• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 2024

Glandes Surrénales Sous l'Impact des Rayons Gamma by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Chimie Bioinorganique de l'Hernie Inguinale by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Synthese und strukturelle Charakterisierung neuer Halogenopyridinium-Salze by Behrends, Annalena
Influence of Microplastics on Environmental and Human Health: Key Considerations and Future Perspectives by
Consumer Ethnocentrism, Country of Origin and Marketing: Food Market in Poland by Bryla, Pawel, Domański, Tomasz
Unravelling The Persistence of Dollarization: The Case of Georgia by Eradze, Ia
CRISPR-/Cas9 Based Genome Editing for Treating Genetic Disorders and Diseases by
Metagenomic Futures: How Microbiome Research is Reconfiguring Health and What it Means to be Human by Raffaetà, Roberta
Medical Devices for Pharmacy and Other Healthcare Professions by
The History of Experience: A Study in Experiential Turns and Cultural Dynamics from the Paleolithic to the Present Day by Leidhold, Wolfgang
Reaction Kinetics Based on Time-Energy Uncertainty Principle by Yamamoto, Satoru
3D Printing of Pharmaceutical and Drug Delivery Devices: Progress from Bench to Bedside by
Drilling, Completion and Well Engineering for the Natural Energy Resources Extraction, Storage and Sustainable Management by
Modern Natural Product Synthesis: Overcoming Difficulties by
Spettrometria di massa a dinamica stocastica dei metaboliti della caffeina by Ivanova, Bojidarka
Espectrometria de massa com dinâmica estocástica dos metabolitos da cafeína by Ivanova, Bojidarka
Стохастическая динамич&# by Иванова, Б&#
Stochastisch-dynamische Massenspektrometrie von Koffeinmetaboliten by Ivanova, Bojidarka
Spectrométrie de masse à dynamique stochastique des métabolites de la caféine by Ivanova, Bojidarka
Synthesis of Flower Waste Biosorbent for Treatment of Industrial Waste by Dey, Subhashish, Veerendra, G. T. N.
Quanten-Odyssee by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Quantum Odyssey by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Quantum Odyssey by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Quantum Odyssey by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Квантовая одиссея by Мимуни, Аб&#
Rheology of Cereal Products by Stanciu, Ioana
Praktische Erfahrungen Grüne Chemie by Abdel-Hussein Shehata, Ali, Jasim Omran, Maryam, Najim Abdullah Jafar, Nadhir
Expériences pratiques Chimie verte by Abdel-Hussein Shehata, Ali, Jasim Omran, Maryam, Najim Abdullah Jafar, Nadhir
Esperienze pratiche di chimica verde by Abdel-Hussein Shehata, Ali, Jasim Omran, Maryam, Najim Abdullah Jafar, Nadhir
Experiências práticas de química verde by Jasim Omran, Maryam, Najim Abdullah Jafar, Nadhir, Abdel-Hussein Shehata, Ali
Практические опыты Зеле& by Джасим Ом&#1, Наджим Аб&#1, Абдель-Ху&#1
Chemical Engineering Principles and Applications by Nandagopal, Nuggenhalli S.
Covid-19 Metabolomics and Diagnosis: Volume 2 by
The Chemistry of Clay-Organic Reactions by Theng, Benny K. G.
Pesticide Toxicology and Risk Assessment: Linking Exposure to Biological Effects by
Materials for Energy Harvesting and Storage by
Inorganic Chemistry: Principles and Properties by Mukherjee, Rabindra Nath
Исследование видообраз&# by Деви, Меен&#, Ахуджа, Ре&#
Estudo de especiação de compostos organometálicos by Ahuja, Renu, Devi, Meena
Studio di speciazione dei composti organometallici by Devi, Meena, Ahuja, Renu
Étude de spéciation des composés organométalliques by Ahuja, Renu, Devi, Meena
Untersuchung der Speziation von metallorganischen Verbindungen by Devi, Meena, Ahuja, Renu
Capteurs électrochimiques ultrasensibles by Majid, Sanaa
Загрязнение тяжелыми ме& by Парваиз А&#1
Poluição por metais pesados nas águas dos lagos do vale de Caxemira by Parvaiz Ahmed, Bhat
Inquinamento da metalli pesanti nelle acque dei laghi della valle del Kashmir by Parvaiz Ahmed, Bhat
Pollution par les métaux lourds dans les eaux des lacs de la vallée du Cachemire by Parvaiz Ahmed, Bhat
Verschmutzung durch Schwermetalle in den Seen des Kaschmirtals by Parvaiz Ahmed, Bhat
Trials for Cerebellar Ataxias: From Cellular Models to Human Therapies by
Jolpic Science! Organic Chemistry for Kids: Introducing Chemical Bonding, Hydrocarbons, Functional Groups, Phenyl Ring, Heterocycles to Children by Kidz, Jolpic
Metallocenes in Regio- And Stereoselective Synthesis by
Hydrogels for 3D Printing by
Functional Photocatalysts: Material Design, Synthesis and Applications by
The Polyhedral Face of Coordination Chemistry by
Trends in Biosensing Research: Advances, Challenges and Applications by
Allgemeine basenkatalytische Hydrolyse von Chloropyrifos by Kulshreshtha, Arpita, Shinde, Chandra Kant P.
Hydrolyse générale par catalyse basique du chloropyrifos by Kulshreshtha, Arpita, Shinde, Chandra Kant P.
Idrolisi generale di base catalitica del cloropirifos by Kulshreshtha, Arpita, Shinde, Chandra Kant P.
Hidrólise de Cloropirifos por Catálise de Base Geral by Shinde, Chandra Kant P., Kulshreshtha, Arpita
Гидролиз хлорпирифоса с by Шинде, Чан&#, Кулшрешт&#10
Rheologie von Eiern by Stanciu, Ioana
Rhéologie des oeufs by Stanciu, Ioana
Reologia delle uova by Stanciu, Ioana
Reologia dos ovos by Stanciu, Ioana
Реология яиц by Станчиу, И&#
Development of Biginelli Reaction Using Deep Eutectic Solvent by Avalani, Jemin, Padhiyar, Hetal
Wave Optics in Infrared Spectroscopy: Theory, Simulation, and Modeling by Mayerhöfer, Thomas G.
Waste-Based Zeolite: Synthesis and Environmental Applications by Mondal, Piyal, Samanta, Niladri Shekhar, Purkait, Mihir Kumar
Hexagonal Boron Nitride: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications by
Photochemistry and Photophysics of Earth-Abundant Transition Metal Complexes: Volume 83 by
Wastewater Surveillance for Covid-19 Management by
Biotechnology of Medicinal Plants with Antiallergy Properties: Research Trends and Prospects by
Investigations on Signal Transduction Processes Utilizing Small Chemical Probes by
Mistakes Before, During and After Heat Treatment of Steel by Sommer, Peter
Science and Religion United: The Salvation Machine by Betz, Ulrich A. K.
Применение ионных жидко& by Ахмед Бах&#1
Rhéologie du sucre by Stanciu, Ioana
Rheologie von Zucker by Stanciu, Ioana
Reologia dello zucchero by Stanciu, Ioana
Reologia do açúcar by Stanciu, Ioana
Реология сахара by Станчиу, И&#
Rheology of Glass by Stanciu, Ioana
Basic Biophysics by Saritha, P. S., Maheswari, M.
Gewinnung von vergärbarem Zucker aus Zuckerrohrbagasse by Cristiane de Oliveira, Bela, Marcelo Gomes, Vagner, Campos Silva, João Eduardo
Obtaining fermentable sugars from sugar cane bagasse by Marcelo Gomes, Vagner, Campos Silva, João Eduardo, Cristiane de Oliveira, Bela
Obtention de sucres fermentescibles à partir de bagasse de canne à sucre by Cristiane de Oliveira, Bela, Marcelo Gomes, Vagner, Campos Silva, João Eduardo
Ottenere zuccheri fermentabili dalla bagassa della canna da zucchero by Campos Silva, João Eduardo, Cristiane de Oliveira, Bela, Marcelo Gomes, Vagner
Получение ферментируем&# by Кампос Си&#1, Кристиан&#10, Марсело Г&#1
Anwendung von ionischen Flüssigkeiten in der Festphasenextraktion by Ahmed Bakheet, Almojtaba A.
Application des liquides ioniques à l'extraction en phase solide by Ahmed Bakheet, Almojtaba A.
Applicazione dei liquidi ionici nell'estrazione in fase solida by Ahmed Bakheet, Almojtaba A.
Aplicação de líquidos iónicos na extração em fase sólida by Ahmed Bakheet, Almojtaba A.
Bewertung der Qualität und der Verzehrpräferenz von PB-Fruchtpulpen by Maracaja, Patrício B., Augusto, Francisco Rafael, Machado, Antônio Vitor
Evaluation of the Quality and Consumption Preference of PB Fruit Pulps by Augusto, Francisco Rafael, Machado, Antônio Vitor, Maracaja, Patrício B.
Évaluation de la qualité et de la préférence de consommation des pulpes de fruits PB by Augusto, Francisco Rafael, Machado, Antônio Vitor, Maracaja, Patrício B.
Valutazione della qualità e della preferenza di consumo delle polpe di frutta PB by Augusto, Francisco Rafael, Machado, Antônio Vitor, Maracaja, Patrício B.
Оценка качества и потреб by Аугусто, Ф&#, Мачадо, Ан&#, Маракадж&#10
Tracing the Sources and Fate of Contaminants in Agroecosystems: Applications of Multi-Stable Isotopes by
Additive Fertigung Für Chemiewissenschaften Und Chemieingenieurwesen by
Handbook of Biomass by
Biomass with Culture and Geography by Hatakeyama, Tatsuko, Hatakeyama, Hyoe
Einführung in Die Elektrochemie by Lechner, M. Dieter
Student Lab Notebook: Chemistry - 50 Duplicate Sets by Hayden-McNeil
Advances in Methods and Applications of Quantum Systems in Chemistry, Physics, and Biology: Selected Proceedings of Qscp-XXV Conference (Toruń, P by
Computergestützte Erforschung neuartiger antimykotischer Wirkstoffe by Bouamrane, Soukaina, Maghat, Hamid, Bouachrine, Mohammed
Exploration computationnelle de nouveaux médicaments antifongiques by Bouamrane, Soukaina, Maghat, Hamid, Bouachrine, Mohammed
Esplorazione computazionale di nuovi farmaci antifungini by Bouamrane, Soukaina, Maghat, Hamid, Bouachrine, Mohammed
Exploração computacional de novos fármacos antifúngicos by Bouamrane, Soukaina, Maghat, Hamid, Bouachrine, Mohammed
Вычислительное исследо&# by Боуамран&#10, Магхат, Ха&#, БОУАЧРИН&#10
Heat Treatments and Performance of Alloy and Metal by
Rheologie von Obst- und Gemüseextrakten by Stanciu, Ioana
Rhéologie des extraits de fruits et de légumes by Stanciu, Ioana
Reologia degli estratti di frutta e verdura by Stanciu, Ioana
Реология фруктовых и ово by Станчиу, И&#
Reologia de extractos de frutos e vegetais by Stanciu, Ioana
Epoxidised Natural Rubber: Properties & Applications by
Biosensors for the Marine Environment: Present and Future Challenges by
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Sustainable Agriculture: Nutrient and Crop Management by
Hybrid Aerogels: Energy and Environmental Applications by
Fundamentals of Molecular Bioengineering by Di Paola, Luisa
Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics: Entropy, Heat and Mass Transfer by Bestehorn, Michael
Evaluation of Water Quality by Egong, Julius, Amaibi, Patrick, Obunwo, Charles
Protein Chemistry by Backman, Lars
Catalysis for Fine Chemicals by Medlock, Jonathan, Müller, Marc-André, Bonrath, Werner
Biotechnology for Pharmaceutical Sciences: Concepts and Applications by Silva, Ana Catarina
The Devil's Element: Phosphorus and a World Out of Balance by Egan, Dan
The Catalyst: RNA and the Quest to Unlock Life's Deepest Secrets by Cech, Thomas R.
Computational Chemistry: Introduction to the Theory and Applications of Molecular and Quantum Mechanics by Lewars, Errol G.
La radio-immunoanalyse au service de la production animale by El Mzibri, Mohammed, Moutaouakkil, Adnane, Iddar, Abdelghani
Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation and Molecular Dynamics by Kimmich, Rainer
Special Issue Dedicated to the 60 Years of the Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry of the School of Chemistry of the Aristotle University of Thessaloni by
Neuer Ansatz zur Behandlung des Hepatitis-C-Virus-Genotyps 4 by Elashry, Eman, Afifi, Hala, Zidan, Hanan
Nouvelle approche du traitement du génotype 4 du virus de l'hépatite C by Afifi, Hala, Zidan, Hanan, Elashry, Eman
Nuovo approccio al trattamento del virus dell'epatite C di genotipo 4 by Zidan, Hanan, Elashry, Eman, Afifi, Hala
Nova abordagem de tratamento do genótipo 4 do vírus da hepatite C by Afifi, Hala, Zidan, Hanan, Elashry, Eman
Новый подход к лечению в&#1080 by Элашри, Эм&#, Афифи, Хал&#, Зидан, Хан&#
GA3, KNO3 & Kieselsäure als Stresstoleranzinstrumente bei Erdnüssen by Barad, Sachin, Purohit, Harsh
GA3, KNO3 et acide silicique comme outils de tolérance au stress chez l'arachide by Purohit, Harsh, Barad, Sachin
GA3, KNO3 e acido silicico come strumenti di tolleranza agli stress in arachide by Purohit, Harsh, Barad, Sachin
GA3, KNO3 e ácido silícico como ferramentas de tolerância ao stress no amendoim by Purohit, Harsh, Barad, Sachin
Ga3, Kno3 и кремниевая кислота к&#10 by Барад, Сач&#, Пурохит, Х&#
Green Approaches in Medicinal Chemistry for Sustainable Drug Design: Methods Volume 2 by
Bio-Inoculants in Horticultural Crops: Advances in Bio-Inoculant, Volume 3 by
Cultivated Meat: Technologies, Commercialization and Challenges by
Biochemie Und Molekularbiologie: Eine Einführung in 40 Lerneinheiten by Jaussi, Rolf, Benoit, Roger, Christen, Philipp
Characterization of Metallic Materials: Microstructure, Forming, and Heat Treatment by
Energetik von Reaktionen: Verbrennungskalorimetrie: Ein Versuchsprotokoll by Verbunden, Leonard
The Unfortunate Truth About Vaccines: Exposing the Vaccine Orthodoxy by Canerot, Leon
Intermittent and Periodic Fasting, Aging and Disease by
Data Monitoring Committees (Dmcs): Past, Present, and Future by
Microbial Fuel Cell (Mfc) Applications for Sludge Valorization by
Food Physics: Physical Properties - Measurement and Applications by Figura, Ludger O., Teixeira, Arthur A.
Chemical Coding of Consciousness by Naizabaeva, Marzhan, Aibassov, Yerkin, Spataru, Tudor
Synthesis of Sulfonamide by Metal Catalyzed Sulfonamidation by Abdelazeem, Nagwa
Adsorptionskapazität Von Karbonisiertem Titonia Diversifolia by K. a., Olaifa, O. J., Olaifa, A. O., Agbeja
Capacità Di Adsorbimento Della Titonia Diversifolia Carbonizzata by K. a., Olaifa, A. O., Agbeja, O. J., Olaifa
Capacidade de Adsorção Da Titonia Diversifolia Carbonizada by A. O., Agbeja, K. a., Olaifa, O. J., Olaifa
АДСОРБЦИОННАЯ СПОСОБНО&# by &#1050. &#1040., Олайфа, &#1054. &#1049., Олайфа, &#1040. &#1054., Агбея
Capacité d'Adsorption Du Titonia Diversifolia Carbonisé by A. O., Agbeja, K. a., Olaifa, O. J., Olaifa
Rare Earths-Transition Metals-Boron Compounds: Basic Properties to Technical Applications by Burzo, Emil
Qspr/Qsar Analysis Using Smiles and Quasi-Smiles by
Fragrances in the Environment by
Laboratory Exercises for General Inorganic Chemistry III by Panagiotopoulos, Athanasios A., Konstantinou, Evangelia K.
Enhancing Nano Additive Oils: Rheological & Tribological Optimization by Stanciu, Ioana
Untersuchung und Analyse neuartiger homologer Serien von Flüssigkristallen by Patel, Khyati, Jadeja, Upendrasingh, Rajpara, Kiran
Studio e analisi di una nuova serie omologa di cristalli liquidi by Jadeja, Upendrasingh, Rajpara, Kiran, Patel, Khyati
Estudo e Análise de Novas Séries Homólogas de Cristais Líquidos by Jadeja, Upendrasingh, Rajpara, Kiran, Patel, Khyati
Étude et analyse de nouvelles séries homologues de cristaux liquides by Jadeja, Upendrasingh
Исследование и анализ но by Раджпара, &#, Патель, Кх&#, Джадеджа, &#
Synthese von (-) -Pyrenophorol, Bewertung von Heterozyklen gegen Krebs by Edukondalu, Perugu
Synthèse du (-) - pyrénophorol, évaluation anticancéreuse des hétérocycles by Edukondalu, Perugu
Sintesi di (-) - pirenoforolo, valutazione antitumorale degli eterocicli by Edukondalu, Perugu
Síntese de (-) - pirenoforol, avaliação anticancerígena de heterociclos by Edukondalu, Perugu
Синтез (-)-пиренофора, прот&#1 by Эдуконда&#10
Ein Tauchgang durch das Labyrinth der Schottky-Fehler by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
A dive into the labyrinth of Schottky defects by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Un'immersione nel labirinto dei difetti Schottky by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Um mergulho no labirinto dos defeitos Schottky by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Погружение в лабиринт де by Мимуни, Аб&#
Le Duale Dévastateur du Cuivre et du Zinc by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Le Clostridium botulinum décrypté par la Bioinorganique by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Plantes médicinales utilisées pour traiter l'obésité by Duarte Corrêa, Angelita, Assaid Simão, Anderson
Piante medicinali utilizzate per il trattamento dell'obesità by Assaid Simão, Anderson, Duarte Corrêa, Angelita
Лекарственные растения, by Дуарте Ко&#1, Ассаид Си&#1
Medicinal Plants Used to Treat Obesity by Duarte Corrêa, Angelita, Assaid Simão, Anderson
Heilpflanzen zur Behandlung von Fettleibigkeit by Duarte Corrêa, Angelita, Assaid Simão, Anderson
Vorkommen und Verwendung von Heterocyclen zu therapeutischen Zwecken by Youbi, Hadil, Hamza Reguig, Samira
Presence and use of heterocycles for therapeutic purposes by Hamza Reguig, Samira, Youbi, Hadil
Presenza e utilizzo di eterocicli a scopo terapeutico by Hamza Reguig, Samira, Youbi, Hadil
Presença e utilização de heterociclos para fins terapêuticos by Youbi, Hadil, Hamza Reguig, Samira
Наличие и использование by ЫОУБИ, Хад&#, ХАМЗА РЕГ&#1
Strategien zur Optimierung von Therapieergebnissen by Chauhan, Janaki H.
Stratégies d'optimisation des résultats thérapeutiques by Chauhan, Janaki H.
Strategie per ottimizzare i risultati terapeutici by Chauhan, Janaki H.
Estratégias para otimizar os resultados terapêuticos by Chauhan, Janaki H.
Стратегии оптимизации т& by Чаухан, Дж&#
Abiogenesis: The Physical Basis for Living Systems by Sillerud, Laurel O.
Winning Grants by Ekins, Sean
Corrosion and Degradation in Fuel Cells, Supercapacitors and Batteries by
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