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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Marketing in 2014

Aldi Süd. Die Bedeutung von Hersteller- und Handelsmarken bei der Sortimentsgestaltung by De Buhr, Lars
How to become an honest con artist: The Personal Branding Guide by Vera López, Manuel
Virtual Teams & Project Management by Javaid, Junaid
The Trend Management Toolkit: A Practical Guide to the Future by Kjaer, A.
Client Value Generation: Das Zürcher Modell Der Kundenzentrierten Bankarchitektur by Koye, Bernhard, Liebetrau, Axel, Auge-Dickhut, Stefanie
Online Visual Merchandising by Velinov Ivo, Katrandjiev Hristo
Rising Star Ambush Marketing: Wege zur erfolgreichen Kommunikationsstrategie by Johannsen, Sören
Das Musikfestival: Wirtschaftliche und touristische Aspekte by Bellinghausen, Raimund
Marketing und Kanzleirating für Steuerberater: Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung von Marketinginstrumenten und deren Auswirkung auf das Kanzleirating by Laufer, Thomas
The Reputation Playbook: A Winning Formula to Help Ceos Protect Corporate Reputation in the Digital Economy by Janson, Jennifer
Entrepreneur's Guide To The Lean Brand: How Brand Innovation Builds Passion, Transforms Organizations and Creates Value by Cooper, Brant, Gardner, Jeremiah
Breakthrough: How to Build a Million Dollar Business by Helping Others Succeed by Pinyin, King
Die Vermarktung von Musik by Hasler, Daniel
160 Characters or Less: How to Increase Customer Loyalty, Drive Sales and WIN with Text Message Marketing by Wheeler, Judd
Magnetic Sponsoring: How To Attract Endless New Prospects And Team Members To You Automatically by Dillard, Mike
Führung Von Personaldienstleistungsunternehmen: Eine Strukturierte Einführung by Hillebrecht, Steffen
Co-Economy: Wertschöpfung Im Digitalen Zeitalter: Netzwerke Und Agile Organisationsstrukturen Erfolgreich Nutzen by Burgard, Nora, Pelzer, Claudia
Heavyweight Marketing: Knockout Strategies for Building Champion Brands by Allen, Nikolas
An Honest Day's Work: True Tales of a Life in PR by Atkins, Chris
Plans d'expériences - Design of Experiments. Avec plan factoriel complet et utilisation des équations structurelles by Hasler, Daniel
The Ultimate Guide to Writing and Marketing a Bestselling Book - on a Shoestring Budget by Blick, Dee
How to Effectively Attract & Retain Customers: Including Strategies for the Effective Use of New Marketing Media by Richards, Romeo
The Mindful Marketer: How to Stay Present and Profitable in a Data-Driven World by Nirell, Lisa
The Mindful Marketer: How to Stay Present and Profitable in a Data-Driven World by Nirell, Lisa
Faszination Popstar: Eine qualitative Studie zur Rezeption und kommunikativen Medienaneignung der Castingshow "Helden von Morgen" by Weinberger, Jacqueline
Kundenorientierung und Suchverhalten im POS by Schlegtendal, Christian, Schlegtendal, Thomas
The 5 Steps to Success in Network Marketing by Weeks, Deacon
Markenpolitik im schienengebundenen Personenverkehr: Eine qualitative Untersuchung aus der Perspektive des Unternehmens Thalys International SCRL by Klein, Tobias
Entwicklung eines Bewertungssystems für die Social Media Aktivitäten eines Unternehmens by Weigel, Christoph
Werbewirkungsforschung: Neue Ansätze durch Neuromarketing by Riedl, Carolin
Das 15-Minuten-Zielgespräch: Wie Sie Ihre Verkäufer Zu Spitzenleistungen Bringen by Herndl, Karl
Auf Dem Weg Zum Profi Im Verkauf: Verkaufsgespräche Zielstrebig Und Kundenorientiert Führen by Herndl, Karl
Mass-Marketing Fraud: A Threat Assessment by International Mass-Marketing Fraud Worki
The Easy Guide To Podcasting: What's Your Story? by Bourquin, Scott J.
Increase Sales by 50% and Double your Profits..: Marketing is Not an Expense It is an Investment by Peterson, Wayne a.
Internationale strategische Markenführung spanischer Unternehmen in Deutschland by Kaluza, Kathrin
Les BRISE-GLACES !: Comment Amener N'importe Quel Prospect à Vous Supplier de Lui Faire une Présentation ! by Schreiter, Tom Big Al
Network Marketing Position in Post-Industrial Society: Assessing Network Marketing Position and Defining Social Characteristic of Network Marketers Th by Sadooghianzadeh, MR Mehrab
The Psychology of the Asian Consumer by
The Psychology of the Asian Consumer by
Multisensorisches Marketing in der Lebensmittelbranche: Theoretische Grundlagen und Anwendungsbeispiele by Au, Sebastian
Marketing Value Metrics: A New Metrics Model to Measure Marketing Effectiveness by Mouncey, Peter, McDonald, Malcolm, Maklan, Stan
Eine PR Der Nächsten Gesellschaft: Ambivalenzen Einer Disziplin Im Wandel by Winkler, Peter
Reputation Und Wahrnehmung: Wie Unternehmensreputation Entsteht Und Wie Sie Sich Beeinflussen Lässt by Fleischer, Alexander
Power Principles Volume 2 by Tracy, Brian, Nanton, Nick, Dicks, Jw
Cómo Prospectar, Vender Y Construir Tu Negocio De Redes De Mercadeo Con Historias by Schreiter, Tom Big Al
Customer Co-Design: A Study in the Mass Customization Industry by Thallmaier, Stefan R.
Personalauswahl Im Vertrieb: Wie Sie Die Passenden Top-Performer Finden Und Gewinnen by Strzygowski, Steffen
Akzeptanz Ökologischer Produktinnovationen Im Automobilbereich: Wirkungen Der Markenliebe by Staufer, Isabel Maria
Authentisch Und Wertorientiert Kommunizieren: Wie Sie Ihre Unternehmenskommunikation an Werten Ausrichten by Abbate, Sandro
Brand Positioning in a Nutshell: Unlock your brand positioning with this jargon-free D-Y-I guide by Ott, Bryce
Die Wirkung von Product Placement am Beispiel der James Bond Filmreihe by Meyer, Jennifer
How to Get PR for your Startup: Traction by Hendricks, Drew, Newlands, Murray
Media Planning & Buying in the 21st Century: Integrating Traditional & Digital Media by Geskey Sr, Ronald D.
5 Easy Steps to Make Your Website Your #1 Employee: Simple tips to have your website actually work for you to make you money by Johnsen Mba, Steve
Die Zukunft Der Marke: Handlungsempfehlungen Für Eine Neue Markenführung by Haller, Peter, Twardawa, Wolfgang
Introduction to Product/Service-System Design by
Agenturauswahl: Der Weg Zur Richtigen Kommunikationsagentur by Nöcker, Ralf
The Reinvention of Marketing by Malone, Deborah
The Reinvention of Marketing by Malone, Deborah
Marketing Culturel. Comment peut-on développer la stratégie de présence de la culture française en Egypte? by Saba, Dina
Ethnomarketing für Genossenschaftsbanken: Grundlagen und Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten by Asmus, Sven
Klänge, Emotionen und Audiobranding: Markenkommunikation mit Musik vor dem Hintergrund der emotionalen Wirkung musikalischer Gestaltungsparameter by Schaefer, Peter
Krisenkommunikation von Unternehmen im Social Web: Erfolgsfaktoren beim Einsatz von Social Media by Mattl, Tobias
Internet-Based Customer Value Management: Developing Customer Relationships Online by Doligalski, Tymoteusz
Handbook of Research on Managing and Influencing Consumer Behavior by
Computer-Mediated Marketing Strategies: Social Media and Online Brand Communities by
Mass-Marketing Fraud: A Threat Assessment by International Mass-Marketing Fraud Worki
Kill the Elevator Speech: Stop Selling, Start Connecting by Slattery, Felicia J.
Marketing with Social Media: 10 Easy Steps to Success for Business by Coles, Linda
Hillstrom's Diagnostics: Identify Why Your Business Won't Grow In An Age Of Unlimited Marketing Channels by Hillstrom, Kevin
Managing Global Innovation: Uncovering the Secrets of Future Competitiveness by Boutellier, Roman, Von Zedtwitz, Maximilian, Gassmann, Oliver
Experience-Based Communication by Sneppen, Claus, Würtz, Peter Franklin, Ornbo, Jens
Dancing the Digital Tune: The 5 Principles of Competing in a Digital World by Grover, Manish
Dancing the Digital Tune: The 5 Principles of Competing in a Digital World by Grover, Manish
The Marketing Toolbox: 101 Online Marketing Tools & Resources to Boost Your Business by Tater, Mohit
Enterprise 2.0. Informelles Lernen mit Wiki-Plattformen by Gee, Vanessa
MLM de Big Al la Magia de Patrocinar: Cómo Construir un Equipo de Redes de Mercadeo Rápidamente by Schreiter, Tom Big Al
The King and the Moat Contractor by McKenzie, Ronald a.
Understanding Bitcoin: Cryptography, Engineering and Economics by Franco, Pedro
Ideas in Marketing: Finding the New and Polishing the Old: Proceedings of the 2013 Academy of Marketing Science (Ams) Annual Conference by
Putting the Profit in Nonprofit: 5 Power Success Strategies for Nonprofits by Bird, Andrew, Kehler, Mari-Anne
Corporate Communication: A Marketing Viewpoint by Podnar, Klement
Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products by Eyal, Nir
Revolution in Marketing: Market Driving Changes: Proceedings of the 2006 Academy of Marketing Science (Ams) Annual Conference by
Proceedings of the 2010 Academy of Marketing Science (Ams) Annual Conference by
Onlineshops by Wos, Thomas
Kundenzufriedenheit und Kundenbindung in mittelgroßen Innenstädten am Beispiel der Alten Hansestadt Lemgo by Schleiting, Jürgen
Nachhaltige Events: Erfolgreiche Veranstaltungen Durch Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung by Holzbaur, Ulrich
International Sales Steering by Result Framing: How to Ensure Your Sales Results on a Global Level by Lasko, Wolf W., Lasko, Lara M.
The Sustainable Global Marketplace: Proceedings of the 2011 Academy of Marketing Science (Ams) Annual Conference by
Excellence in Sales: Optimising Customer and Sales Management by Dannenberg, Holger, Zupancic, Dirk
The Replication of Retail Fashion Formats Into Foreign Countries: A Qualitative Analysis by Schröder, Christoph
Sponsor- And Country-Related Predictors of Sponsorship Effectiveness: Sponsorship in a National and International Environment by Lucas, Christian
Middle Eastern and African Perspectives on the Development of Public Relations: Other Voices by
The Book on Facebook Marketing: To Help You Set Your Business & Life On Fire by Shoopman, Valerie, Unsworth, Nick
Corporate Wording(R). Unternehmenskommunikation als Erfolgsfaktor: Chancen und Risiken der internen und externen Kommunikation by Urbanczyk, Elisabeth
Social Media Marketing: Game Theory and the Emergence of Collaboration by Anderson, Eric
Kommunikation Im Corporate Change: Maßstäbe Für Eine Neue Managementpraxis by
From Tradesman To Businessman: How Tradesman Make Their First Million In 90 Minute Chunks by Lee, David Edward
Brand Premium: How Smart Brands Make More Money by Hollis, N.
Marketing Horizons: A 1980's Perspective: Proceedings of the 1980 Academy of Marketing Science (Ams) Annual Conference by
Facebook und Social Media: Neukundengewinnung im Privatkundengeschäft von Banken by Hilpert, Sarah
37 Ways Your Website Died: and How to Resurrect It by Keezer, Darrell
Internet Marketing - a New Approach: Everything you need to know to master the new rules of Internet Marketing by Griffin, Ray
Guerrilla Marketing and Joint Ventures: Million Dollar Partnering Strategies for Growing Any Business in Any Economy by Khan, Sohail, Levinson, Jay Conrad
Guerrilla Marketing and Joint Ventures: Million Dollar Partnering Strategies for Growing Any Business in Any Economy by Levinson, Jay Conrad, Khan, Sohail
Trendology: Building an Advantage Through Data-Driven Real-Time Marketing by Kerns, C.
Social Media Marketing in Tourism and Hospitality by Minazzi, Roberta
Trendology: Building an Advantage Through Data-Driven Real-Time Marketing by Kerns, C.
Twitter Is Not a Strategy by Doctoroff, Tom
The Smartass Marketer's Handbook: A Guide to B2B Marketing with Attitude by Ford, Carro Susan
Innovationen Im Mittelstand Erfolgreich Managen: 25 Tipps Für Die Praktische Umsetzung by Neun, Winfried
Consumers' Purchase Intentions and Their Behavior by Morwitz, Vicki
Modeling Markets: Analyzing Marketing Phenomena and Improving Marketing Decision Making by Wieringa, Jaap E., Bijmolt, Tammo H. a., Leeflang, Peter S. H.
The Digital Dealership: A Battle-Worn Roadmap to Online Success by Jaeckel, Volker Vj
Die Rolle des Opinion Leaders in der Diffusion von Produkten by Müller, Falco, Knaut, Oliver
Ziele und Umsetzungen von Markenstrategien by Fahrbach, Sebastian
Konzeption von Kampagnen zur Verkaufsförderung in der Kommunikationspolitik by Schmidt, Jessica
Marketing Dynamism & Sustainability: Things Change, Things Stay the Same...: Proceedings of the 2012 Academy of Marketing Science (Ams) Annual Confere by
Managing Public Relations: Methods and Tools by Smudde, Peter
Corporate Foresight Mittels Geschäftsprozesspatenten: Entwicklungsstränge Der Automobilindustrie by Niemann, Helen
Marketing, Technology and Customer Commitment in the New Economy: Proceedings of the 2005 Academy of Marketing Science (Ams) Annual Conference by
How to Perform the Ultimate Local SEO Audit by Meraz, Casey
Creating and Delivering Value in Marketing: Proceedings of the 2003 Academy of Marketing Science (Ams) Annual Conference by
Growing Brands Through Sponsorship: An Empirical Investigation of Brand Image Transfer in a Sponsorship Alliance by Gross, Philip
Going Up: Proven Strategies for Reaching Higher Levels in Business by Page, Sam
99 Blogging Tips and Strategies: Tips To Make Your Blog A Success by Macro, Mick
Creative Marketing: A New Management Philosophy: The Pathway to Market Supremacy by Luke, Robin
Get Better Customers Now: Tested Strategies For Measured Company Growth During Hard Times by Maven, Michael
Klausurvorbereitung Marketingstrategie by Möller, Sebastian
The Attention Business: Proven Ways to Grow Your Business Using Social Media Marketing, Google, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedI by Tomlinson, Martin
250 Keywords Preis- Und Produktpolitik: Grundwissen Für Manager by
Einsatz Von Social Media Für Das Dienstleistungsmanagement by Hadwich, Karsten, Bruhn, Manfred
Consumer Financial Behavior by Van Raaij, W. Fred
Focusing on the Customer: The Concept of the Customer Journey by Janson, Andreas
Actionable SEO: Useful Tips + Tricks by Masoud, Shuaib
Emotionale Verkaufsintelligenz: Mit Achtsamkeit Und Werteorientierung Besser Verkaufen by Enser-Laaber, Hubert, Oppermann, Erwin
Proceedings of the 2000 Academy of Marketing Science (Ams) Annual Conference by
Consumers, Policy and the Environment: A Tribute to Folke Ölander by
Gute Geschäfte Arbeitsheft: Arbeitsblätter für die praktische Umsetzung der 52 cleveren Tipps by Heinrich, Stephan
The Book Marketing Plan: How To Market a Book In a Brave New World by Moskel, Dan
Online Marketing for Your Craft Business: How to Get Your Handmade Products Discovered, Shared and Sold on the Internet by Pullen, Hilary
Die Auswirkungen der Finanzkrise auf die Automobilindustrie by Anonymous
Corporate Communication: A Marketing Viewpoint by Podnar, Klement
Innovation Navigation: How To Get From Idea To Reality In 90 Days by Baumberger, Kurt
The Big Data-Driven Business: How to Use Big Data to Win Customers, Beat Competitors, and Boost Profits by Glass, Russell, Callahan, Sean
Christmas Every Month: Announcing: The Hybrid MLM by Mathiesen, Michael
Winning the Website War: Four Steps to Marketing Success by Young, Thomas
Celebrity Marketing am Beispiel "L'Oréal". Vergleich Deutschland und China by Wisniewski, Stephan
The Brand Challenge: Adapting Branding to Sectorial Imperatives by Kompella, Kartikeya
Advertorial, Blogbeitrag, Content-Strategie & Co.: Neue Texte Der Unternehmenskommunikation by Schach, Annika
Thousands Per Minute: The Art of Pitching Products on Internet, Video and Television by Bergeron, Cory
The Public Relations of Everything: The Ancient, Modern and Postmodern Dramatic History of an Idea by Brown, Robert E.
Marketing Excellence 3: Award-Winning Companies Reveal the Secrets of Their Success by Burkitt, Hugh
Hotel Llama: Essays in Hotel Marketing and Management by Mogelonsky, Larry
Thousands Per Minute: The Art of Pitching Products on Internet, Video and Television by Bergeron, Cory
Erfolgsfaktor Produktdesign. Einfluss der visuellen Wahrnehmung von Produktdesign auf das Konsumentenverhalten by Anonymous
Hotel Llama: Essays in Hotel Marketing and Management by Mogelonsky, Larry
New Meanings for Marketing in a New Millennium: Proceedings of the 2001 Academy of Marketing Science (Ams) Annual Conference by
Proceedings of the 2002 Academy of Marketing Science (Ams) Annual Conference by
Corporate Media Relations Und Personalisierung: Eine Empirische Analyse Der Medienarbeit Ausgewählter Dax30-Unternehmen by Talanow, Markus
Organizational Reputation in the Public Sector by
Consumer-Driven Demand and Operations Management Models: A Systematic Study of Information-Technology-Enabled Sales Mechanisms by
Employer Branding in Der Sozialwirtschaft: Wie Sie ALS Attraktiver Arbeitgeber Die Richtigen Fachkräfte Finden Und Halten by Heider-Winter, Cornelia
Videography: Introduction to Interpretive Videoanalysis of Social Situations by Tuma, René, Knoblauch, Hubert, Schnettler, Bernt
Retailing in the 21st Century: Current and Future Trends by
Podcast Profits: How-To Make Passive Profits Podcasting: Master These Astonishingly Simple Hypnotic Profit-Pulling Principles Now And Win Huge! by Westra, Bryan
Trust-Based Selling: Finding and Keeping Customers for Life by Monty, David A.
L O L: From Homeless to Multimillion-dollar Global Business Leader by Dreiling, Christy
Augmented Reality bis Mobile Commerce. Anwendungsbereiche neuer Technologien am POS by Freier, Jens
Verkaufsmanagement eines Fitnessstudios. SPIN-Selling, Selbstkonkordanz, Kennzahlen und Quoten im Vertrieb by Ziegert, Elisabeth
Marketing Cookbook for Translators: Foolproof recipes for a successful freelance career by Whitty, Tess
Die Motivation für die Nutzung Sozialer Netzwerke: Facebook: Eine empirische Analyse by Ay, Güler
Kundenintegration im Key Account Management: Vertriebserfolge nachhaltig generieren by Schindler, Uwe
Consumer Culture Theory by
An Introduction to Social Media Marketing by Charlesworth, Alan
Online Marketing Success!: Your Pyramid to Website Success by Rudnick, Jim
Social Media Marketing im B2B-Unternehmen: Charakteristika, Ziele und Wertbeiträge by Meyer, Christina
How will Generation Y's Skill in Network Marketing impact 'Purchase Social Responsibility' in the Automobile Sector in India? by Dave, Rashesh
An Introduction to Social Media Marketing by Charlesworth, Alan
The Relationship Marketer: Rethinking Strategic Relationship Marketing by Bjerre, Mogens, Hougaard, Soren
Ingredient Branding: Making the Invisible Visible by Pfoertsch, Waldemar, Kotler, Philip
Explode Your Affiliate Marketing by Mathiesen, Michael
THE 7 Reasons Why Customers DON'T choose YOU!: And How You Can Change That by Fryer, Miles, Blindell, Sammy
Assessing the Different Roles of Marketing Theory and Practice in the Jaws of Economic Uncertainty: Proceedings of the 2004 Academy of Marketing Scien by
Proceedings of the 2008 Academy of Marketing Science (Ams) Annual Conference by
The Consumer Interest (RLE Consumer Behaviour): Dimensions and Policy Implications by Forbes, J. D.
Consumer Education (RLE Consumer Behaviour): A Handbook for Teachers by Giordan, Marion
Sport ALS Erlebnisrahmen Im Eventmarketing: Ein Überblick by Drengner, Jan
Preisgestaltung Im Neuproduktkontext: Eine Analyse Der Kundenwahrnehmungen Und Des Organisationalen Entscheidungsprozesses by Feurer, Sven
Aktuelle Aspekte in Der Dienstleistungsforschung by
The Book on Marketing Your Small Business Startup by Shalom, Asa-Michael
Online-Offline Customer Journey im B2B by Strobel, Oliver
The Routledge Handbook of Strategic Communication by
Effekte visueller Komplexität in der Wahrnehmung von Werbung by Bayer, Sophia
How to Brand Yourself for your Network Marketing Business: 9 Simple Steps to Explode your Business Using Easy, Simple Methods Online by Williams, David
Vom Hersteller zum Händler. Der vertikale Marketingansatz by Wieser, David
Consumer Behaviour. Online video services and perceived risk by Liessem, Christina
Handbook of Marketing Research Methodologies for Hospitality and Tourism by Nykiel, Ronald a.
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