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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2024

CRC Standard Curves and Surfaces with Mathematica by Von Seggern, David H.
Quadratic Irrationals: An Introduction to Classical Number Theory by Halter-Koch, Franz
Multiple Attribute Decision Making: Methods and Applications by Huang, Jih-Jeng, Tzeng, Gwo-Hshiung
Universal Algebra: Fundamentals and Selected Topics by Bergman, Clifford
Handbook of Enumerative Combinatorics by
Discrete Structures with Contemporary Applications by Stanoyevitch, Alexander
Exploring Linear Algebra: Labs and Projects with Mathematica � by Arangala, Crista
Lecture Notes on Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Equations by
Introduction to Finite and Spectral Element Methods Using MATLAB by Pozrikidis, Constantine
Accelerating MATLAB Performance: 1001 Tips to Speed Up MATLAB Programs by Altman, Yair M.
Mathematical Methods for Accident Reconstruction: A Forensic Engineering Perspective by Franck, Harold, Franck, Darren
Number, Shape, & Symmetry: An Introduction to Number Theory, Geometry, and Group Theory by Herrmann, Diane L., Sally Jr, Paul J.
Differential Forms and the Geometry of General Relativity by Dray, Tevian
Algebraic Number Theory by Mollin, Richard A.
A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis by Folland, Gerald B.
Optimal Estimation of Dynamic Systems by Junkins, John L., Crassidis, John L.
50 Years of Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing by
Analysis with Ultrasmall Numbers by O'Donovan, Richard, Hrbacek, Karel, Lessmann, Olivier
Linear Algebra and Probability for Computer Science Applications by Davis, Ernest
Undocumented Secrets of Matlab-Java Programming by Altman, Yair M.
Pattern Theory: The Stochastic Analysis of Real-World Signals by Mumford, David, Desolneux, Agnès
Applications of Combinatorial Matrix Theory to Laplacian Matrices of Graphs by Molitierno, Jason J.
Multistage Separation Processes by Khoury, Fouad M.
Introduction to Financial Mathematics by Hastings, Kevin J.
Introduction to Mathematical Proofs by Roberts, Charles
Elementary Number Theory by Kraft, James S., Washington, Lawrence C.
Nonlinear Optimal Control Theory by Berkovitz, Leonard David, Medhin, Negash G.
Combinatory Logic: Pure, Applied and Typed by Bimbó, Katalin
Portfolio Optimization by Best, Michael J.
Advanced Linear Algebra by Woerdeman, Hugo
An Introduction to Stochastic Processes with Applications to Biology by Allen, Linda J. S.
Dynamical Systems for Biological Modeling: An Introduction by Brauer, Fred, Kribs, Christopher
Group Theoretic Cryptography by Steinwandt, Rainer, González Vasco, Maria Isabel
Measure and Integral: An Introduction to Real Analysis, Second Edition by Wheeden, Richard L.
A Mathematical Look at Politics by Robinson, Jr., Ullman, Daniel H.
Celebrating Mathematical Mistakes: How to Use Students' Thinking to Unlock Understanding (Celebrate Mathematics Mistakes) by Wessman-Enzinger, Nicole M., Gerstenschlager, Natasha
Advanced Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering by Hayek, S. I.
Pension Fund Risk Management: Financial and Actuarial Modeling by
Conceptual Modeling for Discrete-Event Simulation by
Multiscale Cancer Modeling by
Physical Oceanography: A Mathematical Introduction with MATLAB by Malek-Madani, Reza
Axiomatic Set Theory by Eggbert, Doug
Fields and Galois Theory by McFergusen, Shaun
Advanced Topics in Real Analysis by Hedronics, Oliver
Concurrent Programming: Handling Threads Like a Pro by Hawkins, Percy
Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers: With Pseudocodes by Altaç, Zekeriya
Serious Cryptography, 2nd Edition: A Practical Introduction to Modern Encryption by Aumasson, Jean-Philippe
Glatte Mannigfaltigkeiten by Gorodski, Claudio
Der Beginn Der Determinanten-Theorie: Leibnizens Nachgelassene Studien Zum Determinanten-Kalkul by Knobloch, Eberhard
The Philosophy of Penelope Maddy by
Système logique: Notions de base by Jabri, Ihssen
Fractals and Chaotic Phenomena in Chemical Reactor Models by Berezowski, Marek
Probabilistic Spiking Neuronal Nets: Neuromathematics for the Computer Era by Löcherbach, Eva, Pouzat, Christophe, Galves, Antonio
Harmonic Analysis: Find the Right Frequency by Jones, Ripley
Engineering Math: Problems and Equations by Shadmani, Davood
Women in Analysis and Pde by
Black-Scholes-Optionspreismodell in DSE in zwei verschiedenen Zeitfenstern by Ghosh, Anusmriti, Ali, Lasker Ershad
Modèle d'évaluation des options de Black-Scholes dans le DSE dans deux fenêtres temporelles différentes by Ghosh, Anusmriti, Ali, Lasker Ershad
Modello di determinazione dei prezzi delle opzioni Black-Scholes in DSE in due diverse finestre temporali by Ghosh, Anusmriti, Ali, Lasker Ershad
Modelo Black-Scholes de determinação do preço de opções na DSE em duas janelas temporais diferentes by Ali, Lasker Ershad, Ghosh, Anusmriti
Dynamics of Circle Mappings by de Faria, Edson, Guarino, Pablo
The Artificial Intelligence Papers: Original Research Papers With Tutorial Commentaries by Stone, James V.
Integral Operators in Non-Standard Function Spaces: Volume 3: Advances in Grand Function Spaces by Rafeiro, Humberto, Kokilashvili, Vakhtang, Meskhi, Alexander
O Sistema de Lorenz e o Caos Determinístico by Graces, Matheus, Cara, Elisa
Theory and Applications of Analytical Integration Methods by Mbobi, Aimé
Opportunities and Risks in AI for Business Development: Volume 2 by
Two-Dimensional Self and Product Cubic Systems, Vol. II: Crossing-Linear and Self-Quadratic Product Vector Field by Luo, Albert C. J.
Mathematische Modellierung by Cheruiyot Amos, Chirchir, Jacob, Bitok, Albert, Bii
Modélisation Mathématique by Jacob, Bitok, Albert, Bii, Cheruiyot Amos, Chirchir
Modellazione Matematica by Albert, Bii, Cheruiyot Amos, Chirchir, Jacob, Bitok
Modelação Matemática by Albert, Bii, Cheruiyot Amos, Chirchir, Jacob, Bitok
Handbook of AI and Data Sciences for Sleep Disorders by
Proceedings of Workshop on Interdisciplinary Sciences 2023: Interdisciplinary Sciences: Applied Mathematics, Ai, and Statistics by
Data Structure Synthesis: Boosting Productivity Through Data Structure Reuse by Needham, Doug
The largest known prime number: The 52nd Mersenne prime by
Dynamic Modeling and Simulation for Control Systems, 2nd Edition by
Advances in Difference Equations by
Differential Geometry and Its Application, 2nd Edition by
Applied Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations by Gardner, Carl L.
Rogue Waves in Integrable Systems by Yang, Jianke, Yang, Bo
Business Sustainability with Artificial Intelligence (Ai): Challenges and Opportunities: Volume 2 by
Life Without Zero: The Power Of Nothing by Roman Sidhu
Las regletas de cuisenaire by Vázquez Pérez, María del Rosario
Order Analysis, Deep Learning, and Connections to Optimization by Jahn, Johannes
Artificial Neural Networks: Alpha Unpredictability and Chaotic Dynamics by Zhamanshin, Akylbek, Akhmet, Marat, Tleubergenova, Madina
Life Without Zero: The Power Of Nothing by Roman Sidhu
Euclidean, Non-Euclidean, and Transformational Geometry: A Deductive Inquiry by Libeskind, Shlomo, Jubran, Isa S.
Interesse Für Mathematik Wecken - Talente Fördern: Vielfältige Angebote Für Schülerinnen Und Schüler by
The Mathematical Edge: How to put the "+" on your "A" by Vicich, James A.
One Hundred Applications of Maxwell's Equations by Maxworth, Ashanthi
Gestão do risco empresarial - Comércio de energia by Lam, Calvin
Gestione del rischio d'impresa - Trading di energia by Lam, Calvin
Gestion du risque d'entreprise - Commerce de l'énergie by Lam, Calvin
Matematica computazionale in R Programmazione by Sheela, G. Arockia Sahaya
Matemática computacional em programação R by Sheela, G. Arockia Sahaya
Mathématiques computationnelles en programmation R by Sheela, G. Arockia Sahaya
Computermathematik in R Programmierung by Sheela, G. Arockia Sahaya
Modern Techniques For Querying Graph-structured Databases by Mhedhbi, Amine, Deshpande, Amol, Salihoğlu, Semih
Postmodern Fermi Liquids by Mehta, Umang
State of the Art and Future Trends in Materials Modelling 2 by
MATHPIANO, Key Book: Self-Guided Student Worksheets by Chung, Elaine
Mathematische Modellbildung Im Sport: Beispiele Für Die Sekundarstufen Und Das Studium by Bardy, Thomas
Laws of Nature and Chances: What Breathes Fire Into the Equations by Loewer, Barry
Wissen überprüfen: Wahrnehmungen aufbauen! by S. Oliveira, Iolanda, Ferreira Andrade, Paulo Marcos, F. S. Andrade, Edinei
Reviewing Knowledge: Building Perceptions! by F. S. Andrade, Edinei, S. Oliveira, Iolanda, Ferreira Andrade, Paulo Marcos
Rivedere la conoscenza: costruire le percezioni! by F. S. Andrade, Edinei, S. Oliveira, Iolanda, Ferreira Andrade, Paulo Marcos
Réviser les connaissances: construire des perceptions! by Ferreira Andrade, Paulo Marcos, F. S. Andrade, Edinei, S. Oliveira, Iolanda
The Number Pi: 314.159 Digits by Studio, Tiki
Digital Twins, Simulation, and the Metaverse: Driving Efficiency and Effectiveness in the Physical World Through Simulation in the Virtual Worlds by
Geometric Analysis of Pdes and Several Complex Variables: In Honor of Jorge Hounie's 75th Birthday, Serra Negra, Brazil, July 31-August 4, 2023 by
Asset Management and Institutional Investors: Methods and Tools for Asset Allocation, Portfolio Management and Performance Evaluation by
Fundamentals of Heat & Mass Transfer Analysis due to Stretching Sheet by Rauta, Aswin Kumar
Decision Mathematics, Statistical Learning and Data Mining: Selected Contributions from Icmsct2023, Manila, Philippines, September 20-21 by
Interface Problems for Elliptic Second-Order Equations in Non-Smooth Domains by Borsuk, Mikhail
Foundation Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists with Worked Examples by Zakariyah, Shefiu
Risikomanagement im Unternehmen - Energiehandel by Lam, Calvin
Lehr- und Lernprozess in der Mathematik by Dorta Preciado, Gretel, Martínez Morales, Yoidel, Quintana Portal, Anny
Processus d'enseignement et d'apprentissage des mathématiques by Quintana Portal, Anny, Dorta Preciado, Gretel, Martínez Morales, Yoidel
Mathematics teaching-learning process by Martínez Morales, Yoidel, Quintana Portal, Anny, Dorta Preciado, Gretel
Processo di insegnamento-apprendimento della matematica by Dorta Preciado, Gretel, Martínez Morales, Yoidel, Quintana Portal, Anny
Processo de ensino-aprendizagem da matemática by Dorta Preciado, Gretel, Martínez Morales, Yoidel, Quintana Portal, Anny
Application of Statistical Computing to Statistical Learning by Chukwura Obi, Jude
Foundation Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists with Worked Examples by Zakariyah, Shefiu
Relay Race to Infinity, The: Developments in Mathematics from Euclid to Fermat by Holton, Derek Allan, Stillwell, John
Relay Race to Infinity, The: Developments in Mathematics from Euclid to Fermat by Stillwell, John, Holton, Derek Allan
Learning with Spheres: The Golādhyāya in Nityānanda's Sarvasiddhāntarāja by Misra, Anuj
Mathematik Für Ingenieure Und Naturwissenschaftler Band 3: Vektoranalysis, Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung, Mathematische Statistik, Fehler- Und Ausgleich by Papula, Lothar
The effect of heat and mass transfer on MHD flow in channels and ducts by Sugunamma, V., Suneela Rani, A. V.
Genius at Play: The Curious Mind of John Horton Conway by Roberts, Siobhan
Helix Structures in Quantum Cohomology of Fano Varieties by Cotti, Giordano, Dubrovin, Boris A., Guzzetti, Davide
Wittgenstein on Practice: Back to the Rough Ground by
The Man Who Saved Geometry: The Multidimensional Mind of Donald Coxeter by Roberts, Siobhan
Introduction to Galois Theory by Hernandez, David, Laszlo, Yves
Authentic Opportunities for Writing about Math in High School: Prompts and Examples for Building Understanding by Jones, Tammy L., Texas, Leslie A.
Interacción Suelo Estructura 3D en cimentaciones superficiales by Morales Ross, Ramón
Differential Geometry and Homogeneous Spaces by Köhler, Kai
Authentic Opportunities for Writing about Math in High School: Prompts and Examples for Building Understanding by Texas, Leslie A., Jones, Tammy L.
Basiswissen Der Mathematischen Bildbearbeitung: Zwischen Theorie Und Anwendung by Breger, Anna
Alhambra Und Die Schönheit Der Symmetrie: Zum Umgang Mit Entdeckungsanregenden Aufgabenstellungen Im Rahmen Einer Geometrischen Lernumgebung by Weber-Krpoun, Nicole
Métodos numéricos by Canul Ek, Julio Cesar, Vela Avila, Antonio Alberto
Rational Expectations Econometrics by Hansen, Lars Peter, Sargent, Thomas
Two-Dimensional Product-Cubic Systems, Vol. IV: Crossing-Quadratic Vector Fields by Luo, Albert C. J.
Probability, Statistics, and Decision Making in the Atmospheric Sciences by Murphy, Allan, Katz, Richard W.
Time-Variant and Quasi-Separable Systems: Matrix Theory, Recursions and Computations by Diepold, Klaus, Van Der Veen, Alle-Jan, Dewilde, Patrick
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mathematical Sciences & Computing (Iemsc-24) by
Sir Isaac Newton: A Brief Account of His Life and Work by Brodetsky, S.
Advanced Algebra by Ji, Qingzhong, Ding, Nanqing, Liu, Gongxiang
Stephen Smale - Reaching Higher Dimensions by Smale, Stephen
Geometry and Topology in Music by
Progress in Iron Smelting: A Critical Review by Warren, James R.
A General Mathematical Theory of the Dynamic Global Political Economy by Yeung, David W. K., Petrosyan, Leon A.
Linear and Nonlinear Optimization Using Spreadsheets: Examples for Prescriptive, Predictive and Descriptive Analytics by Stahl, Stephanie, Brusco, Michael J.
Distribution Dependent Stochastic Differential Equations by Ren, Panpan, Wang, Feng-Yu
Wait...Who Got Goosed Companion Activity Book by Coles, Julie
Pcm--Cmm2023: Theories, Models and Simulations of Complex Physical Systems by
Translation of Light by Weaver, Helen
History of Mathematics and Its Contexts: Essays in Honor of Gert Schubring by
Problems in Finite Element Methods: Aubin Nitsche's Duality Process, Nodal Methods and Friedrichs Systems by Jeribi, Aref
Mathematical Analysis for Economists: Course and Exercises by Biroud, Kheireddine
Individual-Based Models and Their Limits by Wieczorek, Radoslaw, Rudnicki, Ryszard
An Introduction to Theory and Applications of Stationary Variational-Hemivariational Inequalities by Han, Weimin
Twisted Morse Complexes: Morse Homology and Cohomology with Local Coefficients by Hurtubise, David, Spaeth, Peter, Banyaga, Augustin
Maß Und Integral: Lebesgue-Integration Für Analysis Und Stochastik by Schilling, René L.
Advances in Mathematical and Computational Sciences: Proceedings of the Icrtmpcs International Conference 2023 by
Combinatorial Number Theory: Proceedings of the Integers Conference 2023 by
Wie Liest Man Historische Mathematische Texte? by Wardhaugh, Benjamin
Application of Partials Differential Equations in Plasma Physics: P. 2 by Alaofi, Zaki Mrzog, Abdel Wahid, Taha Zakaraia
Cone Fuzzy Systems and Their Application to Modeling Nonlinear Systems by Jiang, Mingzuo
Text Book of Practical Analytical Chemistry by Upadhye, Mohini, Puranik, Harshada, Deokate, Uday
Sequences and Series: Theory and Practice by Alves de Sá, Ana, Louro, Bento
Reliability Assessment and Optimization of Complex Systems by
Buckling of Beams, Plates and Shells by Mittelstedt, Christian
Mindmatics: A Nexus of Ideas by Neuman, Yair
Fractional Diffusion and Wave Equations: Well-Posedness and Inverse Problems by Zhou, Yong
Spectral Theory and Quantum Mechanics by Lewin, Mathieu
Promoting Equity in Approximations of Practice for Mathematics Teachers by
Multidimensional Differential and Integral Calculus: A Practical Approach by de Bernardis, Enrico, Riccardi, Giorgio, Cifra, Bruno Antonio
Jetzt lerne ich Stochastik für die Oberstufe: www.mathe-total.de by Schuchmann, Marco
Hilbert Space Splittings and Iterative Methods by Oswald, Peter, Griebel, Michael
Ethnomathematik und Gesetz 10.639/03 in der Quilombola-Gemeinde von Curiaú by L. de Mattos, José Roberto, Lima, Elma Daniela Bezerra
Ethnomathématiques et loi 10.639/03 dans la communauté Quilombola de Curiaú by Lima, Elma Daniela Bezerra, L. de Mattos, José Roberto
Etnomatematica e legge 10.639/03 nella comunità quilombola di Curiaú by L. de Mattos, José Roberto, Lima, Elma Daniela Bezerra
Ethnomathematics and Law 10.639/03 in the Quilombola Community of Curiaú by Lima, Elma Daniela Bezerra, L. de Mattos, José Roberto
Innovative Praktiken des "guten Mathelehrers" by Hirt, Cleomar Alexandre
Pratiques innovantes du bon professeur de mathématiques by Hirt, Cleomar Alexandre
Pratiche innovative del "buon insegnante di matematica" by Hirt, Cleomar Alexandre
Innovative practices of the "good math teacher" by Hirt, Cleomar Alexandre
Pattern Dynamics of Marine Plankton Behavior: Nonlinear Dynamics Applications by Liu, Shu Tang, Zhang, Li
ACTA Numerica 2024: Volume 33 by
Finite Element Approximation of Boundary Value Problems by Chouly, Franz
Manual of Mathematics and Mechanics by Clements, Guy Roger
La relativité, Théorie des nombres by Sghiar, Mohamed
Systèmes Linéaires Structurés by Fahd, Hcini
Control Theory and Inverse Problems: The 2023 Workshop in Monastir, Tunisia by
Mathematik Für Ingenieure Und Naturwissenschaftler Band 1: Ein Lehr- Und Arbeitsbuch Für Das Grundstudium by Papula, Lothar
Decision Analysis Through Modeling and Game Theory by Fox, William P.
Skew-Normal Model Theories and Their Applications by Zhu, Wenyan, Qi, Yue, Ye, Rendao
Essays on the Theory of Numbers (Second Edition) by Dedekind, Richard
Selected Topics in Mathematical Analysis: Real Number System - Recurrences - Asymptotic Analysis - Integration in Finite Terms by Florescu, Liviu C.
Decision Analysis Through Modeling and Game Theory by Fox, William P.
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