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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 2024

Überprüfung von Verfälschungen bei in Assis/SP verkaufter Milch by Bedinotte E. Silva, Gabriel
Verification of adulteration in milk sold in Assis/SP by Bedinotte E. Silva, Gabriel
Vérification de l'adultération du lait vendu à Assis/SP by Bedinotte E. Silva, Gabriel
Verifica delle adulterazioni nel latte venduto ad Assis/SP by Bedinotte E. Silva, Gabriel
Multivariate Hypergeometric Functions Related to the Coulomb Problem by Gasaneo, Gustavo, Ancarani, Lorenzo Ugo, Del Punta, Jessica
The Whens and Wheres of a Scientific Life by Helliwell, John R.
Biological and Pharmacological Properties of the Genus Moringa by
Future of Sustainable Agriculture in Saline Environments by
Miraculous Medicines and the Chemistry of Drug Design by Keighley, Nathan
Batch Adsorption Process of Metals and Anions for Remediation of Contaminated Water by
Herbal Treatment of Anxiety: Clinical Studies in Western, Chinese and Ayurvedic Traditions by Mendelson, Scott D.
Why the Dose Matters: Assessing the Health Risk of Exposure to Toxicants by Boelsterli, Urs A.
Molecular Analyses by
Invasomes as Drug Nanocarriers for Innovative Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms by Dragicevic, Nina
Industrial Applications of Microbial Enzymes by
Natural Polymers: Perspectives and Applications for a Green Approach by
Biohydrogen: Developments and Prospects by
Biomethane: Developments and Prospects by
Impact of Agriculture on Soil Degradation II: A European Perspective by
Tribology of 2D Nanomaterials by
Oxidative Eustress in Exercise Physiology by
Understanding Risk to Wildlife from Exposures to Per- And Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances (Pfas) by Quinn Jr, Michael J., Johnson, Mark S., Williams, Marc A.
Biological and Chemical Hazards in Food and Food Products: Prevention, Practices, and Management by
Synthesis, Applications of Azo-mofits by Dhake, Amol N., Patil, Chandrashekhar J.
Investigating the use of Nano Chemistry in Industry by Jafari, Samaneh
Field Sampling Methods for Remedial Investigations by Byrnes, Mark Edward
Monographs in Contact Allergy, Volume 4: Systemic Drugs by de Groot, Anton C.
Handbook of Validation in Pharmaceutical Processes, Fourth Edition by
Theory and Practice of Contrast: Integrating Science, Art and Philosophy by Stanowski, Mariusz
Vergleichende Studie der freien Fettsäuren in verschiedenen Proben by Mansoor, Mir Maroof, Ahmad, Muhammad Ishfaq
Étude comparative des acides gras libres dans différents échantillons by Mansoor, Mir Maroof, Ahmad, Muhammad Ishfaq
Studio comparativo degli acidi grassi liberi in diversi campioni by Ahmad, Muhammad Ishfaq, Mansoor, Mir Maroof
Estudo comparativo dos ácidos gordos livres em diferentes amostras by Mansoor, Mir Maroof, Ahmad, Muhammad Ishfaq
Makromoleküle by Somavarapu, Silpa
Macromolécules by Somavarapu, Silpa
Macromolecole by Somavarapu, Silpa
Macromoléculas by Somavarapu, Silpa
Synthese, Spektroskopie und biozide Aktivität von Cu(II)-Sesam-Komplexen by Sharma, Arun Kumar, Singh, Naresh, Saxena, Meenakshi
Synthèse, activité spectroscopique et biocide du complexe de sésame Cu (II) by Saxena, Meenakshi, Sharma, Arun Kumar, Singh, Naresh
Sintesi, spettroscopia e attività biocida di un complesso di Cu (II) di sesamo by Singh, Naresh, Saxena, Meenakshi, Sharma, Arun Kumar
Síntese, Espectroscopia e Atividade Biocida do Complexo de Cu (II) de Sésamo by Singh, Naresh, Saxena, Meenakshi, Sharma, Arun Kumar
Dopamina: Cómo Una Molécula Condiciona de Quién Nos Enamoramos, Con Quién Nos Acostamos, a Quién Votamos Y ... / The Molecule of More by Lieberman, Daniel Z., Long, Michael E.
Chemische Reaktionstechnik by Freund, Hannsjörg, Emig, Gerhard, Klemm, Elias
Carbon-Based Materials and Environmental Remediation: Graphene, Biochar, and More by
Carbon-Based Materials and Environmental Remediation: Graphene, Biochar, and More by
Nanotechnology: Agriculture, Environment and Health by
Multi-Functional Electrocatalysts: Fundamentals and Applications by
Protein Oxidation Biomarkers in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder by Ezz El-Dine, Nermine
Energy Metabolism-Related Genes in Obesity by Ezz El-Dine, Nermine
Développement de nouveaux médicaments antidiabétiques à partir de ressources génomiques de plantes médicinales by Chakraborty, Prasanta
Sviluppo di un nuovo farmaco antidiabetico a partire da res genomiche di piante medicinali by Chakraborty, Prasanta
Entwicklung eines neuen Antidiabetikums aus der Genomforschung von Heilpflanzen by Chakraborty, Prasanta
Geometría Molecular by Moreno Rodríguez, José Albino, Moreno Rodríguez, Lilián Aurora
Grundlagen der klinischen Chemie - Vorlesungsskript für Studenten by Crăciun, Alexandra M., Silaghi, Ciprian N.
Elementi essenziali di chimica clinica - Appunti per gli studenti by Crăciun, Alexandra M., Silaghi, Ciprian N.
Essentials in clinical chemistry - Notes de cours pour les étudiants by Silaghi, Ciprian N., Crăciun, Alexandra M.
Essenciais em química clínica - Notas de aula para estudantes by Crăciun, Alexandra M., Silaghi, Ciprian N.
Microwave Processing of Foods: Challenges, Advances and Prospects: Microwaves and Food by
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Pharmacokinetics-Based Individualization of Drug Therapy by
Advances in Nano-Electrochemical Materials and Devices by
It's Time to Learn about Stoichiometry by Walter the Educator
The Science of Sustainable Umbrellas by Jox, Terry
Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Novel Drug Delivery Systems: From Basic Concepts to Applications: A Machine-Generated Literature Overview by
Studio della perossidazione lipidica nella preeclampsia by Kharb, Simmi
Einführung in Zeolith-Polymer-Anwendungen by Mir, Muzzaffar Ahmad, Malik, Nisar Ahmad
Introduction aux applications des zéolithes et des polymères by Mir, Muzzaffar Ahmad, Malik, Nisar Ahmad
Antagonismus von Orexin und Adenosin auf die Vigilanz by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Introduzione alle applicazioni delle zeoliti e dei polimeri by Mir, Muzzaffar Ahmad, Malik, Nisar Ahmad
Antagonism of Orexine and Adenosine on Vigilance by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Introdução às aplicações de zeólito-polímero by Mir, Muzzaffar Ahmad, Malik, Nisar Ahmad
Antagonismo dell'orexina e dell'adenosina sulla vigilanza by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Antagonismo da Orexina e da Adenosina na Vigilância by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Bioinorganics and RNR: A Specialized Decipherment by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Bioinorganische und RNR: Eine fachkundige Entschlüsselung by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Bioinorgânicos e RNR: uma decifração especializada by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Bioinorganica e RNR: una decifrazione specializzata by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Hidrocarbonetos Aromáticos Policíclicos em alguns géneros alimentícios fumados em Lagos by Olasupo, Sabitu, Aderibigbe, Tajudeen, Olisah, Chijioke
Entfernung von Farbstoffen aus Abwässern unter Verwendung von Bioabfall by Kaur, Harpreet, Kaur, Rajvir, Thakur, Anita
Élimination des colorants des effluents à l'aide de biodéchets by Kaur, Harpreet, Kaur, Rajvir, Thakur, Anita
Rimozione di coloranti dagli effluenti utilizzando rifiuti organici by Kaur, Harpreet, Kaur, Rajvir, Thakur, Anita
Remoção de corantes de efluentes utilizando bio-resíduos by Kaur, Rajvir, Thakur, Anita, Kaur, Harpreet
Klinische Biochemie, immunologische Indizes und Auswirkungen von Antioxidantien by Abduljalil, Mode Muh'd, Umar Aliyu, Rabi'u
Biochimie clinique, indices immunologiques et impact des antioxydants by Umar Aliyu, Rabi'u, Abduljalil, Mode Muh'd
Biochimica clinica, indici immunologici e impatto degli antiossidanti by Umar Aliyu, Rabi'u, Abduljalil, Mode Muh'd
Bioquímica Clínica, Índices Imunológicos e Impacto dos Antioxidantes by Abduljalil, Mode Muh'd, Umar Aliyu, Rabi'u
Insilico-Studien zu Indenopyrazol-Derivaten gegen Krebs by Rehman, MD Muzaffar-Ur-
Études insilico des dérivés de l'indénopyrazole pour le cancer by Rehman, MD Muzaffar-Ur-
Studi in silico di derivati ​​dell'indenopirazolo per il cancro by Rehman, MD Muzaffar-Ur-
Estudos Insilico de derivados do indenopirazol para o cancro by Rehman, MD Muzaffar-Ur-
Estudo da peroxidação lipídica na pré-eclâmpsia by Kharb, Simmi
Untersuchung der Lipidperoxidation bei Präeklampsie by Kharb, Simmi
Étude de la peroxydation lipidique dans la pré-éclampsie by Kharb, Simmi
Maîtriser les dislocations dans les matériaux by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Medizinische Chemie by Dar, Mohd Yousuf
Chimie médicinale by Dar, Mohd Yousuf
Chimica medicinale by Dar, Mohd Yousuf
Química medicinal by Dar, Mohd Yousuf
Baustellenmanagement Im Anlagenbau: Gezielt Planen - Erfolgreich Abwickeln by Günther, Thomas
Emerging Trends in Leather Science and Technology by
Technological Integration in Environmental Science: How Innovations Are Shaping Sustainability, Promoting Eco-Friendly Practices, and Building a Green by Fawn, Ursula
Einfluss von Qualitätsrohstoffen auf den Brauprozess by Santos, Diana Lais
Influence of Quality Raw Materials on the Brewing Process by Santos, Diana Lais
Influence de la qualité des matières premières sur le processus de brassage by Santos, Diana Lais
Influenza delle materie prime di qualità sul processo di birrificazione by Santos, Diana Lais
Conference proceedings on Advanced Research in Chemical Sciences(ARCS) by
Oxidativer Stress und Entzündungen bei Diabetes mellitus Typ II by Omar, Shwan, Mostafa, Shatha Rouf
Stress oxydatif et inflammation dans le diabète de type II by Omar, Shwan, Mostafa, Shatha Rouf
Stress oxidativo e inflamação na diabetes mellitus tipo II by Omar, Shwan, Mostafa, Shatha Rouf
Ayurvedic Wisdom: Ancient Healing for Modern Living by Chaudhari, Samir
Stress ossidativo e infiammazione nel diabete mellito di tipo II by Omar, Shwan, Mostafa, Shatha Rouf
Alcuni nuovi derivati del [1,2,4]-triazolo by Joshi, S. A.
Nouveaux dérivés du [1,2,4]-triazol by Joshi, S. A.
Einige neuartige [1,2,4]-Triazol-Derivate by Joshi, S. A.
Usos medicinais da Acalypha Indica e sua aplicação no campo das nanotecnologias by Umavathi, Saraswathi, Kavitha, C.
Usi medicinali dell'Acalypha Indica e sua applicazione in campo nanometrico by Kavitha, C., Umavathi, Saraswathi
Utilisations médicinales d'Acalypha Indica et son application dans le domaine de la nanotechnologie by Kavitha, C., Umavathi, Saraswathi
Medizinische Verwendung von Acalypha Indica und ihre Anwendung im Nanobereich by Umavathi, Saraswathi, Kavitha, C.
Principles of Research Methodology and Ethics in Pharmaceutical Sciences: An Application Guide for Students and Researchers by
Sonochemistry: Source of Clean Energy by
Bioconvergence Revolution: Challenges and Opportunities in Research Productivity by
Alguns novos derivados de [1,2,4]-triazol by Joshi, S. A.
Computer Modelling of Sintering at Different Length Scales by Pan, Jingzhe
Electron Holography for Electromagnetic Materials by Akase, Zentaro, Shindo, Daisuke
Valutazione dell'inquinamento del suolo da metalli in una fabbrica ugandese by Olwenyi, Henry
Herstellung von Melonenmethylester unter Verwendung von Melonenkernöl als Rohstoff by Eucharia, Onyezeka
Avaliação da poluição do solo por metais pesados numa fábrica de cimento do Uganda by Olwenyi, Henry
Production d'ester méthylique de melon en utilisant l'huile de graine de melon comme matière première by Eucharia, Onyezeka
Produzione di estere metilico di melone utilizzando come materia prima l'olio di semi di melone by Eucharia, Onyezeka
Production of melon methyl ester using melon seed oil as raw material by Eucharia, Onyezeka
Unterschiedliche Reaktion von Cajanus-Sorten auf die Inplanta-Transformation by Somavarapu, Silpa
Réponse différentielle des variétés de Cajanus à la transformation Inplanta by Somavarapu, Silpa
Risposta differenziale delle varietà di Cajanus alla trasformazione inplanta by Somavarapu, Silpa
Resposta Diferencial de Variedades de Cajanus à Transformação Inplanta by Somavarapu, Silpa
Mangan: Bioinorganische Geheimnisse by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Manganês: Os segredos bioinorgânicos by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Manganese: i segreti bioinorganici by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Charbon actif et sa préparation by Raut, Ekta
Carvão ativado e sua preparação by Raut, Ekta
Carbone attivo e sua preparazione by Raut, Ekta
Aktivkohle und ihre Herstellung by Raut, Ekta
Estudo DFT sobre os agentes quelantes para o tratamento da sobrecarga de ferro by Kaviani, Sadegh
Etude DFT sur les agents chélateurs pour le traitement de la surcharge en fer by Kaviani, Sadegh
Studio DFT sugli agenti chelanti per il trattamento del sovraccarico di ferro by Kaviani, Sadegh
DFT-Studie zu Chelatbildnern zur Behandlung von Eisenüberladung by Kaviani, Sadegh
Síntese e estudo antimicrobiano de novos derivados de benzotiofeno by Joshi, Prakash, Patel, Bharatbhai, Shukla, Maharshi
Synthese und antimikrobielle Untersuchung von neuen Benzothiophen-Derivaten by Joshi, Prakash, Patel, Bharatbhai, Shukla, Maharshi
Sintesi e studio antimicrobico di nuovi derivati del benzotiofene by Shukla, Maharshi, Joshi, Prakash, Patel, Bharatbhai
Synthèse et étude antimicrobienne de nouveaux dérivés du benzothiophène by Joshi, Prakash, Patel, Bharatbhai, Shukla, Maharshi
Das verheerende Dual von Kupfer und Zink by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
The Devastating Dual of Copper and Zinc by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Il doppio devastante di rame e zinco by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
A dupla devastadora do cobre e do zinco by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Bewertung der Bodenverschmutzung durch Schwermetalle in einer ugandischen Zementfabrik by Olwenyi, Henry
Évaluation de la pollution des sols par les métaux lourds dans une cimenterie ougandaise by Olwenyi, Henry
Manganese: Bioinorganic Secrets by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Protac-Mediated Protein Degradation: A Paradigm Shift in Cancer Therapeutics by
Clostridium botulinum von der Bioinorganik entschlüsselt by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Bioinorganics decipher Clostridium botulinum by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
La bioinorganica decifra il Clostridium botulinum by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Bioinorgânicos decifram o Clostridium botulinum by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Editorial Board Members' Collection Series in "Bioinorganic Chemistry of Copper" by
Pharmacoproteomics: Recent Trends and Applications by
Triazole Sensors: New Trends and Biomaterial Applications by Rajasekar, M.
Unterricht für Sehbehinderte aus einer multisensorischen Perspektive by Fernandes, Tatyane, Silva Hussein, Fabiana
Teaching the visually impaired from a multi-sensory perspective by Fernandes, Tatyane, Silva Hussein, Fabiana
Enseigner aux malvoyants dans une perspective multisensorielle by Silva Hussein, Fabiana, Fernandes, Tatyane
Insegnare ai disabili visivi da una prospettiva multisensoriale by Silva Hussein, Fabiana, Fernandes, Tatyane
Component Surfaces: Manufacturing-Morphology-Property Relationships by
Applications of Analytical Chemistry in Industry by Vaz Jr, Silvio
Remediation of Chromium-Contaminated Soil: ​theory and Practice​ by Yang, Weichun, Chai, Liyuan, Yang, Zhihui
Mathematical Descriptors of Molecules and Biomolecules: Applications in Chemistry, Drug Design, Chemical Toxicology, and Computational Biology by
Functionalisation of Heterocycles Through Transition Metal Catalyzed C-H Activation by
Sustainable Bio-Based Composites: Biomedical and Engineering Applications by
Magnetic Microhydrodynamics: An Emerging Research Field by
Multiple Intelligence by R. K., Geetha, Devaki, N.
Vegane Und Vegetarische Ernährung Aus Medizinischer Sicht: Fundiert Beraten Bei Pflanzenbasierten Ernährungsformen by Kolm, Markus
Nanocarrier Drug Delivery Systems: Therapeutic and Diagnostic Medicine by
Maths in Chemistry: Numerical Methods for Physical and Analytical Chemistry by Bansal, Prerna
Adrenoceptors by
Recent Trends in Photoresponsive Mercury (II) Sensor for Biomaterials by Rajasekar, M.
Practical in Clinical Chemistry by Rada, Feryal Hashim
Proteomics in Schistosomiasis: Application and Relevance by Onile, Olugbenga
Analyse von spezifischen Drogen durch Screening-Tests by Patel, Prof Ravi Bachubhai
Analyse de médicaments spécifiques par le biais de Tests de dépistage by Patel, Prof Ravi Bachubhai
Analisi di farmaci specifici attraverso Test di screening by Patel, Prof Ravi Bachubhai
Análise de drogas específicas através de Testes de rastreio by Patel, Prof Ravi Bachubhai
Synthese und polymorphe Bewertung von Eluxadolin by Dodiya, Amit
Synthèse et évaluation polymorphique de l'Eluxadoline by Dodiya, Amit
Sintesi e valutazione polimorfica dell'Eluxadolina by Dodiya, Amit
Síntese e avaliação polimórfica da Eluxadolina by Dodiya, Amit
Novel Treatments of Strong Correlations: Volume 90 by
Primer of Proteomics by
Experimental Testing, Manufacturing and Numerical Modelling of Composite and Sandwich Structures by
Transparent Hybrid Supercapacitor Electrode by K. S., Darshini, N. L., Mary
Metal-hydroxychlorides for High Power Aqueous Supercapacitors by Ranganatha, S.
Construction and performance of bioelectrochemical reaction system by Zhang, Yuxia, Zheng, Yan, Zhang, Kang
Das Lehrbuch der Enzyminhibition und der medizinischen Chemie by Lambat, Trimurti L.
Manuel d'inhibition enzymatique et de chimie médicinale by Lambat, Trimurti L.
Libro di testo sull'inibizione enzimatica e la chimica medicinale by Lambat, Trimurti L.
O livro-texto de inibição enzimática e química medicinal by Lambat, Trimurti L.
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