The Revolving Door: The Untold Story of Disability Support
ISBN13: 9781977270542
Publisher: Outskirts Press
Published: Feb 7 2024
Pages: 124
Weight: 0.42
Height: 0.29 Width: 6.00 Depth: 9.00
Language: English
The Revolving Door, the Untold Story of Disability Supports is a story of a young adult woman trying to find good support people who are committed to helping her. Many leave the field because of poor pay and high stress. This is a raw honest story depicting young adults with developmental disabilities who are aging out of the system. These adults are left alone with very little support. Isolation is common with adults with developmental disabilities. Statistics show that in the coming years there will be a tsunami of children with autism growing up to be young adults. Our current social welfare system is not equipped to handle this tsunami coming our way.
The author wants to advocate for better pay and incentive for people entering the direct support professional field. It is a MUST READ for anyone who deals with people with disabilities.
Although the book deals with serious topics, the author imparts humor and honesty to engage with the reader.
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