Iluminacion / Golf for Enlightenment
Religion General MeditationSelf-Help
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ISBN13: 9786073136372
Publisher: Debolsillo
Published: Jan 26 2016
Pages: 176
Weight: 0.30
Height: 0.50 Width: 4.90 Depth: 7.40
Language: Spanish
Descubre la relación entre el golf y la vida y cómo este juego supone, también, una sabiduría espiritual que te llevará más allá del hoyo 18.
Deepak Chopra ha descubierto los placeres -y las frustraciones- del golf. Intrigado por los vaivenes de su propio juego, se acercó a varios profesionales y desarrolló una nueva aproximación que cualquier golfista puede seguir. En vez de enfocarse en el swing perfecto, Chopra revela cómo es que el golf puede dominarse a través de la autoconciencia, que exige concentración aguda y relajación al mismo tiempo.
Pero Iluminación es también la fascinante historia de Adam, un jugador de golf que al parecer está conforme consu vida pero no con su juego, y quien conoce a una golfista profesional con la que aprenderá no sólo a mejorar su nivel sino a conocerse a sí mismo y a transformar su vida para siempre.
Profesionales del golf han opinado:
Deepak Chopra has discovered the delights--and frustrations--of golf, and he is passionate about the game. Confronted by the wild ups and downs of his own play, he consulted with golf professionals and developed a new approach to the game that any golfer can follow--from the novice to the expert. The results can be measured not only in increased enjoyment and skill, but also in greater wisdom about life beyond the 18th hole.
Chopra's own game has improved dramatically since incorporating the elements of his program. Instead of focusing on the mechanics of a perfect swing, Chopra reveals how golf can be mastered through mindfulness, a form of awareness that combines sharp focus and relaxation at the same time. Expanded awareness, he tells us, can accomplish much more than external mechanics to improve one's game.
But Golf for Enlightenment is also an engrossing story about Adam, an Everyman who is playing a terrible round of golf when he meets a mysterious young teaching pro named Leela. In seven short but profound lessons detailing spiritual strategies, she teaches Adam the essence of a game that has much to explain about life itself.
Chopra has spent the last year taking the unique message in Golf for Enlightenment nationwide, teaching the essential tenets of his program at lectures and seminars to golfers everywhere. His message continues to help players turn an obsession into a positive life path.
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