Learn Polish - Quick / Easy / Efficient: 2000 Key Vocabularies
ISBN13: 9781986373296
Publisher: Createspace
Published: Mar 10 2018
Pages: 86
Weight: 0.28
Height: 0.18 Width: 6.00 Depth: 9.00
Language: English
Who this Polish learning book is for: This book is for beginners and intermediate learners of Polish who are self-motivated and willing to spend 15 to 20 minutes a day on learning vocabularies. The simple structure of this vocabulary book is the result of taking all unnecessary things out allowing the learning effort to solely be spent on the parts that help you make the biggest progress in the shortest amount of time. If you are willing to put in 20 minutes of learning every day, this book is very likely the single best investment you can make if you are at a beginner or intermediate level. You will be amazed at the speed of progress within a matter of just weeks of daily practice.
Who this Polish frequency list is not for: This book is not for you if you are an advanced learner of Polish. In this case, please go to our website or search for our Polish vocabulary book which comes with more vocabularies and is grouped by topic which is ideal for advanced learners who want to improve their language capabilities in certain fields.
How to use this Polish workbook: This book is ideally used on a daily basis, reviewing a set number of pages in each session. The book is split into sections of 25 vocabularies which allows you to step by step progress through the book. Let's for example say you are currently reviewing vocabularies 101 to 200. Once you know vocabularies 101 to 125 very well, you can start learning vocabularies 201 to 225 and on the next day skip 101-125 and continue reviewing vocabularies 126 to 225. This way, step by step, you will work your way through the book and your language skills will jump with each page you master.
Some final thoughts: Like many language hacking methods, this book is quite unconventional in its approach, but for a driven person that uses it correctly it can significantly speed up the learning process. Vocabulary books have been around for centuries and as with so many things that have been around for some time, they are not very fashionable and a bit boring, but they usually work quite well - and that is what counts in the end.
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