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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Yoga in 2020

One Breath One Movement: How To Embrace Change and Embody Peace Through Yoga by Edelston, Dan
Yoganotes - Dessinez les postures de yoga by Lamm, Eva-Lotta
Relax Into Yoga for Chronic Pain: An Eight-Week Mindful Yoga Workbook for Finding Relief and Resilience by Carson, Jim, Carson, Kimberly, Krucoff, Carol
Yoga y Sexo: Conoce tu cuerpo y el de tu pareja by Banos, Sarah, Pérez, Ariel
A Handy Guide to Essential Yoga Poses & Sequences for Beginners by Bine-Stock, Eve Heidi
Chakras: Desvelando los Secretos de la Sanación de Chakras, Meditación Kundalini, Despertar del Tercer Ojo, Proyección Astral, by Moon, Kimberly
The Best Yoga Poses For Kids: This is The Best and Most Effective Book on Yoga For Kids by Stephens, Debra
Raja Yoga or Mental Development by Yogi Ramacharaka
Hatha Yoga: The Yogi Philosophy of Physical Well-Being by Ramacharaka, Yogi
Hatha Yoga: The Yogi Philosophy of Physical Well-Being by Ramacharaka, Yogi
Ayurveda: Principi base dell'alimentazione ayurvedica: La natura degli alimenti, gli abbinamenti, la dieta by Bednersh, Patricia
Chakras: Desvelando los Secretos de la Sanación de Chakras, Meditación Kundalini, Despertar del Tercer Ojo, Proyección Astral, by Moon, Kimberly
An Introduction to Yoga by Besant, Annie
Fifty Days to Fitness: Be a Fitness Freak and Be Fit for Life by Ravindran
Wochenplaner 2020 - Yoga: Yoga Kalender 2020 - 120 Seiten Wochenkalender, Terminkalender, Kalender 2020 inkl. Fitness-Tracker Seiten - Ideal als by Roth, Heiko
AnatomySense: Helping Yogis Make Sense of Anatomy by Lane, Mike
Have-A-Seat Yoga(TM): Inspiration to Get Started, Stay Connected, and Keep Going by Wislar, Kelly, Marg, Susan
Tantric Massage & Yoga: 2 in 1 Bundle - Body, Mind and Soul by Nixon, Emma, Estrella, Ariana
Reach. Open. Be.: Yoga Teacher Training Manual by Chavanu, Julie, Workshop, Yoga Trainers
Reach. Open. Be.: Yoga Teacher Training Student Workbook by Chavanu, Julie, Workshop, Yoga Trainers
Reach. Open. Be.: Yoga Teacher Training Trainer Workbook by Chavanu, Julie, Workshop, Yoga Trainers
Yoga Guide Book by Neal, Vonda, Lemelin, Alex
The Vikings Secret Yoga: The Supreme Adventure by A. Key, Steven
Live Fearlessly: Liberating your life after breast cancer by Dauway, Emilia
Yoga Sequencing Secrets: Guiding Principles and Tools for Yoga Teachers by Saucier, Flissy
The Yoga Teacher Mentor: A Reflective Guide to Holding Spaces, Maintaining Boundaries, and Creating Inclusive Classes by Glenny, Jess
Compassionate Mindful Inquiry in Therapeutic Practice: A Practical Guide for Mindfulness Teachers, Yoga Teachers and Allied Health Professionals by Atkinson, Karen
Yoga and Mindfulness for Young Children: Poses for Play, Learning, and Peace by Rosen, Ilene S., Heil, Maureen
Eat. Sleep. Yoga. Repeat. by Stewart, Marty
Pop Culture Yoga: A Communication Remix by Blinne, Kristen C.
Healing the Chakras: Clear Energy Blocks to Transform Your Life Through Awareness, Yoga & Juicing by Nolan, Tara
Pranayama: La Respiración del Yoga by Maehle, Gregor
Yoga Bodi Magazine by Magazine, Yoga Bodi
Bed Yoga for Couples: Easy, Healing Yoga Moves You Can Do in Bed by Ayne, Blythe
Etica Yogica per Una Mente Equilibrata: Yama e Niyama by Tapasiddha, Ananda
Bedtime meditation stories for kids: An hypnosis guide for children and toddlers features relaxation journey. Kids will fall asleep with improved memo by Confidence, Matthew
Yogamerica: The Adventures of Yoga Bob and John by Centofanti, John, Barton, Robert
Bedtime meditation stories for adults: An hypnosis guide features relaxation journey. Adults will fall asleep with improved memory, self-esteem, feeli by Confidence, Matthew
Yama Niyama: Ética Yóguica para una Mente Equilibrada by Tapasiddha, Ananda
Bed Yoga for Couples: Easy, Healing Yoga Moves You Can Do in Bed - Large Print by Ayne, Blythe
Bed Yoga for Couples: Easy, Healing, Yoga Moves You Can Do in Bed by Ayne, Blythe
Yog Ka Itihaas, Mahatva aur Labh by Sadaiv, Shashikant
The Science of Breath by Ramacharaka, Yogi
Beauty and Health Through Yoga Practices by Amandeep
Essential Chakra Yoga: Poses to Balance, Heal, and Energize the Body and Mind by D'Arrigo, Christina
2020 Jahreskalender für sportliche Frauen by Emanuel, Zarina
Forward Head: the Evil Arch-Enemy: A therapeutic analysis at Forward Head Syndrome & how to correct it. by Pomeroy Pt, Tracy, Stone Pt, Penny, Byrd-Rider Pt, Kim
Hack Your Chakras: Create Energy Flow, Enable Vitality and Self Healing by Fraser, Sue
An Introduction to Yoga by Besant, Annie
Yoga. 100 Lehrbriefe aus heiltherapeutischer Sicht by Hanniske, Steffen
Immortal Siddhas: Iconography of Siddhas on South Indian Temples by Shaw, Richard Neil
One Life - Live It Well: Sayings of Wellness, Wryness, and Wisdom by Wilson, J. C.
History of Yoga: All Started on a Stone by Kachar, Ramis
The Mystery of the Five Great Elements & Astrology: A classic work based on Pancha Maha-Bhoota by Yayathi, Shri
Nejang: Tibetan Self-Healing Yoga by Thurman, Robert, Chenagtsang, Nida
Yin Yoga: Essential Poses and Sequences for Balanced Energy by Paylor, Diane
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: The Book of the Spiritual Man by Patanjali
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: The Book of the Spiritual Man by Patanjali
Memoirs of A Kenyan Yogi by Kundu, Cheloti Kennedy Wamalwa
So You Wanna Be a Yogi by Houle, Krystel Dallas
The Yoga Almanac: 52 Practices and Rituals to Stay Grounded Through the Astrological Seasons by Cheresson, Lisette, Rice, Andrea
Inhaling Spirit: Harmonialism, Orientalism, and the Western Roots of Modern Yoga by Foxen, Anya P.
Better Stretching by Yoon, Joe
One Simple Thing: A New Look at the Science of Yoga and How It Can Transform Your Life by Stern, Eddie
Yoga by Burrill, Jenny
Go Go Yoga for Kids: Yoga Games & Activities for Children: 150+ Fun Yoga Games, Activities, Poses, & Challenges for Successfully Teaching Y by Weis, Sara J.
Teach Yourself Yoga by Grzybowski, Eve
YOGA Science and Practice by Aggarwal, Ashwini Kumar
Gateway to Mindfulness: Follow Tayná on Her Journey and the Science of Letting Go in Savasana by
Advaita Vedanta: Being the Self by Har-Zion, Prabhuji, Yosef, David Ben
The Hindu-Yogi Science Of Breath: A Complete Manual Of The Oriental Breathing Philosophy Of Physical, Mental, Psychic And Spiritual Development. by Ramacharaka (William Walker Atkinson), Y.
The Doctrine And Practice Of Yoga: Including The Practices And Exercises Of Concentration, Both Objective And Subjective by Mukerji (Swami Mukerji), A. P.
The Yoga Sutras Of Patanjali: "The Book Of The Spiritual Man", An Interpretation By Charles Johnston by Patañjali
Autobiography Of A Yogi: With A Preface By W. Y. Evans-Wentz by Yogananda, Paramhansa
The Art of Stress-Free Living: Reprogram Your Life from the Inside Out by Ramos, Brian P.
Mantra Yoga: El Arte de Escuchar, de Recitar y de la Transformación by Vedica, Educazione, Ananda, Damodara
Yoga to Stay Young: Simple Poses to Keep You Flexible, Strong, and Pain-Free by Scott, Rachel
The Little Book of Mudra Meditations: 30 Yoga Hand Gestures for Healing by Adams, Autumn
The Story of Yoga: From Ancient India to the Modern West by Shearer, Alistair
Yoga Benefits in Ptsd: The Importance Of Body-Mind Treatment In Post Traumatic Stress Disorder by Collins, Lauren Mary
Yoga for Witches by Robinson, Sarah
Om Canada: An Intimate Glimpse at Yoga's Firsts by Petrich, Valery
Om Canada: An Intimate Glimpse at Yoga's Firsts by Petrich, Valery
Kundalini Awakening: Awaken Kundalini Energy, Improve Psychic Abilities, Intuition, Higher Consciousness, Third Eye, Expand Mind Power, Hea by Marcus, Serenity
Ketogenic Diet: The 30-Day Plan for Healthy Rapid Weight loss, Reverse Diseases, and Boost Brain Function by Evans, Mark
Restorative Yoga: Essential Poses for Relaxation, Balanced Chakra's Energies and Healing by Wells, Shante
Meditation Magic by Bayasgalan, Nomi
The Cartoon Yogi Colouring & Activity Book by Houle, Krystel Dallas
2100 Asanas by Lacerda, Daniel
Yoga for Beginners: Your Complete Guide for Using Effective Mudras and Yoga Asanas to Relieve Stress and Being Healthy Now by Carillo, Loren
Yoga: for Beginners: Your Guide to Master Yoga Poses While Calming your Mind, Be Stress Free, and Boost your Self-esteem! by Yamashita, Alexander
Redemptive Yoga: A Biblical Meditation by Stowe, Amber Lorraine
Yoga: Master Yoga Fast with the Complete Guide to Yoga for Beginners; Including Yoga Basics & the Best Yoga Poses for All Le by Walker, Amanda
Liber Nyarlathotep by Angel, Dark
Laughter Yoga: Daily Practices for Health and Happiness by Kataria, Madan
Chair Yoga for Seniors: Stretches and Poses That You Can Do Sitting Down at Home by Lehmkuhl, Lynn
Good Living Practices: The Best From Ayurveda, Yoga, and Modern Science for Achieving Optimal Health, Happiness and Longevity by Rao, Rammohan
Pressing RESET for Stronger Yoga by Original Strength
Ganeshpuri Days: Memoirs of a Western Yogi by Shankarananda, Swami
Jeppe Hein: Nothing Is as It Appears by
Anatomía Del Yoga Libro Para Colorear: Una Nueva Visión De Las Posturas De Yoga by Rochester, Elizabeth J.
Essential Pranayama: Breathing Techniques for Balance, Healing, and Peace by Givens, Jerry
Pranayama Yoga Asana: Controla, Cultiva y Modifica tu Energía Interna by Gupta, Anand
Self-Healing with Yoga, Dowsing, Reiki and Magick.: Boost your immunity and health with ancient practices. by Spartacus, Carl
Chakras Awakening: Meditation for beginners for balancing, healing and increase mind power through chakra energy, yoga, kundalini and cry by Heal, Emily
Vigyan Bhairav Tantra: The only Great book of Meditation, Concentration & Self Realisation by Shiva, Lord, Murari, Mohan, Kumar, Mohan
25-Minute Yoga Home Practise Routine: For Weight Loss & Less Stress by Julia, Jasmine
How You Can Talk With God (Albanian) by Yogananda, Paramahansa
Yoga Anatomy's Keys: The Functional Guide for Beginners by Walker, Holly Emily
Ultimate Guide to Yoga by Hajeski, Nancy J.
Journal de Bien Être de Productivité: 12 Semaines de Productivité pour Prendre Soin de Soi et Atteindre Ses Objectifs: Journal élégant et agréable pou by Le Site de Développement Personnel, Dev
The Doctrine and Practice of Yoga by Mukerji, A. P.
Yoga Anatomy Coloring Book: A New View At Yoga Poses by Rochester, Elizabeth J.
Angelus: Experiential Chakra Workbook by Jago, Erica, Van Der Kamp, Roos
Live Life in Full Color by Shovlin, Catherine
Why and how SURYA NAMASKAR?: Easy - Effective - YOGA Practice by Ayem, C.
I Run on Yoga, Sarcasm and Cat: Coloring Book for Adult Who Love Yoga and Cat, Funny Picture of a Cat is Doing an Excellent Yoga by Publishing, Paperland
A New Vibration: 16 Simple Steps to Stay Lifted by Shashi, Kiran
Restorative Yoga: Relax. Restore. Re-Energize. by Baginski, Caren
Understanding Yoga Therapy: Applied Philosophy and Science for Health and Well-Being by Hyland Robertson, Laurie C., Sullivan, Marlysa B.
The Language of Yoga: Complete A-To-Y Guide to Asana Names, Sanskrit Terms, and Chants by Bachman, Nicolai
Resistance Band Workouts: 50 Exercises for Strength Training at Home or on the Go by Inkster, Karina
38 Benefits Of Yoga- Chris Roy by Roy, Chris
Tantric Sexuality for Beginners Learn How to Have Minblowing Sex Using Tantra Techniques for Men, Woman and Couples by Papadopoulos, Panagiotis
Nidra Yoga for beginners by Rolando, Ella
20-Minute Yoga Routine For Beginners: For Greater Flexibility & Reduced Stress by Norton, Norma
Yoga: Yoga For Beginners 10 Super Easy Poses To Reduce Stress and Anxiety by Cook, Peter
Yoga Bible For Beginners: 30 Essential Illustrated Poses For Better Health, Stress Relief and Weight Loss by Kiernan, Charice
Biocircuits: The Natural Tool that Promotes Sleep, Boosts Energy, and Expands Awareness by Patten, Terry, Patten, Leslie
La Anatomía del Yoga Una guía con las mejores posturas y sus beneficios en el cuerpo humano by Lecuanda, Jimmy
Yoga for Beginners: The Philosophy of Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and the Secret of Sleep Meditation and Deep Ralaxation with Yoga Nidra. Inc by Cooper, Aurora
The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Losing Weight and Staying Fit with Yoga: Natural and Essential Yoga Poses to Develop Your Self-Awareness, Strengthen by Miller, Susan
Yoga Del Gong by Benton, Mehtab
Caryacarya, manuel pratique de l Ananda Marga by Anandamurti, Shrii Shrii
Amazing Secrets of the Yogi by Haanel, Charles F.
Yoga in the Music Studio by McAllister, Lesley S.
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: The Definitive Guide to Awaken Your Hidden Potential and Purify Your Spirit - Volume 1 by Green, Marius K.
Kundalini Awakening: The Final Guide to Increase Your Willpower and Improve Your Habits - Volume 1 by Green, Marius K.
Une Education neohumaniste, s appuyant sur la sagesse du yoga et les sciences de l education by Anandamitra, Avadhutika, Andrews, Susan
How Yoga Really Works by Pax, Jax
La Bibbia Dello Yoga Per Principianti: 30 Posizioni Essenziali Illustrate per una Salute Migliore, Sollievo dallo Stress e Perdita di Peso by Kiernan, Charice
Oxford Handbook of Dance and Wellbeing by
Ketogenic Diet: The 30-Day Plan for Healthy Rapid Weight loss, Reverse Diseases, and Boost Brain Function (Keto, Intermittent Fasting, by Evans, Mark
The Amazing Secrets of the Yogi;With a Chapter from St Louis, History of the Fourth City, 1764-1909, Volume Three By Walter Barlow Stevens by Haanel, Charles F.
Ketogenic Diet: The 30-Day Plan for Healthy Rapid Weight loss, Reverse Diseases, and Boost Brain Function (Keto, Intermittent Fasting, by Evans, Mark
Psychic Yoga: Ignite Your Intuition with Chakra and Energy Work by Yrizarry, Shannon
Eurythmy: A Short Introduction to Educational, Therapeutic and Performance Eurythmy by Poplawski, Thomas
Yoga While You Wait: Finding Purpose in Each Pointless Pause by Stoletzky, Judith
Perfectly Imperfect: The Art and Soul of Yoga Practice by Baptiste, Baron
Gateway to Wisdom: Taoist and Buddhist Contemplative and Healing Yogas Adapted for Western Students of the Way by Blofeld, John
How to Know God: The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali by
Kundalini Awakening: The Final Guide to Increase Your Willpower and Improve Your Habits - Extendend Edition by Green, Marius K.
The Yogic Lifestyle: A Foundation for Freedom by Lavery, Melissa K.
Heal Yourself: A Return to Wholeness: The Integration of Body, Mind, Soul, & Spirit by Fondin, Michelle S.
Dog Yoga Planner 2021: Large Funny Animal Agenda Meditation Puppy Yoga Organizer: January - December (12 Months) For Work, Appointments, Coll by Kiernan, Charice
Yoga: For Beginners: Your Guide To Master Yoga Poses While Strengthening Your Body, Calming Your Mind And Be Stress Free! by Oddo, Emily
Yoga: for Beginners: Your Natural Way to Strengthen Your Body, Calming Your Mind and Be in The Moment by Mori, Susan
A Timeless Birth: Holistic Tools for Radiant Health and Vitality from Preconception Through Postpartum by Villain, Kat
A Timeless Birth: Holistic Tools for Radiant Health and Vitality from Preconception Through Postpartum by Villain, Kat
Chakras Centro de Energía Vital: cómo lograr el equilibrio entre cuerpo y alma by Zenn
Love God Herself: Yoga and Mindfulness for Black Women who Follow the Christ by Brimm, Brooke
Yoga: Learn What is Yoga Learn New Techniques of Yoga. Yoga Types & Benefits of Yoga. Yoga Can Keep You Healthy & Drug Free by Khan, Mohsin
YOGA Surya Namaskar by Aggarwal, Ashwini Kumar
GINA The Happy Yogi Travels to India by Soni, Gina
La Bibbia Dello Yoga Per Principianti: 30 Posizioni Essenziali Illustrate per una Salute Migliore, Sollievo dallo Stress e Perdita di Peso by Kiernan, Charice
Yoga: Yoga For Beginners 10 Super Easy Poses To Reduce Stress and Anxiety by Cook, Peter
Yoga Bible For Beginners: 30 Essential Illustrated Poses For Better Health, Stress Relief and Weight Loss by Kiernan, Charice
Eco-Yoga: Pratica & Meditazioni Per Camminare Nella Bellezza Sulla Terra by Skolimowski, Henryk
How You Can Talk With God (Lithuanian) by Yogananda, Paramahansa
Yoga for Holistic Healing: Poses & Sequences for Pain and Stress Relief by Golden, Bonnie
Art of Partner Stretching: Improve flexibility, build human connection and energize your soul. by Sood, Manu
YOGA Science and Practice by Aggarwal, Ashwini Kumar
Passez au niveau supérieur grâce au pouvoir de la méditation: Entreprendre et réussir by Rochetta, Laurent
Kundalini Awakening and Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Four Books in One. A Complete Guide to Develop Your Inner Potential by Green, Marius K.
Quitting to Win: A Proven Plan to Let Go of Bad Habits, Learn to Feel, and Love Yourself by Waltman, Crystal D.
Quitting to Win: A Proven Plan to Let Go of Bad Habits, Learn to Feel and Love Yourself by Waltman, Crystal D.
Being Calm: Flutterpie's Yoga Adventures and Mindful Mantras by Khera, Parinaaz Kaur, Khera, Navnish Kaur
yoga basics with wolfy by Volkov, Michael
Swara Yoga by Bhavanani, Ananda Balayogi, Jnandev, Yogachariya
MS Wellness Solution: How to listen to your body's wisdom to holistically manage your health by Pavlish, Pepper
Gong Yoga: Healing and Enlightenment Through Sound by Benton, Mehtab
Yogini's Dilemma: To Be or Not to Be a Yoga Teacher by Grant, Nicole
Kama Sutra: 2 Books in 1: Kama Sutra for Beginners and Sex Positions. The MOST Practical Guide with 150+ POSITIONS for Couples wit by Fox, Lana
A translation of Yoga-Vâsishta-Laghu - (the smaller) by Narayanaswami Aiyar, K.
Pratiques de Yoga Avancées - Leçons faciles pour une vie extatique Volume 2 by Yogani
Reste Calme - Couleur moi!: Livre de coloriage anti-stress pour adultes by Studio, Mandalas
Cross Fit Diet: The Incredible Cookbook To Attain A Sexy Booty, Sexy Abs, A Fit Body And Also Lose Weight by Palmer Rnd, Wayne
Yoga Therapy as a Whole-Person Approach to Health by Majewski, Lee, Balayogi Bhavanani, Ananda
Yoga for Scoliosis Back Pain Relief at Home for Beginners with Ayurvedic Diet Plan by Meadows, Julia
Great Escapes Yoga. the Retreat Book by
Flex Your Mind: 10 Powerful Yoga Principles for Less Stress in a Busy World by Bonkink, Rachel
Guided Meditation Scripts: For Yoga Instructors, Life and Transformation Coaches and Healers by Knecht, Sandra
Inner Beauty, Inner Light by Leboyer, Frederick
Yoga For Beginners: Restorative Yoga: The Complete Guide To Master Restorative Yoga; Benefits, Essentials, Poses (With Pictures), Precauti by Sahu, Rohit
Yoni Shakti: A Woman's Guide to Power and Freedom Through Yoga and Tantra by Dinsmore-Tuli, Uma
Raja yoga: Yoga-Sutra &The Science of Breathing by Vivekananda, Swami, Swami, Swami Swami Vivekananda
Posturas de Yoga com Ajustes e Apoio: Um guia prático para uma prática de Yoga segura e consciente by Fernandes, Simone
The Practice Is the Path: Lessons and Reflections on the Transformative Power of Yoga by Little, Tias
Yoga for Riders: Principles and Postures to Improve Your Horsemanship by Woods, Cathy
Yoga After 50 for Dummies by Payne, Larry
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