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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Marketing in 2023

Marketing en Redes Sociales: Una Guía Completa Para Hacer Crecer su Marca en Redes Sociales by Lazar, Jason
Marketing Strategy & Management by Phillips, Diane M.
Contemporary Issues in Luxury Brand Management by
Workbook Berührende, Hybride Veranstaltungen: Konzepte Für Kombinierte Online- Und Onsite-Events by
The New Online Trade: Business Models, Business Systems and Benchmarks in E-Commerce by Heinemann, Gerrit
Volkswagen AG. Portfolio-Analyse und zukünftige Markenausrichtung by Anonymous
Contemporary Issues in Luxury Brand Management by
Marketing de Instagram: Una completa guía orientada al crecimiento de tu marca en Instagram by Lazar, Jason
Marketing de Instagram: Una completa guía orientada al crecimiento de tu marca en Instagram by Lazar, Jason
Chinese Electric Vehicle Trailblazers: Navigating the Future of Car Manufacturing by Tan, Zi Ling, Yang, Jan Y., Gu, Yunyi
Marketingplanung zur Einführung eines Pflegeprodukts der Marke Nivea in Europa by Lückert, J.
Die Entwicklung eines eigenen Unternehmens anhand eines Fallbeispiels by Lückert, J.
Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Marketing der Volkswagen AG by Lückert, J.
Mediaplanung und -controlling am Fallbeispiel VW by Lückert, J.
SoaringME The Ultimate Guide to Successful Marketing Job Interviewing by Miller, M. L.
SoaringME The Ultimate Guide to Successful Marketing Job Interviewing by Miller, M. L.
Instagram und TikTok im Vergleich. Einfluss und Reichweite by Anonymous
Pricing Strategies: Harvesting Product Value by Schindler, Robert M.
Customer Relationship Management: A Global Approach by Chakravorti, Samit
Customer Relationship Management: A Global Approach by Chakravorti, Samit
Web3 Marketing: A Handbook for the Next Internet Revolution by Cassatt, Amanda
B2B Customer Engagement Strategy: An Introduction to Managing Customer Experience by Prior, Daniel D.
Working for Your Dreams: The Complete Guide to Affiliate Marketing by Ruscscak, M. L.
"Augmented Reality" (AR) in Retail. Opportunities and Challenges for Enhancing Customer Experience: A Case Study on "Westwing" by Anonymous
Victoria's Secret Reinvented. A Rebranding Strategy for Inclusivity and Luxury in the Lingerie Industry by Anonymous
Fitness Marketing for Peloton. Opportunities and Challenges for Growth by Anonym
Marketingstrategien während der Corona-Pandemie. Praxisbeispiel "Canyon Bicycles GmbH" by Strang, Damian
How to Become a Rainmaker, Ceo, and a Great Boss: Three Business Bestsellers by Fox, Jeffrey J.
Kooperationen Zwischen Unternehmen Und Non-Profit-Organisationen: Gemeinsam Verantwortung Übernehmen: Leitfaden Für Konstruktive, Glaubwürdige Und Tra by Faber-Wiener, Gabriele, Gjecaj, Bettina
The Platform Company: The Art of Resilient Strategy: A Guide for Leaders Inspired by Nature's Competition by Koomen, Jan-Jacob
Digital Domination: Mastering Online Reputation and Branding for Unstoppable Business Success by Carson, Brian
The Cambridge Handbook of Consumer Psychology by
From Micro to Macro: Dealing with Uncertainties in the Global Marketplace: Proceedings of the 2020 Academy of Marketing Science (Ams) Annual Conferenc by
Customer-Data-Plattformen: Grundlagen, Systeme, Implementierung Und Prozesse by Mauer, Lena, Rashedi, Jonas
Beyond Commissions: Maximizing Affiliate Profits with Creative Bonus Strategies by Vincent, B.
Retargeting Mastery: Winning Sales with Online Strategies by Vincent, B.
The Cambridge Handbook of Consumer Psychology by
Reasserting the Disney Brand in the Streaming Era: A Critical Examination of Disney+ by Brookey, Robert Alan, Phillips, Jason, Pollard, Timothy
Marketing and Lead Generation for Financial Advice Professionals: From Prospects to Profits - Proven Strategies for Financial Advisers to Attract More by Calvert, Philip
Por Muzhakkam: Marketing Lessons from the Art of War / உங்களின் மார by Pravin Shekar
Brand Identity Your Step-by-Step Guide To Brand Building by Cox, David
Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. XII): Communicating, Designing and Consuming Authenticity and Narrative by
Managing Festivals for Destination Marketing and Branding by
Managing Festivals for Destination Marketing and Branding by
Veränderungen im Markenmanagement im Laufe der Entwicklungsphasen von Louis Vuitton by Anonymous
Konzeptionserstellung für eine Influencer-Kampagne. Auswahl, Chancen und Risiken by Anonymous
Konzeption einer digitalen Pressekonferenz. Erstellung eines Presseverteilers und -statements sowie einer Medieneinladung by Anonymous
The Golden Five Framework: Harnessing Five Essential Types of Marketing for Success in the 21st Century by Ruiz, Jacqueline S.
Marketing Sales Funnel by Bishop, Chris
Kooperationsformen im Influencer-Marketing. Vor- und Nachteile für (kleine) Unternehmen by Anonymous
Measuring Consumer Behavior in Hospitality for Enhanced Decision Making by
Content Is King: The Complete Guide to Writing Website Content That Sells by Briggs, Laura
More Than a Restaurant: Turn Customers into Fans by Holosha, Mila
Kellogg on Marketing: The Marketing Faculty of the Kellogg School of Management by
Data Analytics und Big Data. Absatzsteigerung im Online-Shop mithilfe von Analyse-Werkzeugen by Falkner, Daniel
Mastering The Art Of Persuasion: Strategies for Influencing Others with Integrity and Impact by Bouajaja, Khaled
Mobile Mastery: The Ultimate Guide to Successful Mobile Marketing Campaigns by Vincent, B.
The List Advantage: Unlocking the Power of List Building for Marketing Success by Vincent, B.
Power Partnerships: Mastering the Art of Business Growth Through Partnership Recruiting by Vincent, B.
Analyse multimodale du discours des publicités concurrentielles pour les boissons non alcoolisées by Bertrand, Ngu Nkwah
Digitalisierung im Handel und in der Produktion. E-Commerce am Beispiel "Bergspezl" by Jandl, Manuela
Responsible Fashion Business in Practice: Sustainable Concepts and Cases Across the Fashion Industry by Ghebreab, Sennait, Heale, Sally
Responsible Fashion Business in Practice: Sustainable Concepts and Cases Across the Fashion Industry by Heale, Sally, Ghebreab, Sennait
Nachhaltige Kaufentscheidungen bei Reinigungsmitteln, Waschmitteln und Putzmitteln. Der Einfluss der Verpackung by Everding, Sebastian
Domain Name Madness - Learn to Profit from Domain Names by Johnson, Patrick
Self-Publishing e Parole che Vendono by Pitch, Eugene
Business Owner's Secret Sauce BOSS: The Recipe For Success by Alaine, Natalia
Business Owner's Secret Sauce BOSS: The Recipe For Success by Alaine, Natalia
Big Data Marketing Strategies for Superior Customer Experience by
Big Data Marketing Strategies for Superior Customer Experience by
Strategie, Marketing und Kommunikation im digitalen Zeitalter. Die Digital Roadmap für den Bezirksschützenverband Thierstein by Schenker, Marcel
Nutrition Science, Marketing Nutrition, Health Claims, and Public Policy by
Stammkundenbindung Versus Neukundengewinnung: Marketing Und Vertrieb Im Spannungsfeld Von Hunting Und Farming by
Maximizing Revenue through Social Media: A Guide to Effective Tactics by Moria, Asha
Tierrechte, Fleischkonsum und Persönlichkeitsmerkmale by Everding, Sebastian
Nachhaltigkeit als neues Kernelement des Produkt-Marketings im Einzelhandel by Everding, Sebastian
En español también es marketing: Consigue el sueño americano usando tu idioma by Levy, Liel, Fragkouli, Natalie
En español también es marketing: Consigue el sueño americano usando tu idioma by Levy, Liel, Fragkouli, Natalie
En español también es marketing: Consigue el sueño americano usando tu idioma by Levy, Liel, Fragkouli, Natalie
Managing in the Global Market Uncertainty: A Strategic Guide to Competitive Strategic Analysis, Market Positioning and Innovation of the Market Volati by Elendu, Godwin
Crowdfunding Secrets: A Comprehensive Guide to Successfully Funding Your Next Project by Vincent, B.
Logistics Management: Principles, Strategies, Technologies, Terms, and Q&A by Singh, Chetan
MEHscapology: How to turn your "carbon copy" B2B company into a growth machine with differentiation, positioning and un-turn-downable offers by Hodkinson, Matt
Scientific Advertising: Original Classic Edition by Hopkins, Claude
House- und Petsitting. Die Agentur "Gut-aufgehoben.de" by Müller, Marina
Die Münchner Confiserie "Dream of Chocolate". Die Social Media Kampagne "Geschmacksexplosion" by Müller, Marina
Digital Analytics und Strategies. Erläuterung der digitalen Metriken und Steigerung der Conversion Rate für CAMP-ING.com by Müller, Marina
"Greenwashing" und "Wokewashing". Authentische CSR-Konzepte by Müller, Marina
Der Einfluss des Influencer-Marketings auf die Nachfrage nach Konsumgütern. Methoden und Zusammenhänge by Müller, Marina
Profitable Properties: Airbnb Insider Secrets to Find, Optimize, Price, & Book Direct any Short-Term Rental Investment for Year-Round Occupan by Rusteen, Daniel
Social Marketing: Principles and Practice for Delivering Global Change by Hastings, Gerard, Domegan, Christine
Social Marketing: Principles and Practice for Delivering Global Change by Domegan, Christine, Hastings, Gerard
Tales That Sell: How to Use Storytelling to Build Your Brand and Grow Your Business by Partin, Daniel C.
Hello $FirstName: Profiting from Personalization. How putting people's first name in emails is only the first step towards customer centricity. by Houlind, Rasmus, Riemersma, Frans
Selling your books: Building an Author's Platform in 2023 by Taylor, D. a.
Integriertes Produkt- Und Vertriebsmanagement Im B2B: Technologiebasierte Industrieprodukte Entwickeln, Managen Und Profitabel Verkaufen by Tintelnot, Claus
Sociolinguistics and Business Talk: A Role-Playing Approach by Jung, Yeonkwon
Market Research Made Easy with TAM by Scholtens, A.
Selling Creativity: How creatives and agencies can grow their business through the art of Sales by King, Rob
Commodity Marketing: Strategies, Concepts, and Cases by
Consumption, Production, and Entrepreneurship in the Time of Coronavirus: A Business Perspective of the Pandemic by
Google for Business by Swanson, Stephen, Carmichael, Trey
Build a business from the small steps by Ristic, Dragan
Marketing Funnels: A Journey Through Time and Their Demise by Mounier, Andrew
The Network Effect by Scott, Manthorne
The Network Effect by Scott, Manthorne
The F... Word Advantage by Estrada, Eduardo J.
Digital Marketing Fundamentals: Omcp's Official Guide to Omca Certification by Stebbins, Michael, Bailey, Matt, Jarboe, Greg
Digital Marketing Fundamentals: Omcp's Official Guide to Omca Certification by Stebbins, Michael, Bailey, Matt, Jarboe, Greg
Purposeful Brands: How Purpose and Sustainability Drive Brand Value and Positive Change by Skees, Sandy
Master Sales: Master the Art of Customer Acquisition (Create a High Converting Sales Funnel and Convert Visitors) by Brown, Eduardo
Purposeful Brands: How Purpose and Sustainability Drive Brand Value and Positive Change by Skees, Sandy
Marketing: Manga for Success by Yasuda, Takashi
The Pricing Roadmap: How to Design B2B SaaS Pricing Models That Your Customers Will Love by Lehrskov-Schmidt, Ulrik
The Pricing Roadmap: How to Design B2B SaaS Pricing Models That Your Customers Will Love by Lehrskov-Schmidt, Ulrik
The Tactical Marketing Handbook: 91 Ways to Get More Engagement, More Sales, and More Profit by Sadgrove, Kit
Marketing Luxury Services: Concepts, Strategy, and Practice by Hemzo, Miguel Angelo
Influence Unlocked: The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Successful Instagram Influencer by Vincent, B.
The Reality of Virtuality: Harness the Power of Virtual Reality to Connect with Consumers by Kostyk, Alena, Cowan, Kirsten, Ketron, Seth
Sales Excellence - Jahrgang 2022: Magazin Für Vertriebspraxis Und Vertriebsmanagement by
Rolling Stones: Quando il Marketing fa la Storia by Tiberi, Alessia
Hello $FirstName - Norwegian Case Studies: Profiting from Personalization in Norway by Houlind, Rasmus, Horsberg, Arild
Content Marketing Mastery - A Comprehensive Guide to Building a Successful Content Marketing Strategy by Luintel, Sujit
The Art and Science of Marketing by Mahroum, Walid
The Great Marketing Lie by Snyder, Mike, Rowley, Bruce
Fashion To Fork: Why We Eat What We Eat by Gaye, Morgaine
The implementation of a Social CRM strategy by Mariem, Jmili
Out-Of-Home-Kommunikation: Von Der Technik Über Gestaltung Bis Zur Werbewirkung Und Roi-Messung - Mit Vielen Beispielen by
Chat AI Marketing Mastery: A Practical Guide to Using Chatbots for Your Business by Callaghan, Tracey
Challenge-Based Learning, Research, and Innovation: Leveraging Industry, Government, and Society by Rajagopal, Molina, Arturo
Break Limits, Make Millions: Achieve up to $100,000 in 90 days with neural rewiring and a master course in sales by Nikiforouk, Arsen
Everything is a sell: Techniques to sell anything by Arman, M. K.
Public Relations and Sustainable Citizenship: Representing the Unrepresented by Kurian, Priya, Munshi, Debashish
Brand Gender ALS Markenpersönlichkeit: Wie Starke Charaktere Große Marken Schaffen by Lieven, Theo
Brilliant Digital Marketing: An Entrepreneur's Guide by McCreanor, Niall
Your Story Sells: The Pain was the Path All Along by Luhar, Nafsheen, Brown, Les
The Six Figure Podcast: The Ultimate Guide To Turning Your Podcast Into A Sales Machine That Consistently Fill Up Your Sales Pipeline With Hig by Ajisafe, Mayowa
Маркетинг в социальных с by Лоу, Джон
International Business by Dalavai, Jayakar, Reddy, Vidyadhar Aileni
Start Telling People by Matthews, Chris
Bullseye Marketing, second edition by Gudema, Louis
Hispanic Market Power: America's Business Growth Engine by Mizrahi, Isaac
Marketing and Sales Automation: Basics, Implementation, and Applications by
Not Just Another Vendor by Sellitti, Paulo, Cullington, Nigel, Randolph, Zoe
Die Kunst des Marketing: Meisterung von Strategien und Techniken für den Geschäftserfolg by Grover, Pulkit
Hispanic Market Power: America's Business Growth Engine by Mizrahi, Isaac
Public Sector Marketing Communications, Volume II: Traditional and Digital Perspectives by
The Art of Conversion: A Roadmap to Effective Lead Generation by Da Costa, Mikael
Transdisciplinarity in Financial Communication: Writing for Target Readers by Whitehouse, Marlies
Transdisciplinarity in Financial Communication: Writing for Target Readers by Whitehouse, Marlies
Sales New Normal: Re: think; Sales Teams, Leaders, and Culture in the post-COVID era by Min, Seungki, Jang, Hyosang
Hello $FirstName - Swedish Case Studies by Houlind, Rasmus, Andersson, Mattias
Your Story Sells: Your Story is Your Superpower by Brown, Les, Shefi, Ellie D.
Made in Italy and the Luxury Market: Heritage, Sustainability and Innovation by
Ceo-Reputation Für Kmu: Mit Fünf Erfolgsfaktoren Den Unternehmenswert Steigern by Huber, Sabrina
Marketing Communications and Brand Development in Emerging Economies Volume I: Contemporary and Future Perspectives by
The Ultimate Guide - High-Ticket Affiliate Marketing: Paperback by Wu, Paul
Insta-Success: Building Your Brand and Growing Your Business on Instagram by Vincent, B.
Insta-Success: Building Your Brand and Growing Your Business on Instagram by Vincent, B.
The Affiliate Entrepreneur: An Ultimate Guide to Create a Thriving Online Business through Affiliate Marketing by Arman, M. K.
Global Perspectives on the Strategic Role of Marketing Information Systems by
Global Perspectives on the Strategic Role of Marketing Information Systems by
Social Media Marketing: A Guide to Growing Your Brand with Social Media by Kirby, Jacob
Ethical Approaches to Marketing: Positive Contributions to Society by
Zum Verhältnis Von Theorie Und PRAXIS Im Marketing Aus Historischer Perspektive: Eine Theoretisch-Empirische Untersuchung Am Beispiel Der Dortmunder B by Fechtner, Herbert
Der Weg Zur Nachhaltigen Unternehmensführung: Wie Sie Verantwortung Für Menschen, Umwelt Und Wirtschaft Übernehmen by Kreutzer, Ralf T.
Mastering Social Media: 10 Powerful Strategies to Outsmart Algorithms and Skyrocket Your Growth by Grover, Pulkit
Strategic Pharmaceutical Marketing Management in Growth Markets by Nandy, Mithun
Strategic Pharmaceutical Marketing Management in Growth Markets by Nandy, Mithun
Social Marketing: Behavior Change for Good by Colehour, Julie, Lee, Nancy R., Kotler, Philip
Social Media Marketing for Small Businesses: A Step-by-Step Guide by Smith, Dakota
Accelerate Marketing Growth: A Modern Business Parable at CONE Inc. by Rayfield, Stephen
Depicting the Consumer of Experiential Luxury: Identities, Values and Consumption Goals in Online Reviewer Discourse on Wine, Perfume and Chocolate by Hommerberg, Charlotte, Lindgren, Maria
Are You Visible?: A Simple Guide on How to be SEEN, HEARD, and CHOSEN as the GO-TO LEADER by Jamil, Izdihar
Your Expert Book, Ghostwritten and Published. Now! by Haverkamp, Lance W., Ghostwriter Marketing
Verkaufstechniken Erfolgreicher Verkäufer: Die Verbesserung Ihres Lebens beginnt hier! by Costanzo, Antonio
The Construction Company Guide to Digital Marketing: 2023 Complete Step by Step Guide by Agency, 154
LinkedIn Marketing: How To Amplify Your Business and Generate Organic Leads with Sales Navigator by Erlichson, Joel
Your Story Sells: Inspired Impact by Butler, Kate, Brown, Les
Total Customer Growth: Win and Grow Customers for Life with ABM and ABX by Turinas, Adam, Person, Ben
Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen des Ökomarketings im Bezug auf die Nachhaltigkeit by Wichert, Daniel
L'Art du Marketing: Maîtriser les Stratégies pour le Succès dans un Paysage Dynamique by Grover, Pulkit
Proximity Marketing. Eine empirische Untersuchung zur Bereitschaft der Nutzung von Proximity Apps im Einzelhandel by Wichert, Daniel
Facebooking Craze for Internet Markerters: Learn how to earn money while using Facebook Perfect gift idea for All Marketers by Johnson, Emilie
L'Arte del Marketing: Dominare le Strategie per il Successo in un Panorama Dinamico by Grover, Pulkit
Email Marketing Mogul: Tips for email campaigns that actually work Perfect gift for marketers by Bresby, Will
Marketing Interview Questions and Answers: Marketing Interview Mastery by Singh, Chetan
Web3 Marketing: A Handbook for the Next Internet Revolution by Cassatt, Amanda
Web3 Marketing: A Handbook for the Next Internet Revolution by Cassatt, Amanda
The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Social Marketing by
The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Social Marketing by
El Arte del Marketing: Dominar las Estrategias para el Éxito en un Paisaje Dinámico by Grover, Pulkit
The small business marketing bible by Avery, Justin
सामाजिक मीडिया विपणन छोट by Law, Jon
소셜 미디어 마케팅 소기업용: 새로운 고객을 by Law, Jon
Marketing des médias sociaux pour les petites entreprises by Law, Jon
Social Media Marketing per le piccole imprese: Come ottenere nuovi clienti, fare più soldi, e Distinguiti dalla massa by Law
Social Media Marketing für kleine Unternehmen: Wie man neue Kunden gewinnt, mehr Geld verdienen und Heben Sie sich von der Masse ab by Law
Sosyal Medya Pazarlaması Küçük İşletmeler için: Yeni müşteriler nasıl kazanılır, Daha fazla para kazanın ve Ka by Law, Jon
Marketing nas Redes Sociais para Pequenas Empresas: Como conquistar novos clientes, Ganhar mais dinheiro, e Destaque-se da multidão by Law, Jon
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