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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Environmental Studies in 2024

Smart Cities, Energy and Climate: Governing Cities for a Low-Carbon Future by
Экогидродинамическое м&# by Ксавьер, Р&#, Кардосо, О&#
Ökohydrodynamische Modellierung als Unterstützung für das Feuchtgebietsmanagement by Xavier, Renata Azevedo, Cardoso, Olímpio R.
La modélisation écohydrodynamique comme soutien à la gestion des zones humides by Xavier, Renata Azevedo, Cardoso, Olímpio R.
Modellazione ecoidrodinamica come supporto alla gestione delle zone umide by Cardoso, Olímpio R., Xavier, Renata Azevedo
Ecohydrodynamic Modeling as an Aid to Wetland Management by Cardoso, Olímpio R., Xavier, Renata Azevedo
Agronomische Bewertung des Lebenszyklus und des Kohlenstoff-Fußabdrucks von by Reis Lopes, Manuel
Évaluation agronomique du cycle de vie et de l'empreinte carbone des by Reis Lopes, Manuel
Valutazione Agronomica del Ciclo di Vita e Carbon Footprint di by Reis Lopes, Manuel
Avaliação agronómica do ciclo de vida e da pegada de carbono de by Reis Lopes, Manuel
Агрономическая оценка ж& by Рейс Лопе&#1
Влияние пестицидов на тр by Лима, Раке&#, Мальвази&#10
Auswirkungen von Pestiziden auf tropische Amphibien by Lima, Raquel Aparecida Mendes, Malvasio, Adriana
Effets des pesticides sur les amphibiens tropicaux by Malvasio, Adriana, Lima, Raquel Aparecida Mendes
Effetti dei pesticidi sugli anfibi tropicali by Lima, Raquel Aparecida Mendes, Malvasio, Adriana
Effects of pesticides on tropical amphibians by Lima, Raquel Aparecida Mendes, Malvasio, Adriana
Securitizing Marine Protected Areas: Geopolitics, Environmental Justice, and Science by de Santo, Elizabeth M.
Securitizing Marine Protected Areas: Geopolitics, Environmental Justice, and Science by de Santo, Elizabeth M.
Acknowledging Indigenous Knowledge: Voices of Tropical Forest People by Bose, Purabi
Tesla Carbon Pigs, Climate Change, Environmental Equity and Liberal Democracy: Why we should do whatever we can for the environment provided it doesn' by Thalheim, Peter
The Language of Climate Politics: Fossil-Fuel Propaganda and How to Fight It by Guenther, Genevieve
Popularizing Science: The Complex Terminological Interactions Between Scientific and Press Discourses Within the Field of Agroecology by Ledouble, Hélène
Managed Aquifer Recharge in Mena Countries: Developments, Applications, Challenges, Strategies, and Sustainability by
Beginner's Guide to Preparedness: Building Confidence and Security in a Changing World by Copper, Millie
Ecocritical Menopause: Women, Literature, Environment, "The Change" by
Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Processing Algorithms for Nonlinear Oceanic Turbulence and Front Modeling by Marghany, Maged
Huangpu River: the Evolution and Treatment of Water Pollution by Chang, Yueya
Waste-Derived Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Applications and Sustainability by
Postdigital Learning Spaces: Towards Convivial, Equitable, and Sustainable Spaces for Learning by
Exploring Ecolinguistics: Ecological Principles and Narrative Practices by Ponton, Douglas Mark
Progress in Landslide Research and Technology, Volume 3 Issue 1, 2024 by
Airy and Other Analytical Waves for Beginners by Muñoz-Perez, Juan J., Contreras-De-Villar, Antonio, Diaz-Carrasco, Pilar
Introduction to Pre-Apocalyptic Fitness: Start Your Fitness Journey for Lifelong Preparedness by Copper, Millie
Advanced Remote Sensing for Urban and Landscape Ecology by
Privatización y acaparamiento de agua by Juárez Zapatero, Luis Rubén
Trillion-Dollar Stake of Carbon Neutrality, The: Energy Infrastructures in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area by Cooke, Sam Liao, Xu, Yuan
Climate Risk Management in Agriculture: Monthly and Seasonal Forecast Application by Sinha, Palash, Nageswara Rao, M. M., Mohanty, U. C.
Etica Delle Relazioni Alimentari by Fabris, Adriano
Management von Kunststoffabfällen (Avert Plastic-Revert Green Planet) by Sudame, Aruna
Guía de supervivencia con agua: Encontrar, recoger, tratar, almacenar y prosperar fuera de la red de suministro con agua durante emergencias y aventur by Rosser, Dion
Integrated Ecohydrological Modeling by
Integrated Ecohydrological Modeling by
Remote Sensing for Characterization of Geohazards and Natural Resources by
Automated Vehicles as a Game Changer for Sustainable Mobility: Learnings and Solutions by
Sustainable Development and Rural Public Health: From Fossil Fuels to Greener Futures by
Экологическая оценка и п by Виейра Ар&#1, Коэльо Жу&#1
Bewertung der Umweltauswirkungen und -prognose von städtischen Aufforstungsabfällen by Coelho Junior, Luiz Moreira, Vieira Araújo, Yuri Rommel
Évaluation environnementale et prévision des déchets de boisement urbain by Vieira Araújo, Yuri Rommel, Coelho Junior, Luiz Moreira
Valutazione e previsione ambientale dei rifiuti da imboschimento urbano by Coelho Junior, Luiz Moreira, Vieira Araújo, Yuri Rommel
Environmental assessment and forecasting of urban forestry waste by Vieira Araújo, Yuri Rommel, Coelho Junior, Luiz Moreira
The Green Guardians: How Leaves Shape Our Worlds!: The Essential Role They Play In Our Existence by Simpson, C. B.
The Esg and Sustainability Deskbook for Business: A Guide to Policy, Regulation, and Practice by Noeth, Kristyn
The Great Tri-State Tornado by Harter, Justin
Salamanders of the Eastern United States by Gibbons, Whit, Mitchell, Joe, Wilson, Larry
Backstage Climate: The Science and Politics Behind Climate Change by Mehta, Rajan
Understanding Metocean: A User Guide for Offshore Renewables and Oil & Gas by Leggett, Ian
When the Rains Came by Burgin, Emmanuel
Entropy Measures for Environmental Data: Description, Sampling and Inference for Data with Dependence Structures by Altieri, Linda, Cocchi, Daniela
Mapping Geospatial Citizenship: The Power of Participatory GIS by Malakar, Kousik Das, Roy, Supriya
Ecological Aspects of Soil and Land Preservation by
Ecological Aspects of Soil and Land Preservation by
Sustainability: Transformation, Governance, Ethics, Law by Ekardt, Felix
Climate Change Denial: Unmasking the Skeptics by Liu, Adam
Le déni climatique by Porcher, Thomas, Landes, Henri
Landscape Aesthetics: Toward an Engaged Ecology by Siani, Alberto L.
Advances in Hurricane Risk in a Changing Climate by
Ökologische Hydrodynamik im unteren São Francisco und anthropogene Eingriffe by Santana, Neuma Rúbia Figueiredo, A. Netto, Antenor de O., de Souza, Inajá F.
Hydrodynamique environnementale dans le cours inférieur du São Francisco et actions anthropiques by A. Netto, Antenor de O., de Souza, Inajá F., Santana, Neuma Rúbia Figueiredo
Экологическая гидродин&# by Сантана, Н&#, &#1040. &#1053&#1077&#1090&#1090&#1086, Ан&#1090, де Соуза, И&
Idrodinamica ambientale nel basso São Francisco e azioni antropiche by de Souza, Inajá F., Santana, Neuma Rúbia Figueiredo, A. Netto, Antenor de O.
Environmental hydrodynamics in the lower São Francisco and anthropic actions by de Souza, Inajá F., Santana, Neuma Rúbia Figueiredo, A. Netto, Antenor de O.
Управление сорняком Пар& by Менгисту, &#, Мехди, Ибр&#, Нигату, Ли&#
Gestão da infestante Parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus L.) by Mengistu, Alemayehu, Mehdi, Ibrahim, Nigatu, Lisanework
Gestione dell'infestante Partenio (Parthenium hysterophorus L.) by Mehdi, Ibrahim, Nigatu, Lisanework, Mengistu, Alemayehu
Gestion du parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus L.) Mauvaise herbe by Mengistu, Alemayehu, Mehdi, Ibrahim, Nigatu, Lisanework
Management von Parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus L.) Unkraut by Mengistu, Alemayehu, Mehdi, Ibrahim, Nigatu, Lisanework
Paiement pour les services écosystémiques by Thapa, Shivaraj
Environmental Materials and Waste: Circular Economy and Pollution Abatement by
Biofuel Cells: The Design and Application of Biological Catalysts by
Geoethics for the Future: Facing Global Challenges by
Geology and Natural Resources of Nigeria by
Storytelling to Accelerate Climate Solutions by
The Wildlife Garden by Lewis-Stempel, John
Sharks Don't Sink: Adventures of a Rogue Shark Scientist by Graham, Jasmin
What the Wild Sea Can Be: The Future of the World's Ocean by Scales, Helen
Meet the Neighbors: Animal Minds and Life in a More-Than-Human World by Keim, Brandon
Landscape Aesthetics: Toward an Engaged Ecology by Siani, Alberto L.
Geospatial Technologies for Integrated Water Resources Management: Mapping, Modelling, and Decision-Making by
Social Innovations in Education, Environment, and Healthcare by
Forest Policies, Laws, and Governance in India: Conservation Challenges in the Face of Climate Change by
Social Innovations in Education, Environment, and Healthcare by
Global Climate Change: A Clear Explanation and Pathway to Mitigation by Spitzer, David W.
Global Climate Change: A Clear Explanation and Pathway to Mitigation by Spitzer, David W.
Himalayan Climes and Multispecies Encounters by
Влияние гидроэдафическ&# by Прайя Пор&#1
Einfluss hydro-edaphischer Faktoren auf die Igapó-Baumgemeinschaft by Praia Portela de Aguiar, Daniel
Influence des facteurs hydro-édaphiques sur la communauté d'arbres igapó by Praia Portela de Aguiar, Daniel
Influenza dei fattori idro-edafici sulla comunità arborea di igapó by Praia Portela de Aguiar, Daniel
Influence of hydro-edaphic factors on the igapó tree community by Praia Portela de Aguiar, Daniel
Place and Nature: Essays in Russian Environmental History by
Spelunking: Underground Maryland by Power, Will
Green Energy Solutions: A Guide to Practical Strategies for Implementing Renewable Energy Technologies in Your Home and Energy Storage by Finan, Lewis
Climate Obstruction Across Europe by
Transforming Waste Management: Challenges and Success of an Indian City by Warsi, Asad, Samuel, Mercy S.
Sustainable Resilient Built Environments: Proceedings of Srbe 2022, India by
Geoheritage and Geodiversity of Cenozoic Volcanic Fields in Saudi Arabia: Challenges of Geoconservation and Geotourism in a Changing Environment by Németh, Károly, Moufti, Mohammed Rashad H.
The Dragonfly Nymphs of Thailand (Odonata: Anisoptera): An Identification Guide to Families and Genera by Sites, Robert W., Novelo-Gutiérrez, Rodolfo
Responsible and Sustainable Operations: The New Frontier by
Natural Resource Monitoring, Planning and Management Based on Advanced Programming by
Applied Statistical Modelling for Ecologists: A Practical Guide to Bayesian and Likelihood Inference Using R, Jags, Nimble, Stan and Tmb by Kellner, Kenneth F., Kéry, Marc
The Real Two Hearted: Life, Love, and Lore Along Michigan's Most Iconic River by Otwell, Bob
The Real Two Hearted: Life, Love, and Lore Along Michigan's Most Iconic River by Otwell, Bob
Transformation Zur Circular Economy: Kleine Und Mittlere Unternehmen Im Wandel Begleiten by
Integration of Core Sustainable Development Goals in Rural Areas: Current Practices of Water, Energy, Food, Climate Change, and Ecosystems by
Titanium: Metallic Pollutants in the Aquatic Environment by Hauser-Davis, Rachel Ann
Microbial Ecology: Microbiomes, Viromes, and Biofilms by
Practical Building Conservation: Conservation Basics by England, Historic
Drinking Water in Sicily: Hydrogeological and Hydrogeochemical Aspects by
Ressources biologiques et moyens de subsistance by Patel, Pradip, Patel, Rohitkumar, Kumar, Ashish
Risorse biologiche e mezzi di sussistenza by Patel, Pradip, Patel, Rohitkumar, Kumar, Ashish
Recursos biológicos e meios de subsistência by Patel, Pradip, Patel, Rohitkumar, Kumar, Ashish
Биологические ресурсы и by Пател, Рох&#, Кумар, Аши&#, Пател, Пра&#
Innovation and Development of Agricultural Systems: Cases from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (Brics) by
Advanced Studies on Environmental Sustainability: Proceeding of International Conference on Environment and Sustainability 2023 by
Urban Inequalities: A Multidimensional and International Perspective by
Biologische Ressourcen und Lebensgrundlagen by Patel, Pradip, Patel, Rohitkumar, Kumar, Ashish
Imputation Methods for Missing Hydrometeorological Data Estimation by Teegavarapu, Ramesh S. V.
Gentrification and Diversity: Rebranding Milan's Chinatown by Manzo, Lidia Katia C.
Global Challenges for the Environment and Climate Change by
Global Challenges for the Environment and Climate Change by
Handbook of Power Electronics in Autonomous and Electric Vehicles by
Advances in Energy from Waste: Transformation Methods, Applications and Limitations Under Sustainability by
Literature and Ecotheology: From Chaos to Cosmos by Handley, George B.
Energy Footprint and Sustainability: Case Studies by
Gerontology as an Interdisciplinary Science by
The Quaternary in the Tropics: A Reconstruction of the Palaeoclimate by Heine, Klaus
Environment and Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the 2023 8th Asia Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development by
Ecologies of Care in Times of Climate Change: Water Security in the Global Context by Buser, Michael
Physico-chemical Characteristics of sediment of Littoral Zone by Tiwari, Pragya
Ecologie générale by Lamine, Smail
Water Justice and Groundwater Subsidies in India: Equitable and Sustainable Access and Regulation by Naik, Gayathri D.
Cleaning Up the Bomb Factory: Grassroots Activism and Nuclear Waste in the Midwest by Huegel, Casey A.
Cleaning Up the Bomb Factory: Grassroots Activism and Nuclear Waste in the Midwest by Huegel, Casey A.
The California Sky Watcher: Understanding Weather Patterns and What Comes Next by Selby, William A.
This Sweet Earth: Walking with Our Children in the Age of Climate Collapse by Wylie-Kellermann, Lydia
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Geotechnics for Sustainable Infrastructure Development: Geotec2023; 14-15 Dec; Hanoi, Vietnam by
Outdoor Magic: The Power of Nature Connection by Linney, Grant Douglas
Microalgal Bioengineering by
Eine Bilanz Zum Anthropogenen Klimawandel Für Das Studium Generale: Grundlagen Kommentiert Aus Ingenieursicht by Lillich, Karl Heinz
Проход рыбы и плавание н&#1072 by Мартинс Ф&#1
Fischpassage und Kanufahren auf dem größten Fischtransportsystem by Martins Fontes Junior, Hélio
Passage de poissons et canoë-kayak sur le plus grand système de transposition de poissons by Martins Fontes Junior, Hélio
Passaggio dei pesci e canoa sul più grande sistema di trasposizione ittica by Martins Fontes Junior, Hélio
Passagem de peixes e canoagem no maior sistema de transposição de peixes by Martins Fontes Junior, Hélio
Environmental Crime in the United States: Law and Enforcement by Clark, Karen
Environmental Crime in the United States: Law and Enforcement by Clark, Karen
Outdoor Magic: The Power of Nature Connection by Linney, Grant Douglas
Guide to the Terrestrial Mammals of Southern California and Eastern and Southern Sierra Nevada by Blood, Brad R.
More-Than-Human Histories of Latin America and the Caribbean: Decentring the Human in Environmental History by
Current Trends in Fisheries Biotechnology by
Canoeing Maine's Legendary Allagash by Leff, David K.
The Political Economy of Climate Finance Effectiveness in Developing Countries: Carbon Markets, Climate Funds, and the State by Purdon, Mark
HowExpert Guide to Cloud Spotting: Master the Art, Science, and Wonders of Skywatching for Cloud Identification by Howexpert
HowExpert Guide to Cloud Spotting: Master the Art, Science, and Wonders of Skywatching for Cloud Identification by Howexpert
Guide to the Terrestrial Mammals of Southern California and Eastern and Southern Sierra Nevada by Blood, Brad R.
Energie Aus Biomasse: Bio-Chemische Und Physikalisch-Chemische Konversion by
Sustainable Microbial Technology for Synthetic and Cellulosic Microfiber Bioremediation by
Sour Water: Should We Be Worried? by Nomad, Harper
Regenerative Ecosystems in the Anthropocene: A Transdisciplinary Ecosystemic Framework for Regenerativeness by
Climate Adaptation in Urban Planning: Toward Sustainable and Resilient Urban Environments by Mannucci, Simona
Dynamic Response of Coasts and Estuaries to Human Impacts: Problems and Solutions by Wang, Xiao Hua
Local Governance and Development in Africa and the Middle East by
A Toolkit for Effective Everyday Activism by Kelly, Leanne, Rogers, Alison
A Toolkit for Effective Everyday Activism by Kelly, Leanne, Rogers, Alison
Environmental Policy, Governance and Politics: A South Asian Perspective by Kandpal, Prakash Chand
Nevada Mountains: Landforms, Trees, and Vegetation by Charlet, David Alan
Microplastics Pollution and Its Remediation by
Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Meteorological and Agricultural Drought in China by Zhou, Qiang, Li, Yi, Yuan, Faliang
Natural Resources Management and Sustainable Livelihoods in the Mountainous Region: Evidence, Gap and Future Strategies by
International Regulation of Gene Editing Technologies in Crops: Current Status and Future Trends by Clark, Lisa F., Hobbs, Jill E.
Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Coastal and Ocean Engineering: Selected Papers from Iccoe 2023 by
Quantum and Blockchain-Based Next Generation Sustainable Computing by
Этнофармакология в посе& by Эстевес М&#1
Ethnopharmakologie in der Siedlung Denis Gonçalves in Goianá, Minas Gera by Esteves Martins, Andréa
Ethnopharmacology in the Denis Gonçalves settlement in Goianá, Minas Gera by Esteves Martins, Andréa
Ethnopharmacologie dans la colonie de Denis Gonçalves à Goianá, Minas Gera by Esteves Martins, Andréa
Etnofarmacologia nell'insediamento di Denis Gonçalves a Goianá, Minas Gera by Esteves Martins, Andréa
The Role of Renewable Energy in Combating Climate Change by Jamil, Faisal
Economics, Ecology, and Policy for the Bioeconomy: A Holistic Approach by Tisma, Sanja, Farkas, Anamarija, Pisarovic, Anamarija
Radical Ecological Economics and Accounting to Save the Planet: The Failure of Mainstream Economists by Richard, Jacques
Aerosol Atmospheric Rivers: Availability, Spatiotemporal Characterisation, Predictability, and Impacts by Goyal, Manish Kumar, Rautela, Kuldeep Singh
Sustainable Practices That Actually Work: The Only Guide You'll Ever Need to Kickass Eco-Friendly Living and Saving the Planet Without Losing Your Shi by Hawkins, Percy
Brinicles: The Icy Fingers of Death by Jones, Ripley
A User's Guide for Planet Earth: Fundamentals of Environmental Science by Sahagian, Dork
Integração da educação ambiental como disciplina única na Nigéria by Allen-Taylor, Kehinde Oladipupo
Integration der Umwelterziehung als eigenständiges Fach in Nigeria by Allen-Taylor, Kehinde Oladipupo
5 Steps to a 5: AP Environmental Science 2025: Practice AP Tests + AP Content Review + Digital Exams by Mayer, Courtney
Panic Now?: Tools for Humanizing by Allen, Ira
Energy, Sustainability and Resilience: A Futuristic Vision from Asia by
Climate Change Update: Latest Research and Findings by Publishing, Rwg
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