher
Tennis 2 in 1 Taktikboard und Trainingsbuch: Trainingsbuch, Notizbuch, Taktikbuch, Spieltaktik, Taktikboard, Training, Federer, Nadal, Becker, Wawrink by Taane, Theo Von
3D Tennis Tacticboard and Training Workbook: Tactics/strategies/drills for trainer/coaches, notebook, training, exercise, exercises, drills, practice, by Taane, Theo Von
Tennis 2 in 1 Tacticboard and Training Workbook: Tactics/strategies/drills for trainer/coaches, notebook, training, exercise, exercises, drills, pract by Taane, Theo Von
The Tennis Parent's Bible: Second Edition by Giampaolo, Frank
The Tennis Parent's Guide to Improved Nutrition by Boosting Your RMR: Using Newer and Better Ways to Feed Your Body and Increase Muscle Growth Natural by Correa (Certified Sports Nutritionist)
Winning Tennis Nutrition by Lee Rdn, Grace
The Definitive Tennis Coach's Nutrition Manual To RMR: Learn How To Prepare Your Students For High Performance Tennis Through Proper Nutrition by Correa (Certified Sports Nutritionist)
Successful Tennis by Prior, Paul V.
The Ladies of Tennis: Trivia & Jokes, Quips & Quotes in Black and WHite by Northup, Desi
Modern Nutrition for Recreational Tennis Players: Using Your Resting Metabolic Rate to Improve Performance, Reduce Soreness after Training, and Have I by Correa (Certified Sports Nutritionist)
Et si je me donnais une chance!: Apprendre à apprendre. by Dupuy, Yann
Ultramodern Nutrition for Tennis Teachers: Teaching Your Students Advanced RMR Techniques to Improve Hand and Foot Speed, Reduce Muscle Soreness, and by Correa (Certified Sports Nutritionist)
Elite Tennis Players Handbook to Powerful Muscle Developing Nutrition: Prepare Like the Pros by Escalating Your RMR to Generate More Muscle, Eliminate by Correa, Joseph
The Complete Guidebook to Exploiting Your RMR in Squash: Learn How to Increase Your Resting Metabolic Rate to Drop Fat and Generate Lean Muscle by Correa (Certified Sports Nutritionist)
The Complete Guidebook to Exploiting Your RMR in Swimming: Speed up Your Resting Metabolic Rate to Drop Fat and Generate Lean Muscle While You Rest by Correa (Certified Sports Nutritionist)
The Complete Guidebook to Exploiting Your RMR for Bodybuilding: Learn How to Increase Your Resting Metabolic Rate to Drop Fat and Generate Lean Muscle by Correa (Certified Sports Nutritionist)
The Complete Guidebook to Exploiting Your RMR in Cheerleading: Learn How to Accelerate Your Resting Metabolic Rate to Drop Fat and Generate Lean Muscl by Correa (Certified Sports Nutritionist)
The Complete Guidebook to Exploiting Your RMR in Cricket: Learn How to Accelerate Your Resting Metabolic Rate to Drop Fat and Generate Lean Muscle by Correa (Certified Sports Nutritionist)
The Complete Guidebook to Exploiting Your RMR in Fencing: Learn How to Accelerate Your Resting Metabolic Rate to Drop Fat and Generate Lean Muscle by Correa (Certified Sports Nutritionist)
The Complete Guidebook to Exploiting Your RMR in Football: Increase Your Resting Metabolic Rate to Drop Fat and Generate Lean Muscle While You Sleep by Correa (Certified Sports Nutritionist)
The Complete Guidebook to Exploiting Your RMR in Hockey: Learn How to Increase Your Resting Metabolic Rate to Drop Fat and Generate Lean Muscle When Y by Correa (Certified Sports Nutritionist)
The Complete Guidebook to Exploiting Your RMR in Marathons: Increasing Your Resting Metabolic Rate to Drop Fat and Generate Lean Muscle by Correa (Certified Sports Nutritionist)
The Complete Guidebook to Exploiting Your RMR in Martial Arts: Accelerate Your Resting Metabolic Rate to Drop Fat and Generate Lean Muscle by Correa (Certified Sports Nutritionist)
The Complete Guidebook to Exploiting Your RMR in Rugby: Accelerate Your Resting Metabolic Rate to Drop Fat and Generate Lean Muscle While You Sleep by Correa (Certified Sports Nutritionist)
The Complete Guidebook to Exploiting Your RMR in Skiing: Learn How to Increase Your Resting Metabolic Rate to Drop Fat and Generate Lean Muscle by Correa (Certified Sports Nutritionist)
The Complete Guidebook to Exploiting Your RMR in Softball: Learn How to Accelerate Your Resting Metabolic Rate to Drop Fat and Generate Lean Muscle Wh by Correa (Certified Sports Nutritionist)
The Complete Guidebook to Exploiting Your RMR in Baseball: Learn How to Speed up Your Resting Metabolic Rate to Drop Fat and Generate Lean Muscle Whil by Correa (Certified Sports Nutritionist)
The Complete Guidebook to Exploiting Your RMR in Tennis: Accelerate Your Resting Metabolic Rate to Drop Fat and Generate Lean Muscle While You Sleep by Correa (Certified Sports Nutritionist)
The Complete Guidebook to Exploiting Your RMR in Water Polo: Learn How to Accelerate Your Resting Metabolic Rate to Drop Fat and Generate Lean Muscle by Correa (Certified Sports Nutritionist)
The Complete Guidebook to Exploiting Your RMR in Volleyball: Learn How to Accelerate Your Resting Metabolic Rate to Drop Fat and Generate Lean Muscle by Correa (Certified Sports Nutritionist)
The Comprehensive Guidebook to Exploiting Your RMR in Wrestling: Learn How to Accelerate Your Resting Metabolic Rate to Drop Fat and Generate Lean Mus by Correa (Certified Sports Nutritionist)
The Key to Unlimited Energy in Tennis: Unlocking Your Resting Metabolic Rate to Reduce Injuries, Get Less Tired, and Eliminate Muscle Cramps during Co by Correa (Certified Sports Nutritionist)
Unbelievable Results in Tennis: Harnessing Your Resting Metabolic Rate's Potential to Drop Fat and Increase Muscle Development by Correa (Certified Sports Nutritionist)
The RMR Factor in Tennis: Performing At Your Highest Level by Finding Your Ideal Performance Weight and Maintaining It through Unique Nutritional Habi by Correa (Certified Sports Nutritionist)
Tennis Tensions by Rickards, Tudor
Tennis Coloring Book by Kongo, Kid
Tenis Trivia ¿Qué tanto sabes de Tenis? Vol. 2: Curiosidades para el Verdadero Fan del Tenis by Allegre, Edgar G.
Career as a Tennis Pro: Player, Teacher, Coach by Institute for Career Research
Tennis Coloring Book by Kongo, Kid
Spalding's Athletic Library - The Games of Lawn Hockey, Tether Ball, Golf-Croquet, Hand Tennis, Volley Ball, Hand Polo, Wicket Polo, Laws of Badminton by Anon
The Beginners Guidebook To Mental Toughness Training For Tennis Players: Enhancing Your Performance Through Meditation, Calmness Of Mind, And Stress M by Correa (Certified Meditation Instructor)
The Art of Lawn Tennis by Tilden, William T.
The 15 Minute Meditation Guide for Tennis Parents: Teaching Your Kids Meditation to Enhance Their Performance by Controlling Their Emotions and Stayin by Correa (Certified Meditation Instructor)
The 15 Minute Meditation Guide for Bodybuilding Parents: The Parents' Guide to Teaching Your Kids Meditation to Enhance Their Performance by Controlli by Correa (Certified Meditation Instructor)
The 15 Minute Meditation Guide for Cycling Parents: The Parents' Guide to Teaching Your Kids Meditation to Enhance Their Performance by Controlling Th by Correa (Certified Meditation Instructor)
The 15 Minute Meditation Guide for Marathons Parents: Teaching Your Kids Meditation to Enhance Their Performance by Controlling Their Emotions and Sta by Correa (Certified Meditation Instructor)
The 15 Minute Meditation Guide for Squash Parents: Teaching Your Kids Meditation to Enhance Their Performance by Controlling Their Body and Mind by Correa (Certified Meditation Instructor)
The 15 Minute Meditation Guide for Triathlon Parents: Teaching Your Kids Meditation to Enhance Their Performance by Controlling Their Body and Mind by Correa (Certified Meditation Instructor)
The 15 Minute Meditation Guide for Volleyball Parents: Teaching Your Kids Meditation to Enhance Their Performance by Controlling Their Emotions and St by Correa (Certified Meditation Instructor)
String Theory: David Foster Wallace on Tennis: A Library of America Special Publication by Wallace, David Foster
Twist Serve: A Young Girls Discovery Of Tennis and Herself by Nardi, Susan, Wright, Dean
Winning Singles Strategy for Recreational Tennis Players: 140 Tips and Tactics for Transforming Your Game by Donohue, Gerry
Winning Doubles Strategy for Recreational Tennis Players: Tips and Tactics to Transform Your Game by Donohue, Gerry
A Social History of Tennis in Britain by Lake, Robert
From Go to Pro - A Playing and Coaching Manual for the Aspiring Tennis Player (and Parents): Developing the Elite Tennis Player by Beede, Mark a.
How To Play Tennis: A Complete Course In Playing Tennis by Westra, Bryan
My Amazing Tennis Project Book by Kossowska, J.
Complete Conditioning for Tennis by Roetert, E. Paul, Ellenbecker, Todd S., Kovacs, Mark
现代网球的32个战术: 你学过的最有价值的的32 by Correa, Joseph
60个网球战术和心理策略: 意志力训练 by Correa, Joseph
12 Secrets de tennis pour gagner plus!: "Ce que vous devez faire et de travailler sur pour gagner tout le temps!" by Correa, Joseph
60 Strategies Et Tactiques Mentales En Tennis: L'Exactitude En Entrainement Mental by Correa, Joseph
Les 33 Lois de Tennis: 33 Lois Pour Evoluer Votre Jeu by Correa, Joseph
32 Stratégies pour le tennis d'aujourd'hui: Les 32 pertinentes stratégies de tennis que vous devez savoir by Correa, Joseph
54 Tennis-Übungen Für Das Heutige Spiel: Zur Verbesserung Von Konsistenz Und Stärke by Correa, Joseph
Tennis Strategien Für Frauen: Gewinn Mehr Spiele, Indem Du Gerissener Spielst by Correa, Joseph
15 Aufschlags-Übungen Im Tennis Zur Verbesserung Von Konsistenz, Spin Und Kraft by Correa, Joseph
Tennis-Strategien Für Das Einzel Und Doppel: Gewinn-Taktiken Und Mentale Strategien Um Jeden Zu Schlagen by Correa, Joseph
Härtere Aufschläge Beim Einzel Und Doppel: Schlag wie ein Profi auf! by Correa, Joseph
60 Tennisstrategien Und Mentale Taktiken: Training Zur Mentalen Härte by Correa, Joseph
114 Strategien, Mentale Taktiken Und Übungen Fürs Tennis: Verbessere Dein Spiel In 10 Tagen by Correa, Joseph
32 Strategie per il gioco del Tennis contemporaneo: Le 32 Strategie Più Preziose per il Tennis che potrai mai imparare! by Correa, Joseph
Le 33 Leggi del Tennis: Trentatré Concetti per migliorare il Tuo Gioco by Correa, Joseph
15 Esercizi sul Servizio nel Tennis, Esercizi per potenziare la Resistenza, Rotazione, e Potenza: "Impara come direzionare il tuo servizio per diventa by Correa, Joseph
Allenamenti avanzati di Tennis con la corda: "Questo libro vuole insegnarti come avere un controllo totale della pallina durante ogni punto con questo by Correa, Joseph
60 Strategie nel Tennis e Tattiche Mentali: Allenamento di Resistenza Mentale by Correa, Joseph
114 Strategie del Tennis, Tattiche Mentali, ed Esercizi: Migliora il tuo gioco in 10 giorni by Correa, Joseph
今日のテニスの32戦略: 最も貴重な32テニ&# by Correa, Joseph
60 стратегий игры в теннис &#1 by Correa, Joseph
114 стратегий игры в теннис, & by Correa, Joseph
Estrategias de Tenis Para Singles y Dobles: Tácticas Para Ganar y Estrategias Mentales Para Vencer a Cualquiera by Correa, Joseph
Las 33 Leyes del Tenis: 33 Conceptos para Mejorar su juego by Correa, Joseph
114 Estrategias, Tácticas Mentales y Ejercicios de Tenis: Mejore su juego en 10 días by Correa, Joseph
54 Ejercicios de Tenis para el juego de hoy: Mejore su consistencia y fuerza by Correa, Joseph
32 Estrategias de tenis para el juego de hoy: ¡Las 32 estrategias más valiosas que alguna vez aprenderá! by Correa, Joseph
¡12 Secretos Para Ganar Más Jugando al Tenis!: "Lo que deberías estar haciendo y en que deberías estar trabajando para ganar todo el tiempo!" by Correa, Joseph
Saque de Tenis de Súperman: Saque como un profesional! by Correa, Joseph
The Ins and Outs of Tennis: Doubles and Singles Strategy by Taylor, Kenner
Facing McEnroe: Symposium of a Champion by Malinowski, Scoop
Tennis in a Flash: 10 Steps to Better Tennis by Naessens, Phil
Deliberate Tennis: A Player's Guide to Maximum Effectiveness On and Off the Court by Himadi, Bill
A Tennis Journey by E.C. by St Martin, Eugene, Jr.
A Courageous Life by Solc, Translator Josef
Federer by Bowers, Chris
The Tennis Book: The Encyclopedia of World Tennis by Wancke, Henry
Top 100 Women's Tennis Players Since 1985: The last Grand Slam champion to use a wooden racket was in 1983. By 1985 a new, power era had emerged. This by Haug, Peter
The Art of War: Art of Tennis by Kim, Sky
The Dog That Taught Me Tennis by Huss, Sally
DS Performance - Strength & Conditioning Training Program for Tennis, Agility, Amateur by Smith, D. F. J.
DS Performance - Strength & Conditioning Training Program for Tennis, Agility, Intermediate by Smith, D. F. J.
DS Performance - Strength & Conditioning Training Program for Tennis, Agility, Advanced by Smith, D. F. J.
DS Performance - Strength & Conditioning Training Program for Tennis, Anaerobic, Amateur by Smith, D. F. J.
DS Performance - Strength & Conditioning Training Program for Tennis, Anaerobic, Intermediate by Smith, D. F. J.
DS Performance - Strength & Conditioning Training Program for Tennis, Anaerobic, Advanced by Smith, D. F. J.
DS Performance - Strength & Conditioning Training Program for Tennis, Power, Amateur by Smith, D. F. J.
DS Performance - Strength & Conditioning Training Program for Tennis, Power, Intermediate by Smith, D. F. J.
DS Performance - Strength & Conditioning Training Program for Tennis, Power, Advanced by Smith, D. F. J.
DS Performance - Strength & Conditioning Training Program for Tennis, Speed, Amateur by Smith, D. F. J.
DS Performance - Strength & Conditioning Training Program for Tennis, Speed, Intermediate by Smith, D. F. J.
DS Performance - Strength & Conditioning Training Program for Tennis, Speed, Advanced by Smith, D. F. J.
DS Performance - Strength & Conditioning Training Program for Tennis, Strength, Amateur by Smith, D. F. J.
DS Performance - Strength & Conditioning Training Program for Tennis, Strength, Intermediate by Smith, D. F. J.
DS Performance - Strength & Conditioning Training Program for Tennis, Strength, Advanced by Smith, D. F. J.
The Bud Collins History of Tennis by Collins, Bud
Change Your Grip on Life Through Tennis!: A Player's Physical, Mental, Technical, & Nutritional Guide for Improving Your Game by Micsa, Carmen
How to Hit Out, Get Ball Control and Play Percentage Tennis by Stockman, Anthony J.
Abierto Juvenil Mexicano 2016 by Allegre, Edgar G.