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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Marketing in 2020

Influencer Marketing. Eine Übersicht über Erfolgsfaktoren und Herausforderungen by Gall, Nicole
Customer Centricity: Focus on the Right Customers for Strategic Advantage by Fader, Peter
The Modern Sales & Marketing Ecosystem(TM): How the best organizations are leveraging new methods to achieve faster and more efficient revenue growth. by Gindin, Anthony
Die Bedeutung des Neuro-Marketings. Chancen und Risiken in der Konsumentenbeeinflussung by Engelman, Matthias
Auftragskommunikation: Für Unternehmen Und Institutionen Sprechen by Schulz, Jürgen, Galling-Stiehler, Andreas, Müller, Robert Caspar
LinkedIn Marketing (Spanish Edition): Cómo Utilizar la Plataforma de Generación de Clientes Potenciales más Confiable de Internet Para Realizar Ventas by Boman, Mark
Marketing de Suscripción: Cómo Crear un Imperio de Flujo de Caja Con Ingresos Recurrentes by Lecky, David
Indian Movie Entrepreneurship: Not just song and dance by Rentschler, Ruth, Kamineni, Rajeev
Basics of Strategic Sourcing by
Negocio Airbnb: Una Guía Paso a Paso Para Triunfar Con Airbnb Investing by Beterman, Arnold
PR Lessons Learned Along the Way: Strategies, Tips & Advice for the Higher Ed and Nonprofit Public Relations Professional by Whitt, Marc C.
Imageanalyse einer Rennradveranstaltung. Optimierungsmöglichkeiten für Unternehmen im Rahmen der Marktforschung by Dietrich, Paul
Inside Marketing Secrets for Explosive Growth: Discover the 10 Best-Kept Secrets to Improve Your Business Marketing and Take Your Sales to New Heights by Thomas, Jeffrey G.
Hedonism, Utilitarianism, and Consumer Behavior: Exploring the Consequences of Customer Orientation by Scarpi, Daniele
Das Drehbuch Zum Drehbuch: Storytelling, Konzeption Und Produktion Für Werbefilme, Trailer, Imagefilme Und Viral-Videos by Heiser, Albert
Content Marketing - Ein Definitionsansatz: Rahmenbedingungen, Relevante Akteure Und Begriffsentwicklung by Uhl, Manfred
Handbook of Research on Driving Industrial Competitiveness With Innovative Design Principles by
The One-Page Content Marketing Blueprint: Step by Step Guide to Launch a Winning Content Marketing Strategy in 90 Days or Less and Double Your Inbound by Sharma, Prafull
The One-Page Content Marketing Blueprint: Step by Step Guide to Launch a Winning Content Marketing Strategy in 90 Days or Less and Double Your Inbound by Sharma, Prafull
Unternehmenskommunikation Im Zeitalter Der Digitalen Transformation: Wie Unternehmen Interne Und Externe Stakeholder Heute Und in Zukunft Erreichen by Kirf, Bodo, Eicke, Kai-Nils, Schömburg, Souren
Pocket Manual - Your quick guide to Digital Marketing 2nd edition: Sharing quick steps to improve your marketing efforts in the digital age by Science, Diversity4tech
Instagram Marketing: La guida definitiva per far crescere il tuo profilo ed aumentare le vendite by Carli, Francesco
Brand Bewitchery: How to Wield the Story Cycle System to Craft Spellbinding Stories for Your Brand by Howell, Park Louis
Brand Bewitchery: How to Wield The Story Cycle System(TM) To Craft Spellbinding Stories For Your Brand: How To Wield The Story Cycle Sys (Large Print Edition) by Howell, Park
Andrés Manual de Marketing: 10 claves para posicionar tu marca y arrasar con la competencia. Gana el mercado como una campaña electoral. by Pérez Rojas, Gustavo Adolfo
Interkulturelles Marketing Im Digitalen Zeitalter: Strategien Für Den Globalen Markterfolg by Gutting, Doris
LinkedIn Marketing (Spanish Edition): Cómo Utilizar la Plataforma de Generación de Clientes Potenciales más Confiable de Internet Para Realizar Ventas by Boman, Mark
Marketing de Suscripción: Cómo Crear un Imperio de Flujo de Caja con Ingresos Recurrentes by Lecky, David
Negocio Airbnb: Una Guía Paso a Paso Para Triunfar Con Airbnb Investing by Beterman, Arnold
Be the Go-To: How to Own Your Competitive Market, Charge More, and Have Customers Love You For It by Lina, Theresa M.
Situational Analysis and Marketing Strategy of Lorenz Bahlsen GmbH & Co KG by Grill, Rebecca
Storytelling: ¿Cómo contar buenas historias para vender?: Aprende las claves del Storytelling, cautiva a tu audiencia y genera más ventas by Fiori Lehr, Daniela
eSports-Marketing als "neue" Werbemaßnahme: Eine Zielgruppen- und Potenzialanalyse in der Schweiz by Heidegger, Lukas
E-Commerce. Analyse des Unternehmens "Saturn" by Bacak, Jan Niclas
Customer Relationship Management and IT by
Total Revenue Management (Trm): Case Studies, Best Practices and Industry Insights by Helmold, Marc
Binge Worthy Branding: Build Customer Loyalty Using AI and Personalization Like Amazon, Netflix, and Starbucks by McKinley, Sterling
A Practical Approach to Sales Compensation: What Do We Know Now? What Should We Know in the Future? by Chung, Doug J., Kim, Byungyeon, Syam, Niladri B.
Media in the Celebrity Culture Sphere and Other Essays by Mkwelele, Bertha
Media in the Celebrity Culture Sphere and Other Essays by Mkwelele, Bertha
Dialog Zwischen Mensch Und Maschine: Conversational User Interfaces, Intelligente Assistenten Und Voice-Systeme by Kabel, Peter
Améliorer sa créativité?: Outils, méthodes et exercices by Verhaeghe, Philippe
Klartext Im Vertrieb: Wie Sie Mit Entwaffnender Ehrlichkeit Vertrauen Aufbauen Und Kunden Gewinnen by Kober, Stephan
Digital Content Management: How to Easily Transform Your Marketing with the Tools of Digital, Social and Virtual World and Attract Interested Customer by Atkins, Matthew K.
Law Firm Confessional: A Business Lawyer's Top 10 Secrets For Small Business Success by Murillo, Matthew
Love-Based Copywriting Books: Volumes 1 and 2 by Pw (Pariza Wacek), Michele
3 Habitudes Faciles Pour Marketing de Réseau: Automatisez l'atteinte de Votre Succès by Schreiter, Keith, Schreiter, Tom Big Al
The 48 Laws of Selling: Learn How To Sell Using All The Major Marketing Strategies by Joshua, Femi
Invisible Marketing: A Hidden Tool for Connecting with Consumers through Licensing by Lotman, Jeff
Obsessed: Building a Brand People Love from Day One by Heyward, Emily
Building Brand Communities: How Organizations Succeed by Creating Belonging by Vogl, Charles, Jones, Carrie Melissa
The Effect Of Frequent Positive Emotions On The Formation Of Brand Attachment: A Quantitative Study by Zuchanek, Kevin J.
The Hero Trap: How to Win in a Post-Purpose Market by Putting People in Charge by Kolster, Thomas
Close the sale: Sales IQ by Ashe, James
Freedom Lifestyle: Building an Empire Through Network Marketing by Lobart, Deborah
Freedom Lifestyle: Building an Empire Through Network Marketing by Lobart, Deborah
The Marketing of World War II in the Us, 1939-1946: A Business History of the Us Government and the Media and Entertainment Industries by Greco, Albert N.
Mezcla Promocional & Investigación de mercados: Conceptos y Reactivos para el examen de egreso de Licenciatura by Martinez Delfin, Mauricio Jesús
Marktorientierte Unternehmensführung Und Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung: Beiträge Zu Corporate Social Responsibility Und Corporate Digital Responsibi by Lischka, Helena Maria
Fundamental Elements of Lean: 7 Books in 1 - Agile Project Management, Lean Six Sigma, KAIZEN, KANBAN, Lean Analytics, Lean Enterprise, SCRUM by Binkley, Mj
Marketing with Webinars by Poland, Tom
The Trusted Advisor Sales Engineer by Care, John
The Complete Guide to Internet Marketing for the Kitchen and Bath Industry by Lockhart, Jason
Choosing between different beer containers. What factors influence the purchasing decisions of Generation Y in England? by Man, Michal
A Wall Street Guidebook for Journalism and Strategic Communication by Swasy, Alecia
Want to Learn Digital Marketing? Read this Book!: Get an in-depth Understanding of Digital Marketing and Advertising for Your Business by Khan, Mikkell
Bad Bitches and Power Pitches Workbook by Williams, Precious L.
Crisis Ahead: 101 Ways to Prepare for and Bounce Back from Disasters, Scandals and Other Emergencies by Segal, Edward
Wie unterstützen Messenger-Dienste den Vertrieb? Messenger-Dienste und Mobile Commerce by Kosaric, Alexander
Corporate Social Responsibility. Zwischen Imageaufbesserung und gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung by Fies, Alex
Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) im Leadmanagement. Grundlagen und Stand der Forschung by Kraft, Dennis
Location-Based Marketing: Geomarketing and Geolocation by Cliquet, Gérard, Baray, Jérôme
Kaufverhalten auf B2C-Online-Marktplätzen. Einflussfaktoren bei der Händlerauswahl by Wohllebe, Atilla
The Hero Trap: How to Win in a Post-Purpose Market by Putting People in Charge by Kolster, Thomas
Handboek voor het beheer van het toerisme by Shafiee, Majid Mohammad
Customer Mountain Map: How To Get More Customers, Easier and With Less Effort. by Marty, Craig
SOS Business Sales: Improve your technique by adopting a solid set of sales fundamentals by Sale, Dean
Attraktive Verpackungsgestaltung von Chilled Convenience Food: Eine empirische Analyse der Wirkung der Verpackungsgestaltung auf dieGesundheitswahrneh by Maas, Selina Maria, Stein, Martin, Huber, Frank
El Nuevo Paradigma en la Atención a Clientes: Chatbots: Omnicanal, Personalizado, Automatizado y Exponencial by Parés Arce, Ricardo Luis, Parés Arce, Gustavo Ricardo
Vom Influencer zum Insolvenzer: Steuerliche Aspekte der Social-Media-Branche rund um Blogger, Influencer, YouTuber & Co by Homuth, Ralph
Always Be Qualifying: M.E.D.D.I.C. by Lahoutifard, Darius
The secrets of influencer marketing: 87 ideas for your influencer campaigns by Bouillet, Stéphane, Influence4you
The Artification of Luxury Fashion Brands: Synergies, Contaminations, and Hybridizations by
Strategies for Promoting Sustainable Hospitality and Tourism Services by
Analyzing the Strategic Role of Neuromarketing and Consumer Neuroscience by
Marketing Matters: A Market Analysis Methodology Leading to a Marketing Simulation Capability by Carey, Kendall
Marketing Matters: A Market Analysis Methodology Leading to a Marketing Simulation Capability by Carey, Kendall
Branding: What You Need to Know About Building a Personal Brand and Growing Your Small Business Using Social Media Marketing and by Barlow, Chase
iWANT Customers Sales Money TODAY! What Business Leaders, CEOs and Entrepreneurs Want To Know.: In a world of massive disruption and competition, how by Russell, Trevor
Mini-Guiones para los Cuatro Colores de las Personalidades: Cómo Hablar con Nuestros Prospectos de Redes de Mercadeo by Schreiter, Keith, Schreiter, Tom Big Al
Analyse einer Werbekampagne. Die Weihnachtskampagne "Kindern ein Lächeln schenken" von REWE (2018) by Merkel, Sabine
Transformational Leadership: 8 Paradigm-Shifting Interviews from Business Matters by White, Thomas
Impact Beyond the Game: How Athletes Can Build Influence, Monetize Their Brand, and Create a Legacy by Lemmons, Malcolm
Smart Calling: Eliminate the Fear, Failure, and Rejection from Cold Calling by Sobczak, Art
Recruit Your Way To 6 Figures: Top Earners Recruiting Secrets Network Marketing by Sperry, Rob L.
Megatrends Defining the Future of Tourism: A Journey Within the Journey in 12 Universal Truths by Boschetto Doorly, Valentina
Digital Marketing for Businesses in Easy Steps by Smith, Jon
90+ Days of Promoting Your Book Online: Your Book's Daily Marketing Plan - THIRD EDITION by Hoy, Angela J., Hoy, Richard D.
A Wall Street Guidebook for Journalism and Strategic Communication by Swasy, Alecia
The Principles of Brand Marketing: Learn how to brand your small business to grow your profit by Herdlein, Blake
Strategies for Promoting Sustainable Hospitality and Tourism Services by
Leveraging Consumer Behavior and Psychology in the Digital Economy by
Perspectives on Consumer Behaviour: Theoretical Aspects and Practical Applications by
Marketing- Und Kommunikationstrends: Interviewstudie Zur Akzeptanz Bei Digital Immigrants Und Digital Natives by Hachenberg, Michael, Kochhan, Christoph, Elsässer, Anne
Emotionaler Verkauf von Wohnimmobilien: Konsumentenverhalten und Kaufprozesse by Hornyik Mba, Andreas
Strategic Shopper Marketing: Driving Shopper Conversion by Connecting the Route to Purchase with the Route to Market by Krentzel, Georg August
Rebound: How to Bounce Back and Disrupt Your Market with Strategic Innovation by Utssav Gupta
Content, Creators & Human Beings: Going beyond the "impression" to create meaning in a world of hyperinformation by Banks, David
Strategic Stakeholder Engagement by Anastasi, Chris
Transparency, Public Relations and the Mass Media: Combating the Hidden Influences in News Coverage Worldwide by Kruckeberg, Dean, Tsetsura, Katerina
Strategic Communication, Corporatism, and Eternal Crisis: The Creel Century by Graham, Phil
Customer Insights Mit Archetypen: Wie Sie Mit Archetypischen Metaphern Zielgruppen Besser Definieren Und Verstehen Können by Adamczyk, Yvonne, Pätzmann, Jens Uwe
Internationales Marketingmanagement by Fantapié Altobelli, Claudia, Sander, Matthias, Berndt, Ralph
Market Entry Alternatives For International Marketing by Madara, Difrine
25 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started My Podcast by Timpano, Marco
I Don't Agree: Why We Can't Stop Fighting - And How to Get Great Stuff Done Despite Our Differences by Brown, Michael
Crea Influencia: 10 Maneras de Impactar y Guiar a Otros by Schreiter, Keith, Schreiter, Tom
The Ultimate Guide To Digital Marketing: A Business Owners Guide To Marketing by Burns, Joe
The Results Obsession: ROI-Focused Digital Strategies to Transform Your Marketing by Marchetti, Karen J.
Facebook Marketing Strategies: Discover Endless Possibilities, Reimagining the World by Jeanes, Violet
Crowdfunding Platforms: Ecosystem and Evolution by Tan, Yee Heng, Reddy, Srinivas K.
Effektiver Einsatz marketingpolitischer Instrumente für Produkteinführungen: Die Konsumgüterindustrie in Deutschland by Daubenmerkl, Eric
Rivalry in Sport: Understanding Fan Behavior and Organizations by Havard, Cody T.
Identitätsbasierte Markenführung für E-Marketplaces. Chancen und Risiken by Meyer, Maximilian
The Instagram Writers' Handbook: Beat the Algorithm, Get Followers, Sell Books by Jones, David
Akzeptanz von personalisierter Werbung in digitalen Medien by Anonymous
The Illustrated Guide to the Content Analysis Research Project by Swann, Patricia
The Illustrated Guide to the Content Analysis Research Project by Swann, Patricia
SWOT analysis of Netflix by Bethmann, Emmy
Chancen und Risiken des Social Media Marketings für einen Lebensmittel-Discounter by Brose, Manuel
Esports, Good Game: Todo lo que necesita saber para comprender los esports by Navarro, Juan Carlos
Die Chinesische Ki-Revolution: Konsumverhalten, Marketing Und Handel: Wie China Mit Künstlicher Intelligenz Die Wirtschaftswelt Verändert by Bünte, Claudia
Marketing Management Essentials You Always Wanted To Know (Second Edition) by Daum, Callie, Publishers, Vibrant
Marketing Management Essentials You Always Wanted to Know by Daum, Callie, Publishers, Vibrant
Internal Branding Im Krankenhaus: Die Notwendige Suche Nach Dem Organisationalen Und Professionellen Identitätskern by Schottler, Bettina Karin
Product Management: Mastering Foundational Skills by Kumar, Vinay
L'influence de la marque sur la décision d'achat des consommateurs by Baleng, Ferdinand
Marketingkommunikation Mit Der Generation Z: Erfolgsfaktoren Für Das Marketing Mit Digital Natives by Reinecke, Victoria, Kleinjohann, Michael
Rural Market Unleashed: Position Yourself in the Rural Market Effectively by
Comparative Advertising: History, Theory, and Practice by Beard, Fred
Marketing Inside Out by
Optimierung des Eventmarketings durch Social-Media-Kommunikation by Gall, Nicole
Digitalisierung und Marketing. Wie wichtig ist Online-Marketing für selbstständige Unternehmer? by Anonym
Corporate Social Responsibility und die Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie. Welches Potential bieten CSR-Instrumente im Marketing 3.0? by Barnes, Alena
Promotion and Marketing Communications by
Winning Marketing Strategy: The Rules by Stanton, John L., George, Richard J.
The Ghatotkacha Game: Marketing Lessons from Mythology by Pravin Shekar, Shraddha Anu Shekar
Absolute Essentials of Strategic Marketing by Proctor, Tony
B2b-Marketing: Wie Sie Die Marketing-Abteilung Vom Kostenfaktor Zum Umsatzfaktor Machen by Seebacher, Uwe G.
Der Ideale Stellvertreter: Eine Empirisch Begründete Handreichung Für Alle Anhänger Moderner Führung by Marinos, Alexander
Analyzing the Strategic Role of Neuromarketing and Consumer Neuroscience by
The World's Best Buyer Persona System: The Buyer Persona Reimagined: It's Not Who They Are but HOW THEY THINK! by Andrews, Stormie
The World's Best Buyer Persona System: The Buyer Persona Reimagined: It's Not Who They Are but HOW THEY THINK! by Andrews, Stormie
The Business of Data: Commercial Opportunities and Social Challenges in a World Fuelled by Data by de Saulles, Martin
The Business of Data: Commercial Opportunities and Social Challenges in a World Fuelled by Data by de Saulles, Martin
Einführung in Die Moderne Unternehmenskommunikation: Grundlagen, Theorien Und PRAXIS by Roslon, Michael, Rommerskirchen, Jan
Online Marketing für KMU: Die wichtigsten Prinzipien und Maßnahmen für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen um Kunden online zu akquirieren. by Szczepanski, Damian
Vendendo em Grupo: Como criar de maneira fácil e rápido posts inteligentes e capazes de vender qualquer produto mesmo não sendo conhecido by Oliveira, Vanessa, Oliveira, Joao
Make Your Business Social: Engage Your Customers With Social Media by Salle, Heather, Chambers, Lindsay, Morehead, Jennifer
Digitalization in the Luxury Fashion Industry: Strategic Branding for Millennial Consumers by Cabigiosu, Anna
Mobile Marketing by Seligman, James
Shopper Marketing and Digital Media: Simplifying Your Digital Media Plans with the Six Pillars Approach by Dade, F. M.
Reputation Management: The Key to Successful Public Relations and Corporate Communication by Garcia, Helio Fred, Doorley, John
The 100-Page Book: The Business Owner's Guide to Self-Publishing a Short Customer Attraction Book by Capuzzi, Mike
Sponsorship Strategy: Practical Approaches to Powerful Sponsorships by Ungar, Ken
Profitable Marketing Gems: The Complete Guide To Marketing Strategy And How To Make Money Online by Robert, Emily
Podstawy Marketingu B2B - B2B Marketing: Jak zmienic dzial marketingu B2B z centrum kosztowego w machinę sprzedażową (Polish Version) by Kosuniak, Lukasz, Seebacher, Uwe
Grundlagen Des Marketingmanagements: Einführung in Strategie, Instrumente, Umsetzung Und Unternehmensführung by Homburg, Christian
Trends in Event Education: Ein Tagungsband Zur Veranstaltungswirtschaft by
Shopper Marketing and Digital Media: Simplifying Your Digital Media Plans with the Six Pillars Approach by Dade, F. M.
Relations proactives avec les médias by LaVigne, Mark Hunter
The Value of True Branding as the Measure Success: Building a successful brand of the company is hard, really hard by Ai, Tran Huu
Marketing From Zero: Learn how to create and market a business from scratch and start generating sales - Beginners by Chrysaki, Stella
Social Media Marketing 2020: Affiliate Marketing, Dropshipping and Passive Income Ideas - 6 Books in 1 - Cutting-Edge Strategies to Start and Grow by Wright, Chandler
Branding: An Essential Guide to Brand Storytelling and Growing Your Small Business Using Social Media Marketing and Offline Guerrilla Tactics by Barlow, Chase
Unleashing Growth: 15 Growth Marketing Hacks Every Entrepreneur Should Know by Raghavendra Hunasgi
Product Marketing, Simplified: A Customer-Centric Approach to Take a Product to Market by Sekaran, Srini
Storytelling: Master the Art of Telling a Great Story for Purposes of Public Speaking, Social Media Branding, Building Trust, and Ma by Barlow, Chase
UnCloned Marketing: How to Challenge the Norms with Profitable Marketing Campaigns by Richmond, Audria
Marketing Mit Allen Sinnen: Chancen Der Multisensualen Kundenkommunikation by
Branding: What You Need to Know About Building a Personal Brand and Growing Your Small Business Using Social Media Marketing and by Barlow, Chase
Raving Patients: The Definitive Guide to Using Reputation Marketing to Attract Hundreds of New Patients by Tau, Len
Raving Patients: The Definitive Guide to Using Reputation Marketing to Attract Hundreds of New Patients by Tau, Len
Build Your Instagram Empire: Timeless Tools to Build a Dedicated Following: How I Gained 100,000 Followers in One Year by Hanna, Doug
The More Money Makeover: 112 tips to attract, book, and keep more clients. by Hammer, Samuel M.
Impact Beyond the Game: How Athletes Can Build Influence, Monetize Their Brand, and Create a Legacy by Lemmons, Malcolm
Consumer Behaviour in Online Grocery Retailing in Germany by Yilmaz, Yasin
Reputation Matrix: Five Strategies To Increase your Visibility, Credibility, and Positive Word of Mouth in the Community and Online by Young, Marjorie
Créer un Pouvoir d'Influence: 10 Façons d'Impressionner et Guider les Autres by Schreiter, Keith, Schreiter, Tom Big Al
Beyond The Agency Box: The Phoneless, Meetingless Digital Marketing Agency That Creates Lifetime Happy Clients Without Facebook Ads, Webinars by Fihn, Frankie
Five Figure Funnels: How To Sell Marketing Funnel Services To Your Customers For Five Figures In Any Market, No Matter Your Experience by Killen, Michael
Engaging the Heart in Business: A Revolutionary Market Approach Based On Love by Alessandri, Alice, Aleo, Alberto
Digital Marketing Essentials You Always Wanted to Know by Publishers, Vibrant
LinkedIn Lead Generation for Financial Advisers: How to Attract More of Your Ideal Clients on LinkedIn - Proven Messaging Scripts and Daily Planner by Calvert, Philip
Publishing-Strategien Für Unabhängige Spiele-Entwickler: Kriterien Und Leitfaden Für Die Wahl Zwischen Einem Publishingpartner Oder Einer Selbstveröff by
Secretos del SmartInfluencer: Cómo Emprendedores, Coaches, Líderes, Consultores y Expertos Crean Negocios Exitosos que Generan Resultados Reales y C by Reyes-Balza, Carlos
End of Competition, The: The Impact of the Network Economy by Molenaar, C. N. a.
Artisan Public Relations: A practical guide for getting your hand-crafted products the attention they deserve by Wagner, Paul
Narrative Organizations: Making Companies Future Proof by Working with Stories by Erlach, Christine, Müller, Michael
Modern Health Care Marketing by Gunawardane, Gamini
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