Vivir En La Luz. Yoga Para La Autorrealización / Living in the Light: Yoga for Self-Realization
General Alternative HealthMeditationYoga
Publisher Price: $21.95
ISBN13: 9786073854450
Publisher: Grijalbo
Published: Jun 17 2025
Pages: 304
Weight: 0.81
Language: Spanish
El Yoga Real es la más elevada e importante de las tradiciones del yoga: un camino de transformación personal que lo abarca todo y que va más allá de cualquier enfoque de bienestar y sanación que exista hoy en día. Sea lo que sea que estés haciendo para mejorar tu vida, el Yoga Real puede aportarte más de todo lo que deseas; lleva cada experiencia, por pequeña que sea, a la luz. Al aprender a vivir en la luz, aceptas deliberada y conscientemente tu verdadero yo como un ser de posibilidades infinitas, sin las trabas de la preocupación o la duda.
En su nuevo libro, el autor de bestsellers internacionales Deepak Chopra y Sarah Platt-Finger, directora de yoga en Chopra Global y cofundadora de ISHTA Yoga, nos muestran el revelador camino para la autorrealización, la dicha y la plenitud. Combinando un programa práctico de seis semanas que te ayudará a romper hábitos y sistemas de creencias limitantes con una exploración en profundidad de posturas de yoga accesibles para todos los niveles de habilidad, Deepak y Sarah revelan la manera definitiva para unir la mente, el cuerpo y el alma.
Reach your highest potential and a deeper understanding of self with Deepak Chopra's groundbreaking guide to the philosophy and practice of Yoga.
Royal Yoga is the highest and most important of the yoga traditions--an all-embracing path to personal transformation that reaches beyond any approach to wellness and healing that exists today. Whatever you are doing to enhance your life, Royal Yoga can bring you more of everything you want; it brings every experience, no matter how small, into the light. By learning to live in the light, you deliberately and consciously accept your true self as a being of infinite possibilities, unfettered by worry or self-doubt.
In this groundbreaking new work, international bestselling author Deepak Chopra and his coauthor Sarah Platt-Finger, yoga director at Chopra Global and co-founder of ISHTA Yoga, offer an illuminating program for self-realization, bliss, and wholeness. Combining a practical thirty-day program that will help you break limiting habits and belief systems with an in-depth exploration of fifty stimulating and restorative yoga poses, Deepak and Sarah provide a thorough and inspiring way to unite the mind, body, and soul.
With new insights on social and emotional intelligence, the power of attention, body awareness, breathing, wholeness, and transcendence, and with dozens of specially commissioned illustrations of yoga poses (accessible for all skill levels, from beginner to enthusiast), Living in the Light provides the ultimate guide to your exciting, bright, and enlightening future.
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