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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Investing & Finance in 1998

European Monetary Union: The Way Forward by
Tax Policy in the Nordic Countries by
Capital Account Regimes and the Developing Countries by
Global Capital Flows: Should They Be Regulated? by Griffith-Jones, Stephany
Economic Dynamics, Trade and Growth: Essays on Harrodian Themes by
Tax Modelling for Economies in Transition by
Contemporary Economic Issues: Macroeconomics and Finance by
Contemporary Economic Issues: Trade, Payments and Debt by
Marxian Economics: A Reappraisal: Volume 2 Essays on Volume III of Capital Profit, Prices and Dynamics by
Mad Money by Stronge, Susan, Strange, Susan
Taxation by Telecommunications Regulation:: The Economics of the E-Rate by Hausman, Jerry
Very Good Year by Fridson, Martin S.
Clicking: 17 Trends That Drive Your Business--And Your Life by Popcorn, Faith, Marigold, Lys
Foreign Investment in Southeast Asia in the Twentieth Century by Lindblad, J.
Financial Markets and European Monetary Cooperation: The Lessons of the 1992 93 Exchange Rate Mechanism Crisis by Buiter, Willem H., Corsetti, Giancarlo, Pesenti, Paolo A.
The Secrets of Selecting Stocks for Immediate and Substantial Gains by Williams, Larry
Mastering Elliott Wave: Presenting the Neely Method: The First Scientific, Objective Approach to Market Forecasting with the Elliott Wave Theo by Neely, Glenn
Foreign Investment in Southeast Asia in the Twentieth Century by Lindblad, J.
Valuation of Fixed Income Securities and Derivatives by Fabozzi, Frank J.
Risk Management by Focardi, Sergio M., Jonas, Caroline
Active Equity Portfolio Management by
Telekommunikation Im Bankgeschäft: Ein Ganzheitliches Gestaltungskonzept Für Innovative Telekommunikationssysteme Im Elektronischen Bankgeschäft by Kerscher, Bernhard A.
Elektronische Bankfilialen Und Virtuelle Banken: Das Privatkundengeschäft Von Universalbanken Im Elektronischen Markt by Stockmann, Carsten
Elektronische Bankvertriebswege: Die Zukünftige Entwicklung Und Bedeutung Elektronischer Kommunikationskanäle Und Ihre Eignung Zum Absatz Von Bankleis by Kreuzer, Martin
New Financial Instruments by Walmsley, Julian
The High-Yield Debt Market: Investment Performance and Economic Impact by
Bewertung Von Optionen Unter Transaktionskosten by Reiß, Ariane
Theorie Der Pflegeversicherung by Meier, Volker
Storage and Stability: The Original 1937 Edition by Graham, Benjamin
Japanese Corporate Finance and International Competition: Japanese Capitalism Versus American Capitalism by Ide, Masasuke
Land Value Taxation: Can It and Will It Work Today? by
European Monetary Integration: 1958 - 2002 by Apel, Emmanuel
European Monetary Integration: 1958 - 2002 by Apel, Emmanuel
Challenge Your Taxes: Homeowner's Guide to Reducing Property Taxes by Lumley, James E. a.
International Economic Institutions by Van Meerhaeghe, M. a.
The Fair Value of Insurance Liabilities by
Emerging Market Capital Flows: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the Stern School of Business, New York University on May 23-24, 1996 by
Multicriteria Decision Aid Methods for the Prediction of Business Failure by Paraschou, Dimitra, Zopounidis, Constantin
Operational Tools in the Management of Financial Risks by
Exchange Rate Policy for MERCOSUR: - Lessons from the European Union: Lessons from the European Union by Marengo, Silvia
Property and Money by Brett, Michael
Handbook of Public Finance by Thompson, Thompson, Thompson, Fred
Modern Business: Elbert Hubbard's Selected Writings Part 8 by Hubbard, Fra Elbert
Practical Readings in Financial Derivatives by Quail, Rob
Forecasting Profits by Gately, Edward
Financial Management for Farmers 4e by Warren, Martyn
Streetwise: The Best of the Journal of Portfolio Management by
The Definitive Guide to Futures Trading by Williams, Larry
Anlegerorientierte Handelsverfahren Für Den Deutschen Aktienmarkt by
Kursbildung Am Deutschen Aktienmarkt by
How I Made $1,000,000 Trading Commodities Last Year by Williams, Larry
Where the Money Grows and Anatomy of the Bubble by Garrett, Garet
Economy and Nature in the Fourteenth Century: Money, Market Exchange, and the Emergence of Scientific Thought by Kaye, Joel
Advances in International Banking and Finance by
New Methods in Financial Modeling: Explorations and Applications by Neuburger, Hugh, Stokes, Houston
Trader Vic II: Principles of Professional Speculation by Sperandeo, Victor
Financier: The Biography of André Meyer: A Story of Money, Power, and the Reshaping of American Business by Reich, Cary
Beyond Wall Street (C) by Mintz, Steven L., Dakin, Dana, Willison, Thomas
Euro For All / L'Euro pour tous by Jurgensen, Philippe
Bank Mergers & Acquisitions by
Market Magic: Riding the Greatest Bull Market of the Century by Yamada, Louise
Das Elektronische Firmenkundengeschäft Der Kreditinstitute Mit Dem Industriellen Mittelstand: Ein Strategisches Marketing-Konzept Für Die Bankpraxis by Grebe, Michael
The Stock Market Barometer by Hamilton, William Peter
Kooperationen an Der Elektronischen Bank-Kunde-Schnittstelle by Fotschki, Christiane
Wirtschaftlichkeitsanalyse Elektronischer Bankvertriebswege: Ein Szenariogestütztes Vorgehensmodell Zur Unterstützung Strategischer Investitionsentsch by Wörner, Gerald
Consuming People: From Political Economy to Theatres of Consumption by
Market Microstructure Theory by O'Hara, Maureen
Buying and Selling Businesses: Including Forms, Formulas, and Industry Secrets by Bumstead, William W.
The History of Money by Weatherford, Jack
Investitionsplanung: Methoden -- Modelle -- Anwendungen by Betge, Peter
Rentenversicherung Und Kapitalbildung by Bräuninger, Michael
Japanese Corporate Finance and International Competition: Japanese Capitalism Versus American Capitalism by Ide, Masasuke
Investment Management by
Volume and the Nonlinear Dynamics of Stock Returns by Hsu, Chiente
The Political Economy of Monetary Union: Towards the Euro by Persaud, Sharda, Giordano, Francesco
The Political Economy of Monetary Union: Towards the Euro by Persaud, Sharda, Giordano, Francesco
The Education of a Speculator by Niederhoffer, Victor
Winning at Mergers and Acquisitions: The Guide to Market-Focused Planning and Integration by Clemente, Mark N., Greenspan, David S.
Children as Consumers: A Psychological Analysis of the Young People's Market by Furnham, Adrian, Gunter, Barrie
Tax Policy in the Nordic Countries by
Women of the Street: Making It on Wall Street -- The World's Toughest Business by Herera, Sue
An Introduction to International Money and Finance by Ramsaran, Ramesh
A Fool and His Money: The Odyssey of an Average Investor by Rothchild, John
The Geography of Money by Cohen, Benjamin J.
Seasonality: Systems, Strategies, and Signals by Bernstein, Jake
Fool by Rothchild, John
Accounting for Tastes by Becker, Gary S.
Informal Venture Capital: Investors, Investments and Policy Issues in Finland by Mason, Colin, Suomi, Markku, Lumme, Annareetta
Keynes and the Classics Reconsidered by
American Finance for the 21st Century by Litan, Robert E.
Emerging Financial Markets and Secured Transactions by Andenas, Mads, Norton, Joseph J.
Conceiving Companies: Joint Stock Politics in Victorian England by Alborn, Timothy L.
Bear Book: Survive and Profit C by Rothchild, John
Payment Systems in the Financial Markets by Rossi, Marco
Profits, Taxes, and the State by Jankowski, Richard
Financial Systems: Principles and Organization by Neave, Edwin H.
Rice: The Primary Commodity by Latham, A. J. H.
Financial Systems: Principles and Organization by Neave, Edwin H.
Cashing in on the Dow by Sheimo, Michael D.
Money: Who Has How Much and Why by Hacker, Andrew
Bill Gross on Investing by Gross, William H.
Einlagenversicherung in Der Unternehmerischen Bank- Und Versicherungswirtschaft by
Finanzierung Ausländischer Unternehmenseinheiten: Steuerliche Aspekte Von Finanzierungsgesellschaften by
Preise Und Handelsvolumina Auf Finanzmärkten: Eine Empirische Überprüfung Der Mischungsverteilungshypothese by
The Futures Game: Who Wins, Who Loses, & Why by Jones, Frank
Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations by Hankin, Jo Ann, Zietlow, John, Seidner, Alan
Pension Fund Excellence: Creating Value for Stockholders by Ambachtsheer, Keith P., Ezra, Don
Applied Stochastic Models and Control for Finance and Insurance by Tapiero, Charles S.
The Psychology of Money by Argyle, Michael, Furnham, Adrian
Seeing Tomorrow: Rewriting the Rules of Risk by Freeman, Andrew, Dembo, Ron S.
Real Exchange Rates for the Year 2000 by Wren-Lewis, Simon, Driver, Rebecca
Commercial Management and Financing of Roads by Vickers, Piers, Vickers, Pier, Heggie, Ian
Tax Code of the Russian Federation by Butler, William E.
The Interpretation of Financial Statements: The Classic 1937 Edition by Meredith, Spencer B., Graham, Benjamin
Options, Futures and Exotic Derivatives: Theory, Application and Practice by Briys, Eric, Bellalah, Mondher, Mai, Huu Minh
Financial Sector Reform and Privatization in Transition Economies by
Mit Planungsinseln Zur Lernenden Organisation: Konzept, Praxiserfahrung, Einführungsstrategie by
Innerbetriebliche Reformen in Nonprofit-Organisationen: Das Deutsche Rote Kreuz Im Modernisierungsprozeß by
Kapazitätsorientierte Auftragsplanung Bei Serienfertigung by
Inside the Bundesbank by Pringle, Robert
Dezentralität Und Markt in Banken: Innovative Organisationskonzepte Auf Der Basis Moderner Informations- Und Kommunikationssysteme by Sandbiller, Klaus
Die Integration Der Schweizer Finanzmärkte: Ein Vergleich Verschiedener Ansätze Zur Messung Der Kapitalmobilität Und Integration Der Finanzmärkte by Mazzoni, Claudio
Direktvertrieb Kundenindividueller Finanzdienstleistungen: Ökonomische Analyse Und Systemtechnische Gestaltung by Roemer, Mark
Financial Regulation: Why, How and Where Now? by Goodhart, Charles, Hartmann, Philipp, Llewellyn, David T.
Financial Regulation: Why, How and Where Now? by Llewellyn, David T., Goodhart, Charles, Hartmann, Philipp
Silver and Gold: The Political Economy of International Monetary Conferences, 1867-1892 by Reti, Steven P.
When Government Fails: The Orange County Bankruptcy by Baldassare, Mark
The Asian Financial Crisis: Causes, Cures, and Systemic Implications by Goldstein, Morris
Zur Kurzfristigen Finanzplanung Des Internationalen Konzerns by Knobloch, Alois P.
Geldpolitische Probleme Durch Innovative Transaktionsmedien by Hakenberg, Till
Managing Resources and Information by Collins, Michael, Cartwright, Roger, Green, George
Successful Credit Control by Posner, Martin
An Introduction to International Money and Finance by Ramsaran, Ramesh
Managing Capital Flows and Exchange Rates by
Der Holdingstandort Schweiz: Ermittlung Der Steuerlichen Attraktivität Im Vergleich Zu Deutschland by
Implementierungscontrolling: Wirtschaftliche Umsetzung Von Change-Programmen by
Wertorientierte Vergütung Von Führungskräften by
The Origins of American Public Finance: Debates Over Money, Debt, and Taxes in the Constitutional Era, 1776-1836 by Stabile, Donald R.
Bank Failures in the Major Trading Countries of the World: Causes and Remedies by Gup, Benton
Trends in Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities by
Convertible Securities: The Latest Instruments, Portfolio Strategies, and Valuation Analysis, Revised Edition by Calamos, John P.
Altersvorsorge Von Abhängig Erwerbstätigen: Bestandsaufnahme, Modellvergleich Und Reformvorschläge by Mauer, Rainer
Macro Markets: Creating Institutions for Managing Society's Largest Economic Risks by Shiller, Robert J.
Germany and the Politics of Europe's Money by Kaltenthaler, Karl
Consumers and Services by Hogg, Gillian, Gabbott, Mark
World Commodities and World Currencies: The Original 1937 Edition by Graham, Benjamin
An Introduction to the Wto Agreements by Das, Bhagirath Lal
Global Economic Effects of the Asian Currency Devaluations by Noland, Marcus, Robinson, Sherman, Liu, Li-Gang
Chartered Institute of Taxation: Tax Treaties and Controlled Foreign Company Legislation: Pushing the Boundaries, Second Edition by Sandler, Daniel
Consumerism: As a Way of Life by Miles, Steven
The Top 100 International Growth Stocks: Your Guide to Creating a Blue Chip International Portfolio for Higher Returns and by Kalb, Peggy Edersheim, Kalb, Scott
The Power of Two: How Companies of All Sizes Can Build Alliance Networks That Generate Business Opportunities by Conlon, John K., Giovagnoli, Melissa
Current Issues in Monetary Economics by
The Trading Crowd: An Ethnography of the Shanghai Stock Market by Hertz, Ellen
Money and Government in the Roman Empire by Duncan-Jones, Richard, Richard, Duncan-Jones
The Trading Crowd: An Ethnography of the Shanghai Stock Market by Hertz, Ellen
The Single European Currency in National Perspective: A Community in Crisis? by
The Handbook of Stable Value Investments by
Advances in Taxation by
Strategische Herausforderungen Im Investment Banking: Integration Von Wholesale Und Retail Banking by
Selected International Investment Portfolios by
Grundsätze Und Technik Ordnungsmäßiger Immobilienbewertung by Engelbrecht, Bernhard
Visual Explorations in Finance: With Self-Organizing Maps by
Market Behaviour and Macroeconomic Modelling by
Financial Analysis and the Predictability of Important Economic Events by Riahi-Belkaoui, Ahmed
Globalization, Trade and Foreign Direct Investment by
Tax Crusaders and the Politics of Direct Democracy by Smith, Daniel a.
Wall Street Policies Itself: How Securities Firms Manage the Legal Hazards of Competitive Pressures by McCaffrey, David, Hart, David
Cultural Dimensions of International Mergers and Acquisitions by
The Economic and Compliance Consequences of Taxation: A Report on the Health of the Tax System in New Zealand by Caragata, Patrick J.
Creating the Future with All Finance and Financial Conglomerates by Verweire, K., Van Den Berghe, L.
Macroeconomics, second edition: An Integrated Approach by Auerbach, Alan J., Kotlikoff, Laurence J.
The Place of Supply in European Vat by Terra, Ben J. M.
Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting by
Research in Finance by
Advances in Financial Planning and Forecasting by
Advances in Public Interest Accounting by
Family Child Care Mileage-Keeper by Copeland, Tom
Economic Transformation in Emerging Countries: The Role of Investment, Trade and Finance by
European Integration and Foreign Direct Investment in the EU: The Case of the Korean Consumer Electronics Industry by Sang-Hyup, Shin
Modern Economic Systems and Their Transformation by Porket, J.
Ordnungsbrüche in Unternehmen: Die Fortentwicklung Interner Modelle by
Euro Und Mittelstand: Neue Dimensionen Auf Internationalen Märkten by Icks, Annette, Clemens, Reinhard, Menke, Andreas
International Macroeconomics: Theory, Policy, and Applications by Bird, G.
Significant Current Issues in International Taxation by Riahi-Belkaoui, Ahmed
Managing in Uncertainty: Theory and Practice by Zopounidis, Constantin, Pardalos, Panos M.
Restoring Japan's Economic Growth by Posen, Adam
Understanding the Older Consumer: The Grey Market by Gunter, Barrie
Currency Derivatives: Pricing Theory, Exotic Options, and Hedging Applications by
The Stock Market by Bradley, Edward S., Teweles, Richard J.
International Macroeconomics: Theory, Policy, and Applications by Bird, G.
Verbände by Schmid, Josef
Globalization, Foreign Direct Investment and Technology Transfers: Impacts on and Prospects for Developing Countries by
Monetary Policy and Interest Rates by
Handbook of Portfolio Management by Fabozzi, Frank J.
Handbook of Structured Financial Products by
The Handbook of Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities by
The Political Economy of Fiscal Decisions: The Strategic Role of Public Debt by Wolff, Jessica De
State-Preference Theorie Und Asset Pricing: Eine Einführung by Zimmermann, Heinz
Die Lebensorganisation Älterer Menschen: Eine Trendanalyse by
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